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Chapter 333 Hexi's Backstab

Chapter 333 He Xi's Backstab (13)

Oh, this little queen has such a big heart.

He Xi couldn't help being surprised when he saw Angel Yan's harsh words.This is really the three days when Shibie treats each other with admiration. After Yan, this little girl has adjusted her attitude, after learning for a while, she really has a bit of the majesty and domineering of a queen.

Hexi waved his hand, signaling the angel Ruolin to go down first.

Angel Ruolin bowed to the two of them, turned around and walked out of the area, stretched her wings, and planned to leave.But at this moment, the angel Ruolin saw a figure descending from the sky, and stopped in her tracks.

"Sister Ruolin." The visitor greeted enthusiastically, "Is the teacher in?"

The person who came was He Xi's student Zhi Xin.

"The Queen and King Tianji are in the garden."

Zhi Xin has learned from King Tianji for hundreds of years, so the high-ranking angels around her are very familiar with Zhi Xin.Therefore, seeing the junior Zhi Xin, the coldness on Angel Ruolin's face melted a little, and she became a lot more kind.

"Sister Yan is here too." Angel Zhixin showed a little surprised expression on her face, and hurriedly ran out: "Thanks, sister Ruolin, I'll go find them."

The angel Ruolin smiled slightly, fascinated like flowers blooming in an instant.It's a pity that no one here can see the moment when the beauty of the iceberg melts.



Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

He Xi and Angel Yan turned their heads to look at the same time, and saw Angel Zhi running over in a hurry. This appearance did not match the identity of the previous right-wing guard.

No, the more I speak, the more vigorous I become.

In Hexi's helpless expression, the girl rushed over and hugged her very affectionately.

"Come down quickly, how old are you, and you're not too old or young." Hexi's scholarly and intellectual temperament was immediately destroyed, and he complained helplessly like an old woman.

Then, before she could say anything, she received an interstellar communication.

"Huh?" He Xi showed a trace of surprise on his face, and signaled Zhi Xin to stop making trouble, and directly opened the interstellar communication.

Soon, Li Rui's projection appeared in the sight of the three.

"Dr. Li?" Zhi Xin was taken aback for a moment, the expression on his face quickly subsided, and he became that glorious right-wing guard again.

Strictly speaking, she is a retired angel, and she is Xin Zhao's guardian angel, not part of the Melo Heaven sequence.This meant that her teacher was Tianji King, otherwise she would have to apply for a special application every time she went back to Melo.Moreover, Xin Zhao's current immediate boss is Li Rui. Although the alliance didn't specify what it wanted, it was still a bit inappropriate for him to skip work and run back to his mother's house to be discovered.

"Huh?" Li Rui, who had just connected with Hexi, looked around in surprise, and asked, "Is there any happy event for you in the Melo Heaven today? It's so packed together?"

"There is no happy event, but there are a lot of messes." Hexi adjusted his sitting posture, picked up the black tea beside him and blew a little: "Your Excellency, the Speaker of the House of Representatives who is busy with so many things, think of contacting us?"

"Before I opened my mouth to speak, you brought the tea. What's the matter, Your Excellency King Tianji is planning to serve tea to see off the guests." Li Rui said with a smile.

"Look at what you said, how dare I. If you do this, if word spreads, people won't be able to laugh at me, He Xi, for deceiving my master and destroying my ancestors." He Xi turned his head to look at Zhi Xin, and said, "Here, Zhi Xin, this is my teacher, according to seniority, that is your master. Come on, call me master."


Angel Yan, who was sitting opposite, burst out laughing, as she knew some inside information, she could guess what was going on.But for Zhi Xin, a little angel who was only five hundred years old, his head was already in a daze at this moment, he looked blankly at He Xi, then at Li Rui, his little head couldn't turn over this beam.

Teacher...more than 3 years old?
I...more than 500...

Dr. Li... thirty... less than forty...

But this relationship...

At this moment, Zhi Xin's mind was full of question marks.

Li Rui's face darkened immediately, and he was trembling with anger: "Hexi, I'm not as shivering as you are!"

"Tut tsk tsk..." He Xi said with a serious face: "How can this be called shivering? You see, is it true that you taught me? Is it true that I have called you teacher for several years? Burning heart, again He is my student, according to the etiquette of your earth, isn’t he your disciple? There is nothing wrong with this logic.”

"It's really a mistake that will cause eternal hatred!" Li Rui paused his cane angrily: "Sure, you have to insist on a relationship with me, next time I will pull Qiangwei over, and I will find you a senior sister."

"Oh, no problem. In this way, our school is growing stronger and stronger, and I'm too happy." Having said this, Hexi's tone suddenly changed, and he lowered his head sadly and sighed: "It's just, poor Zhixin is a little girl, and she is married hundreds of millions of light years away, no one cares about her..."

Li Rui was stunned for a moment, and looked at the showman-like Pipixi speechlessly: "I finally understand, you are here today to fight Zhixin's injustice."

"No, no, I definitely didn't mean that..." He Xi waved her hands again and again, but her expression was short of a few large characters: That's right, that's what I meant!
Li Rui covered his forehead with a headache: "Forget it, forget it, forget it, I'm afraid of you. It just so happens that for the next stage of the alliance's upgrade plan, I'll share Xin Zhao's quota first, okay?"

It's all said to this point, why doesn't he understand what Pipixi means?Speaking of it, their alliance treats Zhi Xin a little bit badly. After all, Zhi Xin is the right-wing guard of the holy Kaisha, a student of King Tianji, and a female angel with eternal life.On the other hand, Xin Zhao, although it is also the super gene of the German Star Spear, can be said to be only the configuration of the second generation, with a lifespan of no more than 5000 years. Zhi Xin chose to become Xin Zhao's guardian angel. According to the habits of the earth, this is definitely a marriage .

As Zhixin's teacher, Pipixi would have seen a ghost if he could feel happy in his heart.If her student dies alone by then, she, the teacher, will feel sorry for her to death.

This means that the alliance has developed, and Hexi has no way to directly intervene in Zhao Xin's super gene upgrade plan, or else he would have secretly turned Ya into a god body, no matter how powerful, at least not rotten in the soil.

Hearing Li Rui's words, the sadness on Hexi's face was wiped away, he blinked those moving eyes, and asked with great concern: "Ah... is it okay? It won't make things difficult for you, right? Otherwise, let's forget it, it's not good to let the people gossip..."

Pretend, you are so good at pretending!
Li Rui sneered in his heart, but smiled and said, "What's so embarrassing, Xin Zhao's resources for upgrading his divine body come from my personal account, so I'm giving Zhi Xin a welcome gift."

With Zhao Xin's credit, it is not enough to upgrade the three generations of gods.So there is only one other way left: to spend star coins by yourself to exchange for this resource.

The combined net worth of the young couple is probably not enough.Anyway, as the speaker, his salary, bonuses, and benefits are quite generous, and this does not include the rewards for scientific research projects. All in all, it is enough to upgrade this young couple for four generations.With so many star coins, he and Qilin have nothing to spend, so it is no problem to upgrade Xin Zhao to a divine body.

What's more, in the final analysis, it is also an upgrade for Xin Zhao, who is still a member of the alliance.It's like the meat is rotten in the pot, no loss.

But having said that, since you Pipixi want to exploit me as a resource of three generations of gods, then there is no need for us to be polite to you, you can just be my student of Mr. Li honestly.We have nailed this relationship to death, and there is no place for you to regret it when the time comes!

"Zhi Xin... why did you react so impolitely, kid? Hurry up and call someone!" He Xi hurriedly greeted Zhi Xin, as if he was afraid that Li Rui would go back on his word.

Zhi Xin opened his mouth, and shouted in a daze: "Master, Shi Zu."

As soon as the words came out, Zhi Xin's face suddenly turned red, and she quickly lowered her head to study the patterns on the floor.

"Oh, that's right." Hexi nodded in satisfaction. Obviously, she didn't care whether she was called Teacher Li Rui or not. What she cared about was whether her students could have a bright future.

The completely different reactions of the master and apprentice are exactly the difference between the younger generation of angels and Hexi, a great god who has experienced wind and rain for 3 years. After all, they are still thin-skinned.

Angel Yan, who was acting as a spectator on the opposite side, silently gave Hexi a thumbs up: Awesome, with just a few words, a third-generation God's quota was cheated from the Alliance, and Zhixin won a better future.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. I'm here to ask you for something important, and it has something to do with the Heavenly Blade King. Since you are all there, it's just right." Li Rui's face became more serious when he said this: "I To study the gene of the power of the galaxy, you need the authorization of the angel."

He Xi frowned slightly, and looked at Zhi Xin beside him: "Zhi Xin, you go down first."

"Let Zhi Xin stay." Li Rui stopped him, saying, "Since you plan to train Zhi Xin to be a successor, some things are destined to be unavoidable."

Judging from Hexi's attitude, he still didn't want Zhixin to be exposed to the knowledge of void so early, but Li Rui held a different view on this.

After the Stargate was established between the Alliance and the Heavenly Court of Melo, except for some angels who communicated normally, it was the most frequent contact between the heart and soul.After all, once she retires and goes to the parallel universe, Zhi Xin will be the only one who can carry the banner of scientific research in Melo Heaven.Therefore, Li Rui turned a blind eye to this and never stopped it.

Since Hexi intends to cultivate the direction of Burning Heart King, it will be a matter of time before he comes into contact with the Void.It is better to be prepared than to be at a loss when the time comes.

After hearing Li Rui's words, Hexi struggled for a while, and finally sighed: "The authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear. Once Zhixin is involved, I can't see the situation clearly. Forget it, Zhixin, you can stay."

Zhi Xin looked blankly at her teacher, then at her home... Oh, no, it should be the master she just recognized, obediently standing behind He Xi...

(End of this chapter)

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