Why did the husband run away

Chapter 104 Waiting For You

Chapter 104 Waiting For You

After leaving Jiangzaotang, Lin Bei was still thinking about what he said to Yue Hui before.

The more Lin Bei thought about it, the more feasible he felt!
Yue Hui is definitely a genius!
I don't know if he thought of using spiritual power as a driving force to create a spiritual power technology similar to Hex technology.

By that time, the world will probably change a lot.

But one thing to pay attention to is.

Letting mortals have the powerful power of "Hex technology" can change their lives, but the crime rate and the degree of crime may also be a problem.

Another point is that things like spiritual power are generally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After all, spirit stones are very expensive items. Why gold and silver are still used for transactions in the world, it is because of the value of spirit stones.

Even if the so-called spiritual power technology is really developed, then this kind of technology will further widen the gap between the rich and the poor.

Whether it is a good thing for the common people is not sure.

I don't want him to become a technology madman.

"It's okay, we will go on a mission together later, there are still opportunities."

Lin Bei put away his mood and went to Qinyin Peak nearby.

As the name suggests, Qinyinfeng plays the piano.

The four peaks of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy of Tianmojiao are adjacent to each other.

In Tianmojiao, the four peaks of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are like a small alliance.

After all, no matter when the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are connected together, it is a very elegant existence.

When he came to Qinyin Peak, Lin Bei heard the melodious sound of the piano.

There are men and women on Qinyin Peak, and you can see someone playing the piano every few steps.

The most amazing thing is that there are so many people playing the piano together, but I can't feel the slightest chaos, but there is a harmonious harmony that complements each other.

Perhaps this is the difference between musicians who are monks and ordinary musicians.

"Ma'am, is Senior Sister Ruolan here?"

After finding a disciple of Qinyin Peak, Lin Bei asked for directions.

Looking at Lin Bei's gentle and refined appearance, the female disciple's heart trembled slightly.

He is so handsome!
But how did such a handsome man get involved with Ruolan?What a pity.

"Girl?" Lin Bei called again softly.

"Senior Sister Ruolan is here."

The woman nodded.

"Senior sister Ruolan should be at Tingquan Pavilion at this time, and you will be there by walking up this road."

"Thank you girl."

Lin Bei saluted and walked up.

In Tingquan Pavilion, Lin Bei really saw a woman.

And beside this woman, surrounded by four or five men.

Between men and women, there was constant talking and laughing, and the voices were not small.

Before Lin Bei got too close, he could hear their laughter.

"Sister Ruolan, I don't know if my sister is free tomorrow. Can I go to Tianmo Town with me?"

"Eh? What's so interesting in Tianmo Town? Miss Ruolan, I recently discovered a wonderful place with a beautiful scenery!"

"Hehehe, since that's the case, sister Ruolan might as well go to Minghu with me. Senior brother, I recently got the Nine Dragon Strings. I wonder if sister Ruolan is interested?"

"Oh, seniors, master has been strict with Ruolan recently, I'm afraid there is no way to play with you seniors."

As Ruolan spoke, she lowered her brows, looking somewhat disappointed.

"What's the matter?" Another man approached Ruolan, "If we go secretly, wouldn't it be more exciting?"

"Senior brother, don't be like this." Ruolan pouted her lips and turned her head, but her little hand secretly pinched the opponent's palm three times.

As if he had received a signal, the opponent's eyes suddenly lit up.

And seeing Ruolan's shy look, the brother's breathing became even heavier.

But at the same time, Ruolan raised her foot and stomped on another man's instep twice.

This man also seemed to have received some kind of secret signal, and his eyes suddenly lit up!
Then Lin Bei saw a more coquettish operation.

This Ruolan raised her calf, and rubbed four times on the calf of the man opposite.

The next moment, this man looked like I understood.

Then the three men were silently complacent, and paid more attention to Ruolan, and even looked at each other with an inexplicable sense of superiority.

This made Lin Bei look stupid.

"cough cough"

Just when the few people were chatting happily, Lin Bei deliberately coughed loudly a few times.

Lin Bei felt that if he didn't remind him, these people would continue to get bored.

Hearing the sound of coughing, everyone looked and saw a man walking towards them.

Seeing Lin Bei's appearance, Ruo Lan was stunned for a moment!

So handsome!

Since when did the Demon Sect have such a handsome man!
Even looking at Lin Bei, Ruolan unconsciously twisted a few times.

"Lin Dazhu of Hengxing hall, I have met all senior brothers and senior sister Ruolan."

Lin Bei saluted, his voice was moving and magnetic, and his figure was tall and straight!

"I don't know what's the matter with Mr. Lin?"

Ruolan's voice was soft and soft, she looked at Lin Bei's eyes as if she was going to eat Lin Bei tonight, every word could drip water.

"I'm here to inform Senior Sister Ruolan on behalf of the leader, that I will go to the Water Shadow Secret Realm in fifty days, and I ask Senior Sister Ruolan to make preparations.

In addition, these things are rewards from the leader, I hope Senior Sister Ruolan will make a good use of them in the water shadow secret realm. "

According to the contents of the list, Lin Bei took out some treasures and put them on the table.

"If Senior Sister Ruolan has nothing else to do, then I will take my leave first."

Lin Bei now has some understanding of why he told himself not to get too close to Ruolan.

This is a sea queen!
"Master Lin, please wait a moment."

Ruolan stood up, walked forward with her waist twisted, and took out ten high-grade spirit stones from the storage bag and handed them to Lin Bei.

Lingshi is a very strange existence.

Lingshi can be integrated into one body, but the weight will increase, but the volume will not increase.

So it is very convenient to carry.

There is no such thing as pulling out a box of cash to buy a car.

The so-called "pieces" are regulated.

The weight of one piece is about 10 grams, about one-fifth of the weight of an egg, very light!
Spirit stones of different grades have the same weight, but the quality of the spiritual power contained in them is completely different.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Lin Bei accepted it calmly. After all, this kind of behavior similar to tipping is not a human favor, so don't reject it for nothing.

"Little brother, you should practice hard."

Ruolan took a deep look at Lin Bei.

Lin Bei bowed and turned to leave.

After leaving Qinyin Peak, Lin Bei felt something strange coming from the storage bag.

Lin Bei took out the spirit stone.

I saw Lingshi immediately projected a line of words.

"My sister is empty tonight~ Brother Lin wants to accompany my sister? My sister is waiting for you in this small pavilion on Qinyin Peak."

(End of this chapter)

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