Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 394 The Power of the Galaxy and Psionic Energy

A few days later, the Alliance Headquarters received an application from Lieyang. This application was made through an official channel, and it was very formal.The people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn't dare to make a decision without authorization after reading it, so they reported it to Li Rui layer by layer.

But Li Rui and Qi Lin were not in the command hall, nor were the other god-level fighters. They were on an experimental ship, watching the test of the new psionic weapon together.

Although an experiment has already been carried out in the second parallel universe, the military personnel still need to take a look at the weapons before they can be installed.

The ship-to-ship and ship-to-satellite test results have satisfied the military, especially the ship-to-satellite annihilation operation. With one shot, the entire planet will be wiped out and nothing will be left. The military generals can see the process like this stunned.

What is currently going on is a ship-to-god battle.There are two test subjects, one is Zhao Xin and the other is Ge Xiaolun.

Xin Zhao is a three-generation god who is good at speed. When he is the fastest, he can almost surpass the speed of light and reach the level of reversing time and space.In terms of pure speed, there is no one in the entire known universe who can surpass him. With this hand alone, Xin Zhao can be called invincible among the three generations of gods.

But in the face of You Neng, Xin Zhao looked extremely embarrassed.Once the power of the psionic bomb is released, it is like an eraser, which can erase the rules, space, and even time of the universe.

Before the explosion spread, the overwhelming sense of crisis constantly warned him crazily, driving him to stay away from such danger as quickly as possible.

"I'll go, I'm so frighteningly frightening, Lord Xin." Zhao Xin, who ran all the way back to the experimental ship, panted heavily, and complained to everyone: "It's simply not a human thing, it's so frighteningly scary. I I feel that once I fall into that thing, my divine body will never be able to hold it, and I will die directly!"

"In fact, according to the existing data, once the divine body falls into the influence range of psionic energy, the underlying particles that make up the divine body will be erased by the psionic energy, and the divine body will be forcibly disintegrated."

"Can't the four generations of gods escape?" He Weilan looked at the evaluator who spoke in surprise.

He Weilan's third-generation divine body is similar to that of Angel Chase, with extraordinary hardness, and because it is equipped with a part of the star-driven ability, the pair of fists can hit a terrifying high-energy fusion impact.

It is precisely because he won one of the three places in the last military competition and became the third generation of gods, so He Weilan understands the horror of the fourth generation of gods better.

"I'm afraid not, even the god body atoms of the fourth generation god body will be decomposed and assimilated. And if enough god body atoms are lost at one time, the four generations of god body cannot be reunited." Qiangwei shook her head regretfully.

According to Qiangwei's observation, time and space no longer exist within the range covered by psionic energy, that is to say, it is impossible to escape by means of time travel.

"Unbelievable." Cheng Yaowen couldn't help exclaiming after hearing the analysis of the staff below: "The known universe has gone through tens of thousands of years in the development of the god body technology, but now the god body has been knocked into dust in one fell swoop."

The expressions of the people present were different, the gods of the alliance were all inexplicable, while the faces of the military people were full of excitement.

Li Rui glanced at it, smiled inwardly, and said, "You don't need to worry about this, the alliance will not try to control the power that cannot be controlled without absolute certainty.

The same is true for phantom energy.At least within the scope of the known universe, everything has two sides.Since we can develop psionic weapons, we naturally have ways to defend against them, so we won't be hurt by this double-edged sword. "

"Okay, the test of the psionic weapon on the divine body is only the first stage, and there will be a second stage, please continue with the power of the galaxy."

Everyone ended the topic about Xin Zhao, and once again focused their attention on the starry sky.

Different from Xin Zhao's flashy way of showing off his skills, Ge Xiaolun flew out honestly with two big wings.

As the core of the three major space god-making projects, the power of the galaxy naturally attracted Li Rui's attention.Especially after cooperating with Zhixin, Ge Xiaolun even took advantage of a void controller like Xiongxin.

Therefore, Li Rui really wanted to know whether the power of the Milky Way could work on the weakened version of void energy like psionic energy.

But before Ge Xiaolun started, Li Rui received an application from Lieyang forwarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After browsing briefly, Li Rui showed a surprised expression: The content of the application is very simple. After Lie Yang knew the alliance's action against Perseus, he greatly appreciated the alliance's move to eliminate Tianzha and Triangle. It has greatly promoted the harmonious and stable development of the known universe.

At the same time, Lie Yang also saw something beyond Lie Yang's understanding in the battle report announced by the alliance, and hoped that the two sides could continue to deepen cooperation in this field.

At the end of the application, Lie Yang mentioned that their main god, Emperor Leina of the Sun, will go to the alliance to communicate on behalf of Lie Yang.

While staring at the starry sky outside, Li Rui forwarded this application to Qi Lin.

Soon, Qilin connected to Li Rui's dark communication.

"Judging from this application, Reina seems to be tempted."

"It should be." Li Rui nodded slightly.

"What are you going to do?"

"I plan to take this opportunity to see if I can study the light of the sun. If time permits, it's best to systematically study the three major god-building projects and see if there are any secrets among the three."

"Do you think Xiao Lun can't deal with the void?"

Li Rui was slightly silent, acquiescing to Qilin's guess.

In the outside world, the phantom energy cannon that had been stored for a long time was finally launched, and a blue beam of light appeared in front of Ge Xiaolun in an instant.

"Open the core combat version..."


"The target is defined as psionic energy, which belongs to the secondary void matter, and has the ability to rewrite the void..."

"Analyzing the substance..."

"Warning, insufficient computing power..."


Before the genetic engine could finish speaking, Ge Xiaolun was overwhelmed by psionic energy.

Seeing this scene, Li Rui couldn't help standing up nervously, staring at the blue light with his eyes: it's just an experiment, but don't lose the power of the galaxy.

Fortunately, within a few seconds, the ray of light suddenly collapsed, revealing the power of the Milky Way again.

I saw him covering his chest with one hand, panting heavily, the pupils of his eyes almost shrinking to the size of a needle eye, and there was still a deep sense of fear on his face.

"Xiao Lun, are you okay?"

Ge Xiaolun in the starry sky was frightened by Li Rui's sudden dark communication and jumped a long distance to the side before reacting immediately.

"No, it's fine."

"What's going on, what happened to you?"

Ge Xiaolun panted heavily, trying to calm his heart: "Doctor..."

"Forget it, let's talk about it when you calm down."

Ge Xiaolun couldn't help feeling grateful.

Under the package of that mass of energy, he seemed to have stopped for a long time, so long that his thinking was rusted.There is no time, no space, all concepts are gone, but he still has a living self-awareness.

He was almost driven mad by the torture, and in the end, Xiongxin's solution was completed and he was woken up.Otherwise, Ge Xiaolun would not be able to describe his state.

However, Ge Xiaolun found that there seemed to be some changes in himself...

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