Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 366 Rose's 4th Generation Divine Body

Chapter 366 Rose's Four Generations of Divine Body

But Qiangwei, after returning to the alliance from Lieyang, plunged into her private laboratory.

Every god-level super soldier in the alliance is equipped with a supercomputer constructed by Nuwa's computing unit, and Qiangwei is no exception here.These extensions are usually in a state of independent operation, providing computing power support for their owners.Only when the computing power is not enough, will it temporarily connect to the Nuwa host through authorization.

As for the appearance of Rose Lab...

Well, this is a huge celestial-level combat unit with big black wings--Demon One.Of course, it should probably be called the Apocalypse now.

Yes, Qiangwei's laboratory is the spoils that Qilin brought back from the No. [-] parallel universe, and was given to Qiangwei as her private property.Although Qiangwei applied nanotechnology to make some modifications on the surface of Devil One, if the god-making civilization finds this celestial-level combat unit, it can still easily see through its identity.This is also the reason why Qiangwei's laboratory left the alliance headquarters and is in another starry sky.

When Qilin breached the Devil One, she only killed the demon inside, and did not do any damage to the Devil One itself, so this celestial body-level combat unit was well preserved.Coupled with the knowledge Qiangwei obtained from Liangbing of the main universe and related authorizations, she easily received one of the top battleships in the known universe.

After returning to the Apocalypse, after a brief rest, Qiangwei started working.As one of the top battleships in the known universe, the Alliance will naturally not let the Apocalypse sit idle.In addition to Qiangwei, there are many people working here, all of them are under the jurisdiction of Qiangwei.The leader of the scientific research department is Yuqin, and the security system is Wei Laoqi.

"Four generations of gods? Qiangwei, have you decided?"

"Well, I went to Lieyang this time and fought with Nusa in the Styx galaxy. I felt a lot. If I don't upgrade the fourth generation of gods, maybe I won't be able to intervene in some high-level battles in the future."

"Well, you are the leader, you have the final say."

"Sister Yuqin, you didn't make fun of me like that."

On the way to the laboratory, Qiangwei and Yuqin were joking.

Arriving at the computing center, Qiangwei connected to her small clock, and retrieved the relevant information of the four generations of gods from the database.

There are two copies of the information of the four generations of gods, one is Morgana from the No. [-] parallel universe, and the other is Liangbing from the main universe.Comparing each other, we can find that the information provided by Liangbing here is much more complete and more suitable for Qiangwei's situation.

Liang Bing is the god who has traveled the farthest in time and space in the known universe except Li Rui, and the design plan of the four generations of gods she gave is of course the most top-notch knowledge.In the later stage of the confrontation with the alliance, Liangbing has researched the production and preservation methods of K2 elements.She was not idle during the time she was imprisoned by Li Rui, especially after getting in touch with Qiangwei, she also began to think about the new four generations of gods.Therefore, this plan involves the application of some K2 elements.

It's just that Liang Bing's understanding of K2 elements is not as deep as Li Rui, the creator, so this plan needs further revision.

"If this latest plan is used directly, it is no problem. According to the analysis of the small clock, the performance after the upgrade will achieve leapfrog growth, the mutual positioning of atoms, the instant opening of large-scale space doors, and the combat method will be greatly improved. So, what's your opinion?"

After spending three days analyzing the two proposals, Yuqin asked Qiangwei for her opinion.

Qiangwei crossed her arms and pondered for a while, then said: "This time, to help Lie Yang, the teacher took me on a time travel. During this process, I learned a lot of new knowledge. Therefore, I am also thinking, and with the help of super space-time Gene, whether it can achieve a similar function."

"Travel in time and space? Has Your Excellency the Speaker already been able to do this?"

Yuqin opened her mouth wide in surprise, her face full of disbelief.

"Well. In the information given by Liang Bing, time and space are a whole. A certain moment in the past is a moment in the known universe, not a moment of a certain goal. But the teacher cleverly circumvented this rule, not only can Going back in time for a certain target can even miraculously directly intercept the target in a certain time and space in the past, and replace it with the current time and space, ignoring the laws of time and space in Liangbing's cognition. At this stage, I don't want to be able to Immediately reaching the height of the teacher is unrealistic. But I think with the performance of the super time and space gene, it is still possible to realize time and space travel."

"It is possible, do we need to research in this direction?"

"Well. In addition, the teacher once told me that simply opening the space-time tunnel cannot really affect the past. At most, it is just standing outside of time to browse what happened in the past. This is because of the existence of space-time barriers. And if we want to cross the barriers of time and space to affect the past, we need to use celestial body-level gravitational tides. As for breaking through the barriers of time and space, we need to use the power of the soul. Therefore, we have to further transform this fourth-generation divine body plan."

Seeing Qiangwei eager to try, Yuqin couldn't help but feel a little headache, this is really an extremely complicated project.However, the benefits are also obvious. Just by analyzing these two four-generation divine body plans, a lot of added value has already been generated, and their promotion will greatly broaden the alliance's application methods in space-time technology.


Qiangwei's research has not been smooth sailing, but fortunately, she has Li Rui as a clue to her.It took two years, during which she connected to the Nuwa mainframe several times to apply for computing power support, and consumed a total of seventeen giant stars. Qiangwei finally perfected her four-generation divine body plan.

Therefore, Qiangwei confidently sent the plan to her teacher Li Rui.

At that time, Li Rui was conducting research on void matter with Hexi and Qilin, so he didn't have time to look at these things.So, it finally fell on Li Rui's avatar.Fortunately, the avatar is also Li Rui, and after receiving Qiangwei's plan, Li Rui gave the avatar higher authority, allowing him to access more knowledge.Therefore, it was equivalent to Li Rui checking the plan himself.

After the avatar looked at it, there was no problem, so it directly approved the plan, and handed over the resources needed for the upgrade to Qiangwei.

Hearing what Li Rui said, Hexi couldn't help asking in surprise: "That is to say, Qiangwei has already upgraded?"

"Well, it's been more than half a year."

Li Rui and Hexi have been in the laboratory for three years. Naturally, Qiangwei couldn't wait for them to come out, so she upgraded herself.And upgrading the divine body of the fourth generation is not as troublesome as the fifth generation, just refer to the original book Angel Yan to upgrade the sacred body to understand.Qiangwei is similar. After loading the upgrade plan into his dark plane gene engine, he directly calls resources and completes the upgrade in just a few minutes.

Recently, she has been familiar with the performance of the four generations of gods under the guidance of a clone of Li Rui.

"I'm really curious about Qiangwei's current state."

Li Rui glanced at her: "Then go and have a look. Anyway, I haven't seen Qiangwei for a long time."

With that said, Li Rui threw the cane out.The uncontrolled cane circled in the air, opening up a colorful vortex.

"Let's go, Qiangwei is not in the current time and space, she was in the time 30 years ago."

"I'll go, this, running wild enough!"

He Xi exclaimed, and quickly caught up with Li Rui.

The space-time tunnel and the transmission channel modified by the big insect bridge are very similar in appearance, but they are very different in essence.Because the space-time tunnel is not as calm as the transmission channel of the Big Insect Bridge. On the contrary, there will be natural space-time storms here at any time, so we must be careful.Otherwise, one carelessness will be lost in time, unable to escape.

However, this is not a problem for Li Rui who has the heart of time and space.

As the two advanced, a bulge suddenly popped up on the wall of the space-time tunnel next to it, and then it burst open, and a silver hurricane suddenly penetrated the space-time tunnel.In front of this silver storm, Hexi could clearly perceive that the time was in chaos, the past and the future were distorted and overlapped, and the violent impact made the space-time tunnel unstable.

Li Rui communicated with the heart of time and space, and the cyan light diffused from him, like a spring breeze, quickly calming down the turbulent time and space.

"I'll go, this is the space-time storm." He Xi was a little scared.

Even if it is the God Body of the fourth generation, Hexi estimates that once caught in the storm of time and space, it will be obliterated by the power of time and die completely.

"Yes, so follow me closely." Speaking of this, a wicked smile appeared on Li Rui's face: "Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be gone, Pipixi."

He Xi rolled his eyes at him, but stepped forward and stood behind Li Rui.

Soon, the two traveled through time and found Qiangwei.

It's just that she doesn't seem to be idle at the moment, but is fighting with people.

Rose flickered and disappeared from the current timeline.

Immediately after Qiangwei, Li Rui appeared suddenly, smiled faintly, and disappeared again.

Seeing this, He Xi couldn't help being a little confused: "What's going on?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's my avatar who is training with Rose. The two of them use the timeline as the battlefield, and the battle will affect the past thousands of years. It depends on who captures who first." Li Rui briefly checked the data, Then I understood what was going on.

"A battle in time? My God, it's incredible."

"Actually, I brought you here today to find Qiangwei, not just for these reasons. Qiangwei has made some new discoveries in the process of studying the four generations of gods, and I think we should also use them."

(End of this chapter)

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