Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 313 The Terrible Conjecture

Chapter 313 The Terrible Conjecture
Holy Kesha chuckled, and joked, "What do you call it, boiled duck—hard mouth."


He Xi glanced at the two sisters with a headache, and explained to Liang Bing: "You mainly focus on space-time technology, so do you understand the concept of space-time peers?"

As soon as scientific research was mentioned, Liangbing immediately regained her composure. She thought for a while and replied, "In my space-time theory, there are related concepts. But I'm not sure if it's the same as what you said."

Then, Liang Bing explained his understanding.

In Liangbing's space-time theory, time is not irreversible.Assisted with the super space-time gene, with the past and the future as the two directions of the X-axis, reset the current time-space, and the space-time corridor can be opened.

However, such an operation can only allow people to see the past time and space, but they cannot participate in it.The effect of gravitation is also needed to break through the space-time barrier, thereby affecting the past.

In Liang Bing's deduction, if we go one step further and completely break through the barriers of time and space, go back to the past and influence the past, it will lead to extremely serious changes in the future, ranging from chaos in the future to collapse of the timeline.

In this process, if you really return to the past and there is a past self, then the present self and the past self are a pair of space-time counterparts, and the two will merge.That is to say, in the past time and space, there will never be two selves.

After hearing this, He Xi couldn't help exclaiming: "Sure enough, you are the one who has the most profound research on time and space among us.

What you said is basically the same, but this space-time parallel needs to expand to the universe and the universe, and is no longer limited to the present and the past. "

Liang Bing suddenly realized: "In other words, the nature of the two is the same."

"Yes." Hexi nodded: "But according to my speculation, this property only exists in two universes with the same rules, and according to Li Rui's division standard, it is the so-called parallel universe."

"Okay." Liang Bing nodded, and then asked: "What about the performance after the fusion of time and space isotopes? Expanding to the universe, there must be some kind of difference between the two selves, even if the difference is small, but in the end? They are different individuals, and lacking relevant data, I can’t deduce what kind of impact it will have.”

"Yes, but because the rules of the two universes are the same, the two selves are essentially the same. After the fusion, there are only some more memories. If it is an ordinary person, it may cause confusion in thinking, but we are different, you know Yes, our genetic modification technology can already change the memory, we only need to sort out the relevant memory, store it for backup, and there will be no adverse effects.

And benign changes are very impressive. After the two selves are fused, our souls are completely fused. The effect of the two is that one plus one is greater than two. The increase in spiritual power is also extremely obvious, even reaching the level of spiritual interference. material level. "

"Is it related to the soul?" Liang Bing was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help saying: "Doesn't that mean that some of Carl's perverted theories are correct?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Damn!" Liang Bing swears.

If Carr's theory is correct, it's terrible, which means that the existence of ultimate fear is real, and it also means that no matter how the civilization of the known universe develops, it will only usher in destruction in the end.

Just like Zhixin taught Ge Xiaolun in the original book: It took us tens of thousands of years to achieve eternity, but in the end fear still requires us to die.

"Well, sorry, let me interrupt." At this moment, Li Rui spoke.

The three kings turned their heads to look at the past at the same time, but they were instantly amused.

At some point, this guy brought a steaming cup of coffee and enjoyed it leisurely with Qilin.

It's really a joke to come with you!

The three kings looked at each other, and then looked at Li Rui in unison, the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

Li Rui showed an embarrassing expression on his face, and made a trick for them again.

It's all my own fault, He Xi and Liang Bing were too excited to discuss, and couldn't help but want to express their own views, which was discovered by the three kings.Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to smell the aroma of coffee on the prairie.

But there is no way, the academic discussion between Tianqi Wang Liangbing and Tianji Wang Hexi can be called the top academic salon in the known universe, who can stand it.Therefore, he, Mr. Li, had to lose another set of equipment.

Then, Keisha motioned for him to speak.

Only then did Li Rui explain to the two of them the knowledge he had learned from Karma Taj and the conclusions he had drawn from his existing knowledge.

Liangbing, Hexi, and Kaisha closed their eyes at the same time, silently calculating the correctness of Li Rui's theory.

There is a gentle breeze on the grassland, and the fragrant coffee is blown by the wind. After a while, the air around you is filled with the aroma of coffee.

After ten minutes, the three of them opened their eyes one after another.

"Quantum theory? It is indeed possible to connect soul and matter." Holy Kaisha sighed: "It's just that I am a little surprised, why can earth scientists make such conjectures, but we haven't noticed it?

Not only that, I have not been idle during this period of time in the league, and I am learning some other knowledge.It makes me wonder, a lot of knowledge is not complicated to us, but we never notice.For example, quantum mechanics, unified field theory and so on. "

Liang Bing and He Xi also had puzzled looks in their eyes, and they didn't know the answer either.

Li Rui stirred the coffee in his hand: "Actually, you are fans of the authorities."

"Oh? You know?" Keisha looked at him.

Li Rui explained: "I always feel that the technology system of the known universe has deviated. In our words, the technology tree is crooked."

"Huh? What do you mean? Tell me in detail."

This time, not only Kaisha, but Hexi and Liangbing were also interested. The three of them stared at Li Rui, waiting for his explanation.

"It is true that the god-making civilizations in the known universe have gone a long way in genetic modification, and have even reached an incredible level. We have condensed many functions that require large, super-large, or even celestial-level equipment into a single gene." Among them, it's amazing.

Just imagine, the size of a mere human body can compete with a warship several kilometers in size.Even at the god-making stage, a third-generation god with full combat power can basically slaughter the fleet of space civilizations like gluttony. No matter what size the opponent is, as long as they don't have the ability to kill gods, they can only be reduced to fish on the chopping board , at the mercy of others.

However, the brilliance of genetic technology blinds our eyes and makes us fly all the way on this road, but ignores the beauty of other aspects of the journey.

The reason, I think, is the fault of the Kamigawa civilization. "

"Kamigawa civilization?" Keisha frowned: "What does this have to do with them?"

"It's actually very simple. The god-making civilizations born successively in the known universe have not broken away from the barriers of the Shenhe civilization, but have only deepened related research." Li Ruidao.

Liang Bing shook his head: "No, that's not right. It seems that there is no problem with the logic of your statement, but there is a fatal flaw in it. The quantum mechanics and unified field theory proposed by you on the earth and other conjectures put forward by space civilization It’s not a difficult problem. And there are so many civilizations in the known universe that it’s impossible to count them. In the face of such a huge base, it’s theoretically impossible for anyone to break through it for tens of thousands of years.”

"Do you know the reason for the collapse of the Kamigawa civilization?" Li Rui asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Liang Bing was a little dazed.

Among the three, she was the one who didn't know Li Rui's original explanation, and He Xi took the initiative to explain it to her.

"An experiment?" Liang Bing was very surprised, obviously she didn't expect such an answer in the end.Immediately, she asked again: "But what does this have to do with what we are going to discuss?"

Li Rui said solemnly: "In my inference, void creatures are actually a collection of consciousness in the void world. Some of their substances have a strong information disturbance effect on us in the universe."

The three kings were stunned for a moment, and then they realized something, showing expressions of disbelief.

"Yes, I suspect that the void matter created by that experiment has affected the Kamigawa civilization, the Super Seminary they left behind, and in turn affected the technological development of the entire known universe."

"In other words, the war between the known universe and the void creatures has already begun at the moment when the Kamigawa civilization was destroyed."

It was obviously a short sentence, but it made the three kings feel a sense of creepiness.

After a long time, Liang Bing pulled out a smile: "All this is just your guess, isn't it? Besides, the power of the Kamigawa civilization has not affected the entire known universe."

"No, there are." Keisha said solemnly.

"What did you say..."

"Liang Bing, you forgot that the Big Worm Bridge system with the big clock as the core is the communication path for the civilizations of the entire known universe." Hexi reminded.

Liang Bing immediately misfired.

The three kings were all silent. If Li Rui's deduction is correct, it means that the Great Clock, the greatest celestial-level computer in the known universe, has long since fallen.Even, it has become a tool used by void creatures to block the scientific research of the known universe.

"Hehe, if that's the case, it can also explain why Karl's perverted phantom exists." He Xi said with a wry smile.


Yes, spirit is dependent on matter, but Carl's pervert is different, he doesn't depend on matter at all.This situation is not in line with common sense.

"Aren't we discussing the matter of going to a parallel universe? Why did the topic suddenly change to such an extent?" Liang Bing said suddenly.

Her face turned slightly pale, obviously she just didn't want to continue discussing this issue.

Keisha sighed: "Leng Bing, my stupid sister, it is useless to escape."

"I..." Liang Bing opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a complete sentence.

The breeze is blowing, and for some reason, it suddenly makes people feel a little cold...

(End of this chapter)

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