Chapter 295

More than 1 years ago, the Shenhe civilization with a glorious history of 20 years disappeared without a trace overnight, and only some scholars who were still outside the Shenhe galaxy escaped by chance.

The god-making civilization at that time—mainly angels, wanted to know what kind of power caused the destruction of the Kamigawa civilization, but they still couldn't get a reasonable answer.

It is estimated that the angels at that time would never have thought that what led to the destruction of the Kamigawa civilization was just a mere experiment.The cruelty of this experiment even made it too late for the Kamigawa civilization, which had reached its peak, to evacuate the civilians.

After that, the traces of the existence of the Kamigawa galaxy disappeared, and the originally developed Kamigawa galaxy disappeared into the universe without leaving any residue.

"In other words, what caused the destruction of the Kamigawa civilization was actually an experiment?" Li Rui rubbed his cane with an extremely complicated expression.

No wonder Dinghei from the parallel universe refused to reveal what happened to him until his death, presumably he was ashamed to speak.As Carl said, the Kamigawa civilization in the parallel universe was also destroyed, but unlike the main universe, the Kamigawa civilization had the help of the alliance, so many people still escaped and rebuilt their homes with the help of the alliance.

"So, after paying such a terrible price, is there any gain?" Li Rui asked with a complicated expression.

Karl nodded: "Principal Dinghei is indeed the chief scholar of the Kamigawa civilization. He successfully simulated the fuzzy state at the edge of the universe. But this time lasted too short, only one millionth of a millisecond."

"So short?" Li Rui couldn't help being stunned.

"Yes. As soon as that fuzzy state appeared in the Shenhe galaxy, it emitted an unimaginable amount of data to the outside world, time, space, matter, energy, information, various forces in physics... everything subverted.

Fortunately, as such an influence continues to play a role, it is also constantly weakening the changes.However, even if it is weakened, the Kamigawa civilization will disappear from the known universe within a millionth of a millisecond. "

"After that experiment, the surviving scholars of Kamigawa civilization defined the special state simulated by Principal Dinghei, which is capable of overturning all theories and theorems of the known universe, as void!"

Having said that, the mystery of the void is finally unraveled.

As Carl's voice fell, a magnificent epic picture slowly unfolded in front of Li Rui.He seemed to have seen the rise and destruction of the Kamigawa civilization tens of thousands of years ago, and saw the madness, panic, fear, and despair of the Kamigawa civilization.

There was silence in the hall, so quiet that there was no sound, but it seemed that a magnificent symphony echoed in my ears, interpreting the fate of Kamikawa.

After a long time, Li Rui recovered from the shock brought by history, and he once again looked at the god of death, Karl.

Compared with the student in my impression, after going through so many things, after all, there are two people.It is still necessary to separate the people and things in the main universe and the parallel universe, otherwise it may lead to catastrophe.

After making up his mind, Li Rui's eyes became rational, and there was no emotion in his eyes looking at Carl.

"So, when you study the void, what does it have to do with me?" Li Rui asked.

Karl suppressed the excitement in his heart and said: "Later, after the destruction of the Kamigawa civilization, the teacher took people to Deno to study the three major god-making projects against the void. And I came to the Styx galaxy alone and established the death Song Academy.

After the great war broke out in De Nuo, and the Sun God Emperor Hongkun destroyed De Nuo and committed suicide, the teacher found me and handed over the big clock to me. "

Ok?Li Rui thought to himself, sure enough, although it is known in the universe that Carl stole the big clock, but as a person who really owns a celestial supercomputer, Li Rui certainly knows how nonsense such a statement is.

Therefore, the big clock can only be handed over to Karl by space.

"In order to study the void, the teacher and I thought of many ways. For this reason, the teacher entered the particle state, which is what you call the quantum state on Earth."

Li Rui was slightly surprised: "Has the space never contacted you?"

Karl shook his head, and then asked: "If my calculation is correct, you seem to have entered a quantum state?"

Li Rui froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Presumably you should have met a teacher who is also in a quantum state."

"I have encountered it before. Space has gifted me with some knowledge."

Karl nodded slightly, did not ask in detail, but continued: "And I transformed myself into a spiritual body, which is the phantom body widely rumored by the outside world."

"Spiritual body?" Li Rui murmured, and asked a little puzzled: "You tell me so, are you not afraid that I will find a way to deal with you?"

Carl spread his hands, expressing his casualness.

Li Rui felt as if he was being provoked, so he snapped his fingers.

An interstellar projection appeared between the two.

There is nothing else in the picture, but Qilin, the demon Xue Yi and others trapped in that special space.

Carl glanced at Li Rui in surprise, put his hands back on his knees again, and started watching.

The battle in the screen was fierce. The alliance side, led by four third-generation gods, launched a fierce attack on the demons. Even though Xue Yi had several demon third-generation gods under his command, they were still not their opponents.

Including the most ordinary fighters, the battle between the two sides was almost one-sided.The fighters of the alliance will not fight with the demons at all. After the micro-wormholes failed, the mobility of the demons was greatly reduced. Facing the guns, gravitational grenades and other attacks of the fighters of the alliance, they were quickly defeated. Come.

But Carl didn't pay attention to these things. What surprised him was Qilin and Xueyi who were in the center of the battlefield.

Shae was created by himself, and he is very clear about her abilities, but now Shae's state is not very good.

"Is that Demon Shae?" Qilin was suspended in the starry sky, looking down at the demon Shae who was pierced by three long knives and couldn't move. It's time to end, but Carl and his ilk are using you to start another war.

However, since the fall of Morgana, the fate of the demon has long been doomed, and the dying struggle should end today. "

Following these cold words, Qilin raised her hand.

I saw that her eyes were shining brightly like a rainbow, and through the picture, an indescribable heavy pressure hit her face.

Countless starlight seemed to be summoned, gathered in Qilin's hands, and condensed into a radiant spear.The brilliance emitted by the spear slowly flowed, and the powerful coercion distorted the surrounding space.

The next moment, Qilin threw the spear in her hand vigorously.

The moment the spear disappeared, it pierced through the chest of the demon Shae.Immediately afterwards, an illusory shadow flew upside down from Xue Yi's body.


In the Dead Song Academy, Karl saw this scene with a surprised expression on his face: "The four generations of gods have no effect at all, and they can't even disperse and reorganize to avoid damage. This is actually the power to penetrate the soul?"

Yes, as the most familiar spirit god in the known universe, Karl recognized the essence of Qilin's attack methods at a glance.

Xue Yi's divine body was first interspersed and locked by the three long knives equipped with weapon engines, and the calculations were carried out continuously, and then the soul was shot out of the body by Qi Lin's spear composed of spiritual power.

The soul is exposed to the outer starry sky without support, and there is only one end.What's more, with the existence of Qilin, a great god who can kill souls, Xue Yi's fate can be imagined.

"Do you still think that I can't threaten your phantom?" Li Rui looked at him with cold eyes.

The biggest difference between the Five Dynasties God Body researched by Li Rui and He Xi's research is that it touches on the existence of consciousness.This was the biggest difference Li Rui felt the moment the upgrade was completed.

Unfortunately, Carl's form of existence is the spirit body.

It's a pity that such a threat seems useless—Carl chuckled and shook his head: "Since you have touched the existence of the spiritual body, then you should be clear that it is impossible to destroy me with these alone."

"Besides, as long as you can decipher the mystery of the void, what's the point of taking my life?" Karl said lightly.

Li Rui snorted coldly and did not refute.

"Okay, let's get back to business." Carl stretched out his hand, and the interstellar projection opened by Li Rui was instantly closed: "When I was studying the void, I found that driving multiple stars and interacting with black holes can produce some controllable Void particles."

"I cooperated with General Pan Zhen of Lieyang Star to blow up the black hole of the Peacock Galaxy and obtained five void particles. Taking this as an opportunity, I can react with the void matter at the edge of the universe, and then destroy the energy and harmony at the edge of the universe. The power of void confrontation brought the age of void to the known universe."

"However, when you destroyed the black hole, the big clock made an amazing discovery." Speaking of this, the excitement in Carl's eyes could no longer be restrained: "The dark data feedback from the big clock has narrowed the range that can be detected. . This means that your method slightly reduces the size of the known universe.

Although the known universe is still expanding, I believe that as long as you are willing to help me, with your method, we can accelerate the arrival of the void age! "

Finally, Carl showed his true face and told the real purpose of inviting Li Rui to Dead Song Academy.

Li Rui rubbed his cane and shook his head: "Carl, I am different from you. I have the people and country I cherish, the civilization I strive for, and the people I love. The coming of the void age you speak of will cause I know the consequences much better than you.

If the Void descends, all that I hold dear will vanish into nothingness. "

Speaking of this, Li Rui also stood up: "As part of your thanks for answering me, I also advise you that the void is not as beautiful as you imagined. It's too late to stop now.

Otherwise, don’t say it’s unexpected…”

After the words fell, Li Rui had disappeared into the hall.

Carl stared deeply at the direction where Li Rui disappeared, and heaved a long sigh: "It's a pity, I thought I could meet a confidant.

Hehe, do you think that if you don’t do it, the void will not come?It's a ridiculous idea..."

(End of this chapter)

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