Versatile Mage: I can copy talent

Chapter 118 Returning to the Ancient Capital

Chapter 118 Returning to the Ancient Capital
"Is this the ancient capital? It feels so eerie, I'm a little scared, Sister Mu."

Although it was a little past 1:[-] noon in the ancient capital at this time, there were still dark clouds over the ancient capital, giving people a feeling that the dark clouds were overwhelming the city.

People can't help but get goosebumps.

But this is also to scare people like Ai Tutu who are timid and come here for the first time, as long as they stay in the ancient capital for a while, they will feel nothing.

After all, it takes a long time to get used to it.

"Okay, I didn't let you hunt the undead with me when I first came to the ancient capital, so let's take you to the yard I rented first."

"Huh? You still rent a yard here?"

"Look at what you said. I've lived here for almost a year. If I don't rent a yard, why don't I go to the cemetery with the undead to sleep?" Glancing at Ai Tutu, Mo Yan also walked ahead and led the way.

And Ai Tutu also knew that he asked a rather stupid question, so he stuck out his tongue and hugged Mù Nujiao's arm tightly.

After glancing at the two people following behind him, Mo Yan looked at the ancient capital again.

This place is really a very good place to collect essence and collect points.

It's just a pity that after the disaster in the ancient capital, it will be impossible to continue to brush so recklessly.

At that time, even if Zhan Kong agrees, it is impossible for the ancient king to watch him slaughter his people so recklessly.

But speaking of it, the ancient king is dead, and that black armor robe is nothing more than a high-level magic tool. Do you have the ability to make a move?

If he could get the recognition of the black armor robe, wouldn't he directly have the strength comparable to the holy city!

However, this thought was just fleeting. Being a human is so wonderful, he doesn't want to be a living dead.

But then again, do the living dead have the ability?

Shaking his head and throwing out the messy thoughts in his mind, Mo Yan brought the two girls to the place where he lived with Liu Xian and Liu Ru.

"Huh? This is..." As soon as the three of them entered the yard, Ai Tutu was immediately attracted by the clothes hanging there to cool down.

Because those clothes don't look at the color, and they all know that they are not boys' at all.

"Ahem, rest first, and I will take you to the city wall of the ancient capital in the evening." After coughing twice, Mo Yan returned to his room as if he hadn't seen anything.

Before entering the room, Mo Yan suddenly reminded.

"By the way, there are quite a lot of rooms in this courtyard, you can just find two to live in."

After Mo Yan entered the room, Ai Tutu angrily pulled Mù Nujiao into a room.

"Sister Mu, this guy's life is really rough. Just now, not only are the girls' clothes, but also the clothes of two girls in terms of size!"

After returning to the room, Ai Tutu complained with displeasure.

Mù Nujiao touched Ai Tutu's head and wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say.

Compared to Ai Tutu, she knows more.

She is not surprised by such things, after all, the children of those big families basically do not have that boy who can resist this temptation.

Just like their shepherd family, she can often hear that a certain clan brother is dating someone...

She even heard some rumors from those clan sisters.

After all, this world is a world where magic is the most important thing and strength is the most holy, so she is no longer surprised by some things.

"After all, this is the ancient capital. I often fight with the undead, wandering on the edge of life and death. It's normal to be under a lot of pressure."

"Sister Mu, I know, but I'm just very upset, why can't that person be me!!!"


Looking at Ai Tutu who said the words of tiger and wolf, Mù Nujiao didn't react for a while, and she didn't understand what Ai Tutu said just now.

"Sister Mu, look at me, I want to have a good figure, I want to..."

Before Ai Tutu finished speaking, Mù Nujiao covered her mouth, afraid that this girl was saying something explosive, after all, she didn't know if Mo Yan over there could hear her.


Time passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye. The night covered the earth, and countless undead began to emerge from the land where they had been sleeping forever, and wandered on the pitch-black earth.

In the northwest corner of the city wall, there is a residential area inside the city wall, mostly flat and low old houses. Looking down from a height, this large block and urban area look like a piece of tofu divided into four squares.

The corner of the city wall is where the west city wall and the north city wall meet. The top of the city wall is very spacious like a big road, and there is no problem for several cars to drive side by side on it.

The city wall is very straight. Standing at the corner of the city wall and looking in one of the directions, it feels like a straight highway stretching far, far away at the same height as the dense eaves.

The city wall is so long that you can't see the end at a glance, and you can see that the two rows of lights are becoming more and more dense and submerged in the darkness.

At night, groups of mages can be seen guarding the entire city wall.

Even from time to time, the brilliance of magic shines in the dark night, like clusters of gorgeous fireworks blooming in the sky.

But soon there will be a sound on the ground outside the city wall, and flesh and blood of the undead will fly in the darkness.

"This is the Jiaocheng Tower, where the members of the Ancient Capital Academy gather." Mo Yan brought the two girls to the Jiaocheng Tower and began to introduce them.

When he first arrived in the ancient capital, he had no intention of coming here.

But when he thought that those students basically didn't have undead vessels, he would come here every once in a while.

But because he got too few remnants, he also bought Zhou Min an undead utensil and asked Zhou Min to help collect it.

And this time, it was also to let Mù Nujiao and Ai Tutu get acquainted with their fighting skills.

What's more, Mù Nujiao and Ai Tutu can't act alone like themselves, they still need teammates.

The corner tower was built just at the intersection of the city road, and its main function was to supply and rest.

And on the top of the corner tower stands a watchtower, which is guarded by Skyhawk Mage every day.

Walking into the Jiaocheng Tower, there are also many people from different forces and organizations, including magic association mages, military mages, students, etc...

It almost formed the appearance of a small post station, with stalls selling medicines, magic tools, and newly acquired loot.

After passing through the crowd, Mo Yan took the two girls to a next room.

There were a few people sitting in the next room, and they were from the academy by their attire, and they even had school badges pinned to their chests.

As soon as Mo Yan entered the next room, he immediately heard a scream.


Hearing the reputation, Zhou Min's figure came into view.

"Yo, is this Yanmo?"

"Haha, I didn't expect Yanmo to come this time. If Yanmo is here, nothing will happen to us this time."

Soon the originally quiet atmosphere in the next room immediately became active.

But Mù Nujiao and Ai Tutu looked at Mo Yan with some surprise.

I don't know when Mo Yan changed his name to Yanmo.

(End of this chapter)

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