Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 324 Newly Discovered Civilization

Chapter 324 Newly Discovered Civilization (13)

The two chatted briefly for a while, and then left the office together.Walking out of the office door, stepping down the fully transparent maglev passage, continuing the topic just now, the two soon came to the floor where the various departments of the alliance are located.

As an interstellar and even cosmic organization, there are many departments under the alliance, which can be divided into three systems: military, political and law. Each of the three systems has a dedicated floor in the alliance headquarters building for office. Among these departments Most of China's toilets are in charge of elites drawn from various civilizations.According to the latest member composition data of the alliance, about 60% of the members are from Earth civilization, about 30% are from Cybertron, and less than 10% are from New Deno.

As for the Alliance Council, it is the highest decision-making level. Under normal circumstances, it is not responsible for particularly specific affairs. Only matters that cannot be handled by these departments will be referred to the Council for processing.For example, the appointment and dismissal of the senior executives of the previous three systems, as well as the actions that require the strength of the entire alliance to be implemented, are like the previous celestial-level projects.

Li Rui and the two came to the office area where the government affairs system is located. Since the alliance has space expansion technical support, space is not a problem, so the layout here is not like a traditional office building where rooms are next to each other. It is as crowded as a honeycomb. On the contrary, the entire floor is composed of countless small spaces that are distributed in the entire three-dimensional space in a divergent manner around the central small transmission platform. Only through the central small transmission platform, can it be transmitted directly after obtaining permission. .

But today's teleportation platform seems to be extremely busy. Although there are a full twenty teleportation slots open, it is still very busy.The strange thing is that within two or three seconds of appearing here, almost all of them entered, but did not come out.

"That's weird, what happened today?" Li Rui couldn't help but be puzzled.

In the alliance headquarters building is the highest level of various departments in the government affairs system, so they are not usually so busy.

"Just ask someone and it's over." Qilin said casually, and stopped a staff member who was hurrying on the way.

Judging by the style of the other party's clothes, it should be a member from Xin De Nuo.

"Ah, good day, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Marshal. I'm Sandy DeWitt from New Deno, I'm sorry I didn't notice you two." Originally, this person was quite annoyed to be stopped, but seeing the stop After finding out who the person who was beating him was, his attitude immediately became very respectful.

"Hi Sandy, how's the situation in New Deno lately? Has the rebuilding been done?"

"Thank you, Speaker, for your inquiry." Sandy replied with great honor: "I am very grateful to the alliance and other brother civilizations for their help. The first stage of the transformation work of New Deno has been completed as a whole, and only some finishing work is left. It can meet the basic living needs of the people. At present, our nationals temporarily living in other civilizations are also returning with the help of the alliance, and the mental state of the people is also very good, and they are full of hope for the future."

"That's good." Li Rui nodded: "If there is any need, you must bring it up to the alliance, and we will do our best to solve it."

"Thank you again for your concern."

Li Rui nodded slightly, and then asked why it was so lively today.

Sandy explained: "It's like this. A registered mercenary of the Alliance discovered a new civilization, which is still in the Middle Ages. Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is discussing what attitude should be used to treat this newly discovered civilization. Because This is the first civilization discovered by the alliance itself, and it will become an example of the alliance to the outside world, so it has attracted many people."

After getting the answer, Li Rui let Sandy leave.

"Has the alliance discovered a new civilization?" Li Rui looked back at Qilin in surprise.

"Let me take a look." Qilin quickly flipped through the database: "Oh, I found it. Three days ago, Lu Feng, a C-level registered mercenary of the Alliance, discovered a medieval civilization, the Orbit Civilization, on the cantilever of the constellation Cygnus."

With that said, Qilin shared the data with Li Rui.

Turn on the projection, and this civilization profile named Orbit appeared in front of the two of them.

This is a galaxy composed of three stars, sixteen planets and many celestial bodies.The center of the galaxy is a core composed of three stars of different sizes, which provide light, heat and basic matter for the entire galaxy to maintain the operation of the entire galaxy.

Among the sixteen planets, only the ninth Orbit star was born with life, and the rest are deserts of life.

The volume of the planet where Orbit Star is located is 1.7 times that of the Earth, and the surface of the planet is 40.00% land and 60.00% ocean.The vast and boundless sea divides the land into three unconnected continents, on which different civilizations have developed.

Among them, the most prosperous is the Orbit Empire located in the northern hemisphere. The empire has existed for 480 years and has a centralized system. It has experienced 86 emperors, and the current emperor is Empress Soi August.With the efforts of the 33rd Emperor Kungu Orbit, the continent where it is located is unified, and it is also the continent with the largest area on the planet Orbit.

One of the remaining two continents is located in the polar region, known as the permafrost snowfield, and there are more than [-] tribes, large and small, living here. Due to the cold climate and lack of food, it is difficult to develop.But the harsh living conditions in the snowfield have created the courageous and tenacious characters of these snowfield people.

The last piece is a narrow strip located in the sea, with warm seasons and rich products. Five kingdoms divide this continent.

20 years ago, the great navigator of the Orbit Empire, Lady Molly Vincent, opened the age of great voyages, successively discovered the permafrost snowfield and the land of the five kings who became Banga Island by the empire, and set off the unification of the Orbit Empire. Global way.

At present, the entire Orbit star is in the unification war. The empire launched a war on the permafrost and Banga Island at the same time, but due to the two-line battle and the transoceanic battle, it fell into the quagmire of war.

When the C-level mercenaries of the alliance discovered this civilization, it was the time when the empire launched the second unification war.

"A civilization with a strong desire to conquer." Qilin sighed. According to Nuwa's calculations, this time the Orbit Empire will be able to capture two continents and unify the world after four years of war.

"Well, according to our people's feedback, the Orbit galaxy still has abundant resources, including minerals, rare earths, hydrogen energy, and three gaseous planets, etc. Among them are the main materials for the third generation of arcane crystals we need And a small amount of dark iron elements. In addition, the development of civilization there is also very interesting and worth studying." Speaking of this, Li Rui changed his tone: "But the biggest problem is that, based on the feedback data, in their planet After 30 years, the stable state of the three-star system in the Orbital Galaxy will collapse naturally. The smallest star No. 69 will soon move to the gravitational limit of the largest No. 2000 star, and the probability of being captured will be as high as [-]%. At that time, the violent stellar activity will It is very likely that the Orbit Star will be destroyed, and the whole process will last from [-] to [-] years. But judging from the current development speed of the Orbit Civilization, it is impossible for them to enter the space age before this and break away from the restrictions of the parent star."

"I think this should be a headache for the foreign affairs department." Qi Lin looked at Li Rui.

According to the Alliance Act, in order to ensure the diversity of development of civilizations in the known universe, the Alliance adopts a policy of stocking civilizations that have not yet entered the space age.But now, this Orbit civilization has become a special situation. If the alliance is left alone, they will inevitably be destroyed.

But it would be a violation of the Union Act if the Union intervened.However, the Orbit civilization is the first civilization discovered by the alliance itself, and it serves as a benchmark, so the foreign affairs department will definitely have a headache.

Li Rui nodded silently, this gave the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a headache for a while.

"Actually, I think this question is very simple." Qilin glanced at the whole story and the progress of the meeting recorded by Nüwa, and she had a plan in her mind: "The purpose of the alliance now is to help civilization develop better. , but help is not planning. For a civilization that has not entered the space age, their future is still diverse, and we cannot intervene in their future so early."

"You mean, let it go?"

"Dr. Li Da, the past experience of angels and demons tells us that extreme ideas are not to be tolerated." Qi Lin gave him a funny look, and then changed her tone: "However, their history of tens of thousands of years in the past can give us Provide some references. I have discussed related topics with sister Zhui before, and I think we can learn from some practices of angel civilization."

"Tell me." Li Rui looked at her curiously.

"The disasters caused by stellar activities are not something that a civilization in the Middle Ages can contend with. Without the help of the alliance, they are destined to step into destruction. So what I mean is that they only need to be silent without their knowledge." Just solve this crisis quietly.

As for what this civilization will develop into in the future, whether it is an aggressive civilization or a peace-loving civilization depends on their own development.

When they enter the space age, start to spread their ideas to other civilizations, and come into contact with other civilizations, it is the moment for us to come forward. "

With the ability of the alliance, it is very simple to solve the instability problem of a Samsung system, and it takes no effort at all.And the means of the alliance, it is impossible for the Orbit civilization to discover.

"What if their development in the future does not meet the expectations of the alliance? Or even worse, forming some evil and rebellious civilization characteristics?"

Qilin snorted softly, and said indifferently: "Then I'm sorry, this kind of civilization should not exist in the universe, otherwise it will be a disaster for more civilizations. At that time, the alliance will weaken this civilization and let their system , The retrogression of technology and the like - 200 years and thousands of years of redevelopment, or the complete erasure of this civilization, it is up to the alliance to evaluate how much bad influence they can have."

"Well..." Li Rui couldn't help touching his chin, and nodded seriously: "It's not a bad idea, but let's write it down for now, let's see what kind of solutions the elites from different civilizations will give. .”

(End of this chapter)

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