Chapter 391 Preparation
Why did Carl capture Joel Hobbert, a Satya civilized diplomat?In fact, it originated from a report from his subordinates: Recently, among some space civilizations under the Alliance, there has been a rumor that the great Lord of the Stars has begun to develop worlds beyond the universe.

At first, Snow did not believe this rumor.Because he believes that Karl, the god of death, is the greatest wise man in the known universe. How can a kid less than two hundred years old possibly research knowledge that Karl can't comprehend.

However, following a series of actions by the alliance, Snow's thoughts in his heart were slightly shaken.

In order to seek an answer, he reported this "rumor" to Karl, the god of death.

Carl was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then arranged the mission.

But now, through the memory of Joel Hobbert's soul, Carl witnessed the meeting and the appearance of the Three Kings with his own eyes.

"No wonder, no wonder the big clock can't find any trace of the Three Kings in the entire universe, so they have left this universe.

A world beyond the universe?It's really exciting..."

Carl murmured, a momentary bewildered expression appeared on Junxiu's face, and soon he returned to his usual calmness.

But the heartbeat is the heartbeat, even if it is temporarily suppressed, it is just waiting for a more violent outbreak in the future.


In the second parallel universe, in the uninhabited star field of the Angel Nebula, Li Rui and the Three Kings are standing here, conducting tests on psionic energy.

In front of them was a sky blade.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Li Rui frowned.

Liang Bing, who was holding up his gun and shooting at Tianren, turned his head and glanced at him: "Boy, when you are doing experiments, concentrate on doing experiments, what are you doing now?"


A gloomy light erupted from the muzzle of the gun, and at the same moment, an indistinguishable black spot appeared on the distant sky blade space-time distortion shield.

"Ah, one of the nodes of the space-time distortion shield has failed, and it is rapidly spreading to the surrounding nodes." Hexi, who was connected to the sky blade in front of him, immediately said to everyone: "I'll try to see if it can be repaired."

"Well, no... The assimilation is too serious, and the sky blade cannot repair the fallen wormhole nodes."

After a while, Hexi came to a conclusion.

Holy Kaisa looked at the less than 1.2-meter-long firearm in Liangbing's hand, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's just such a cheap gun that easily broke through the time-space distortion shield of the sky blade. Psychic energy is indeed a kind of Terrible power."

Li Rui nodded, and said, "That's natural, otherwise it wouldn't be worth our effort for this thing."

"What were you doing just now, why did you suddenly lose your mind?" Keisha turned around and asked.

"It's nothing, according to the information shared by my avatar in the main universe, that pervert Karl took action against a fleet of space civilization under the Alliance and captured a diplomat. At present, there is no information to indicate that Karl did this what is the reason."

Upon hearing the news, the Three Kings immediately became serious.

"Is Karl so impatient to start a war with the Alliance?" Hexi asked suspiciously.

Liang Bing shook his head: "Based on what I know about Karl, he shouldn't be so impatient. There must be other purposes for taking that diplomat away."

"Few people can guess what Carl is thinking." Li Rui sighed.

Liang Bing rolled his eyes and asked with a hint of bewilderment, "Why don't you ask that student of yours?"

"Student?" Li Rui was stunned for a moment, and then he felt extremely speechless: "You mean the Karl of this universe, right? Come on, he's still a fresh newcomer."

"Leng Bing, don't make trouble." Keisha glanced at her younger sister, and then said seriously: "No matter what Karl plans to do, we still have enough strength to handle him. It's just that there is nothing we can do about the existence behind him for the time being. Therefore, my suggestion is to respond to all changes with the same, and to improve the strength of the alliance as soon as possible is the right way."

Li Rui made a decision, and said: "Okay, let's do the experiment first. Qilin has arranged a series of revenge actions to warn Tianzha and some civilizations in the Styx galaxy. Before that, I have to do it as soon as possible." Enough data has been collected. If possible, I need you to help me establish an output terminal of the hyperspace psionic energy well at the edge of the main universe."

Next, there are tests of various psionic weapons, as well as psionic-powered secondary biological engines.

The test of the psionic weapon went smoothly, and it was very powerful. Even a single shot of the anti-ship psionic cannon could paralyze the warships of the Tianblade series.The human test is also very shocking. Even a super soldier of the third generation god level, it is difficult to resist the psionic weapon, unless a special defensive shield is loaded.

But on the secondary biological engine, it is not so satisfactory.Nether energy is indeed a safe energy source, but unfortunately, the secondary biological engine developed by Hexi is not compatible with this energy.The two seemed to clash, and the secondary biological engine immediately collapsed.

"Why is this?" He Xi looked at the result full of remorse, and was very puzzled.

Li Rui sighed inwardly, maybe only Gaia's semi-energy body construct can perfectly control the special energy of psionic energy.If you want to rely on the method of super genes, it is still lacking after all.

It's a pity that half-energy body constructs are still an unlocked knowledge.Only after unlocking it can we see whether it can be combined with the knowledge of the super god universe to carry out a certain degree of adaptive transformation.


When Li Rui was conducting the experiment, the main universe, the headquarters of the alliance.Nuwa's search for Tianzha finally had a result.

Since Nuwa is a dimensional supercomputer, she can conduct a census of the main universe from a higher-dimensional or lower-dimensional perspective, so she can find clues of the gathering of heaven and earth without disturbing the big clock.

Alliance Headquarters...

"Qishuai, we have found the place where the slag gathers. According to Nuwa's tracking and deciphering of the data of more than 1 life forms carrying the slag gene, we found that they have signs of gathering in the same place. After deduction, that is where A gathering place of scum."

Qilin looked at the big projection in front of her with cold eyes, and asked, "Where is the exact location?"

"The target is located in a star field in Perseus. According to the database comparison of the alliance, there are a large number of triangles in that star field, and it is one of the habitats of triangles."

"Triangle?" Qilin raised her eyebrows slightly.

She has been to other universes and knows that in some cosmic triangles there is a great threat to the earth.But there is no such thing as the main universe, and the triangle rarely appears.

Thinking of this, Qilin uploaded a piece of data to Nuwa.

When they went to other star fields with Li Rui, they studied the triangle and knew the ability of this creature.Li Rui also devised some countermeasures to avoid the risks brought by the triangle.

"Understood. Detect the specific situation of the target star field, establish a relevant data model, and derive a combat plan."

"Yes, handsome Qi!"

"Lock the target star field..."

"Loading dimension transformation formula..."

"Mobilize the high-dimensional computing unit to the corresponding position..."

"Prepare to launch the probe..."

"A wide-area search is underway, and targets have been found. There are 26889 Tianzha and 785564 triangular creatures of various types..."

"Retrieve the database and start the target comparison..."

"Generating enemy distribution model..."

In this battle, Qilin didn't even think about sending a fleet to engage in a cannon-bombing game with the opponent, let alone sending super soldiers to do a hacking trick. What she wanted was deterrence.

Therefore, Qilin intends to directly annihilate the other party remotely, and even - directly wipe out all threats in that star field, including the triangle.

As for whether the triangle has caused harm to the alliance, Qilin doesn't care.War is not about judging cases, but about evidence.The triangle is a threat to the alliance and the good and lawful camp, that's enough.Usually, because these miscellaneous fish do not cause harm to the alliance, they are unwilling to take care of them.Being involved this time, it can only be considered unlucky for this group of seafood...

(End of this chapter)

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