Why did the husband run away

Chapter 110 What kind of backer are you?

Chapter 110 What kind of backer are you?
Not long after, Lin Bei brought Xinyi to Tianmo Town.

Tianmo Town is huge, like a mortal town.

Whether it's wine shops, brothels or inns and gambling houses, there are all of them in Tianmo Town.

It's just that the people living in Tianmo Town are all monks.

In Tianmo Town, the common currency is Lingshi.

In fact, the common currency in the world of cultivating immortals is spirit stones. As for silver taels, although it can be exchanged for spirit stones.But it is generally only used in the mundane world.

When Lin Bei walked into Tianmo Town with Xinyi, countless eyes on the street were all looking at Lin Bei and them.

To be precise, they all looked at Luo Xinyi.

Although Lin Bei said he was very handsome.

But compared to Luo Xinyi, who is extremely beautiful and has a ceiling of pure desire, it's like comparing a candle to the brilliance of the sun.

There are many times more people coming and going on the street than the people building the hall.

Fortunately, now that Lin Bei has reached the Dongfu Realm, especially the Meditation Mantra has almost reached great success.

So Lin Bei can still maintain his sanity for the time being.

In a few seconds, I'm afraid it's not that I can't even use the meditation mantra.

"Lin Bei, I feel a little uncomfortable with the sight of these people."

Behind Lin Bei, the girl said softly, perhaps in the girl's heart, she already wanted to go back.

Lin Bei naturally understood this.

How could it be comfortable after all?
Jiangzaotang is full of homeboys, basically honest people who are obsessed with machinery, so when they saw Xinyi, they just sighed, "How can this big girl be so good-looking! Damn it! I want the man next to her burnt!"

But in the towns, even the towns of the Tianmo Sect, there are all kinds of people.

Even without Qiqiao Linglong's heart, Lin Bei saw "lust", "greed", "possession" and so on in the eyes of many monks.

Someone is already ready to move, it looks like they want to attack Lin Bei.

Kill Lin Bei first, and then take away the girl next to him!
"Take this with you."

Lin Bei hung the jade pendant with "Hehuanfeng Luo Xinyi" on Luo Xinyi's waist.

On that piece of jade pendant, there is also a flowing water style "Ming" character engraved.

This word means that the other party is Luo Qingming's confidant!
When seeing this jade pendant, as expected, most of those people who were about to make a move restrained themselves.

Last night, there was a news that spread all over the Demon Sect,

That is, the leader Luo Qingming suddenly had a younger sister—named Luo Xinyi.

Could it be that she is such a woman?

Many people's hearts are itchy to death.

It's like a hungry wolf seeing the fattest meat in the world, but this fast meat already belongs to the wolf king, they dare not touch it!

If they want to touch it, they have to ask themselves whether they can bear the price of living in it!
The so-called monks are not practicing and practicing, and gradually lose all emotions and desires.

That is a Buddhist monk.

Moreover, even Buddhist monks have not really cut off the seven emotions and six desires, otherwise, it is not Tao, but a robot.

No matter what realm you reach, some natures will not change, such as loving beautiful people.

Not to mention, just from Luo Xinyi's charming fragrance and the power of looking at her, one can see her strong luck!

This is the perfect weekend body!

You can't take this woman's words by force.

Then I can only figure it out slowly.

It's just that the man next to her is an eyesore.

"Walking on the road—Lin Dazhu?"

Looking at the jade pendant on his waist, since when did he rampantly reveal such a No. [-] person?Why don't you know?
Forget it, take care of him.

Judging by the fluctuation of the spiritual power, it is at best in the cave state.

"This girl."

A man stepped forward, as if he ignored Lin Bei who was beside Xinyi, as if Lin Bei didn't exist.

"I don't know if the girl can show her face and have a meal?"

The monk smiled and said.

Although this monk looked like an upright gentleman, the desperately suppressed desire in his eyes was already on the verge of igniting.

In contrast, Lin Bei couldn't help feeling that he was really a gentleman with a firm will.

"Lin Bei, I don't like him."

Luo Xinyi shrank behind Lin Bei.

"Well, it's fine if you don't like it."

Lin Bei didn't take this guy seriously at all.


This guy is just a complete cave mansion.

Although he was in the middle of the Dongfu Realm, Lin Bei felt that he could win, because both Red Fish and Jinshuang had said that his Dongfu Realm was very impressive.

As for the backing.

The leader behind me, Luo Qingming, what kind of backing are you?
"Xinyi, remember, this kind of person, even though he is well-dressed, is actually a villain, and he is a bit of a thief. Anyway, he is trying to show your body. Didn't you learn the word in the book before that is called sanctimonious? ?
That's pretty much what it means. "

"Oh woo."

Luo Xinyi nodded.

"Lin Bei, I remember."

"Just remember, let's go, let's eat."

Lin Bei walked straight ahead without even looking at the man.

And Lin Bei's unreasonable attitude and what he said just now have completely broken this person's defenses!

A mere mid-term Dongfu Realm, and the fluctuation of spiritual power is still unstable, how dare to be so rampant!

Especially with so many people watching on the street.

This man stretched out his hand and wanted to grab Luo Xinyi's little hand, not to let Luo Xinyi go.

But when this person's hand was two inches away from Luo Xinyi's wrist.

Lin Bei grabbed the opponent's hand directly.

"I'll say it again, get out!"

Lin Bei looked at this guy coldly.

"It's you who should get out!"

The other party's right hand melted into a claw, braving black death, and grabbed Lin Bei's chest.

Lin Bei caught the grab directly, and then shook it backhand.


With the sound of bones breaking, the other party screamed directly.

"Xinyi, close your eyes."

Lin Bei turned his head and smiled slightly.


The girl obediently closed her eyes.

And that moment when the girl closed her eyes.

Lin Bei clenched his fists tightly, and the Bone Tiger BUFF from the fourth volume of Shenmoyin covered Lin Bei's fists!

Hand out with a punch.

The strength of the fist passes through the opponent's body, roaring like a white tiger.



[I watched a game today, and I felt a little bit numb. I wrote it a long time ago, but I haven’t finished editing it, so I posted it at night

It's another tense day, readers, please give me a monthly pass.

The monthly tickets and subscriptions of the gentlemen are the driving force for me to go on every day]

(End of this chapter)

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