Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 69 Heavenly Tribulation Comes

Chapter 69 Heavenly Tribulation Comes
Qinling Base, Chief Engineer's Office...

Qilin raised her head and stretched her neck.After watching the class for several hours, I kept my head down and my neck was almost stiff.

"I didn't see it, Ajie still has the potential to be a teacher." Qilin sighed while moving.

"Anyway, he is a person from the Super Seminary. He has been with so many top scholars in the universe. He has never eaten pork and has seen pigs run away. It is only natural to have such a level. Otherwise, why would I bring him here as a pawn? researcher."

Li Rui said without raising his head.

On the desktop in front of him, the image of Venus was projected, and some red parts were marked in it.With Li Rui's control, the red parts were enlarged one by one, showing various types of weapons, with corresponding parameters marked beside them.

"It's obviously a good thing, but why did you say it so badly? It's just that Ajie is not here, otherwise I have to find you desperately." Qilin couldn't help complaining, and then changed her tone and asked: "But those people Ajie just said weapon, did you hear that?"

Li Rui knew what this girl was up to as soon as he heard it, and he didn't pretend to be a fool, and replied directly: "Your new equipment has been manufactured and will be shipped tomorrow. Because it uses new runes and seals and new types of equipment. Made of polymer materials, the total weight of the new armor is only 13 kg, which is not only lighter, but also greatly increases flexibility, and can also provide you with more protection.

In addition, the firearms have also been upgraded to version 2.0, which also adopts new rune technology, which makes the bullets more penetrating. The combat radius of the sniper mode has also reached 20 kilometers, which is enough for you to use.Also, I have added a concentrated rune to your gun, and the original triple shooting mode has also been changed to single shooting. The whole gun is lighter and has better performance.You need to get familiar with it as soon as possible. "

Qilin's eyes lit up instantly, wishing she could see her new weapon right away.

At this time, Li Rui raised his head, put away the projection of the Venus Star with a wave of his hand, and said, "Nuwa, send the modification plan of the Venus Star's fire control system to Mr. No problem, just arrange it like this."

"Okay, doctor."

Seeing that Li Rui was done, Qilin brought up another topic: "Is that rune literature your new course?"

"Well, the last time Mr. Tang asked me about runes, I thought that a sheep can be herded, and a flock of sheep can be chased, so I simply compiled a course. The relevant courses have been uploaded to the public channel. As long as You can download and learn through authorization authentication."

"Oh, let me see." Qilin quickly connected to Nuwa, looking for relevant information.

Soon, she found it.After clicking on it, Nuwa's projection appeared in front of her.

"Runes are the energy-driven method newly discovered by Dr. Li. Different from the previous energy-driven methods, this method is simpler, more direct, and has a greater energy utilization rate. It can be foreseen that it will be one of the main development directions in the future.

We will study this course from the following aspects.

[-]. What is a rune
[-]. Runes and Dark Matter Drivers

[-]. Runes and genes
[-]. Runes and Manufacturing

[-]. Other uses of runes

[-]. Future development

Do you want to start studying Chapter 1? "

Qilin didn't delay, and directly opened Chapter 1, and asked while watching: "By the way, aren't you designing a super gene for yourself? How is the progress?"

"The pre-compilation has been completed, and it has entered the manufacturing stage. It will be ready for injection in a week or two."

"Is the manufacturing cycle so long?"

Qilin looked at Li Rui in surprise.But she remembered that the Tianjian super gene only took a few days to make, and the production time of this gene has doubled several times.In fact, how did she know that the gene serum had been manufactured as early as a month ago, and the current molecular rearrangement instrument, that is, the equipment, has not stopped working, and has always been running at full power.

"Well. If nothing else, some parameters of this gene can reach the level of a god."

"God?" Qilin covered her mouth in surprise, "My God, you can make gods!"

After studying for so long, she certainly knows the weight of the word "creating gods".Once a certain civilization has mastered the god-making technology, it means that it will enter the ranks of the top civilizations in the universe.

Li Rui shook his head: "It's just that the hardness can reach the level of a god's body, which is far behind the real god."

As Ajie said, the combat power of a super soldier is divided into many parts, let alone a god.His simplified version of the Odin gene only includes the divine body part and does not include other configurations.Even so, the divine body is still a weakened version, and there is no comparison with a real god-level fighter.

"That's amazing. I'm getting more and more confident about our future."

Li Rui smiled slightly, so why isn't he?
While talking, Nuwa suddenly reminded that Ducao had sent a communication.

"Xiao Rui, something happened!"

As soon as the communication was connected, Ducao said something solemnly.


Devil One...

Morgana sat on her throne, propped her chin with one hand, and looked at the little girl in a white coat in front of her—Nu Wa.

What Nuwa is explaining is exactly the content of the runes that Qilin watched.Unlike Qilin's viewing progress, the course here is nearing the end.

Atuo stood next to Morgana with a serious face, listening to the class quietly.

"Queen, this earth scientist is really amazing. He even created a new technology like runes by himself."

"Nonsense, the person I like in your queen is so talented? It's a pity, the resources at hand of this child are still too limited, otherwise he can complete the god-making project by himself." Morgana regretfully turned off the queen. Wa's projection: "Also, you still haven't seen the true meaning of this technology."

Speaking of this, Morgana got up and stretched, and said solemnly: "The real significance of this technology is that it breaks the dark matter-driven methods of all god-making civilizations since the Kamigawa civilization, and shows us A path of god-making that has never been seen before."

Ato was taken aback: "Queen, since it is so important, do we need to arrange researchers to conduct research?"

Morgana waved her hand: "It's not necessary. Find out, just choose what is useful to us. We have our specialization direction, and there is no need to give up our advantages."

"Yes, Queen. Then, where is Li Rui..."

Morgana thought for a while, and said: "The child's dark data encryption method is too simple, let's put a lock on it, and I will be the queen and I will get paid for his achievements. Although we demons don't use it very much. Son, but no matter how you say it, it is also the talent that your queen and I like, and the scientific research results cannot be used for nothing."

"Alright queen, I'll arrange for someone to add another encryption program to his supercomputer."

"Well, let's go."

Morgana waved her hand, signaling Atuo to do it.But at this moment, a demon suddenly walked over.

"Queen, Taotie's advance team has entered the Chiwu star system, and has already passed Uranus, and will enter the earth in half an earth day."

"Damn!" Morgana swears, and said with great interest: "Are these unlucky kids so impatient? What configuration?"

"Three vanguard flagships, with a full formation configuration. Looking at their routes, one team should be used as a reserve team, and the other two teams should be sent to Donglong and White Eagle respectively."

Morgana heard the words, and looked sideways at Atuo who was standing in front of her: "What is the configuration of Taotie's full formation?"

"A vanguard flagship is equipped with four firepower ships, two support ships, and each firepower ship and support ship is equipped with two frigates.

Among them, the Pioneer flagship is equipped with a star barrier, which is driven by star energy, and it is difficult for earth technology to break through.The vanguard flagship is mainly responsible for command and annihilation tasks. It is equipped with 30 command personnel and can carry 2000 individual soldiers.The firepower ship is mainly responsible for fire support and is operated by 12 people. The firepower of the support ship is slightly weaker, but it mainly carries gluttonous combat soldiers, and each ship can carry 3000 people.The frigate is responsible for carrying out escort missions, controlled by 8 Taotie, and each frigate can carry 500 combat soldiers. "

For Atuo, the number one general under Morgana, all this knowledge must be understood, in case the queen will ask questions when.

After answering, Ato casually asked Morgana's opinion: "Queen, do we need to intervene?"

"What kind of meddling is it, just watch the show." Morgana said with great interest, "Queen, I would like to see how the earth will deal with Tao Tie and these unlucky children."


At the same time, Venus, the angel followed the menacing fleet with worried expressions in his eyes.

"Child, you said how good you promised the angel's protection. Now, the catastrophe is coming..."

(End of this chapter)

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