Chapter 95 Strange Dreams

In the laboratory, the sound of the time chime sounded, reminding Li Rui that it was already two o'clock in the morning.Li Rui, who was working at his desk, looked up, and the virtual projection screen was automatically turned on, and there were many messages sent to him on it.

One of them came from Qilin, and the message came an hour ago: Nuwa told me that you are still up and go to bed early after work.

At the end of the message, there was an angry emoji.It's a two-dimensional headshot made by Qilin herself. She looks cute with her hands on her hips puffed up.

After reading her news, Li Rui couldn't help showing a warm smile, and then flipped through other messages.

In fact, Nuwa would identify important information by herself and report it to Li Rui.The reason for reconfirming it again is that he is afraid that there will be some omissions.

After looking through the information, it was already more than half an hour later.After finding out that they were all routine work reports, and there was nothing particularly important, Li Rui got up and walked to the bed.

"Nuwa, continue to run the simulation program, record the process, and wake me up if there is any result."

"Okay, doctor."

Considering that many scientific research projects are inseparable from people, many laboratories of the Torch Project are equipped with rest rooms. There are no complicated facilities inside, just a bed and a water dispenser.

After entering the lounge, Li Rui fell asleep and soon fell asleep.


This is a bustling world with tall buildings, anti-gravity cars passing through the buildings in the sky, and holographic projections playing various advertisements from time to time.

Li Rui, who just entered middle school, is flying home on a flying skateboard while video chatting with his classmates.On the other end of the communication was a young girl in a tight black leather jacket, Li Rui's deskmate Vivienne.

"Oh, don't you think the depravity that the teacher talked about today is very interesting?"

"It's okay. I'm more concerned about the transfer technology for dark matter that the teacher talked about. I heard that it's a new knowledge developed by the Queen."

"Tch, you really are the top student in our class. Three sentences are inseparable from technology. It's no wonder that Principal Ander specially applied for a technology scholarship for you."

"Where is it? I usually read a lot."

"By the way, are you free tomorrow? Accompany me to Midtown to see the statue of the Queen of Cold Ice. I heard that the Queen will give a speech there tomorrow."

"Didn't you say it was broadcast live globally, and it's the same for watching at home."

"I don't want it. Where can I have fun at home, and I can personally appreciate the Queen's demeanor!"

"Okay, okay, let's go. Don't talk, I'm going home."

Just as he was talking, a deafening sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Star Albert, colluding with the devil, violating justice and order, should be judged!"

The young Li Rui stopped and looked up into the sky.

I saw a graceful and luxurious woman sitting on the sky, looking down at this bustling planet.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but at this moment, Li Rui seemed to be looking directly into that woman's eyes. The arrogance and indifference in those eyes was so...disgusting.

who is she?What is justice?Why should we be judged?
At this moment, another projection appeared in the sky, and Li Rui recognized it as the Queen of Cold Ice.

"Holy Keisha you bitch!"

"Albert Star is indeed protected by me, but what did they do wrong? They are just pursuing a better future! You bitch can't wait to judge, what qualifications do you have to judge!"

Is that the Ice Queen?So beautiful, even speaking with such style.

The young Li Rui thought to himself.But for some reason, looking at such a scene, he always felt a little peaceful.

"When this planet colludes with you, the devil, it has already fallen. For the peace and stability of the known universe, the danger should be eliminated. No need to struggle, the great judgment is about to come!"

Li Rui didn't know why that strange woman said that, they obviously didn't do anything.

"Albert is beautiful, I will fight for her!!"

The Ice Queen really loves us!Queen, you must defeat that woman!

But the fact is not developing in the direction he thought. Although Queen Liangbing worked hard, she was still defeated.

As a result, golden light enveloped the entire sky, the bustling city disappeared in the earth-shattering explosion, and even the planet under its feet was penetrated and disintegrated continuously.


"Doctor, doctor?"


Li Rui opened his heavy eyelids, and he looked at the ceiling above his head in a daze, without returning to his thoughts for a long time.

"Doctor, the simulation program has produced the results, would you like to have a look?"

Nuwa's voice sounded.

Li Rui didn't answer right away, but waited for a while before asking, "What time is it?"

"05:30 in the morning."

Li Rui frowned when he got up and sat up. He seemed to be dreaming, but he couldn't remember the specific content.

what happened?

"Doctor, the simulation program has finished, do you need to take a look?"

Nuwa reminded again.

"Let me take a look at the results." Li Rui replied.

If you can't remember the content of the dream, you don't want to think about it. It is still important to experiment.


At the same time, in a star field tens of thousands of light-years away, on a huge aircraft, a shadow dragging a black gas-like body gave out a strange laugh.

Just then, the hatch behind him opened.

"Damn, Hei Feng, how long has it been since you took a shower, why does the room smell so strong!"

The person who came was dressed in tight leather clothes, it was the demon queen Morgana.


"Okay, okay!" Morgana waved her hand, trying to disperse the smelly gas: "You just stand there, don't get close to your queen."

Heifeng felt wronged, is it because he didn't take a bath?He was born with this body, what could he do?
As one of Morgana's generals, Heifeng is proficient in dark data implantation.Cooperating with the ubiquitous micro-wormhole monitoring system of the demons, it is possible to remotely implant certain information into specific targets.

"Don't be wronged there. The big man with a picky foot has to make such an expression, which almost disgusts your queen to death. Okay, how is your work?"

Heifeng laughed strangely, and replied: "Queen, I adapted what happened on Albert Star and implanted it into his dream. As long as we do it a few more times, the desired effect can be achieved."

"Yeah." Morgana nodded: "Be careful with your work, that child is not simple, if he finds something wrong, it will not be so easy to influence him."

"Queen, don't worry about my work. I have been implanted for half a month, and he only feels a little today, and he still can't recall what happened in his dream. As long as it continues, he will subtly Have a bad feeling for angels."

"Hehe." Morgana sneered.

Holy Keisha's bitch, even gave away Suyin in order to gain favor, so frankly she was willing to spend all her money.Besides, there was an angel chasing that little bitch, trying to get ahead of the queen, otherwise the queen wouldn't have used such low-handed means to win over the kid.

With a cold snort, Morgana continued to ask: "What about the light of the sun and the power of the earth? These two are related to the success or failure of our plan, and there must be no mistakes."

Hei Fengyin replied with a smile: "Queen, don't worry, the two of them can hardly tell what is reality and what is a dream."

"Okay, Queen, I'm going to make something to move the Great Strait recently, so hurry up here, we don't have much time, we must achieve the effect."

"Yes, Queen."

Morgana nodded, turned around and didn't take two steps, then stopped again: "Oh, by the way, you are fine, don't hide in the room all day and pick your feet, clean yourself up. Although we demons don't care about these things , but you can't disgust your queen either!"

"Ah, Queen..."

"Okay, that's it. I'll see you next time, the queen. If you continue to behave like this, be careful, the queen, and I'll take you as the lead!"

Throwing down a sentence of threats, Morgana left the room, leaving only Heifeng to worry about his lower body made of gas...

(End of this chapter)

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