Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 311 Yan's Comprehension

Chapter 311 Yan's Comprehension
With the activation of the Rainbow Bridge, a colorful ray of light crossed billions of stars and reached beyond the last heavenly gate of Melo's Heavenly Court.The angels in Melo's Heavenly Court noticed the abnormality immediately and reported it to Tianji Wang Hexi.Fortunately, Hexi knew about this and personally suppressed the uneasy emotions of the angels.

At the same time, on Chenxing No. [-], the images outside Melo's Heavenly Court were broadcast back in real time.

Seeing the slowly unfolding star gate, Angel Leng couldn't help feeling chills in his heart: he knew that the alliance was very strong, but he never expected that he would ignore the nine defense systems outside Melo's Heavenly Court.

The giant star gate opened slowly, and the blue vortex in the center of the star gate slowly appeared. Following a series of reports from Chenxing-[-], this alliance and the farthest star gate so far were officially put into operation.

Immediately afterwards, it was sent to the stargate above Frazer.

Seeing the familiar planet again, Ge Xiaolun behind him couldn't help but sigh: "I really can't imagine, if we had such technology back then, maybe I wouldn't have to be beaten and kneeled by others."

At that time, if there was a stargate in the sky above Frazer, Ge Xiaolun would have dared to shake people and tear Ato to pieces!

"Why, why don't I think of a way to get Ato back, and you will take revenge?" Li Rui asked him playfully.

Don't tell me, maybe he really has a way.The Ancient One told him that Karma Taj has magic to manipulate time.If you really learn it, maybe you can really go back in time partially, and then bring back the Atona.

"Farewell." Ge Xiaolun shook his head hastily: "A dead devil is a good devil. He's already lying on his back. Let's not pull people up when we have nothing to do. It's inhumane."

"Ha ha……"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Once upon a time, a god like Atuo was something that earth civilization needed to look up to, but now it can only be reduced to a joke.The world has changed, nothing more than this.

After the two star gates were built, Angel Yan bid farewell to Li Rui.

These two star gates are the final condition for this meeting, and it also means that Angel and Alliance will become neighbors from now on, and the cooperation between the two parties will be further deepened.This is a mutually beneficial choice for both parties.

Before leaving, Angel Yan cast his eyes on Ge Xiaolun, there was no affectionate farewell, only mutual expectation.God's lifespan is almost eternal, and they have a better future.

With Tianren No. [-] disappearing into the super-giant stargate again, the angels disappeared in the Milky Way again.Angel Leng followed Angel Yan back to the Heavenly Court of Melo this time, Angel Chased and waited for a high-level guardian angel, and Angel Zhixin also chose to return to Melo temporarily, not to undertake the mission of guarding justice, but just to go back and meet his own teacher.Only a few angels who got married and started businesses remained in the alliance. The moment they chose a partner, they had already withdrawn from the angel's battle sequence.

Di Lena, who was in the crowd, looked at the disappearing Tianren No. [-], and couldn't help thinking to herself: Maybe, we should also speed up our pace.Otherwise, it is very likely that Lie Yang will not have a foothold in the future.Lao Pan, Lao Pan, you must not be confused.


In the sky above Frazer, Angel Yan and Angel chased after, Angel Leng flew out of the star gate, hovered in the starry sky and looked down at the planet under his feet.

"The stargate of the Pan-Galaxy Alliance is really magical. In just a moment, we came from the Milky Way to the sky above Frazier." Angel Yan said in amazement. The other two angels have used the stargate many times, but she is the first an experience.

"Miraculous is miraculous, but the consumption is indeed large enough. We transported the Skyblade Seven from the Milky Way to Melo, and consumed the energy of 37 standard stars at one time. This consumption is enough to fight an interstellar war." Angel Chase couldn't help but Tucao Road.

Standard star, the energy standard formulated by the Pan-Galaxy Alliance, a standard star is equivalent to the energy that a sun can completely react to release at this stage.

"The account can't be calculated like this. Through the star gate of the Pan-Galaxy Alliance, we saved a lot of trouble, at least avoiding the possibility of being intercepted by Karl and his like on the way. A Sky Blade Seven, plus the angel warriors on board, can be compared with 37 standard stars are much more valuable." Angel Leng corrected.

Angel chased quickly nodded: "I know, I'm just complaining."

"Hey, I found that you have been in the Milky Way for a few years, Ah Zhui, and your temper has become much more lively." Angel Yan said.

Angel gave Angel Chase a cold look, ignoring her pleading eyes: "This girl can only release her nature in the Milky Way, and the Alliance allows soldiers from other civilizations to register as mercenaries. Among us Angels, Ah Zhui has the highest level of mercenary." , have reached the diamond level."

Angel Yan froze for a moment, then looked at Angel Leng in some puzzlement, what's the use of this level?

Angel Leng explained: "Let's put it this way, if it weren't for our angel's order, the star coins accumulated by Ah Zhui in the alliance, the resources exchanged are enough for her to upgrade her divine body, and by the way, she can also exchange a few pieces of rune armor .”

"I'll go, I didn't see that our Ah Zhui is still a little rich woman."

"Rich?" An odd smile appeared on Angel's cold face: "In exchange for information."

"What information?" Angel Yan asked, with some bad premonition in his heart.

"Achai carried out the information of all civilizations that he has explored in the Milky Way for more than 1000 years."

Angel Yan immediately opened his mouth wide, this...

Angel chased with a smile, and while taking a few steps back, he forced himself to quibble: "I, I didn't see that the alliance has hung up on exploration missions for a long time, so I went to exchange them when I had nothing to do? Anyway, I collected the information anyway. here."

"Oh, that's right. I almost forgot. According to the regulations of the alliance, Ah Zhui has a share of the resources produced by these star fields within fifty years. Let me do the math, the resources that can be distributed in ten years In exchange for star coins, it is equivalent to about one-third of a Tianren 35. Wow, Ah Zhui, you can do it, we are a bit more generous, and we will be able to earn back a Tianren [-] in about [-] years. ?”

"Sister Leng, please let me go!"

"Huh?" Angel gave her a cold look.

The angel understood in seconds and made a one gesture.

Angel Leng immediately straightened his face and made a gesture of helplessness.

Angel Chase immediately stretched out another finger.

Only now did Angel Leng show a satisfied expression, but Angel Chasing was a pain in the ass, 2% share, after fifty years, it was enough to exchange silver weapons.Some time ago, Li Rui also said that the Alliance has recently been making weapons made of galaxy glaze, which are far more powerful than Suyin weapons.Based on the relationship between her and Li Rui, she should be able to get this prohibited item.

As for the resources to upgrade the divine body, she is not in a hurry.After all, he has been mixed with the identity of the Holy Wings, and the Heavenly Court of Melo will definitely upgrade the resources.Anyway, it's the queen's stuff, not my own little money, so there's no need to feel bad about it.

Angel Yanquan didn't notice the whole process, and opened his eyes to observe the whole Frazer, as if there was something particularly attractive to her.


After the two little sisters discussed the spoils, Angel Leng turned his attention to Frazer.At this time, with the support of the sacred knowledge treasure house, the angel's cold insight eyes are also enough to scan the entire planet in a short time.

"To be honest, I have never figured out what is so good about Anisid. From my point of view, justice seems to be just a banner to her. She can use it if she needs it, and she can throw it away at any time if she doesn't need it." Angel said coldly Said dissatisfied.

Under the eyes of the angel's insight, Anisid's past, including her psychological activities, cannot be hidden.Therefore, Angel Leng can easily penetrate Enicid's inner true thoughts.In particular, Anisid's view of justice and order made Angel coldly dissatisfied.

A complicated expression appeared on Angel Yan's face. She now understood why Queen Kaisa insisted on asking her to come to Frazer, and reconsidered the question that Hexi had asked her when he tested her: the throne is more important than faith important.

"Faith is as important as the throne, and both are indispensable. I value faith too much and ignore the throne. But Anisid is just the opposite of me. She pays attention to the throne, and faith is just a banner that can be used. Queen, do you want Is that what you told me?" Angel Yan thought to himself, I don't know if my answer is correct, but I will practice it with my life.

Angel Yan's eyes penetrated through layers of obstacles, and landed on the figure on the horse leading the soldiers to charge towards the little demons.After staring for a long time, she turned around and said, "Let's go."

"where to?"

"Back to Melo."

"Aren't you going to see Anisid?"

Angel Yan let out a long breath, as if letting go of some heavy burden: "It's not necessary, now, Melo Heaven is the most important thing."

Queen Keisha told her that Anisid was only determined to be the prince of the angels because of the gene of the second-generation left-wing guard Alan.But it is no longer necessary now, after all, she has upgraded five generations of divine body, and her influence on the future even far surpasses that of Alan herself.Therefore, in the future, Anisid may become an excellent angel, but it has nothing to do with the queen's position.

"Will you take the Big Worm Bridge?" Angel asked coldly, after all, the star gate still consumes energy.

Angel Yan shook his head: "No, let's go directly to the star gate. I don't want to give that pervert Karl another chance."

"Okay." Angel nodded coldly, and said, "Ah Zhui, mobilize the energy of the stars with me."

The two turned on the angel's dark communication channel and began to read the data of the surrounding stars.

Angel Yan chuckled and joined in the calculation.A moment later, the stargate hidden in the moon above Frazer's head was fully charged, and the three of them entered it again and disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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