Chapter 64 Dilemma
After this confrontation, everyone present was full of confidence in the new generation of super genes.But the specific real feelings have to wait until the two parties come back to see.

More than an hour later, the two fighters who participated in the confrontation returned to the base by military plane.Although they are in a mess, they are in good spirits.

clap la la...

The moment the two walked in, the director's department immediately burst into applause, which lasted for a long time.People welcomed the return of the two soldiers in this way, and also expressed their inner excitement.

"Qi Lin, the sniper of the Xiongbing Company, reports to the leaders!"

"He Chenguang, the sniper of the Red Blood Cell Special Operations Team, reports to all the chiefs!"

"Not bad, very good." Huang Lao was extremely satisfied, and the smile on his face never disappeared: "I am very satisfied after seeing your performance, let's all sit down."


After the two were seated, Mr. Huang asked about their real feelings: "Through the confrontation just now, we have all seen the power of the new generation of super genes we independently developed. But for the specific real feelings, I still want to share with you two." Tell me in detail. You two, who will come first?"

He Chenguang stood up first: "Chief, I'll come first."

"Well, okay, let's start with you first."

"I am very touched by this confrontation. As you all know, I am a sniper, so I pay more attention to this aspect.

What touched me the most was that in this confrontation, I found that my various abilities in sniping had improved drastically.For example, the visual range has been greatly enhanced, data calculation, battlefield information capture and judgment capabilities have changed drastically, and so on.

For example, in previous battles, my sniper range was at most 1200 meters.But now, even without the aid of a scope, I can clearly observe the target 3 kilometers away.Moreover, in the past, the calculation of complex environments was the most troublesome thing in sniping.Not only is the calculation very complicated, and a slight error will affect the result, but also requires a special observer.But now I don’t need it anymore. For complex environments, such as the calculation of wind speed, temperature, humidity and other data, I don’t even need a second to complete the calculation, which greatly improves the combat efficiency.This was unthinkable before.

Secondly, my fighting ability has also undergone a radical change.I believe that the heads of state can also see the specifics, so I won't go into details. "

"Alas~~" Huang Lao waved his hand, and said happily: "I still have to talk about it. What we see is only your concrete performance, but I still need to talk about the changes in your heart during the battle. "

"Yes!" He Chenguang replied. Since there was a request from above, he naturally would not refuse: "At first I knew that my body had changed, but I didn't know exactly what the change was. I didn't have an accurate concept. Until I When I pinched the railing, I had some ideas. Later, after crashing that wall, I had enough confidence in myself."

"Haha, it seems that we still need to slowly strengthen the psychological construction of the soldiers." Huang Lao said with a big smile.

Afterwards, Elder Huang set his sights on Qi Lin: "Qi Lin, you are our veteran super soldier, what do you think of this new junior?"

Although it has only been more than a year since the super gene was activated, Qilin can indeed be regarded as a senior.

"Old Huang, you are too polite, you are not a senior." Qilin said modestly, then glanced at He Chenguang and said: "Major He's comprehensive abilities are very good, especially his melee ability It is more prominent. In fact, through the confrontation just now, I found that his strength, explosive power, etc. are a little bit stronger than mine. The reason why he lost to me is because he has not yet familiarized himself with his situation, and he is a little afraid of hands in the battle. Afraid of feet.

Of course, there are still some shortcomings.He is not decisive enough to fight, and he is not confident enough in close combat, which greatly limits his combat power.The way of fighting is still stuck to the pattern of the previous conventional combat troops, as if the place he chose to ambush at first is very inappropriate, and that kind of bunker is not enough to hold my bullets.

Secondly, during this battle, Dr. Li gave him the authority to link to Nuwa, but he didn't use it during the whole process. He relied entirely on his combat experience and battlefield intuition, and obviously didn't have this awareness yet.

So my suggestion is to strengthen the later training, learn the knowledge that super fighters need to master, and let him understand the completely different combat mode of super fighters as soon as possible. "

These were all discovered by Qilin during the confrontation, and she also kept her hand during the battle. If the combat mode of the Xiongbing Company was really followed, the moment He Chenguang was exposed, he would have been able to declare coolness.The Kamigawa sniper's ability to fight beyond visual range is not limited to what he just showed. If he is serious, he can't dodge at all.

This was because Li Rui told Qilin to keep quiet before the confrontation started. After all, the protagonist of this confrontation was He Chenguang, not Qilin.

Huang Lao nodded: "A very pertinent answer. Xiao Rui, what do you think? Is there anything else to add?"

Li Rui took a look at the two people, and then said: "What Qilin said is what I want to say, but I can understand that Major He has just activated the super gene after all, and it will take a while to get used to it. Not much to say, it can be improved through later training. As a scientific researcher, let me talk about this gene.

As Torch's first real super soldier gene, the ability of this gene is actually more balanced.In order to adapt our super soldiers to more complex combat environments, we made changes to the capabilities of the Kamigawa Sniper.

After the change, this super gene still has good dynamic vision, equipped with corresponding weapons, and its combat distance can still reach five kilometers, which can meet the future combat mode.As the price of weakening the Kamigawa sniper's beyond-the-horizon combat capability, this super gene has more improvements in physical fitness and defense capabilities, which brings relatively excellent melee combat capabilities to this gene. "

"Doctor, do you mean that my combat radius can reach five kilometers?" He Chenguang asked a little dumbfounded.

"Well." Li Rui nodded and said with a smile: "With the later development, it is not difficult to do this at all. If the individual is good enough, it is not impossible to further increase the combat radius beyond five kilometers."

The reason why he made such a change to the Shenhe sniper super gene was that Li Rui considered that Donglong's current operations mainly relied on firearms.In addition, there are also many snipers on the side of the demons. With the corresponding wormhole combat ability, they have made such a change.

Although the earth currently does not have the corresponding wormhole technology, it is more than enough to organize a certain scale of firearms combat troops to suppress gluttony and the like in war.

He Chenguang stopped talking. He originally thought that his talent in the field of sniping was not bad, even if he was transformed into a super soldier, he would not be weaker than others, but now it seems that he is still too young.

"Not bad. Very good." Huang Lao said with a smile, he was really satisfied with the result.Although the higher-ups have never expressed their attitude, how could they not be envious of super fighters like the Xiongbing Company.Now, Donglong finally has his own super fighter, although it is still not comparable to Xiongbinglian, but this is just the beginning, isn't it?How excited the Supreme Command should have been when they heard the news.

Thinking of this, Uncle Huang looked at Li Rui with even more satisfaction: "Xiao Rui, then I will apply to the higher authorities, and I will leave the subsequent production to you."

Upon hearing this, Li Rui's expression changed immediately, and he said quickly, "Uncle Huang, this..."

"Why, is there any difficulty?" Uncle Huang looked at him eagerly, and at the same time made up his mind that no matter what the difficulty was, he would definitely apply to the Supreme Command to provide the Torch with the greatest support.

Li Rui sighed: "Uncle Huang, with our current resource reserves, we can produce at most thirty super soldier gene serums."

"Thirty?" Uncle Huang was taken aback, "How come there are so few?"

Li Rui rubbed his forehead with a headache: "Although I have established 43 resource collection points in space, with the current production capacity, I can only support the activation and later training of a maximum of 30 super fighters."

Uncle Huang frowned. Although he knew that super soldiers are big energy consumers, he didn't expect to be so exaggerated.We must know that the resources pouring into the earth every month are equivalent to at least one and a half aircraft carrier formations in terms of value alone.Now that the resource gap is so big, it is a troublesome thing.

After thinking for a while, Uncle Huang asked: "What if we invest more manpower and increase production capacity?"

"This..." Li Rui hesitated for a moment, and replied: "It's not easy to achieve. The environment of many resource collection sites is very harsh, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive. At least they have to be injected with Shuguang Potion and equipped with life support devices to survive." Stay here. This is still short-term, if you want to mine for a long time, you have to build a base."

Some resource collection points are threatened by high temperature, low temperature, cosmic rays, storms, meteorites, etc., and it is simply unrealistic to increase manpower alone.And once it involves establishing a base, it will be troublesome, and it won't be solved in a while.

Uncle Huang gave a wry smile and didn't know how to answer.

"Uncle Huang, how about this, our Lieyang can provide you with 500 places, and I, Lieyang, can cover all their needs. How about it?" At this moment, Leina spoke up and proposed a heart-warming Views.

Uncle Huang was taken aback for a moment, looked at Li Rui, and asked if he could accept it.

Li Rui raised his eyebrows. When he crossed, Lieyang Heavenly Dao hadn't been officially released yet. He only watched the trailer and knew that Lieyang had plans for the earth, but he didn't know exactly what it was.

Now, Reina suddenly raised such an opinion, which made it difficult for him to decide.

Lena seemed to see that both of them were worried, so she said directly: "Don't worry, this goddess gave this part of the resources to you in the name of the individual, and it is entirely based on the known good and orderly civilization of the universe against evil. Friendship. Of course, I am also optimistic about your future, so let's make friends."

Although Leina spoke to them, her gaze never left Li Rui.

Li Rui immediately understood that Leina was showing her favor.

After a brief moment of silence, he replied: "In this case, I would like to thank Goddess Lena. The earth will never forget Lieyang's help, and of course, so will I..."

Hearing what Li Rui said, Leina couldn't help but smile: Talking to smart people saves effort...

(End of this chapter)

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