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Chapter 336 Angel's Battle

Chapter 336 Angel's Combat (13)

Sita VU0550 Nebula NP099 planet, this is a barren planet 1488 million light-years away from the Angel Nebula. It is one of the transmission terminals that are the second closest to the Angel Nebula in the transmission system of the Big Worm Bridge, followed by the Big Worm located on the edge of the Angel Nebula. Bridge terminal equipment.And this planet is also the focus of the angels' attack to destroy Tian Zha's route.Cooperating with the Rainbow Bridge, it took less than 5 minutes for the alliance's stargate equipment to set up two large stargates here, which are large enough for celestial combat units like the Tianren No. [-] to pass through. The internal giant star gate has been connected, meeting the conditions for teleportation across time and space.

The long-awaited angels took action immediately. Under the leadership of the new left-wing guardian angel Zhui and the right-wing guardian angel Leng, the two battle celestial bodies of the Skyblade series passed the star gate smoothly and appeared in the starry sky where the planet NP099 is located. .

In the battle order of the angels, the Tianren is a series of celestial-level combat units. The Tianren No. 700 led by Yan was built after she served as the seventh generation of left-wing guards, and it took more than [-] years to build. , its main function is to provide Angel Yan with the computing support needed for combat, and to execute God-killing operations—that is, the tip at the bottom of Tianren No.

In addition to the Tianren No. [-], the Tianren series also has different types of equipment specially used to perform interstellar war firepower strikes, energy transfer, information countermeasures, interstellar defense, angel team computing support, and many other roles.

Logically speaking, Angel Chase and Angel Leng have become a new generation of sacred wings, and they should also establish their own Heavenly Blade battle celestial body.But the time between the two of them was too short.Moreover, due to the cooperation between Hexi and the alliance, and Liangbing handed over most of the demon's technology to Hexi before leaving, Angel's technology not only made up for the defects in time and space technology, but also obtained many new technologies. increase.In view of the advancement of science and technology, the Angels decided to study and update the Skyblade sequence, so they are only leading two ordinary combat celestial bodies in the Skyblade sequence.

One of these two combat celestial bodies has a huge shield-shaped structure on four sides, with blue skylight wings similar to those of Tianren No. [-] stretched out on both sides, suspended in the starry sky like a fortress; It is made of metal, with a long metal pillar protruding from the bottom, which looks like a scepter.

On the shield-shaped skyblade fighting celestial body, Angel took a cold look at the planet in front of him, and opened the communication with Angel Chase: "Ah Chase, the queen ordered us to deploy a genetic strike system in this star field, so We need to scan the current environmental data in advance to calculate the optimal distribution plan. Your side will launch an attack first to destroy the planet, and we will start the next step after it cools down."

On the scepter-like Skyblade battle celestial body, Angel Chase stared at the interactive interface floating in front of his eyes, and replied: "Don't worry, the Judgment Rod system on our side has been fully charged. The system built on this planet The sacred knowledge treasure house of the data model of the Big Worm Bridge terminal has also been sent over, ready to launch a star-destroying strike at any time."

"Then let's start, finish the work early, I can't wait."

"Sister Leng, you are still in such a hurry." The angel jokingly chased after him with a smile, and then gave the command to attack.

As the angel chased and issued an attack command, terrifying energy gathered on the metal pillar at the bottom of the sky blade, and after a while, it was covered with red particle-like clouds.This is the violently reacting matter on the surface of the star, brought together by the Sky Blade through the drive of the star.

Immediately, the six-sided scepter fins surrounding the Sky Blade worked together to solve a super-large wormhole above the Sky Blade.Then, golden-red energy scrambled into the wormhole above.At the same time, above the planet hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the same super-large wormhole appeared, and the golden-red energy seemed to come from the judgment of the gods, pouring towards the planet.

This is a planet without an atmosphere, and the blow from the Sky Blade was able to drive straight in, hitting the ground where the end of the Big Worm Bridge was located.

In almost a moment, the external equipment that constituted the Big Worm Bridge was destroyed, and the blue vortex lost its foundation. After a few flashes, it turned into countless particles and followed the angel's judgment towards the planet under its feet. .

Under the terrifying high temperature, the earth instantly melted into a state of magma, and then exploded under the impact of the energy torrent, heading for a deeper underground space.

First the surface layer, followed by the exposed rock belt, and then the entire crust, under the continuous energy bombardment, within half a minute, the planet's crust was penetrated, and a terrifying hole was cracked above the surface. The magma lake has a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. Seen from the starry sky, it looks like a scarlet devil's eye straddling the earth.

However, the angel's attack does not stop here, this is just the beginning, the terrible energy torrent continues to bombard, the mantle, the center of the earth, half an hour later, the entire planet is broken down, and a terrible natural disaster is on this planet. began to appear.Since the entire planet was punctured, the magma inside the planet erupted in large quantities through the cracks in the earth's crust. The highest magma jet was tens of thousands of meters long, and the volcanic ash was thrown into the starry sky.

The eruption of the volcano was like a signal, triggering a large-scale earthquake, and the entire planet officially entered a state of disintegration.

The attacks of the angels have not stopped. Under the calculation of Tianren, the original torrent of energy began to crack the planet in front of it through more large wormholes, which accelerated its destruction process.

After half an Earth day, the entire planet was completely turned into large and small fragments, floating in the starry sky.A planet that took billions of years to form is torn into corpses in such a short period of time, lying powerless in the starry sky. This is the horror of interstellar war.

What angels do is not killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, they have deeper considerations.

After destroying the planet, the Sky Blade where Angel Leng was located also started to act.With the reading of the dark data from the treasure house of sacred knowledge, the data model of the entire star field was soon established, and then one after another, devices like torches were sent out from the sky blade, covering the entire starry sky through the wormhole.

These devices are half a meter high, in the shape of a torch, with a blue spar on top, exuding a hazy halo.Soon, the equipment was laid out.Then, bursts of light emanated from the surface of these devices, gradually faded, and finally disappeared into the starry sky.

On the shield-shaped sky blade, the angel coldly saw this result, and ordered to the people below: "Report to the queen, the genetic strike system has been deployed, and the stealth mode has been activated. The battlefield has been deployed, and I will wait for the next order from the queen."



At the same time, in the transmission channel of the Great Insect Bridge, a huge fleet rushed towards the Angel Nebula mightily.In the middle of this fleet, the western-style ancient sailing ship was slowly advancing.

"Hua Ye..."

Just when Hua Ye was enjoying the gentle beauty in public, Snow brought him bad news.

Soon, Hua Ye's face turned ugly: "There is nothing wrong with these people, they blow up the Big Chongqiao every now and then."

Standing by Hua Ye's side, Su Mali, who was admiring the heroic figure of his king, squinted at Snow, and said, "Wang, those chicks must be trying to stall for time."

"I know."

"But having said that..." Su Mali pointed the finger at Snow: "Isn't the Big Worm Bridge built on the basis of the big clock in your Karl's hand? Your Karl has a weird temper. The person made the second move, and didn't think about doing anything."

Snow's face sank under the mask: "How can you idiots understand the wisdom of my god Karl?"

"Oh?" There was a chill in Su Mali's eyes: "I can't pretend that I didn't hear that."

"Hmph!" Snow snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Without my god Karl's help, you are just a bunch of bereaved dogs!"

Su Mali's face suddenly turned cold, and just as he was about to do something, Hua Ye stopped him: "Hey~~~ What do you mean, before we co-author, I have to deal with the conflict between you first. .”

"King..." Su Mali knelt on one knee, "This subordinate knows his mistake."

Snow glanced at the two of them coldly, turned around and left without saying anything.

Then Su Mali got up slowly, looked at Hua Ye who still had a smile on his face, and said in his heart: Oh, Wang is angry.

"Mr. Su..."


"Tsk tsk tsk, look at the fleet around here, how spectacular..." Hua Ye pushed away the beauty in his arms, stood up slowly, raised his finger and pointed at the mighty fleet around him: "Look, a million heroes .”

Looking around, countless warships are neatly arranged around the flagship.Each of these warships is fully armed, and the ferocious muzzles declare the abundant martial arts of gluttons.Among the battleships, there are scattered triangles like manta rays, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

Su Mali's eyes flashed brightly, and he lowered his head: "My lord, I understand."

There are millions of heroes, but there are very few of them.In any case, they still need to cooperate with Karl before they can retake the Tiangong and have their own million soldiers.It is undoubtedly not a wise choice to start a dispute with Karl at this time.

"Hahahaha..." Hua Ye laughed for a while, turned around and patted Su Mali's shoulder armor, and praised: "As expected of my bravest warrior, with you by my side, my heart will be much more at ease gone."

"Where, with you as the king, the Heavenly Palace has a future."

"Tsk..." Hua Ye smacked his lips: "Well said, I love listening to you."

"But, Wang, those chicks suddenly blew up the Big Worm Bridge, it's not in their best intentions."

"My lord heard that Taotie's group of idiots worship death."

"Oh~~~ Wang, you really have a way."

"How to speak, this is called wisdom."

(End of this chapter)

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