Why did the husband run away

Chapter 113 If it wasn't for this girl, you look handsome

Chapter 113 If it wasn't for this girl, you look handsome (4000 words)
In Tianmo Town, quite a few people surrounded the notice board.

Lin Bei was also very curious, so he asked Xinyi to wait aside, and squeezed in to have a look first.

I saw that it said:

"Lin Dazhu of Hengxing Tang, anyone can compete with him.

But you need to gamble with your life.

If the realm exceeds the Sea Viewing Realm, the realm must be suppressed to the Cave Mansion Realm!
If the highest realm is only the Sea Viewing Realm, then it is enough to challenge with the Sea Viewing Realm.

Otherwise, if someone bullies the small with the big, don't blame me for being ruthless!
You wait for the so-called geniuses at the top of the mountain, in front of Lin Dazhu, they are all hot chickens! "

Look at this notice.

Lin Bei frowned.

Good guy.

I still didn't say anything, and even provoked hatred directly.

And desperately, it seems that it is too ruthless.

But only by betting on life can you quickly gain fame!

Also more deterrent.

And Lin Bei felt that Luo Qingming also had a faint intention, that is to force herself to be a shark!
Luo Qingming wanted to get rid of that nasty innocence.

That's nothing.

In this world, kindness and softness are really a terrible existence.

Even if Luo Qingming doesn't do this, Lin Bei still intends to slowly let himself get used to the rhythm of this world.

The issue is.

Luo Qingming doesn't really want me to die, does she?

In case someone is really strong, what will I do if I am gone?
For Luo Qingming, if she was gone, she would be gone.

Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while.

I already have a lot of resources to practice, if I lose the battle, I may not have any value.

Leaving the crowd, Lin Bei continued to wander around Tianmo Town with Xinyi.

Although Lin Bei and Luo Xinyi are the attention of the whole city, the focus of the whole city.

But no one dared to come up to make trouble casually.

The price of trouble with Lin Dazhu is life.

Life is such a thing, only once!
Who dares to mess around?

Although it is said that monks are mostly "professionals" with their heads tied to their belts.

But who wouldn't if they could live a little longer?

A monk can be said to be the kind of person who cherishes his life the most.

As for the pair of brothers and sisters from the beast-shaped peak that Lin Bei suppressed, the process was so easy.

If you suppress your realm to the cave realm, are you really sure?

It's really hard to say.

And those people didn't pay as much attention to Luo Xinyi as before.

The main reason is that Lin Bei has attracted too much hatred and attention.

Especially when Lin Bei lives an extra breath in Tianmo Town, those disciples of Tangkou Mountain who rebelled against Luo Qingming feel a little more unhappy in their hearts!
It's like the opponent is showing off his power in front of you, punching at will, but you have nothing to do with him!

Why can't I?

Because you dare not!Buttercup!

After Lin Bei and Luo Xinyi became familiar with these gazes, they ignored them.

Lin Bei bought a bunch of candied haws for Luo Xinyi.

Eating this red thing.

Sweet, sour.


While eating candied haws, Xinyi wandered around the stalls.

In front of the jewelry booth, Lin Bei bought a hairpin for Xinyi.

Naturally, this is not an unusual piece of jewelry in a monk town.

This hairpin is actually a magic storage device.

Not too expensive, twenty middle-grade spirit stones.

"Lin Bei, bring it to me."

Xinyi held this hairpin and handed it to Lin Bei, her eyes sparkling, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Naturally, Lin Bei didn't refuse, and carefully brought it to Xinyi.

Now under the blessing of the Meditation mantra, Lin Bei has briefly touched Luo Xinyi to maintain his sanity.

However, it only takes about two breaths, and if it exceeds two breaths, one's sanity will collapse.

So under normal circumstances, Lin Bei still avoids physical contact.

Besides, men and women can't kiss each other, if he touches Xinyi on purpose, then he is deliberately taking advantage of Xinyi.

The style of the hairpin is the ordinary deer god hairpin, which is made of wood and looks very simple.

But when worn in the girl's hair, it seems that this hairpin has become much more beautiful.

If it is said that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

Dressing up can improve a person's appearance.

For Xinyi, it's completely different.

Xinyi's beauty no longer needs any external objects,

On the contrary, the reason why any clothes and jewelry look good on Xinyi's body is because Xinyi's beauty is endowed on these clothes and jewelry.

"Is Lin Bei good-looking?"

Xinyi asked.

When there is no one around, Xinyi will call Lin Bei by his real name.

If there were people around, then Xinyi would call Lin Bei Lin Dazhu.
"It looks good. Xinyi is always good-looking, no matter what she wears, she looks good." Lin Bei told the truth.

"Then do you like it?" Xinyi looked at Lin Bei, her eyes blinking.

"I like it." Lin Bei nodded.

"Well, Lin Bei, as long as you like it."

When Luo Xinyi's words fell to the ground, Lin Bei felt his heart tremble suddenly, and then suddenly accelerated.

Lin Bei quickly looked away, and quickly ran the meditation mantra.

It was a heart-pounding feeling just now.

In layman's terms, that is to see the color.

This kind of feeling can never be noticed by Xin Yi,

Otherwise, Xinyi treats me as a friend, but I treat other people's bodies.

I'm too mean.

But then again, what does Xinyi mean by that sentence?
"Xinyi." Lin Bei shouted.

"Huh?" Xinyi blinked.

"Why does Xinyi think that as long as I think it looks good, it's fine?"

At this moment, Lin Bei felt a little excited!
Could it be that the emotions in Xinyi's heart have awakened, and even fell in love with me?

Luo Xinyi tilted her head: "Because Sister Hongying and Master never care what I wear, but every time I wear different clothes, Lin Bei seems to have different emotions in your heart.

Every time I wear different styles of clothes, Lin Bei gets a little excited.

That's why I asked Lin Bei. "


Lin Bei frowned slightly.

Good guy.

Haven't you ever concealed your lsp's emotions?

But Lin Bei felt that he could not blame himself.

Because each time Xinyi wears different clothes, it means a different style, with a different beauty.

For example, the feeling of white silk and black silk is different.

Having said that, do I want to design a set of clothes by Xinyi some other day, wrapping my legs in silk, and matching it with a short skirt that doesn't reach my knees!No matter which man sees it, he will definitely fall into madness!

"Lin Bei, are you thinking of something strange?"

Xin Yi tilted his head.

"Ahem, no, Xinyi, let's go look elsewhere."

Lin Bei changed the subject and walked forward.

Xinyi trotted to keep up, and stretched out her small hand to gently tug on the corner of Lin Bei's clothes.

When I came to the pet store opened by Spirit Beast Peak, those pets looked very cute.

The price is also very reasonable, and some spiritual pets are cultivated, and they are even more powerful.

Xinyi kept walking around in the pet shop.

Lin Bei felt that Xinyi might really want to buy one.

"Which one does Xinyi want to buy? Just pick whatever you want, don't worry, I have money."

Lin Bei smiled.

"Whatever you want, girl, you can tell your sister. The store doesn't have all the varieties, but we still have a lot in Spirit Beast Peak."

At this time, the store manager came over and looked at Xinyi with a smile.

She has never seen such a pure desire girl, she is really beautiful!

But the girl just shook her head, then hid behind Lin Bei, shook Lin Bei's sleeves lightly, and whispered.

Hearing Xinyi's voice, Lin Bei's brows twitched slightly.

"Xinyi, that, there should be no such thing"


Xinyi lowered her head, and her eyes looked a little bit disappointed.

Seeing the girl's lost look in the eyes of the female store manager, the store manager felt as if the softest part of his heart had been touched.

There is even an urge to want this girl to hold her in her arms and love her fiercely.

"Friend Daoist, what you said is wrong!"

Out of distress for this girl, but also out of his dissatisfaction as a monk of Spirit Beast Peak, the store manager retorted.

"There are a total of [-] types of spirit beasts in captivity in our Spirit Beast Peak!
Not only that!Our monks at Spirit Beast Peak will go to the wasteland regardless of the danger of their lives!Go find new spirit beasts and monsters, and use them to make a picture book!
I don't know what kind of spiritual pet this girl wants!

We, Lingchongfeng, will certainly be able to meet your requirements! "

"Uh okay."

Seeing the unconvinced look of the female store manager, Lin Bei also knew that he had hurt the other party's self-esteem a little bit.

Lin Bei took out a piece of paper, quickly made a picture, and handed it to the saleswoman.

When the saleswoman took the drawing paper, she was stunned.

What kind of animal pet is this?
The whole body is black and white, with a big black eye. It looks like a bear, but it looks extremely cute.

Looking at it, I even have an urge to want rua.
"This kind of animal is called a panda, or also called an iron-eating beast. I don't know if you have seen it before?"

Lin Bei asked.

Lin Bei would never deliberately find fault.

It was this sister who insisted on proving that they had everything in Lingchong Peak.

Furthermore, Lin Bei was a little lucky.

What if?
What if there is?

After all, there are still many similarities between this world of cultivating immortals and Blue Sea Star in his previous life.

And the world is bigger!

Half of the territory is still unknown, and there are more species.

So maybe there really are iron-eating beasts.


The saleswoman was a bit guilty.

"We have never seen this kind of creature, but it doesn't matter!

After I go back, I will send this painting to our monks at Spirit Beast Peak. If they find out, they must notify the two of you as soon as possible!

Please also leave a contact information. "


After Lin Bei left the addresses of Hehuan Peak and Mozhu Peak, he left the pet shop.

It's just that Xinyi looks a little disappointed.

Perhaps when a girl enters a spiritual pet shop and sees so many spiritual pets, she really thinks there will be pandas.

"It's okay, I believe there will be."

Lin Bei comforted.


The girl nodded, and looked at Lin Bei with trusting eyes.

"Lin Bei said yes, so there must be."

"That's right." Lin Bei said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll take you to a teahouse to drink tea and take a rest."

"Drink tea?"

"Yeah, drinking tea and listening to books is very relaxing."

Lin Bei took Xinyi and sat down in a teahouse, listening to books, drinking tea and eating snacks.

Xinyi listened to the storyteller's story very seriously, and didn't take a bite of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake held in her little hand.

During the next afternoon.

Lin Bei took Xinyi to a small wine stand for a drink.

Take Xinyi to eat the small noodles on the street.

When passing by a brothel, Xinyi asked why these women were dressed so coolly and always dragged the men in to play, but not the women?
Even Xinyi wanted to see it.

But Lin Bei quickly stopped Xinyi.

Not to mention other things, just because Xinyi entered, then I am afraid that all the women will bow their heads.

"Xinyi, this kind of place is called brothel, you must not go there, you know?"

Lin Bei urged thousands of times.

"Why?" Xinyi blinked her eyes puzzled.

"It's hard to say. All in all, only men can go, women can't." Lin Bei's tone was very serious.

"Oh woo."

Xinyi nodded.

Although Xinyi still has some curiosity.

But it was Lin Bei who said he couldn't go, so he couldn't go.

I have to obediently listen to Lin Bei's words.

Keep wandering the streets.

Looking at all kinds of novel things in Tianmo Town, for a girl, it seems that she doesn't know how tired she is at all.

"Junior Sister Ruolan, why don't we go to Xuan Tea House for a cup of tea?"

"What's so good about the tea in Xuanchafang? Ruolan, I heard that some new treasures have been added to the Baibao Pavilion recently. How about we go to the Baibao Pavilion to have a look? Junior sister Ruolan just pick what she likes, Wang Ming has plenty of money! "

"Hehe, the things in Baibao Pavilion are a bit tacky. I heard that Jiangzaotang has produced some novel gadgets. Maybe Ruolan will like them."

"Let's go to the Dharma Clothes Pavilion. Seam Fairy Hall has produced some dharma robes. No matter the style or other, they are all very beautiful. It looks like some kind of sailor suit."

In Tianmo Town, beside Ruolan, there are three or four men surrounded.

These three or four men were exactly the ones from last time.

They all have similarities, that is, when they look pretty good, they still have money!
Their father was either a deacon at the mouth of a certain mountain or an elder.

Even Wang Ming's father was a peak master.

After they knew that Ruolan was in a bad mood, they felt that this was an opportunity, and they came to Tianmo Town with Ruolan to relax.

But, they didn't know anything about why Ruolan was in a bad mood.

And listening to their words, Ruolan still pouted and walked forward.

In Ruolan's heart, the more she thought about last night, the more angry she became!
I wanted that Lin Dazhu to wait for me in that pavilion last night.

As a result, I waited until dawn, and none of Lin Dazhu came!

What does it mean?
Could it be that he still doesn't like Miss Cost's beauty?

If this girl didn't see you as handsome, would this girl hint at you like that?

I came to this Tianmo town to relax, but the atmosphere in Tianmo town was a little bit wrong.

Did something happen in Tianmo Town?


Just when Ruolan was thinking.

Suddenly, Wang Ming took a breath, and then Wang Ming did not move a step.

Immediately afterwards, Ruolan found that the four companions around her were all frozen in place.

Ruolan followed their line of sight.

Lin Dazhu and a woman with an astonishing appearance walked towards him step by step!

(End of this chapter)

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