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Chapter 38 The Contest with the Xiongbing Company

Chapter 38 The Contest with the Xiongbing Company
The moment the four of them lost the signal, Wei Laoqi, the captain, realized something was wrong.

As the team with the highest technical content at the current stage except for the Xiongbing Company, Wei Laoqi's knowledge reserve has long been different from what it used to be, and he realized in an instant that they might be crushed by technology.

"Attention all units, cancel the original assembly order, gather with teammates nearby, and all adopt the team combat mode. We have encountered an enemy stronger than us, and all teams must be careful.

After this news, the teams adopted radio silence and started searching with the K area as the center.All flying units search at high altitudes, and the search is scattered on the ground to prevent being taken away by a wave of enemies.

In addition, after finding the enemy, upload the data as soon as possible. "

Wei Laoqi immediately made a decision to break up the entire team and shut down the communication at the same time to prevent being located by the enemy and being eliminated one by one.

After the order was issued, Wei Laoqi glanced at his comrades around him, feeling a little annoyed.The sense of superiority he has had for a long time as a Dawn Warrior almost made him forget that nothing can be sloppy on the battlefield.

After briefly adjusting his mentality, Wei Laoqi immediately ordered all the battle armors to take off, maintain an altitude of 3000 meters, and launch a saturated attack as soon as he found the enemy's situation.

At the same time, because the speed of the flying skateboard is too slow and the height is limited, all the ground units abandoned this thing and conducted a ground search.

This time, the smaller Xiongbing company was in a dilemma.


director department...

"This Wei Laoqi is very smart, he found out what was wrong at the first time." Ducao said to Li Rui in a low voice.

Li Rui nodded. Wei Laoqi was the warrior who got along with Qiangwei and Liangbing for a while after the outbreak of the all-out war in the original book, and was finally transformed into a demon warrior.With such an outstanding fighter, Li Rui will naturally not give up. After a long period of training, he has grown very well in all aspects, enough to take on the responsibility of leading the team.

"What do you think the outcome of this exercise will be?" Ducao asked.

"It's not what kind of result it is, but what kind of effect we want to achieve." Li Rui said: "As a result, you and I both know that Shuguang fighters have greatly improved compared to ordinary fighters, allowing them to face a large army of powerful soldiers. It's a bit too difficult to be human. Among other things, Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang, the two reserve 'gods', can't kill all the Shuguang fighters even if they are posted on it.

On the contrary, the purpose of our military exercise is to let the Xiongbing Company and the Shuguang Warriors recognize themselves, and at the same time let more people realize the cruelty of future wars.As long as the goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. "

As for the strength of the Galaxy and Nuoxing God of War, their bodies are terribly hard. With the current equipment of the Shuguang Warriors, they can't even break the defense, let alone kill them.Therefore, the outcome of this battle was doomed from the very beginning.

"Xiaorui's words are very reasonable." Mr. Huang nodded slightly: "But don't underestimate yourself. The success of the Torch Project is obvious to all. I believe that our future will be even better."

While talking, Xiong Bing even had another encounter with the Dawn Warrior.

This time, the prepared Dawn Warriors were not so easy to be killed in seconds, showing everyone their powerful combat capabilities.


What Hexiongbing Company encountered was a 17-member combat team. This team had two Xingtian-3 heavy combat armors and three Xingtian-2 light combat armors, maintaining a flying altitude of 3000 meters.

In addition, there are five escapist team members on the ground, two lightning-type, one fire-type, and one earth-type.And seven ordinary Dawn Warriors.

Before the two sides encountered each other, Qilin found the mecha flying in the air: "Qiangwei, there are five enemies in the air, two heavy and three light, and the distance between them is more than 200 meters.

There are twelve people on the ground, and the distance between each other is kept between 20 and 30 meters, and the specific situation cannot be seen. "

"Can you take it away in one wave?"

"Very difficult."

"Then give priority to dealing with air enemies."

"No, I can deal with at most two light ones at a time. Heavy combat armor is very defensive, unless you use God-killing armor-piercing bullets to directly penetrate the head armor, otherwise it will be difficult to kill with one blow. The moment they are attacked, they will definitely upload data .”

"It's troublesome." Qiangwei raised her head, with an ugly expression on her face.

After all, it was a drill, and it was impossible for Qilin to really rush to kill.In this way, according to this configuration, it is almost impossible for the Xiongbing Company to solve the opponent silently.

After weighing it in her heart, Qiangwei made a decision, since she couldn't deal with the enemy quietly, let's make a quick decision.

Still the previous course of action, Qilin took the lead in launching the attack.Immediately afterwards, Xin Zhao and Qiangwei rushed forward to capture the airborne enemies.

The moment Qilin launched the attack, the two heavy armors in the sky immediately noticed it, and the scanner quickly captured Qilin's position.

"Damn! The enemy is a black armor, repeat, the enemy is a black armor! The number is variable, sister Qilin is inside!"

All the dawn fighters immediately understood the identity of their opponents.Almost at the same time, the two heavy armors immediately scattered the missiles on their bodies.

Facing Hei Jia, they didn't dare to be careless at all.

"Fuck, missiles, dodge!" The soldiers below were shocked and shouted.

These people are really rude!

The members of the Xiongbing Company hated it secretly, and these guys shot too hard.


Finally, the first missile hit the ground.Accompanied by a shocking explosion, the dense forest below immediately ignited flames soaring into the sky.

In just a short moment, the forest with a radius of more than 100 square meters was engulfed by the sea of ​​flames.At the same time, the tyrannical shock wave cut off the surrounding trees in half, and cleared a large open space like lifting the ground.

During this process, all the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company were thrown into the air.

During the chaos, Cheng Yaowen manipulated the earth to create a rock shield in order to protect his teammates.Unexpectedly, a missile landed nearby and directly blew up the rock shield to pieces.

The group of people below was in chaos, but Xin Zhao and Qiangwei who took the initiative to attack also rushed to their respective targets.The two of them aimed at a heavy armor and launched an attack.

The two battle armors that had just poured the missiles into the sky were beaten down before they could organize their defenses.

This time, the two of them didn't intend to hold back their hands, and dropped the two mechas heavily to the ground.

Immediately after the battle armor, Qiangwei landed directly and shouted in the communication channel: "There are still people who can breathe, come over and kill these two guys immediately!"

Well, Qiangwei was also angry.


Liu Chuang was the first to answer. He jumped out of the smoke and dust, and the big ax directly hit the neck of one of the battle armors.

"Liu Chuang!" Qiangwei turned pale with shock.

This is a comrade-in-arms, don't cause trouble!

Fortunately, Liu Chuang also knew the severity, so he used the side of the ax to knock his opponent into the air.

The battle armor weighing dozens of tons was hit by Liu Chuang, and it even rolled and flew more than ten meters away.

This time, the mecha was directly locked, and the director department directly judged that it was out.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Yaowen slapped the rest of the mecha into the ground with one slap, the kind that couldn't even be buckled.

However, the two heavy-duty mechas were abolished, but Qiangwei didn't care about being happy, and shouted calmly: "Everyone, move at full speed immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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