Chapter 85

As soon as the angel chased back to his residence, he started the interstellar communication.

In the distant city of angels, Holy Kaisa is having a meeting with her high-ranking guardian angels in the palace hall to discuss how to conquer Morgana.

Ah Zhui's projection directly appeared in the hall.

"Oh? Ah Zhui?" The holy Kesha sitting on the throne cast a questioning look.

Didn't Ah Zhui this girl stay behind on Earth Star? Why did she remember to contact her?Could it be, what happened to the little earth star?
"Queen." Angel chased with one hand on her chest and saluted: "I found news about Morgana on Planet Earth. According to my inference, she has upgraded her divine body for four generations."

As soon as he said a word, the stone broke the sky.

The eyes of the high-ranking angels standing on both sides immediately showed shock, and even the two oldest angels, Angel Yan and Angel Leng, also changed their complexions slightly.

As demons are enemies, no one understands the weight of the three words Morgana better than angels.Now, Angel Chaser actually said that she has upgraded her divine body for four generations, which means that the threat posed by demons will rise in a straight line.

They were still discussing whether Morgana might upgrade to the fourth generation of divine body just now, but they didn't expect to get this terrible news now.

Holy Kaisa raised her hand, signaled her subordinates to be quiet, and then asked, "Tell me in detail."

Because Holy Kaisa knew that if Morgana had really upgraded to the fourth generation of divine body, it would be absolutely impossible for Ah Zhui to find her trace.So, how did Ah Zhui come to this conclusion?

"The queen is like this. The Taotie under the rule of the Styx civilization sent a vanguard fleet to invade the planet Earth. The people on Earth organized a resistance and repelled them only after paying a very high price."

"What does this have to do with Morgana?" asked one of the angels standing at the very front on the right.

This angel has a golden single ponytail and always has a proud temperament in his expression.

She is Angel Leng, the oldest angel among the front-line combat angels.

"Cold, don't worry, listen to Ah Zhui speak slowly." Holy Kaisa was not angry because someone interrupted.

"Yes, queen." Facing the holy Keisha, the angel's attitude was cold but extremely respectful.

"It is true that there is no connection between Morgana and Taotie's actions." Angel chased after answering the companion's question, and then continued: "During the resistance organized by the people on Earth, a scholar used some space means to evacuate the people on the battlefield. There are millions of civilians, but his own ability is not enough to support the corresponding calculations, so I helped him and gained his friendship."

Holy Kaisa was a little surprised. She knew who the scholar Ah Zhui was talking about, but she didn't expect that Ah Zhui would choose to intervene in the earth war.Although the earth has not joined the shelter of the justice order, the justice order allows the angels to show up to prevent unjust wars during their missions, even if the civilizations participating in the war have not joined the justice order.It's just that whether to choose to block it depends entirely on the personal judgment of the angel who performs the task.

If it is a younger angel, it may often choose to prevent such a war out of belief in justice and inner impulse.But Ah Zhui is no longer young. As the high-level guardian angel of her holy Kaisa, she has already passed the impulsive stage.Then her shot means that she herself recognizes the justice and kindness possessed by the invaded party, that is, the earth.

Holy Kaisa is very smart, and immediately heard the angel's purpose in chasing Li Rui, and asked: "So, Ah Chase got your news from that earth child?"

"Yes. According to him, Morgana herself recruited the Glutton before his invasion."

"Pfft." At this moment, the angel couldn't hold back the cold anymore, and said with a smile, "Ah Zhui, are you confused? I believe this kind of words. In a rural place like the earth, it is worthwhile to have any scholars." Gan Na personally came forward to recruit!"

Angel Yan, who was standing opposite her, shook his head, and said seriously: "No, if it is really the scholar I know, Morgana might really recruit her personally. After all, the technology in his hands is even stronger than that of King Tianji. Your Excellency has not cracked it yet."

"What? You're not kidding, are you?" Angel was stunned after a moment of coldness.

Who is Tianji King? It can be said that no battle angel on the front line knows better than her angel Leng.That is the founder of Merlot Heavenly Court, the greatest scholar in the known universe.

The high-level angels were also frightened, and couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

Holy Kaisa was a little speechless in her heart. Since when did this girl be so outspoken, jumping out of everything.Fortunately, all the high-level guardian angels present, these words have little effect, if it is placed outside, it will be troublesome for those little angels to question Hexi.

"Yes, Queen, I think his technology is more attractive to Morgana than I imagined. Because in this war, the scholar not only opened up to 241 wormholes in just half an hour, Completed the evacuation of more than 200 million people. Even with his own strength, he put the god-level fighters of the Sunshine, Fighting Victory Buddha, Galaxy Power, Nuoxing God of War, etc. into the battlefield at one time."

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell silent. All the angels, including Angel Yan and Angel Leng, stared at the projection of Angel Chase in dumbfounded, wondering if they had hallucinations.

Having said that, the angel looked at Holy Kaisha, and said with some hesitation: "I even suspect that he may have the ability..."

"Move me, right?" Holy Keisha said for her what she dared not say.

"Queen forgives."

Holy Keisha rubbed her forehead with some headaches: "Forgive me for any crimes, but it's just a reasonable inference. I thought I had already looked up to that little guy enough, but now it seems that there is another big trouble in the known universe."

"Queen, I went to judge him!" the angel said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, Holy Kaisa was stunned, almost unable to react.I used to know that this girl is a tiger, and her personality is a bit secondary, but I didn't expect such a tiger.

She looked at her little angel speechlessly: "What reason do you use to judge others? Did he violate justice and order?"

An embarrassing expression appeared on Angel's cold face, and he retreated embarrassingly.

"Cold, remember to think before you speak." Angel Yan teased.

The angel gave her a cold sideways glance: "You talk too much, I want you to take care of it!"

"Okay, okay." Holy Kaisa stopped the bickering between the two: "Let's stop here today, Morgana suddenly upgraded to the fourth generation of gods, which is undoubtedly bad news for us. But angels are never afraid Evil, even if it is the fourth generation of gods, as long as it inherits evil, it will still be doomed to perish!"

"For justice, do whatever you want!"


The angels were inspired by Holy Kaisa's words, but how did they know that Holy Kaisa went to find her friend Hexi again.

"Four generations of gods." The two sat on the lawn, and Hexi couldn't help but said after listening to Kesha's narration: "That pervert Karl is really willing to do this for her."

"When the two of them were in Tiancheng, Karl was interested in her, and you didn't know it. Besides, that pervert Karl has been trying to find a way to get rid of me. It's normal to cooperate with her."

"That's right." He Xi nodded, and then asked, "What are you going to do?"

Keisha didn't answer, but looked at the stream in front of her in a daze for a while.

After a long time, she suddenly asked again: "About that earth child, how is the calculation of the treasure house of knowledge?"

"The investment resources were limited before, and it was only a small-scale calculation, but the results of the data simulation have deviated from what happened in reality."

Holy Kaisa was silent for a moment, then said: "Let's invest more."

"What about the criteria for investing resources?"

"Just follow, Angel's future. Before I leave Tiancheng, try to calculate his future as much as possible."

He Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was silent for a long time before agreeing.

Angel's future may sound empty, but when translated, it is full calculation.Because it is known that what God of the universe pursues is the future, and angels are no exception.

And the highest standard full-power calculation like this is only run once, and that is to calculate the prince of the angel.At that time, the treasure house of sacred knowledge had been in operation for hundreds of years, and countless materials were invested. Even the number of stars used to maintain the calculation of the treasure house of knowledge exceeded tens of thousands of stars before a result was obtained.

"Indeed, the ability to instantly transfer so many gods is worth such an investment. Queen, I think it is necessary to ensure that the child is on the side of justice, at least not falling into evil. After all, Morgana has already appeared in person, and the known universe Few can resist her allure."

Kesha smiled wryly: "It's okay, Ah Zhui and that child have become friends, and even sent out the star map."


When He Xi, who had just picked up the teacup, heard this, he squeezed it subconsciously, and the teacup burst open.She turned her head to look at Kesha in a daze: "What is it?"

"Star map, the one from Angel Network."

"Good guy, I'm really willing. I remember that except for the location of the entrance to the dark plane of your sacred knowledge treasure house and the knowledge of the specific defense system of Melo's Heavenly Court, everything else that can be counted is marked on that star map. Bar?"

"No, Ah Zhui deleted other information, leaving only those related to resources."

"That's amazing, that's the accumulation of angels over the past 3 years. Tell me who you have taught, why are you so big?"

"Come on, it's not because you told Ah Zhui to keep an eye on that child first, which led to this result."

"Don't rely on me, how did I know that the little angel you taught is so honest! Good guy, just a piece of news, you sold the resource distribution map, why are your hands and feet so big!"

"Think about it, we don't give the star map, he will get it sooner or later. Don't forget that Lieyang has a main god on the earth. Once Pan Zhen finds out, in order to win over the child, they still have a mere star map. It’s worth it. At least we established a friendship with that child before them, and it’s not a free gift.”

"You're right, that child's future is full of light, and this is really nothing." He Xi just nodded, then stood up, turned around and left.

"Why are you going?"

"I'm going to do experiments and consume a lot of resources, or the more I think about it, the more I get angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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