Chapter 309 Kaisha Kazuhiko
After the grand welcome dinner, Angel Yan, Angel Zhui, Angel Sun Xin, and Angel Leng went to the temporary residence together.Long time no see, these sisters also have a lot to talk about.

The welcome banquet was held at a place called Xingmeng Lake, not too far from the place where I stayed, only half an hour away.Considering that the angels who stayed on the side of the alliance hadn't seen Angel Yan for a long time, the alliance arranged the place where Angel Yan and the others stayed together with these angels.Originally, the alliance had arranged for the portal to be sent directly to the resting park, but Angel Yan refused, and instead strolled back with the little sisters.

Along the way, except for Angel Leng, who had a cool expression on his face and Mo Bei's expression was written all over his face, they were all telling Angel Yan what happened in the alliance during this period.

"Since the fall of Queen Keisha, Morgana, the demon Xue Yi, Hua Ye, and Karl, the god of death hidden behind, these careerists are ambitious one by one, trying to stir up troubles in the known universe and make the entire universe There is no peace." After listening to the little sister's narration, Angel Yan let out a sigh of emotion in a heavy tone.

"Fortunately, the righteous and kind people will not give up and are still fighting against the evil." Angel Zhui said firmly.

"That's true." Angel Yan nodded in agreement, and then changed his tone: "But I didn't expect so many sisters to find happiness in the Milky Way. Lingxi, Zimeng, Ruoyi, and... Burning heart..."

In a word, Zhi Xin was a little embarrassed to say it.

"However, what's the situation with you, Leng?" Angel Yan put his eyes on the cold-faced Angel Leng: "I heard that you have many suitors, and none of them are tempted?"

The angel snorted coldly: "You're quite lenient. What's the matter, now that I'm a queen, I even have to take care of my future."

"Tsk~" Angel Yan was not angry, he covered his heart with one hand, and said full of resentment: "Look at what you said, isn't this a good sister who cares about you?"

Looking at the expression on her face, she seemed to be hurt by what the angel said coldly.

But everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, so why play Liaozhai?Having been together for six to seven thousand years, who doesn't know who, the angel saw through her disguise when she was cold.

Angel Leng shuddered all over his body, and replied with a fake smile: "Really? Then you really touched me to death."

Angel Yan let out a burst of happy laughter: "But having said that, you have fought for more than 7000 years, and it is reasonable to rest and rest."

"Tian Zha Huaye, Death Karl and his like are still at large, I don't have time to rest." Having said this, a complicated expression appeared on Angel Leng's face: "Maybe, when will the universe be known to be really peaceful?" Come down, I will choose to rest."

"Really? It's fine if you don't want to rest." Angel Yan nodded.

As soon as these words came out, Tian Leng suddenly felt that something was wrong, what do you mean if you don't want to rest?Did you co-author take advantage of your wish?
Angel Yan said sadly: "The last time I returned to Tiancheng, Moi was unfortunately killed in battle. Afterwards, Ah Zhui returned to the Milky Way, which caused my sacred wings to not be in place yet. Since you don't want to rest, then take over this burden. "

The angel was stunned for a moment: "Is this the queen's order?"

The previous generation of Holy Kaisa's left-wing guard is Angel Ruoning, and she is the master of Angel Leng.In the minds of many angels in that era, Angel Leng should succeed Angel Ruoning.But in the end, the Holy Kaisa Ganggang was arbitrary and appointed Angel Yan as the left guard.Later, the angel Ruoning rebelled against Melo's Heavenly Court, which made Leng's resume appear stained.Therefore, Angel Leng had no chance to have the Holy Wings.

But who made Angel Yan the queen? Naturally, she will not forget her good sister.

Facing Angel Leng's question, Angel Yan shook his head: "It's my personal request."

Angel Leng was silent for a while: "Hmph, then I will help you as hard as I can."

In this appearance, the word "tsundere" was brought into full play.

While speaking, everyone has already walked to the resting park.What the alliance arranged for them was a Chinese-style manor hidden among the maple forests.The environmental simulation of this area is in late autumn, and the maple leaves all over the mountain are already red, and they fall to the ground in curls with the autumn wind, and it is quite interesting to step on it and rustle.It's a pity that it is night at this time, if it is daytime, the red maple leaves on the mountain must be very interesting.

In the shadow of the maple forest, a manor of red bricks and black tiles is located in the middle, and the light of the stars shines through the darkness.

Glancing at the landscape-like beauty in front of his eyes, Angel Yan felt that his mood seemed to have improved a lot.

"Oh, by the way, the times are developing, maybe it was okay before, but in this chaotic era, a demigod can't bear the weight of the sacred wings. Let's go to Frazier later, and go back to upgrade when we're done."

Standing at the door, Angel Yan suddenly said to Angel Leng and the others, with a little joy on his face.

Before Angel Leng and the others questioned, Angel Yan walked into the courtyard, and some angel sisters who hadn't married yet set up a business were all here.Those who have already married and started a business, for example, Lingxi does not live here, but lives with a certain social person, and Zhixin also lives with Xin Zhao.

Saying hello to the sisters, talking about the old days, time passed unknowingly, and when I came back to my senses, it was already very late.Angel Yan came to his residence alone, opened the door and walked in, then turned around and closed the door.

At this moment, a slight breathing sound suddenly came from the ear.

Angel Yan was startled, and a king sword with blue lines popped out of his hand, turned around and said sharply: "Who is it!"

But the next moment, the anger welling up in his heart dissipated.

"Queen Kaisa?!" Seeing the familiar figure, Angel Yan's eyes widened in disbelief.

After a brief silence, Angel Yan opened his eyes of insight and read the data of the person in front of him.If it was before, she would never have made such an offensive move, but now Queen Keisha, who has clearly fallen, appeared in front of her eyes, and it was still on such an occasion.Do the angels out there know?Why hasn't she, the king, received any news?
Under a series of questions, Angel Yan couldn't help wondering if the person in front of him was a fake.

"Yan, it's been a long time." Holy Kaisa nodded slightly and said to Angel Yan.

Here, the data feedback also allowed Angel Yan to confirm the identity of the other party.The dark data cannot be faked, and the sacred body cannot be faked. This is the real Queen Kaisha!If anyone can deceive the data detection ability of the five generations of gods, then she, Angel Yan, will also recognize it.

After confirming the other party's identity, Angel Yan knelt down on one knee without hesitation: "Queen!"

At this moment, Angel Yan didn't know what words to use to describe her mood, surprise, doubt, bewilderment... All kinds of emotions rushed into her heart, and she couldn't even maintain a calm expression.

In front of Kaisha, Angel Yan is no longer that immature queen who pretends to be cold, nor is she the flamboyant Yun Siji, but a little girl who hasn't grown up at all.

"Come here." Keisha pointed to the seat opposite, and said mischievously, "I came here secretly, I can't let the little girls outside find out."

These words made Angel Yan even more puzzled. Since the holy Kaisa has been resurrected, why should he be so... sneaky?

But Angel Yan obeyed the queen's order. She put away the king sword, got up and walked to Kaisha's side, and stood under Kaisha's left hand as before, which was the place where the holy left wing should be.

Holy Keisha snapped her fingers, and the lights in the room lit up.

Then, Keisha looked at Angel Yan for a while.Wearing a crown on his head and a red cloak, he is magnificent.However, it is a pity that the expression of the person in front of him is a little panicked.

"It's like that, it's grown a lot." Holy Kaisa nodded in satisfaction.

"Queen, please forgive me, why do you..."

"Why sneaky, eh?" Holy Kesha directly said what she wanted to ask.

Angel Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Tsk, how should I put it?" Holy Kaisa adjusted her posture, and it was obviously a grand teacher's chair, but it made her feel like she was sitting on the sofa: "That pervert Karl is really capable, destroying my sacred with a supernova explosion. body, and dispersed my sacred atoms to all parts of the known universe through the big clock. However, perhaps Karl did not expect that the sacred atoms still kept my mind from dissipating and entered a magical world.”


"Quantum Realm." The Holy Kaisha said: "The Lord of the Stars called that world the Quantum Realm, which belongs to the microcosm, a special dimension. There, I can observe the dynamics of the entire universe with the help of the sacred atoms all over the universe. Later, it was the Lord of the Stars who sensed my sacred atoms, forcibly took me out of the quantum realm, and helped me assemble the divine body, allowing me to return to the known universe."

"Really? Then we have to thank him very much."

"Hehe..." Holy Kaisa chuckled: "There is no need to thank you. That child has no intention of letting me rest."

"Queen, are you referring to..."

"The Lord of the Stars arrived at another universe through the Quantum Realm, where it was still in the Dark Ages 3 years ago. For some reason, some, uh, not so wonderful things happened there. So, in order to save the billions of people there All living beings, the Lord of the Stars begged me to go to that universe and re-establish justice and order."

Angel Yan immediately became anxious: "Queen, we also cannot do without you!"

During the speech, she didn't even hear clearly what the Holy Kesha said before.

"Hehe, it's pretty good if you don't do it." Holy Kaisa said with a smile.

"Queen, I..."

"Yan, I can't protect the angel forever." Holy Kaisa interrupted Angel Yan, and began to teach her the last time before she left.


What the two talked about, no one knew, but it was not until the early morning light that Angel Yan pushed open the door of the room, looking at the rising sun in the sky with a desolate expression, and lost his mind for a while.

Not far away, Angel Leng, who had just woken up, walked out of the room and happened to see her.When he saw the expression on Angel Yan's face, he couldn't help but stop: "What's wrong with you?"

But Tian Tianyan was still looking directly at Chaoyang without saying a word.The dazed look made Angel Leng feel that something was wrong, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed her and shook her twice: "Yan, are you alright?"

Angel Yan finally came back to his senses: "Cold..."

"Hey, don't scare me!" Angel Leng panicked.

Suddenly, Angel Yan chuckled.

The angel was stunned for a moment, and was directly fooled by her. After he realized it, he was immediately annoyed: "I said, you don't have a fever, what song is the song in the morning!"

"What's wrong!" Angel shook his hands coldly, turned around and left.

But at this moment, a sad voice came from behind: "Leng, from now on, we really can only rely on ourselves."

Angel Leng stopped subconsciously. For some reason, a touch of sadness also rose in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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