Why did the husband run away

Chapter 115 I'm afraid you're not the one

Chapter 115 I'm afraid you're not the one
The moment Lin Bei and Luo Xinyi walked out of the town, they felt several eyes looking towards their side.

"Lin Bei."

Xinyi also sensed something was wrong in the air, and shook the corner of Lin Bei's clothes.

"It's okay, Xinyi just follow me."

Lin Bei comforted Xinyi with an Asahi smile.

These people are definitely not here for Xinyi.

If they dare to touch Xinyi, it means that they can't do it anymore and want to overthrow Luo Qingming openly.

But for now, there is no Tangkou mountain that has such awareness.

Therefore, they all came for themselves.

Can understand.

The notice that Luo Qingming sent was too arrogant.

Luo Qingming is equivalent to telling those cultivators who are plotting against the law: "You talk about the genius of your Tangkou mountain all day long.

Well, I have someone here!

He will stomp on your dog's head!
Those so-called geniuses of yours, in my opinion, are just hot chickens!

If you don't agree, then come and make gestures!
The kind of gambling! "

Luo Qingming stepped on the head of those troublemakers, it can be said that they were humiliated in front of their faces, and they were naturally extremely upset.

They have to get back the scene, otherwise, if Luo Qingming has been stepping on their troublemakers, then they will rebel with a hammer!
Just disband directly!

Especially the beast-shaped peak.

Beast Shaped Peak had already lost a pair of senior brothers, or was hanged and beaten to death kneeling.

The Beast Shaped Peak must find its place, otherwise, the Beast Shaped Peak would not be able to hang out in the Demon Cult.

Sure enough, a man and a woman came up.

Around their waists hung the jade pendants of beast-shaped peaks!

"I've seen Young Master Lin and Miss Xinyi."

The man saluted, he looked like a beast in clothes, and he was wearing a tiger mask.

In this way, it is more like a beast.


It seems that all the monks in the beast-shaped peak I met looked like this, they looked well-dressed, and their mouths were very polite, just like a gentleman.

In fact, the monks of the Beast Shaped Peak are all human-faced and animal-hearted, with a dignified appearance.

It's kind of ridiculous when I look at it myself.

"what's the matter?"

Lin Bei looked at each other.

"It's nothing, I just want to make friends with Mr. Lin." Zhang Ming smiled.

"Make friends? Forget it, I'm not interested in you."

Lin Bei took Luo Xinyi to continue walking forward.

"Hey, since you can't be friends, you can only be enemies."

Man closes paper fan.

Behind the man, the huge baboon stood up and punched Lin Bei.

Lin Bei turned around and handed out the golden Arhat Fist!

The golden Buddha's light hit the heavy clouds!
That baboon was directly scattered by Lin Bei's punch!

After one punch, Lin Bei's second punch followed.

This punch hit the opponent's chest directly.

The man felt a tightness in his chest, as if his spirit was going to be broken.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man turned around and left.

Look at the fleeing man.

Lin Bei has seen shameless people before, but he has never seen such shameless people.

The man did not report his name, and even covered up his appearance.

In the end, I chose to do it in this wilderness.

This means that this guy has already made wishful thinking in his heart.

If he wins, he will take Lin Bei's life.

If he lost, he would just run away, and Lin Bei didn't know him anyway.

From this man's point of view, he was at the sea-observing level, and his level was higher than Lin Bei's.

Lin Bei will never catch up with him.

Watching the other party fly away, Lin Bei hesitated for a while.

That is, do you chase after yourself or not?

If you don't chase him, as far as the current situation is concerned, there are still many people staring at him, so other people will follow this guy, cover up their identities and fight with him.

Then those guys run away after losing without paying any price?

Fuck, if you think about it this way, don't you look like a girl in a brothel, the other party just lifts up her pants and leaves, and what's even worse is that the other party doesn't even have to give money.

Therefore, if I don't chase after him, I will look like a fool, or the kind that is extremely easy to bully.

And Luo Qingming said it directly in the notice.

This is a fight to the death...

Furthermore, if she let him go, Luo Qingming might not let her go when she returns to Demon Lord Peak.

Because now I am representing Luo Qingming, and I am soft-hearted towards him, which means that Luo Qingming is soft-hearted towards those troublemakers, which is fine.

"Oh, forget it, let's catch up."

Since the price of the competition is desperate.

It was this buddy who wanted to kill himself.


When the man flew twenty kilometers away and Lin Dazhu still didn't catch up, the man breathed a sigh of relief and took off his mask.

The man was Zhang Ming who was in Tianmo Town at that time.

"Brother, is that Lin Dazhu really so strong?"

Gan Yan came to her senior brother's side.

When Zhang Ming troubled Lin Bei, Gan Yan had been watching the battle not far away.

In Gan Yan's view, her senior brother will not lose.

The quality of my senior brother's sea view is very high.

But I didn't expect that with just two moves, my senior brother was defeated!

"Yes, very strong."

Zhang Ming spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Senior brother, I have never seen such a powerful cave state.

And the other party is not just a monk.

With that punch just now, I felt the flow of true energy.

Lin Dazhu should be a martial artist. "

"His double cultivation?"

"should be."

"Forget it, don't care about that."

Zhang Ming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth,

"Anyway, that Lin Dazhu couldn't find me. Except for a little injury, brother, I'm fine. Let's go, I'll go back."

Zhang Ming destroyed the mask, changed his clothes, and after destroying the evidence, he was going to the Beast Shaped Peak.

But when Zhang Ming and Gan Yan were about to fly away.

Lin Bei and Luo Xinyi stood in front of them.

"Why are you walking so fast? Did you forget to leave something behind?"

Lin Bei said lightly.

Zhang Ming and Gan Yan looked at Lin Bei in surprise.

How did this Lin Dazhu catch up?

I didn't feel his breath just now.

"Brother Lin, you have to forgive others and forgive others." Zhang Ming clasped his fists and saluted, "It's best not to do anything wrong."

"I'm afraid you are not mentally retarded."

Lin Bei glanced at Zhang Ming speechlessly, like a fool.

"You want to kill me, and then tell me to be forgiving and forgiving, you really don't even want face."

"Brother Lin, do you know who my father is? If you kill me"

Before Zhang Ming finished speaking, Lin Bei walked in front of the other party in a blink of an eye.

With one punch, Zhang Ming turned into blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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