Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 62 New 1st Generation Super Gene

Chapter 62 A New Generation of Super Genes
Facing hundreds of expectant eyes, He Chenguang slowly walked out of the training cabin.He's feeling amazing right now, a spirit like never before.

In the past, when training and performing tasks, it was inevitable that many hidden injuries would be left on the body due to high-intensity training or performing tasks. These injuries are not easy to heal even with modern medicine, resulting in a decline in his physical fitness, no matter what he does. It feels heavy.But now, he only felt that his body was more relaxed than ever, and his body seemed to have an inexhaustible force that could not wait to burst out.

Not to mention He Chenguang's novelty, not far from him, Li Rui was observing his data with insightful eyes.

"Breaking through the limit of the human body's lifespan, it can theoretically exceed a thousand years, reaching an astonishing 1300 years;

The degree of brain development is 24%, and the ability to accept knowledge and process information has surpassed the limit of human beings.Not only that, the sensitivity of the five senses has been greatly improved, and subtle changes in the environment can be discovered more quickly;

The body density is 6.4 times that of ordinary people, and various physical indicators such as strength, speed, endurance, and explosive power have been greatly improved.The physical body alone can be immune to bullets, grenades and other light weapons damage, and the resistance to heavy fire weapons is also greatly improved;

The limit frequency of the heartbeat is 343 times per minute, the activity of the lungs exceeds the limit of the human body, the physical activity is greatly improved under normal conditions, and the limit burst has also been significantly broken through;

The core temperature of the body is as high as 67 degrees, the adaptability is stronger, and it can resist most cosmic rays. As long as there is sufficient oxygen, it can survive in the space environment;
Some of these data are higher than Qilin's.It seems that it was successful. "

For a new super soldier like He Chenguang, he didn't have the awareness and ability to protect dark data at all, so it was easy for Li Rui to read it all over.

These are just the written data, I believe He Chenguang's actual performance will be more satisfactory.


The next day, Qilin was transferred back from Xiongbing Company by Li Rui to test He Chenguang.The test site is an abandoned factory in the suburbs, covering a large area, enough for two people to toss.

Before the test started, Li Rui temporarily banned Qi Lin's permission to connect with Nuwa, and only allowed the two to fight with their own abilities.

In order to give He Chenguang an advantage, Li Rui even showed him Qilin's previous battle video.

When everything was ready, He Chenguang entered the testing area half an hour before Qilin.

In the director's room, a group of bigwigs sat around in front of the holographic projection, watching the performance of the two.

He Chenguang was originally a special warfare elite trained by the military, with a high level of combat quality. As soon as he entered the test site, he went straight to the commanding heights of the entire factory.

He is a sniper, and occupying a favorable position is the first thought in his mind.But when he ran to the chimney, he stopped suddenly, turned around and ran to another factory building.

"Heh, this kid has a bit of a brain." Li Rui couldn't help chuckling when he saw this scene.

If it is a conventional battle, then He Chenguang's idea is not a problem at all. Places like chimneys are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and have a wide field of vision, which is very suitable for snipers.But now he was facing a super soldier like Qilin. If he really hid on the chimney, he would only be greeted with a headshot.

In the end, He Chenguang ran to the front of the workshop, squatted down slightly, and then jumped up.In an instant, he jumped directly onto the factory building which was more than ten meters high, and got in through the window.Finally, he hid in a corner of the factory building.It was enough to observe most of the factory area, and at the same time, it was concealed enough for him to kill with one hit.

Half an hour later, Qilin took a helicopter and entered the sky above the factory building.She didn't enter the factory area immediately, but hovered at high altitude.

"What is Qilin doing?" Uncle Huang looked at Li Rui in confusion.

Li Rui smiled and explained: "Uncle Huang, I temporarily cut off the connection between Qilin and Nuwa, so she is building a data model of the combat area so that we can accurately locate the enemy and us in the next battle .

At the same time, Qilin's super gene endowed her with powerful sensory abilities.On a complex battlefield, she can even clearly recognize the sound of artillery fire ten kilometers away.So, while building the data model, she was also searching for Major Ho's location.At this time, Major He will be discovered by her whenever there is any trouble. "

Lena nodded, and added: "Yes. And this group of Xiongbinglian is not the same as ordinary super soldiers. They all have dark plane gene engines and have stronger computing power. If I were Major He, At this time, they will not move. After all, the two of them are too close together, and Major He only has a simple set of dark alloy leather armor, which is several generations behind the equipment in Qilin's hands, which is a disadvantage."

After the two said this, Uncle Huang understood.

Sometimes this is the case with high-tech wars. Experts can see the tricks, but laymen can only watch the fun.

For example, when Qilin established the data model of the combat area at this time, Lena and Li Rui, two beings with dark perspectives, paid more attention to the speed and method of Qilin's data model construction, as well as the corresponding effects.

Through these data, they can easily deduce the outcome of this battle.

After a while, Li Rui and Leina looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes: Qilin will win this battle.

In the picture, Qilin suddenly jumped off the helicopter.You must know that the height of the helicopter is still maintained at about [-] meters at this time, but Qilin just jumped directly without any protective measures.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would have to be scared out of their wits.But everyone present knew the power of super fighters, so they were just amazed.

But this scene fell in the eyes of He Chenguang in the factory, and he couldn't help it: "Damn it! This is a super soldier, so awesome?"

However, the next moment, he saw Qilin raise the gun through the scope, and without thinking about it, he quickly rolled over.

Almost at the moment when he left, a bullet pierced through the two reinforced concrete load-bearing columns of the factory building and the three steel structure supporting beams. The roof disappeared into the air.

This time, cold sweat came down He Chenguang's forehead.

This penetrating power...

The pupils of He Chenguang's eyes shrank, and he was shocked but also a little excited.

During this period of time, the major military regions have been promoting the Torch Project, and all major arms, including their troops, have been equipped with a large amount of new equipment.For example, the sniper rifle in his hand at this time, the Hunting 1 high-precision sniper rifle, uses electromagnetic propulsion, 7.62mm tungsten alloy bullets, a capacity of 12 rounds, an effective range of 3.48km, and a maximum range of 4.2km.This is completely different from the 95 sniper he used before, and there is no comparison at all.

Since getting this gun, it has almost become He Chenguang's lifeblood.

But now there is no need to compare, just looking at the penetrating power of the bullet fired by the opponent, it is not comparable to the hunting in his hands.

He Chenguang understands that such a substantial jump in equipment performance represents a more powerful combat capability, and the requirements for the quality of combat personnel have also been greatly improved.Because he had seen the dawn fighters in the army, the weapons in their hands were much better than his.

Now, he once again encounters the use of this kind of weapon that is far beyond the level of conventional combat troops, which means that he will open the door to a new world.And how could this make him not excited?
"Come on!" He Chenguang murmured, got up quickly, and ran away without thinking.


Another bullet flew by his ear, and the burning sensation brought by the bullet at that moment completely ignited the fighting spirit in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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