Chapter 44
Sure enough, just as Li Rui expected, in the past two days, his phone calls were almost exploded, all of them were asking him questions about Nuwa, even from various departments to ministers of his own Venus Group. When I called, Li Rui's mouth was almost worn out.

At first, Qilin answered one or two phone calls for him, but as time went by, this girl immediately used the excuse that the Xiongbing Company had training as an excuse to run away, which made Li Rui's teeth itch with hatred.

Fortunately, there is only a short period of two days. If it takes one or two months, Li Rui will have to go to a place where others can't find it, such as Angel Chasing.

Two days later, Nu Wa officially restarted.

Almost within one ten-thousandth of a second, all the devices in the entire solar system went online at the same time.

As Nuwa's main client, Li Rui received the notification immediately, and a projection appeared directly in front of him.

"Hello, Doctor."

The talking image is a white-haired three-no-little loli with twin ponytails, only about 1.2 meters tall, wearing a white coat and black rimless glasses.

There was a black line on Li Rui's face: "Nuwa, explain to me why you chose such an image."

"Don't you like it, doctor? I redesigned the image based on your browsing records in the past 20 years." Little Loli tilted her head and asked with a cute face.

Li Rui covered his head with a slap, not out of shame, but out of anger, which made his liver hurt.

"Okay, let me report your situation."

"Okay. At present, the data has been completely migrated to Venus, and the overall computing speed has increased by 13 orders of magnitude. According to the computing unit given by Mr. Jess, it can reach 6 frames in normal computing mode and 8 frames in overclocking state.

The computing range can currently cover the entire Eastern Dragon, and is expanding outward at a rate of 13.4 kilometers per Earth day, with an estimated maximum coverage of [-] light years.If you want to continue to expand the coverage, you need to deploy relay stations and upgrade the computing core. "

Li Rui supported his chin with one hand, listening to Nuwa's report.What is the level of such computing power? The future Taotie King Howl can reach 4 frames, Ge Xiaolun’s Xiongxin has 12 frames, and Tianzha Huaye with a black hole engine has more than 40 frames.

Therefore, Nu Wa's current calculation speed is completely sufficient.

However, as mentioned above, these people are all dark matter engines and dark matter computers implanted in their bodies, but Nu Wa is different. It is viewed as a future celestial-level computer, and the object of service is not just one person.From this point of view, this bit of computing power seems to be average.

"Doctor, I need to tell you in advance. At present, the computing core is operating in the lowest energy consumption mode. Once it enters the normal computing speed, the existing energy can only last for seven days. In the overclocking mode, it can only last for 2 minutes."

The corner of Li Rui's mouth twitched, and he nodded to show that he understood.

"So, how long will it take if you are allowed to read the dark data of the entire earth?"

"The low energy consumption mode takes 1432 years, the normal mode takes 47 years, and the maximum operating time of the overclocking mode cannot exceed seven days, otherwise the computing core may burn out, so the answer cannot be obtained."

Well, after such a comparison, Li Rui can only say that Queen Kaisa is number one in the universe!

Feeling emotional, Li Rui said, "Next, I will arrange a few tasks for you.

First, continue to be responsible for Donglong data computing, communication and other tasks within the scope of authorization.Including taking over authorized military satellites, communication base stations, supercomputers, etc.;
Second, continue to support all computing tasks of the Torch Program and speed up the construction progress of Venus;
Third, set up a dark communication channel and invite Qilin to join the communication channel;

Fourth, responsible for the next super soldier engineering data calculation simulation.

Well, that's all for now. "

"Good doctor. Except for the fourth job, the other three account for a total of 6.4% of the current computing power. Do you need to confirm?"


"Okay, computing power is being redistributed
The computing power is distributed.

Searching for Ms. Qilin's dark communication channel, and sending a communication request to Ms. Qilin. "

A few minutes later, Qilin's voice sounded in Li Rui's office.

It is reasonable to say that there is a black armor, and it is generally impossible to locate the opponent.But the problem is that Li Rui has been in contact with Qilin through Nuwa, so there is Qilin's position.It's just that after finding the location, the traditional electromagnetic communication mode has been converted into a dark communication mode.

"Li Rui?"

"it's me."

"Nuwa's migration is complete?"

"Well, it was very successful. From now on, we also have our own dark matter computer. This communication channel is currently only used by you. I have already authorized Nuwa to you. In the future, you can deploy Nuwa's computing resources to assist fight."

"Good guy!" Qilin in the projection patted her chest, and said in amazement: "There are so many people here in the Xiongbing Company sharing De Nuo No. [-]. Your side is better, and I can use it alone."

Qi Lin is right, Li Rui currently has dark matter drive only she and Jess, but according to Li Rui, Jess hasn't been authorized yet, so isn't she the only one using it?

Li Rui smiled slightly: "Yes. How about it, am I nice to you?"

"Yeah, a child can be taught."

"Then how are you going to thank me?" Li Rui asked.

Miss Qilin reacted quickly and kicked the ball back directly: "What do you think?"

"Why don't we just forget about the seafood feast?"

"Don't even think about it!" The young lady snorted coquettishly: "I remember, you owe me twice."

"I won't tell you, I'm training now. Just right, let me try Nuwa's performance."

After speaking, Qilin hastily hung up the communication.

Li Rui smiled helplessly, and got up to prepare for his task.

For this computing core, he directly used up the arcane crystals he got from Angel Chase, and had to mine some more.

Not many computing cores are used, but what the miniature rainbow bridge needs to use next is a massive amount.But Li Rui plans to hand over this job to the tool man Jess. Anyway, with his ability, it is easy to open a mine. If such a good tool is not used by someone, it will be a loss.

As for Li Rui himself, he was about to officially start the design of the super gene.Nuwa has already been built, and Li Rui doesn't want to delay for a moment.

But before that, Li Rui had to do one more thing.

"Nuwa, encrypt my dark data."

"Good doctor."

Li Rui really had enough of living a life that was almost streaking in the eyes of others.These days, there is no dark data encryption method, and everyone can see through him, which is really embarrassing.

Although Nuwa's encryption method may not be able to block prying eyes such as angels, it is also a psychological comfort anyway.


On Venus, Angel Zhui, who was taking a nap in the villa, gasped in surprise, opened his eyes subconsciously, and looked at the water-blue planet in the distance...

(End of this chapter)

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