Chapter 42 The Arcane Crystal
Stepping out of the space gate, the place where the two appeared was a huge crater.This is a masterpiece made by a meteorite impact, at least tens of thousands of years ago.

As soon as his feet stepped on the ground, Ajie couldn't help exclaiming: "Oh, it's so hot!"

He looked around, especially the huge star above his head that almost occupied one-third of the sky, and couldn't help but be speechless: "Good guy, where did this come from, why is it so hot!"

Li Rui glanced at the crater below, and replied, "Mercury."

"Mercury?" Ajie was stunned for a moment: "The one closest to the sun?"

"Yes. I need a special kind of crystal ore. This kind of crystal ore can only be associated with ore veins with high temperature throughout the year. Mercury is one of the most suitable places in the solar system."

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, and because of its high silicate content, the rocks of this planet contain a large amount of iron ore, which meets the living conditions of that kind of crystal ore.

As for whether you can really find it, it depends on luck.

Turning on the flight function of the armor and flying directly to an altitude of several thousand meters, Li Rui turned on his newly acquired dark matter analyzer.

In an instant, the eyes under his visor turned white, very similar to the seeing eyes of angels.

Soon, a strange world appeared in Li Rui's eyes.

The existence of dark matter has been speculated by scientists on the earth for a long time. It may be the main component of matter in the universe, but it does not belong to any known matter that constitutes visible celestial bodies.

In fact, with the development of science and technology, the existence of dark matter has become more and more widely accepted.On the one hand, the velocity dispersion of the galaxies in the galaxy cluster is too high, and the gravitational force produced by the mass of the visible galaxies in the galaxy cluster cannot bind them in the galaxy cluster, so there should be a large amount of dark matter in the galaxy cluster, and its mass is At least a hundred times larger than the visible galaxies.On the other hand, dark matter is a kind of weakly interacting particle, basically does not participate in electromagnetic interaction, and interacts with photons so weakly that it basically does not emit light and is difficult to be observed.

Therefore, the existence of dark matter has always been in theory, and there has been no evidence.

With the dark matter analyzer, Li Rui intuitively observed the existence of dark matter.

This is a grotesque world, which is closely connected with the material world but clearly separated.Every change in the real world will leave traces in the dark matter world, which is the so-called dark data.

Not only that, through the perspective of dark matter, natural phenomena that were difficult to detect before are clearer and clearer at a glance.Such as wormholes to existence.

A wormhole is a space tunnel that connects two distant time and space, just like the vortex in the sea, it is everywhere but fleeting.These space-time vortices are caused by the combination of star rotation and gravitational effect, and are maintained by dark matter.

Therefore, wormholes that could not be observed through electromagnetic waves and optics in the past are so clear at this moment.

Because the distribution of dark matter is so wide that it is almost all over the known universe, those god-level civilizations also call it the dark plane.

For Li Rui, this was an unprecedented experience.

However, he couldn't last long.Just turning on the dark matter analyzer for a moment, his brain felt dizzy.

Because the data obtained by the dark matter analyzer is too much, so much that his brain has no time to process it for a while, and the brain will soon fall into a self-protection mechanism-coma.

At this moment, Li Rui finally understands why super soldiers need to implant dark matter computers in their bodies, because without that, they will be overwhelmed by the huge data sooner or later.

Li Rui quickly closed his eyes and concentrated on analyzing the data.

It took Li Rui an entire Earth day to digest the news that he read in just a few seconds.This is just the data of the star space with the crater as the midpoint and a radius of less than [-] kilometers.

Speaking of this, Li Rui had to admire the power of the holy Kaisha.When they arrived on the earth, they read the history from the birth of Satoshi Earth to the present in a few seconds, and it was effortless, and they still had the energy to show off with Ducao there.

Regarding the angel, Li Rui had to say something awesome!
Although Ajie didn't know what Li Rui was doing, he still did his duty and stayed by Li Rui's side.

It wasn't until Li Rui woke up that he asked what happened.

Li Rui really wanted to rub his temples, but at this moment he was still wearing a battle armor, so he couldn't do it at all.Even though he had been injected with Shuguang No. [-], he still couldn't adapt to the cruel environment of Mercury, and could only rely on his battle armor to maintain his vital signs.

"It's nothing, there's nothing in this area, let's look elsewhere." Li Rui said.

At present, Li Rui doesn't want anyone to know that he has the ability to analyze dark matter, otherwise it's hard to explain.

After all, according to the normal development of science and technology, it should first establish the dark matter driving means, then build the dark matter computer, and then manufacture super soldiers.As for whether the super soldier will be equipped with a dark matter analyzer, that is another matter.

Ajie didn't ask anything, and followed Li Rui on the flying skateboard to the next location.

I don't know if it's Li Rui's bad luck, or Mercury doesn't have that kind of crystal ore at all. The two of them searched for more than a dozen Earth days, but they didn't find anything.

Just when Li Rui was about to give up and go to other galaxies, another voice sounded in his armor communication channel.

"Kid, what are you looking for?"

Li Rui recognized it right away, and couldn't help complaining: "The known universe is really full of your angel's eyeliner, I've already shot, and I still can't escape your sight."

"No way, who made your dark data too conspicuous. I just took a look at Mercury and found you. Tell me, what are you looking for, maybe I'll help you if I'm happy."

With the idea of ​​hitting a shot, Li Rui told Angel Chase the data of that crystal mine.

"Huh? Shining Crystal? Why are you looking for that thing?"

Li Rui immediately regained his spirits: "You know?"

"Of course. You are looking for the wrong place. Although the Radiant Crystal has high temperature requirements, the temperature of Mercury is too high to be suitable for its survival. You come to my side, I still have some here, just give it to you. "

"Sister, where are you? I'll go right away."

"I'll go, you really know how to hit a snake with a stick. I'm on the side of Venus, and the coordinates are given to you. Come here by yourself."

Without saying a word, Li Rui opened a portal and rushed in.

Ajie was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed.


When the screen changed, the two reappeared on a floating island.This is an inverted awl-shaped floating island covered with a lawn of flowers. Not far away is a two-story bungalow. On the window sill, a beautiful angel is watering the flowers on the balcony.

Seeing Li Rui, Angel chased down the water bottle in his hand: "Hey, you came here very quickly."

Li Rui directly left Ajie there, and flew to the balcony of the small building.

"Take off your armor, I have a simulated ecosystem here, I don't need that thing."

Li Rui followed suit, put away the armor, and folded it into a suitcase.

"Phew, it's still so comfortable." Li Rui let out a long breath.

Angel chased with a smile and shook his head: "Come with me."

While talking, the two walked into the room.

I have to say that the angels have pretty good taste.Angel Chase's room is very simple and not luxurious, but it is full of comfortable beauty.

While walking, Li Rui suddenly found a tall mirror and was stunned.

Angel chased with a smile: "So let me ask you, why are you looking for this thing? Although the Shining Crystal contains a certain amount of energy inside, it is too little. It is like a light bulb to us, and it is not worth mentioning at all. In Tiancheng, this thing is used more as a decoration."

Li Rui smiled wryly: "I wonder if you mined everything in the solar system and then built this mirror."

That's right, this is what Li Rui was looking for.Moreover, this was purified by Angel Chasing.Looking at this purity, the raw ore is at least over a thousand tons.

However, in Li Rui's information, this kind of crystal ore is called Ao Neng crystal, divine power spar, not brilliant crystal.Anyway, it’s a kind of thing, you can call it whatever you like.

The reason why Li Rui was looking for this kind of crystal mine was because it could perfectly carry runes and exert their maximum power.Moreover, the Ao Neng crystal has excellent energy conduction ability, can carry a large amount of energy, and is an excellent conductor material.The Rainbow Bridge in Asgard in Marvel is built with Ao Neng crystal as the main material.

"Don't talk nonsense." The angel gave him a blank look, and then waved his hand: "If you want, I will give it to you. There are quite a few gold stars in this thing. If these are not enough, I will tell you the coordinates. You Go digging."

Li Rui was also not polite to her, he directly said thank you, and put away this precious mirror.

Seeing his tricks, Angel Zhui couldn't help but shine brightly in his eyes.

Li Rui didn't care, instead he asked, "How, did you see anything?"

Angel Zhui shook his head, not caring at all that his little actions were discovered, and replied: "I still don't understand."

Li Rui knew what she meant.With the dark matter analyzer, he realized how unreasonable the space gem is.After all, wormholes exist naturally, while space gems open the door directly by themselves. The difference between the two is simply two levels.

Not to mention that Li Rui also developed a new use for space gems - subspace folding, which cannot be explained by mere wormholes at all.

With such means, it is no wonder that the angels will notice him.

"Anyway, thank you this time. The earth still needs me, so I won't talk to Miss Angel any more."

Angel Chau nodded, saw Li Rui open the space door, and suddenly asked again: "Are you really unwilling to accept the angel's protection?"

Li Rui paused, and replied: "I still say the same thing. We never sacrifice the future for the peace of the present..."

(End of this chapter)

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