Chapter 376 Perfect Scoring
The reason why Angel Yan wanted to send Angel to Zhanzheng College was very simple, because she felt the serious lack of scientific research capabilities of Angels after Tianji Wang Hexi left.There are many angels who can fight in Merlot's heaven, but very few who can research technology.Zhi Xin, a student of the Tianji King, was also temporarily borrowed from the Pan-Galaxy Alliance after all.

Even Angel Yan not only wants to send Angel over there, she also has the idea of ​​joining Zhanzheng Academy to study.Just like when the Shenhe civilization and the angels first communicated, Tianqi Wang Liangbing also made his name at the Super Seminary.

Although Qilin didn't know what Angel Yan was thinking, she was just a mouthpiece, responsible for delivering a message, whether it would be successful or not would depend on Li Rui's absolute rating.So she didn't express her opinion in a single game, she just said to go back and let Li Rui take a look.

After a brief farewell, Qilin led Ge Xiaolun and Qiangwei back to the alliance headquarters through the star gate just like when she came.

Unsurprisingly, Li Rui agreed to the angels' study abroad exchange plan.The angels moved very quickly. Angel Zhixin personally selected some new angels, and then an angel named Chen Xi led a team to Zhanzheng College—yes, a certain King of Angels created a clone to change He got into the team because of his appearance.

The principal Li Rui just said hello and sent them into the academy together.

For Angel Yan's little tricks, Li Rui just pretended not to see it. Anyway, with Hexi around, he had already obtained the full set of techniques that the angels had studied before.Not only that, but also the technology of the demons.Angel Yan wants to learn, so let's take it as a feedback to Angel.

At this time, Li Rui was refreshing his last battle with Gu Yi.

Karma Taj's time magic is combined with the heart of time and space to locate the ancient one who travels in the dimension, create a time loop, and place it in it.With the support of Nuwa's powerful computing power, Gu Yi's past and future were wiped out with one blow, leaving only the present trapped in the time loop.Then he placed himself in the time loop to locate Gu Yi, and swung his weapon.

A black light flashed, and Gu Yi's figure froze immediately, and completely disappeared into the arena.

[This battle: victory.

Obtained an SSS-level perfect evaluation, unlocking 100% of the knowledge of the character Ancient One]

As the arena scored, Gu Yi's figure appeared in front of Li Rui again: "Your Excellency is already ahead of me in understanding time and space. It seems that I have nothing to teach you."

"Supreme Master, thank you very much for your teaching."

"Where, I have also benefited a lot from discussing with Your Excellency. Perhaps, I can make some changes for the future. For the rest of the knowledge, I am waiting for Your Excellency to come at Kama Taj."


After exiting the arena, the system's inquiry was sent.

[It is detected that the host's current template knowledge has been fully unlocked, and the completion progress of the corresponding tasks has exceeded 100%. Do you want to submit the task? 】

"No." Li Rui replied silently, and then entered the virtual space again to learn the rest of the knowledge from Master Gu Yi.

As mentioned earlier, Master Gu Yi once told Li Rui that most of the remaining knowledge is about how to absorb energy from other dimensions.Therefore, the teaching of this part was carried out very quickly. In just over a month, Li Rui absorbed them all, and under the guidance of Gu Yi, he completed a simulation of plundering power from other dimensions.

Since then, all the knowledge of Gu Yi has been taken into Li Rui's pocket.

Back in the main world, Li Rui didn't go out immediately, but sat quietly in the office, thinking about Gu Yi's knowledge system.

As the superhero who guards the dimension in the Marvel universe, Gu Yi has a huge amount of knowledge.Although she is only based on the earth, the Eye of Agamotto in her hand allows her to travel in the timeline and appreciate the wisdom of wise men at different times.

In general, the ancient one's knowledge can be divided into two parts - Kama Taj traditional magic, most of these magics come from the Trinity God Vishanti, followed by the time magic brought by the Eye of Agamotto, and The ancient one's insight in his long career.

After combining the technology of Chaoshen Universe, most of what can be taught is the magic of Karma Taj and other knowledge. Li Rui does not intend to teach time magic.After all, time is too sensitive, and the fewer existences that can touch the timeline, the better.

And the power of magic, if it is simply used, needs to be based on having a strong enough soul.But so far, there are no more than 40 people in the alliance with this ability.It sounds like a lot at first glance, but in fact, you need to know that the alliance includes Earth, New Deno, Cybertron and more than 1 space-level civilizations. The total population of these civilizations adds up to a very scary number. However, less than [-] people could be picked out. It is conceivable how rare this kind of talent is.

Then what should be done?

Li Rui hesitated for a moment.He had an idea before, using the power of Nu Wa to use the magic of Kama Taj.This is not impossible, the current Nuwa is already a dimensional supercomputer, after obtaining the method of ancient one to absorb dimensional power, it can control Nuwa's computing unit and absorb the power of other dimensions.

To put it bluntly, Kama Taj's magic is to communicate with demon gods in other dimensions, make transactions with demon gods, and cast magic.What Li Rui did was just replacing the Dimension Demon God with Nuwa, and the effect was the same.

But now, Li Rui hesitated a little, wondering if he should do this.


At night, Li Rui was lying on the bed, looking at the starry sky projected on the roof in a trance.Qi Lin, who was already sound asleep, turned over and subconsciously wanted to hug him, but she missed him.

Qilin rubbed her sleepy eyes: "What time is it, why are you still awake?"

It is said that the five generations of gods have energy supply, which is enough for them to get rid of some unnecessary needs.But if people live for the rest of their lives just for the pursuit of survival, it is undoubtedly quite boring.Therefore, many people in the league still maintain their original living habits.

"Some can't sleep."

"What are you thinking about?" Qilin stretched, sat up a little, and leaned against Li Rui.

Seeing Li Rui's expression, she immediately understood that this guy had something on his mind.

Li Rui hesitated for a moment, and told Qi Lin what was in his heart.Of course, the source of the magic is not stated.Qilin also wisely didn't ask, but listened carefully to his thoughts.

"I'm hesitating right now, whether to do it or not."

"Hmm..." Qilin pondered for a while, and asked, "Do you think, for the soldiers, just adding some offensive and defensive means will play a big role in the next battle? Or, let me ask another question. Can increasing the dimensional combat capability allow soldiers to have explosive growth?"

Li Rui shook his head.

Karma Taj's magic is indeed amazing, but it also depends on talent.Although Li Rui can use Nuwa as a dimensional supercomputer, it can provide the soldiers with the possibility to release spells, which greatly reduces the requirements, so that the soldiers only need an order to release spells.But the problem is that this doesn't match the soldiers' original fighting style, and it is estimated that it will take a lot of time and resources to adapt.

Thinking of this, Li Rui smiled wryly and said, "I understand what you mean."

"You like to dig into corners." Qi Lin patted his chest, and then said: "However, I don't think you need to give up your original plan completely."

"What do you mean?"

"We can transfer some people and let them choose this content and form a specialized army. Compared with the main material world, different dimensions are a vast world for us and need to be developed.

In addition, I have also read the information you gave. It is of course a good thing to add new functions to Nuwa, but it is not necessary to open up the permissions of all algorithms.It is enough to open up some of them. For example, those defensive algorithms are not bad in my opinion.As for which ones to open, it's up to you to decide. "

(End of this chapter)

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