Why did the husband run away

Chapter 106 Betrothing Xinyi to You

Chapter 106 Betrothing Xinyi to You (4000 words)
Luo Qing had brought Luo Xinyi to the Demon Lord Peak.

For Luo Qingming to see Xinyi, Luo Qing feels nothing.

After all, Xinyi has been protected by Luo Qingming, and it is extremely normal to see what kind of woman Xinyi is.

In fact, Luo Qing had already made preparations for this.

Luo Xinyi, who was sitting next to Luo Qing, looked at the courtyard curiously.

Although it was the first time to leave the back mountain, Luo Xinyi was very calm.

Because from the girl's point of view, there seems to be no difference between this mountain and the mountain she usually lives in.

Especially in this courtyard, with the smell of Lin Bei, Luo Xinyi felt more at ease.

Does Lin Bei usually live here?
I really want to go to the room where Lin Bei usually lives and take a look.

Who is this woman in front of me?
She seems to be wearing the same men's clothes as Lin Bei.

But why, she is obviously a girl, but she is dressed like a man?

"Sure enough, she is worthy of being a body of the most yin, and she is naturally charming. I really feel pity for my younger sister Xinyi."

Luo Qingming looked at the girl in front of her.

Not to mention anything else, just her figure and appearance are extremely outstanding.

Especially that delicate and soft feeling coupled with that pure appearance, if he was a man, he would already fall in love with this girl just by looking at her.

Luo Qingming narrowed her eyes slightly.

Does Lin Bei really have no interest in Luo Xinyi at all?
"Your Majesty, you are overwhelmed." Luo Qing replied instead of Xinyi.

Luo Qingming's praise not only did not make Luo Qing feel happy, but was somewhat worried.

Especially Luo Qingming looked Luo Xinyi up and down, as if staring at prey, which made Luo Qing panic even more.

Fortunately, Hehuan Peak is still very useful, otherwise, Luo Qing felt that Xinyi might be forcibly occupied by Luo Qingming tonight!

"Xinyi, quickly say thank you, Lord Leader."

Luo Qing gently rubbed Xinyi's head.

"Hmm." Xinyi nodded, "Thank you, Master."

But Xinyi was very puzzled.

The leader is praising himself, but he is full of hostility towards him.

Could it be that I did something to make her unhappy?
No wonder Master has been worrying about me. Did Master already know that she was hostile to me?

That being the case, why did Master bring me to see her?
Can't figure it out.
The outside world is so complicated
"These days, my wife takes care of Miss Xinyi. If there is something that offends Miss Xinyi, please forgive me."

When saying these words, Luo Qingming paid attention to the momentary changes of Luo Xinyi's expression.

Mrs. Lowe?
Who is Mrs. Luo?


Mrs. Luo is Lin Bei.

"Will not."

Luo Xinyi shook her head.

"Lin Bei treated me very well, taught me a lot, and made me a lot of delicious food."


Luo Qingming smiled slightly, but in fact Luo Qingming's heart was already congealed.

"I don't know what Lin Bei taught Xinyi, and what did he cook for you?"

"Lin Bei told me about the outside world, about various places and creatures, and even drew pictures for me.

Every day when Lin Bei comes, he will cook me roast chicken, roast rabbit, twice-cooked pork, and duck with sauce."

Luo Xinyi told all the things that Lin Bei made for herself.

For the girl, every dish that Lin Bei cooks for the girl is remembered in his heart.

And Luo Xinyi didn't have the slightest precaution.

Even for this young girl, she didn't even know what it meant to be on guard.

What the other party asked, then what she answered, that's what the girl thought in her heart.

"So that's the case. It seems that Lin Bei and Xinyi have a very good relationship."

"My lord, what does it mean to have a good relationship?" Xinyi blinked her eyes, not quite understanding what the leader meant.

Luo Qingming also looked directly at the girl's charming eyes.

In the girl's charming eyes, it was as clean as spring water, without any impurities.

Sure enough, just as Lin Bei said, this girl is really like a blank sheet of paper.

When others face a young girl, they are afraid that they will leave a bad mark on the snow-white paper.

Even now, when he said something to her, he felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

Maybe I really thought too much.

Such a "girl who doesn't even know what she likes, how could she have other thoughts."

It is Lin Bei who has to be thoughtful!

To be honest, Luo Qingming was a little uncertain.

Facing such a girl, and only two people get along.

Does Lin Bei really mean nothing to her?

"The relationship is good. I am very happy when I am with him. I just want to be with him all the time and want him to come back. Do you feel this way?"

Luo Qingming explained.

Luo Xinyi thought about it seriously.


Luo Xinyi nodded.

"I want to be with Lin Bei all the time, but every time Lin Bei leaves quickly.

When Lin Bei was around, time seemed to pass quickly.

But without Lin Bei, time seemed to pass very slowly. "

"That's it."

Luo Qingming took a sip of tea lightly.

If an ordinary woman said that, then in Luo Qingming's opinion, the other party must like Lin Bei.

But according to Luo Xinyi, maybe this girl doesn't even know what "like" is.

"Then Xinyi, did Lin Bei do anything strange when he was with you?"

Luo Qingming knew that it was useless to ask this girl again, this girl was as clean as a blank sheet of paper.

On the contrary, it is most useful to ask about Lin Bei.

"strange things?"

Luo Xinyi tilted her head.

"For example, when you change your clothes, Lin Bei is by your side, watching you change your clothes.

Or Lin Bei touches you from time to time.

Or, Lin Bei eats what you have eaten.

Or during the lunch break, did I lie down with you. "

Luo Qingming gave an example.


And listening to Luo Qingming's inquiry, Luo Qing was stunned.

Mrs. Luo is a woman.

Since it's a woman, isn't it normal for girls to change clothes together or take a nap together?
Why would the leader ask this, like Mr. Lin is a moron who disguises himself as a woman.

It seems that these things are very serious.


Luo Xinyi shook her head.

"Xinyi usually doesn't take a nap, because the time with Lin Bei is very short, so I don't want to sleep, I just want to spend more time with Lin Bei.

Whenever Xinyi changed clothes, Lin Bei would go out, never by my side.

Lin Bei didn't take the initiative to walk into my room either.

And Lin Bei never touches me. "

While talking, a hint of disappointment flashed in Xinyi's eyes.

"Lin Bei never let Xinyi touch him."


Listening to Luo Xinyi's words, Luo Qingming didn't realize that she was relieved.

She didn't think Luo Xinyi would lie to herself.

And if Luo Xinyi's answer is that Lin Bei is messing with her.

For example, lie to her that she is too tired at noon and take a nap together.

Another example is to watch her change clothes or something.

very good!

Then I will break Lin Bei's two legs!

Don't even think about going anywhere in the future, just keep it by your side honestly.

"Xinyi, from today onwards, you are my younger sister."

Luo Qingming didn't intend to ask any questions anymore, there was no need.

"Lin Bei will take you to the Demon Sect for a stroll.

But you have to know that the Demon Cult is a Demon Cult, and the so-called Demon Cult is different from normal sects.

This is not to say that the Demon Cult is very bloodthirsty.

But bloodlust is only part of it.

The main reason is that the concept of some of the Tangkou mountain peaks is very confusing.

You have to be careful about many things.

Except for Lin Bei's words, you can't believe anyone's words.

If someone dares to bully you, just move me out, understand? "


In fact, Xinyi couldn't understand a lot of what Luo Qingming was saying.

But when I came here, Master taught me.

If the leader asks himself "do you understand", "do you understand", "do you understand", etc., just nod yourself.

In comparison, what made the girl even more puzzled was.

Why did Luo Qingming's hostility towards him basically disappear after Luo Qingming asked herself those questions?
so strange
"My lord."

Just when the conversation between Luo Qingming and Luo Xinyi had ended, Lin Bei rushed back.

Seeing the three people in the courtyard, Lin Bei said it was impossible to not be nervous!

"Lin Bei."

Hearing Lin Bei's voice, Luo Xinyi's eyes flashed a light.

The girl got up, ran directly to Lin Bei's side, then stopped half a meter away from Lin Bei, and looked at Lin Bei with blinking eyes.

The appearance of Luo Xinyi being so enthusiastic towards Lin Bei made Lin Bei flustered.

"Sister, don't be so enthusiastic about me! Luo Qingming is very suspicious.

Even if the two of us have nothing, but in case Luo Qingming feels that we have something, it's over for us."

"Hello, Miss Xinyi."

Lin Bei replied with a smile, but he was already sweating coldly in his heart.

Lin Bei glanced at Luo Qingming from the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, at this time, Luo Qingming had narrowed her eyes tightly, staring at Lin Bei, as if she was going to eat Lin Bei.

"Lin Bei?"

Sensing the emotion in Lin Bei's heart, Luo Xinyi tilted her head in doubt.

Why is Lin Bei afraid of that leader?
And why should you alienate yourself in front of her.

Luo Xinyi lowered her head slightly, for Lin Bei's estrangement, the girl felt a little uncomfortable, and she also had a little bit of self-blame.

Did you make Lin Bei feel embarrassed?
"I didn't expect Miss Xinyi to be able to leave the back mountain, but this is just the first step. After Miss Xinyi gets familiar with the Tianmo Cult, she can gradually go out and experience outside.

At that time, Miss Xinyi will be able to see more beauties of the world. "

Seeing Luo Xinyi lower her head, Lin Bei also felt a little guilty.

But there is no way, I have to keep a certain distance from her.

Otherwise, both myself and Xinyi have to finish the game.

But then again.

Why do I have the feeling that I hid my beauty in the golden house outside, but this beauty was discovered by the main palace at home?

This is not right.

First of all, I have nothing to do with Luo Qingming, right?

well, there's still something
Even though he said that he and Luo Qingming had no feelings for each other.

But, he and Luo Qingming have already paid homage to each other, and he has touched most parts of her body.

The other party is very possessive of him.

But I really and Xinyi are innocent!

Except for that time when I lost my memory, I never even touched Xinyi's little hand.

So, in fact, I don't need to be too scared?
"Miss Xinyi, let's go back and have a rest first. Madam will take Miss Xinyi to the Tianmo Sect tomorrow."

Luo Qingming said.

"Since this is the case, the subordinate will take Xinyi back."

Luo Qing also got up, and then bowed to Lin Bei.

"I will trouble Mrs. Luo tomorrow."

"The master of the peak is serious. It is my honor to be able to take care of Xinyi."

Lin Bei nodded.

"Xinyi, let's go."

Luo Qing held Xinyi's little hand.

"Lin Bei."

Xinyi shook the corner of Lin Bei's clothes.


"Lin Bei will play with me tomorrow, right?"

Lin Bei glanced at Luo Qingming in the courtyard, and then at the girl.


Lin Bei agreed.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go. I will go to the back mountain to pick up Xinyi tomorrow, okay?"


The girl nodded happily.

"This time, we must keep our word."

The girl raised her head and looked at Lin Bei seriously.

At this moment, Lin Bei felt even more guilty.

This time I was taken by Luo Qingming to practice, and I didn't see Xinyi for half a month.

In addition, last time, I went on a mission by myself, saying that I would come back soon, and directly cultivated in Qianguo for more than half a month.

I released her twice
"Don't worry, I will definitely keep my word."


Luo Xinyi nodded, then loosened the corner of Lin Bei's clothes, and followed Luo Qing to leave.

"My lord."

After Luo Qing left with Luo Xinyi, Lin Bei stepped forward and bowed.

"The people whom the leader asked me to notify have all been notified."


Luo Qingming responded unhurriedly, and then glanced at Lin Bei.

"You and Luo Xinyi seem to have a good relationship."

"Miss Xinyi is pure in nature, and she can easily trust others."

"Really? Just believe?"

"Yes." Cold sweat was already breaking out on Lin Bei's head.

Luo Qingming looked at Lin Bei: "Lin Bei, what do you think of Luo Xinyi?"

"As my subordinates said last time, Miss Xinyi is a very good girl who has not been polluted by the world."

"you like her?"

"No! This subordinate is only treated as a younger sister."

"Oh, really?"

Luo Qingming stepped forward.

"If you like her, I can be a matchmaker, and talk to Master Luo, and let her betroth Xinyi to you, okay?"



[[-] words completed!Ask for a monthly ticket~
Dear readers, I have already written 1 words, so it shouldn’t be too much to ask for a monthly ticket]
(End of this chapter)

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