Super God I have countless scholar templates

Chapter 77 The Battle of Tianhe

Chapter 77 The Battle of Tianhe ([-])

Far above the Juxia in the southern waters, Lena who rushed into the command hall couldn't be more upset. This is also the earth, not their Lieyang, and he, the Lieyang Lord God, can't be the master of the earth.

Helpless, Lena could only watch the development of the battlefield situation helplessly in the command hall.Not long after she came here, Sun Wukong also came to command the hall, with the same purpose as hers, but it was a pity that he didn't achieve it.

In all fairness, Lena was surprised when the Heavenly Sword team inserted into the battlefield and caused chaos in the previous 10 minutes.It's just a generation of super fighters. Facing a top aerospace civilization like Taotie, they can disrupt the rhythm of Taotie's attack, which is already very good.Unfortunately, the number of people is still too small to form a decisive advantage.

Then, the Dawn Brigade came on stage.

Di Leina finds it inconceivable that these fighters have achieved such an overwhelming advantage with equipment that is comparable to Taotie. Taotie is an old animal civilization in the Styx galaxy. It is extremely aggressive and somewhat stronger than Earth. Space-level civilizations have all fallen under the guns of Taotie, but they have suffered such a big loss on Earth.

Even those gluttons were born either in battle, or on the way to prepare for battle.But facing the earth warriors, they were actually crushed without the advantage of equipment level.

This simply refreshed her three views of Lieyang Lord God. She now wonders, if these earth fighters are given the same configuration, can their Lieyang fighters beat it?

However, 10 minutes after the Dawn Brigade appeared on the stage, the situation on each battlefield changed one after another. The Taotie's offensive was completely contained, and the two sides entered a stalemate.

"General Ducao, this is the Supreme Command. In view of the fact that the situation of the enemy and us on the battlefield in Tianhe City has changed, we are now ordering the army company to rush into the battlefield and annihilate the enemy warships."

At this moment, a projection of a general in military uniform appeared in the command hall.He is the general of the Supreme Command, Lu Mingde, the commander-in-chief of the Tianhe Battle.

On the battlefield, the Shuguang Squadron had restrained Taotie's troops, leaving them no time to care about others. This is the best time for the Xiongbing Company to destroy the battleship.

"Yes!" "I'll arrange for them to leave now." Dukao, who couldn't wait for a long time, agreed immediately.

"No need, Dr. Li is ready, you go to contact him and let him be responsible for sending the Xiongbing Company into the battlefield."

When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, Li Rui's projection also appeared in the command hall before the two of them finished talking.

"General Lu." Li Rui greeted the general.

Lu Mingde nodded in response: "Dr. Li, it's just in time for you to arrive. The Xiongbing Company needs you here."

"That's why I came here." Li Rui replied, looking at Dukao: "Old Du, it's time for the Xiongbinglian to play."

This war has gone to this point, if the Xiongbinglian does not play again, they will not even have a mouthful of soup.

Lena and Sun Wukong on the side immediately turned around and planned to gather with the team members.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Rui saw the two of them and said directly: "Great Sage, Goddess Leina, time is running out, you two don't have to go back. Please rest assured, I will send your teammates directly into the Tianhe Battlefield, you guys should hurry over here too, everyone from the Xiongbing Company will meet up at Tianhe Battlefield. The gluttonous warships above Tianhe City, please everyone."

With such a sharp weapon as the space door, it is impossible for Li Rui to let the Xiongbing Company enter the battlefield by plane like in the original book.Good guy, helicopters are a target for Taotie. You can see how Xiong Binglian loses when he leaps through the gunpowder in the original novel.

Reina stopped in her tracks: "Are you sure? I am the light of the sun, can you carry it?"

Qiangwei can't even do it, but with Li Rui's configuration, where does he get the confidence?
"Don't worry, since I told you to stay on the Juxia, I naturally have my own self-confidence. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. If the gluttonous warship reacts, the advantage we have gained so hard will be wiped out! Please set off as soon as possible! Li Rui didn't give Leina any face, and said bluntly, and at the same time directly opened a space door in the command hall, signaling them to go in.

Reina looked skeptical, and stood in place, hesitating.

At this moment, Monkey King jumped out directly: "I don't even know what time the mother-in-law looks like!"

The relationship between him and Lie Yang is not very good, and he has no intention of spoiling her.

Before finishing speaking, he rushed in directly.

After seeing Sun Wukong go in, the blue particle cloud in front of her eyes was still stable, Lena gritted her teeth and walked in.


For Lena, this feeling is magical.Almost instantly, she passed through the space door and appeared on a chaotic street.

"Hurry up!"

"Where's the artillery! Call for artillery support!"

The roar of soldiers on the ground not far away woke her up.

Looking up at the gluttonous fleet covering the sky, Leina couldn't help being extremely surprised: "Damn, I really sent the goddess here! What kind of black technology is this!"

Angel Chase who was connected to Li Rui and Morgana who was always paying attention to the battlefield were also taken aback and had to reassess the importance of Li Rui.

After a while, all members of the Xiongbing Company appeared around Reina.

With the closing of the space door of Xiongbing Company, Li Rui's battlefield projection officially ended.


"My God, I think I've paid enough attention to you, but now it seems that I still underestimate you." Angel Chase, who had done all this, couldn't help exclaiming.

As far as Li Rui's ability is shown, as long as he gets a powerful enough supercomputer, he alone can decide the outcome of the battlefield.If he is replaced with a divine body and equipped enough, it may be enough to become a king-level existence in a blink of an eye.

Thinking of this, Angel Chasing was taken aback by his own thoughts.

Li Rui smiled and rubbed his aching forehead: "How about it, is there any gain from connecting my dark data this time?"

The angel chased him and gave him a blank stare: "What do you think of me, I didn't hack into your dark data, I just processed the data sent by your toy and passed it to you."

It's a pity that no one can see this beautiful white eye.After all, a place like Venus is far away from the earth.

"Well, I believe you."

"Believe me so easily this time?"

Angel Chasing was very surprised by Li Rui's answer. Judging from his past performance, this child is very wary of other civilizations, and their angels are no exception, and they are also on his alert list.

Li Rui didn't answer, but asked a question instead: "Can I call you Ah Zhui?"

Angel Zhui was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but laughed a little and said: "You are really rude, kid."

Those thousand-year-old angel sisters would call out to her when they saw her, but this earth kid in his twenties dared to be so bold.I really didn't see it!

"If it doesn't work, forget it."

"Okay, I don't mind."

"Okay. Ah Zhui, I recognize you as a friend. From now on in the known universe, I will cover you, Angel Chase! Anyone who dares to offend you, Angel Chase, will offend me! Believe me, I will let him Died peacefully."

Hearing this, Angel Chase, who was far away in Venus, couldn't help but chuckle, secretly thinking that this guy is not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue.

But why, seeing his serious tone, she couldn't help but want to believe it?
Shaking his head, Angel Chase felt that he must be crazy to believe the words of this earth child.


Li Rui, who is far away on the earth, naturally does not know what kind of impression his "speaking wild words" has brought to Angel Chase. At this time, he has a more important task.

The Xiongbing company has already entered the battlefield, so the battleship will be eliminated by them soon.Before Xiongbing Company took down Taotie's battleship, he needed to apply to the Supreme Command to get something from Taotie...

(End of this chapter)

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