Chapter 54
The night in the mountains came quickly, and within ten minutes after entering the mountains, the sun was gone.Without light, a gust of mountain wind blows, and a faint mist rises from nowhere, making the whole forest feel gloomy. If you are a little timid, you may be scared out of something. .

A group of people carefully stepped on the thick leaves under their feet to search the depths of the mountain forest. After all, the opponent this time was the Monkey King, so they couldn't be too careful.

The last battle between Monkey King and Morgana, in order to keep it secret and not to put too much pressure on the undeveloped heroes so that their mentality collapsed, Ducao did not show them. Only a few people knew that the earth was facing the battle at that time. what kind of crisis.

Therefore, when they learned that the opponent this time was Monkey King, everyone was very nervous, for fear that they would be accidentally crushed to death by the Great Sage.

Of course, Qiangwei, who is the captain, is not on the list, she knows the identity of Monkey King.But the news she got was that Sun Wukong had just woken up, and for some reason he jumped several provinces in a row, and seemed to be somewhat hostile towards Donglong.In view of Sun Wukong's status as the patron saint of the earth, Dukao sent a company of soldiers to communicate with Sun Wukong.

Look, Ducao didn't forget to trick his daughter at this time, no wonder the relationship between father and daughter is so stiff.

According to the information provided by the military, Sun Wukong is currently on top of a tower in Liangshan, and the purpose of the Xiongbing Company is to approach and surround the opponent without the opponent being able to find out.

With Qilin providing their vision, everyone closely monitored the movement on the top of the tower.

As the crowd got closer and closer to the top of the tower, their hearts gradually became uneasy.

"Won't Brother Hou find us?" Xin Zhao asked with some uncertainty.

"We are wearing dark metal armor, Sun Wukong won't notice us approaching." Qiangwei explained and calmed Xin Zhao's uneasy heart.

Not far away, Qilin was watching Sun Wukong's movements with a gun in her hand, and asked, "But isn't Monkey King the sharp eye?"

"The sharp eye is also the dark energy analyzer, which is useless."

"Then what is the 72 change?" Ge Xiaolun asked again.

"Fighting and defeating the Buddha Sun Wukong is a super soldier of Kamigawa Gene, and Lena's information shows that he does not have this ability."

Hearing Leina's name, Liu Chuang said angrily: "Leina's information, Leina's information, Leina knows everything, so why doesn't she come by herself!"

Apparently, Liu Chuang was very displeased with Leina's absence from the last military exercise and this operation twice in a row.

"Qiangwei, I think we'd better not rely too much on the concealment ability of the Dark Metal Armor. The last military exercise showed that the shielding ability of the Dark Alloy Armor still has loopholes, and Monkey King might not be able to find us. Maybe, at this time, he You are watching our joke." Qilin reminded.

Qiangwei was taken aback for a moment, she had indeed overlooked this.In the last military exercise, they were forced into embarrassment by the group of Shuguang soldiers searching with human power.


On the high tower, Sun Wukong couldn't help showing a smile: Oh, there are still children who understand.In this case, my grandson will accompany you to have fun!
Indeed, the dark metal armor can shield many detection methods, including dark energy analysis.But the problem is, they are all so close, are they really Sun Wukong blind?As for the analysis of these children's methods on his Monkey King, he just listened for fun.As for Lena's information, Sun Wukong just thought hehe, whatever she thinks is what she thinks.

Alright, the cold wind is almost blowing, it's time to get up and move around.



Before Qiangwei could adjust her strategy, there was a whistling in everyone's ears.

"Be careful!" Qi Lin, who was in charge of vision, quickly reminded.

But her reminder was still too late, or in other words, Monkey King was deliberately hiding it from her.The figure on the high tower still didn't move, while Sun Wukong separated out a clone, and launched an attack from the blind spot of Qilin's vision, and she didn't notice it until the attack was close at hand.

So Ge Xiaolun, who was unprepared, was pushed out by Brother Hou's stick.

The MT in the team hadn't played a role yet, so it was directly swept out.

Sun Wukong's speed was very fast, almost as soon as he knocked Ge Xiaolun into the air, he was already in the middle of the Xiongbing Company.

The team was in chaos immediately, and the most experienced Cheng Yaowen immediately stood up and wanted to organize a counterattack.But how could Sun Wukong let him do what he wanted, jump over in one go, and hit him with a stick.

Fortunately, Liu Chuang was already in front of Cheng Yaowen, so he raised his ax to stop him.

Although Liu Chuang's body is not as good as Ge Xiaolun's, he is still a god after all, and his foundation is there.He was swung out by Monkey King with a stick and hit the mountain wall.

Qi Lin, who was hiding, saw it and immediately shot her in the head.

Monkey King staggered, almost fell to the ground, and quickly stabilized his body.

"What's the situation, resisting the god-killing armor-piercing bullet!" Qi Lin was shocked when she saw this scene, she evacuated from her original position in seconds without saying a word, and frantically moved to other places.

Almost the moment she left, the tree she was hiding in just now was smashed open by a stick, and it became rotten wood in an instant.

"Lord Xin, protect Qilin!" Cheng Yaowen saw that his ADC was being bullied, so he quickly called out to Xin Zhao.

At the same time, Qilin connected to Nuwa while running: "Nuwa will capture Monkey King's trajectory for me and calculate his landing point."

"Everyone spread out the formation, don't act rashly."

At this moment, Qiangwei's words almost prevented Qi Lin from bumping into a tree.

"Are you kidding me!" Qilin snapped angrily, "He's attacking us!"

"Monkey King is not an enemy, everyone calm down!" Qiangwei emphasized loudly, trying to appease Monkey King.

"Nonsense!" Qi Lin sneered: "As long as we attack us, we are the enemy. Even if we retreat ten thousand steps, if there is any misunderstanding, we have to beat him to his knees!"

While speaking, Qilin had already predicted Monkey King's next landing point based on Nuwa's calculation.She jumped up in the air, turned around in the air, and pulled the trigger without even aiming.

bang bang bang...

Three shots in a row, followed by the switch to the third mode in seconds before landing. With the energy gathering in just a few breaths, a scorching light shot out.

After finishing all this, Qilin just landed on the ground.As soon as the feet hit the ground, after a little cushioning, they jumped up again and quickly shifted their positions.

"Yaowen, Liu Chuang is ready to relay!"

Over there, Sun Wukong, who was about to launch a second attack on Cheng Yaowen, was hit by three god-killing armor-piercing bullets just as he took off, one of which was a direct headshot.

In an instant, Sun Wukong was briefly absent-minded.

At this time, the beam of high-energy particles followed closely and directly bombarded the unprepared Monkey King.


In an instant, there was an earth-shattering explosion, and Monkey King was blown away directly.

Cheng Yaowen, who was notified and prepared, let out a big sigh, and a giant rock hand rose from the ground, and pinched the monkey in the air in his hand.

"Kneel down and sing Conquer for Grandpa!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chuang let out a bang, and a large pitch-black ax fell from the sky, and a classic Noxian guillotine split the giant rock hand in half from top to bottom.

Along with it, there is Monkey King who is tightly held in it...

(End of this chapter)

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