Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 322 Destroying the Big Clock

Chapter 322 Destroying the Big Clock (23)

A moment later, the three of them appeared in another star field simultaneously again...

A flash of clarity flashed in Carl's eyes: "I understand, you used the power of time to exchange the current time and space with a piece of time and space in the past. This makes me a little puzzled, so why don't you go to the past time and space to directly erase Lose my existence?"

He is indeed one of the top scholars in the known universe. Although there is no evidence to prove what Li Rui did, Karl still deduced the truth from the changes before and after.

Li Rui secretly hated: Do you think I don't want to?

The information disturbance in the void is across time and space, which is not only reflected in ignoring the distance of space, but also across time.No matter which time point Karl is moved, it will cause the backlash of the void power, which will drag Li Rui from that time point back to the current time point, making him have to face Karl at this time.

"Understood." Carl nodded, and immediately figured out why Li Rui didn't do this: "The person who has studied the deepest time in the known universe is my teacher, followed by Liang Bing, and now there is another Your Excellency. Of course, Your Excellency came from outside our world, I can't judge! But, you shouldn't stop me from welcoming the Void Age!"

Karl took a deep look at the two of them: "The advent of the Void Age will definitely make war far away and the universe return to purity. Isn't this what you people hope for?"

"Ridiculous!" Li Rui scolded angrily.

Although Li Rui didn't know what Carl was going to do, it was all based on the information disturbance of the void matter. If the void creatures were used to achieve this goal, it would be tantamount to forcibly changing the thinking of all beings. This is what Li Rui absolutely unacceptable.

"It's a pity. It seems that the so-called creatures like you who have transcended the universe are still trapped in the moral concepts of the Kamigawa body. Even if you temporarily transcend the universe, what's the use? After all, you can't see the higher scenery." Carl shook his head.

"I don't need you to worry about that!" Li Rui's eyes glowed white, and he disappeared in place with Qi Lin.

Carl, who stayed where he was, sighed, his face full of regret.


In a part of the Styx galaxy, Li Rui and Qi Lin walked out of the space gate.

"What are you doing here?" Qilin looked at the empty starry sky in surprise.

Li Rui replied, "Look for the big clock."

"Here is the big clock?" Qi Lin was stunned for a moment, looking at the starry sky in front of her eyes, she immediately found something wrong.

Here, there seems to be a special energy response.

"What's going on?" Qilin asked.

"I have to say that the people of the Kamigawa civilization are really smart enough. I once encountered a passage into the microcosmic world left in space in the main world. It was a singularity. It seems that before that, the Kamigawa civilization came into contact with this kind of knowledge.”

"You mean..." Qi Lin realized what Li Rui wanted to say.

"That's right." Li Rui nodded: "They took advantage of the fact that matter in the universe around the singularity would be compressed sharply, and the density would become infinite, to hide a huge celestial-level computer near the singularity.

In this way, since the data generated by the singularity is all inside and does not interact with the external dark matter, even if the dark data is read, it is still impossible to find the real coordinates of the big clock. "

"It doesn't make sense. If so, how can the big clock keep running? Once the volume is compressed, its internal structure must be destroyed, and its function must be damaged."

But this obviously doesn't make sense, because judging from the Big Worm Bridge system all over the universe, the big clock is still operating normally, otherwise the Big Worm Bridge would have collapsed long ago.

"Because there is still void matter in the big clock, the void matter modifies the nature of the singularity, so that the big clock still maintains the structure of the macro state in the micro state. This is the magic of the void, which unifies the seemingly contradictory state of existence In this way, the coordinates of the big clock are hidden in the macrocosm, and it does not affect its function. It can be said that the void is a miracle of creation, which can make the impossible possible, so I don’t understand why you want to Against the coming of the void?

If the god of our universe is limited to self-knowledge, it is understandable to oppose the void.But the two obviously have an understanding of the void, why do they still have to make such a decision? "

It was not Li Rui who answered Qi Lin's words, but Karl who appeared here.His expression was calm, and he didn't seem to worry about his impending defeat at all.

"Because we don't want to lose ourselves." Li Rui said, looking directly into Carl's eyes.

"This reason is really..." Karl didn't know how to answer for a while.

At the beginning, the teacher seemed to be because of this reason. Is the so-called self really that important?

"Okay, we have found your lair, do you have any last words to say?" Li Rui once again manipulated the Heart of Time and Space, using the Time and Space Annihilation Algorithm.

Carl's face was still calm, not angry at all, but he said confidently: "Your deduction is a little bit off, we didn't hide the big clock in the singularity, but used void modification to make the big clock have singularity properties.

Therefore, if you want to destroy the big clock, you must not only face infinitely compressed matter, but also face infinitely distorted time.

Not to mention whether you have the ability to fight against the time distortion of the entire universe, you have to think about it first, if the time of the universe is destroyed, causing the timeline to collapse, what will be the result? "

As soon as these words came out, Li Rui's face became extremely ugly: "Have you kidnapped the entire universe? You are really a bunch of lunatics!"

Li Rui didn't dare to think about the consequences of the collapse of the timeline. It would be fine if people 3 years ago and 10 years later appeared at the same time. He was most afraid that the entire universe would be completely destroyed after the timeline collapsed. , then everything they do will be in vain.

Carl said lightly: "With powerful space-time technology and spiritual power at the same time, as well as Nuoxing God of War among the three major god-making projects, and some rune powers that are close to the rules, I really have no good way to take the two. But, you There is no way to destroy the Great Clock, and there is no way to prevent the coming of the Void Age. So why bother?"

"Hmph!" Qi Lin sneered: "Can't it be destroyed? I don't think so."

"Oh? I would like to hear more about it." Carl looked at Qilin curiously. He wanted to know how the woman in front of him could destroy the big clock and end the Era of Void.

Qilin didn't explain, but communicated with Li Rui in the spiritual communication.

"Qi Lin, do you really have a way?"

"It's not a way. We really can't destroy the singularity, but can't you enter the singularity? What if you destroy the big clock from the inside?"

Li Rui frowned, and replied: "This is the singularity after Void's modification. I'm not sure what's going on inside. Besides, once we enter the singularity, we may not be able to destroy the big clock."

"No, don't forget, the imprint of void in your body."

Li Rui was stunned for a moment: "You want to use the imprint of the void?"

"As you said, the impact of the void on the material world is carried out through information disturbance. If two different void substances meet, the information disturbances sent by the two will definitely entangle. This is our good opportunity. "

"What if the two clumps of void matter come from the same void creature? Or, we can't capture the information disturbance entanglement of void matter?"

"Then it's just a gamble."

Li Rui silently calculated the feasibility of this matter, but void matter exists beyond the universe. At this point, a celestial-level supercomputer like Nuwa can't calculate the feasibility at all, and can't help him.

After a long time, a firm light flashed in Li Rui's eyes: "Try it!"Anyway, sometimes space travelers are here, and if something goes wrong, they can evacuate immediately.

Thinking of this, Li Rui winked at Qi Lin, and then both of them disappeared into the starry sky at the same time, heading towards the seemingly empty starry sky ahead.

Karl didn't chase after him, but stayed where he was and sighed: "You know what you can't do, but why bother?"


On the way close to the singularity, Li Rui sent Qilin into the Time Traveler, and then tapped his chest, the silver liquid flowed, the galaxy glaze armor covered the whole body, and the Pym particles in it began to work, His body began to shrink step by step.

When the battleship was completely covered, Li Rui could no longer feel the sharply rising gravitational force around him.

Soon, Li Rui entered the singularity with countless material particles.After penetrating the outer material compression zone and entering the corridor of time again, Li Rui did not stop, the heart of time and space once again broke through the corridor of time and space in front of him, and completely entered the interior of the singularity.

Soon, a tree filled his sight appeared in front of Li Rui's eyes - this was the real body of the big clock.If it were placed in the universe, its volume would be large enough to occupy an entire galaxy.

The whole tree seems to be suspended in a chaotic ocean, and the countless images gathered on the crown of the tree are the data collected by the terminals of the Big Worm Bridge all over the known universe.

"Come here, what are you going to do?"

Carl's voice sounded in this space.

Inside the singularity, time and space are meaningless.A moment here may be a moment in the outside world, or ten thousand years, and vice versa.

Li Rui, who kept his body, didn't say anything, but let go of the suppression of the void imprint on his soul.

A faint purple light came out of Li Rui's body and appeared in this space.

"Huh?" Carl's voice was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter: "So that's's still just some hypocritical hypocrites!"

With Carl's laughter, he understood Li Rui's plan.But he has no ability to stop it. When the two abilities of modifying reality and soul both fail, he has no effective means against Li Rui and the two of them.

The tree in front of him began to tremble, emitting a dense purple light.

Li Rui's eyes flashed...

(End of this chapter)

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