Chapter 362 Karl's Change

"Wait a minute, what does it mean to abandon your body?"

Hua Ye hurriedly asked, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"It's very simple. It is to abandon the dependence on the physical body and transform into a spiritual body, which is what you call a phantom body, so as to completely get rid of the dependence on matter."

Hearing Carl's words, the expression on Hua Ye's face was simply wonderful, three points of shock, two points of anger, two points of doubt, and one point of hesitation...

I just want to ask you to help clean up those little skirts, but you fucking want to take away all the happiness from me!
"No, Karl, what do you mean!" Hua Ye said with a grim expression on his face, "You must be joking with me!"

Abandon the flesh, and that Temiao will have no happiness.Pursuing the Age of Heavenly Palace is still useful!

Facing Hua Ye who was burning with anger, Karl still had the calm look: "That is the era of your Heavenly Palace, King Hua Ye. Whether you want to do this or not, the final decision is still in your hands. I just From the perspective of a scholar, it is just a solution, for reference only.”

"Okay, okay, okay, I have to think about it, think about it."

After leaving a word, Hua Ye left the hall without saying hello.

"My God, judging by Hua Ye's attitude, he is not willing to transform into a phantom body. Some measures are needed..." Snow considered his words, lowered his head and asked, "Are there any necessary measures?"

"It's not necessary." Carl turned around and walked slowly towards the desk: "Although Hua Ye is a man of great wealth, he is also a person who knows how to weigh the pros and cons. After this time, Hua Ye must be able to see the relationship between Tian Zha and Angel. The gap is like a gap, and if he wants to defeat Angel with his own strength, there is little hope of rebuilding the Tiangong era. And since he chooses to stand up, it is impossible for Angel to let him go."

After Hua Ye was exiled, the angel had already bypassed these scumbags.But when the holy Kaisa fell, he jumped out to make trouble again, and caused a lot of casualties to the angel.Whether it is to maintain the dignity of the king of angels, or to implement justice and order, and avoid the sacrifice of angel soldiers, Angel Yan will not let Hua Ye be free.

Only then did Snow suddenly realize: "So, Hua Ye has no other choice but to rely on us and transform into a phantom body."

"That's it. You should also go down and prepare. Transforming a phantom body is not a simple project, and it costs a lot of money."

"Yes, my god."

Snow turned and left, and the hall where only Karl was left was silent again.

And Karl started the big clock and carried out a complicated deduction.

In the starry sky, one star after another burns rapidly under the action of the big clock, and its life cycle is shortened rapidly.

Among them, some stars that were already at the end of their lives entered destruction in just a few hours, or turned into supernovae and disappeared with bright light, or collapsed step by step, turning into white dwarfs.

After more than a month, Carl finished the calculation, with an expression of interest on his face: "Tsk tsk, is this the performance of the five generations of gods? Based on runes, the self-replication and self-derived functions are really incredible. .”

Hua Ye's black hole engine was developed by Karl, so he naturally left behind some of it.Relying on the data collected from Hua Ye's encounters with Li Rui, Qi Lin, and Angel Yan, as well as the battles of the demon Xue Yi and others, Karl used the big clock to deduce, and was able to spy on some secrets of the five generations of gods.

"According to the deduction of the big clock, it is impossible for the angels to research the five generations of gods, but now they have appeared. Lord of the stars, is this the change you brought? Such a future is really exciting..."


The large-scale consumption of stars in the universe quickly attracted Nuwa's attention, and this abnormal situation was quickly uploaded to Li Rui.

"What the hell is Karl doing?"

In the laboratory, Li Rui frowned and looked at the data uploaded by Nuwa.

Hexi in a white coat noticed Li Rui's abnormality and asked why.

The two are conducting experimental analysis on Nusa, and want to crack Karl's void engine technology, so as to find a way to fight.

The two of them didn't have the slightest psychological burden on bringing Nusa to the test bench.Because since this thing was implanted into the void engine and infected by the void, it is no longer human to some extent.

Li Rui explained: "Nuwa detected abnormal stellar activity, and at least [-] giant stars were affected. After analysis, it is the big clock that is performing some kind of large-scale calculation."

"Oh? Nuwa can detect the signs of the big clock's activity?"

Li Rui nodded: "The growth rate of Nuwa's proton computing unit has exceeded 10 to the 46th power per second, and it is covering the known universe at an unprecedented speed. And, I adjusted Nuwa's coverage direction, Use proton's low-dimensional expansion technology to penetrate into other dimensions.

With Nuwa's current scale, the computing power has already surpassed your treasure house of sacred knowledge, removing the influence of void matter, it is still no problem to wrestle with the big clock. "

Hexi was startled when he heard Li Rui's words, and said with some emotion: "The dimensional supercomputing technology you developed is really unreasonable. It's only been a while, and it has surpassed our treasure house of sacred knowledge."

Hexi didn't doubt Li Rui's words, because when Kaisha assisted Li Rui to shoot down the demon castle above Juxia City, he had briefly connected to the knowledge treasure house and knew how powerful the knowledge treasure house was.

"Didn't your angel's computing cloud also start to apply this technology? Oh, yes, I also detected a few days ago that Lieyang's Tiandao Tower has also begun to upgrade."

"That's right. It's just that the rune derivative sequence is not easy to decipher, which caused our angels to start too late, one step behind, step by step behind, and if we can't catch up, we can't catch up.

Furthermore, we also have to consider the energy consumption of dimensional supercomputing, and limit the number of computing units within a controllable range.So, it is destined not to catch up with your Nuwa.

What's more, you have extended your tentacles to other dimensions now, we have no idea in this regard.

As for Lie Yang's Heavenly Dao Pagoda?It's still too late for that child, Lena, to take charge of Lieyang, let alone catch up. "

Li Rui smiled, but did not speak.According to the original plan, it will take at least 700 years for Nuwa to reach her current level.

However, after obtaining the complete sequence of runes, this time was greatly shortened.Because the newly designed rune sequence can achieve large-scale infection through the transmission of quantum information, the efficiency is almost a thousand times higher than the original one.

"Let's not talk about this. Based on what you know about Karl, what do you think this guy is going to consume so many stars?"

He Xi pondered for a while: "The energy consumption of this scale must be a very complicated calculation, at least it is a simulation of the future of a certain civilization.

However, if what I know about Carl, it should be that he did something beyond his expectations.And according to the current known state of the universe, only you can bring about this change.So, there is a reckoning about you. "

"Me?" Li Rui frowned.

"Yes, you should be clear that you are the only one who can bring unknown changes to the known universe. However, I can only speculate to this extent, and there is no way to go into more detail."

No matter whether it is calculated from the data or guessed from the character, Hexi is unable to make further judgments.After all, Carl has been independent of material things for tens of thousands of years, and Hexi is not very clear about whether his personality has changed.

Li Rui was silent for a moment, and there was no better way.

After all, the big clock in Carl's hand is not Demon One, and if Nuwa invades by force, it is likely to be counter-infected by void matter.

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Rui said: "Well, it seems that the war between us and Karl has entered a new stage."

"My suggestion is that our understanding of Karl is limited, and the big clock is an immovable thing. As for his strategy, we should use soldiers to block the water and cover it with earth. We should focus on our own development and try to find a way to confront the void head-on."

Li Rui nodded, indicating that he understood: "Let's crack the void engine on Nusa first, and then look at the properties of Lie Yang's void matter."

"According to the current experimental results, simple runes have a certain effect on the infection of void matter, but it is very limited."

"You said, if we extend the time that the rune can function indefinitely on this basis, what effect will it have?"

"Huh? Prolong the time?" He Xi looked at Li Rui in surprise: "You can do this now?"

Li Rui nodded silently.

[Host: Li Rui
Current Template: Marvel·Sorcerer Supreme·Ancient One (SS, 90%)
Unlocking tasks: 1. Learn the magic of Karma Taj and solve the imprint of void (93%);

2. Utilize the knowledge of the supreme mage to develop the civilization (46%);

Current progress: 69.5%

Already own templates: Marvel-Edward Stark; Naruto-Oshemaru; Marvel-Odin, DC-Joel; Transformers-Quintassa; Marvel Dr. Pym]

He has not been idle these days. In the arena, he has already brushed Gu Yi to an excellent 90% level, and he is only a little short of reaching a perfect 100% rating.

Gu Yi's selective teaching also taught Li Rui a lot of knowledge, including the magic of time.As for the remaining 10% of knowledge, it is mostly about how Ancient One maintains his belief in Vishanti, the Eternal God, and how he absorbs other dimensions, such as the energy of Dormammu, the master of a certain dark dimension. Not much help.And with the Heart of Time and Space stronger than the Eye of Agamotto, Li Rui has a very fast grasp of time magic, a deeper understanding of time, and can play more tricks.

That's why Li Rui had such an idea...

(End of this chapter)

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