Why did the husband run away

Chapter 117 Put it on for me!

Chapter 117 Put it on for me! (4000 words)
Early the next morning, Lin Bei woke up early.

Lin Bei was not called up by Luo Qingming, but the natural habit of the biological clock.

But having said that, Luo Qingming hasn't woken up yet today?
"My lord?"

Lin Bei came to the screen and shouted softly.

The inner and outer rooms of this room are separated by a screen.

Without Luo Qingming's permission, Lin Bei would not have dared to go there.

"Go to the gate of the courtyard and wait for me!"

Luo Qingming's cold voice came from the inner room.


Lin Bei left the room and waited at the door.

After a stick of incense, Luo Qingming still didn't come out.

Lin Bei didn't know what Luo Qingming was doing.

Should not be ah.

Luo Qingming's movements are very agile.

Shouldn't be dawdling.

What is she doing in the room?
It took another incense stick before Luo Qingming walked out of the room.

The moment Lin Bei saw Luo Qingming, he was dumbfounded.

Luo Qingming was wearing a plain white long brocade jacket, which was a little too simple, with dark brown silk thread embroidered with ingenious and strong branches, and pink silk thread embroidered plum blossoms in full bloom.

Plum blossoms bloom like fresh blood, and there is a bit of coquettishness in the beauty.

Extending from the hem of the skirt to the waist, a dark purple wide belt tightens the slender waist, showing a slender figure, but it also gives people a sense of elegance and luxury, with a light purple open gauze on the outside Every move made the gauze feel a little shimmering and flowing.

Not only that, but Luo Qingming also wore a jadeite pendant around her waist, which added a sense of elegance.

With a milky white jade bracelet in her hand, her surprisingly long hair was tied up in a slightly complicated hairstyle with purple and white ribbons, which really did not disappoint this surprisingly beautiful hair.

Some rose essence was applied to the hair, exuding a charming fragrance.

A jade hairpin made of emerald was stuck in her hair, which was ingeniously made into the appearance of green bamboo with leaves, which really made people think that she had a branch of green bamboo on her head.

Between the strands of the woman's hair, the dangling beads swayed gently with every step the woman took.

Shake step by step, shake step by step.

The thin and long bangs on the forehead are neat and rigorous.The willow-leaf eyebrows are drawn with carbon black, which further highlights the fair and delicate skin, and the charming peach blossom eyes are full of brilliance in the movement of the eyes.

The pink rouge is applied to make the skin look rosy, and the light red lip rouge is only applied on the lips, and the whole face looks very beautiful.

But on Luo Qingming's body, there was an aura of not getting close to strangers.

Compared to Luo Xinyi, she is the ultimate in pure desire.

Then Luo Qingming is the glamorous and charming ceiling!

There is no distinction between the two, it depends on everyone's aesthetics.

"What? Weird?"

Seeing Lin Bei staring at her, Luo Qingming asked back.

"No no."

Lin Bei shook his head.

"It's just the leader's outfit today"

"Today, I will go to Tianmo Town with you as a woman. To the outside world, you just have to declare that I am your senior sister! Do you know?"


Lin Bei felt that he was about to reap another wave of hatred in Tianmo Town.

I went to Tianmo Town for two consecutive days to hang out, but in the end I still brought different women with me, all of whom were so outstanding in appearance.

Lin Bei felt that even if he was someone else, he couldn't stand it.

But then again.

Didn't you say yesterday that I went to Tianmo Town with me to support me?
As a result, you showed yourself as a real daughter today, which is completely different from when you disguised yourself as a man. I can't tell that you want to support me.

No one can recognize you.

You're attracting more and more hatred for me.

But Lin Bei didn't dare to say these words.

You are the boss and you get what you say.

Lin Beifei sent a letter to Luo Xinyi, telling Luo Xinyi that he had a temporary mission today and could not play with her.

I fell in love again today.

The next time I go to see Xinyi, I can only bring her some gifts to make up for it.

After coming to Tianmo Town, as expected, the people in Tianmo Town were stunned when they saw Lin Bei and the woman next to Lin Bei.

What the hell am I!This person is Lin Dazhu, right?Why is there another woman beside him?
And also looks so good-looking!
Not only that!In better shape!
The clothes looked like they were about to burst.

And this woman's temperament is so cold.

Recently, there are rumors that a kind of high heels and high silk are popular.

I really want to be trampled by this woman wearing high heels and high silk!

"Sister, where are we going next?"

Lin Bei asked.

Luo Qingming walked with all her heart and said, "You decide for yourself."

"Good senior sister."

Lin Bei suspected that Luo Qingming didn't want to support her at all, but she just wanted to come out to play.

Lin Bei took Luo Qingming to a small stall opened by Gambling Peak.

This stall seems to have just been set up today.

The rules of the stall are simple.

That is, the monks at Gambling Peak would put several middle-grade spirit stones in one cup, and then the other cups would be empty.

Then the other party keeps changing positions, guessing which cup has a spirit stone under it.

It's just common street tricks.

It's just that Brother Gambling Peak's technique is very fast, extremely confusing, and can't be detected with divine sense.


"It's a pity, this girl, here are five middle-grade spirit stones, thank you for your patronage."

Luo Qingming threw out ten middle-grade spirit stones very unhappily.

"Come again!"

"Okay girl, girl can guess right this time."

"This has!"

"The wrong girl again, this one."

Luo Qingming guessed wrong again.

Then Luo Qingming played ten times in a row, losing a total of [-] middle-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to a top-grade spirit stone!

For Luo Qingming, Lingshi didn't lose much.

But Luo Qingming's face was already dark!

From Lin Bei's point of view, if nothing else happens, if Luo Qingming guesses and loses next time.

Then the other party's booth is probably going to be gone.

"I choose this!"

Luo Qingming pointed to the cup on the far left.

"Hahaha, girl."

Just when this lifeless buddy was about to lift the cup, Lin Bei quickly pulled him aside.

"Brother! I advise you to be kind! You may not know who she is!
But I can tell you!
If she hasn't guessed right yet, you can't help but lose your booth, and possibly yours too! "

Hearing Lin Bei's serious tone, the guy who set up the stall swallowed, but still insisted on his principles: "Do you think I'm a big scare? Besides, I'm willing to admit defeat! I didn't cheat .”

"Oh, believe it or not, anyway, I have already reminded you."

Lin Bei spread his hands, with an expression of indifference.

Do a good deed every day, and you have already done a good deed.

What will happen to this buddy in the end is none of my business.

The dude looked back.

I was still a little embarrassed.

"Come on, let your Taoist partner win once."

Lin Bei patted the opponent's shoulder: "Brother, this time, it's not me who won, but you who saved your life."

In the end, the buddy who gambled had to move the spirit stone to the cup on the far left, so that Luo Qingming won once.

After she finally guessed right, Luo Qingming proudly raised her chin, then glanced at Lin Bei, with an expression that seemed to say, "Look, I guessed right, I'm still very good!"

"Senior Sister is amazing! As expected of Senior Sister!"

Lin Bei seemed to have forgotten that Luo Qingming had lost a hundred middle-grade spirit stones, and he looked like a small employee who flattered his boss.

And the monk who set up the stall was also a little speechless.

Honestly, it's all about luck.

I really didn't have a Thousand Winning Spirit Stone.

But I didn't expect this girl's luck to be so bad
"Reward you."

Luo Qingming threw the ten mid-grade spirit stones into Lin Bei's hands, flicked her long hair lightly, turned and left, Lin Bei had no choice but to follow quickly.

Luo Qingming bought a candied haws, some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and braised pig's trotters, but she only ate one bite of them, leaving the rest to Lin Bei.

Lin Bei could only eat these things with tears in his eyes.

Otherwise, Luo Qingming would be unhappy again.

"Welcome two friends."

When I came to the pet shop, when the shop manager saw Lin Bei bring another beautiful woman in, she was stunned.

Has he changed a female partner?
Oh my God!
And both girls are still so beautiful!
I bother!

You know, good-looking men don't have a good thing!

It must be this man stepping on two boats, coaxing the feelings of two girls at the same time.


no!I must expose this scumbag's behavior.

"Ah, isn't this Mr. Lin? You are here again."

The little sister of the store manager walked forward with a smile.

"Miss, you are so beautiful, as beautiful as the little girl brought by Mr. Lin yesterday."

"What did you say?"

Listening to the store manager's words, Luo Qingming frowned her pretty eyebrows.

Seeing the other party's reaction, the store manager's sister was already excited!

as predicted!This young lady was deceived!

Now!Let me completely expose the identity of that scumbag!
But then again.

I have exposed the fact that you are on two boats, why are you not panicking at all?

And why does this Lin Dazhu look at me with that pitiful look?
Before the shop manager could understand, Luo Qingming stretched out her lotus arms towards the shop manager and pinned the shop manager against the wall.


When the store manager was thumped by the wall, her heart skipped a beat.

This girl is so domineering.
"What did you just say?" Luo Qingming asked again, her tone extremely unfriendly.

The store manager swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "I said. This young man also brought a woman here yesterday."

"This seat is not talking about this."

Luo Qingming's eyes narrowed, the bear's mouth was already staring at the opponent's bear's mouth.

"This seat and the woman brought by this guy yesterday, who looks better?!"


The store manager froze for a moment.

Is this what you care about?

Is your focus wrong?

Don't you care that this scumbag brought a woman here yesterday?

"Ask you, answer this seat!"

"Girl. Girl, you look better"

The store manager swallowed again.

From this woman, the female store manager felt an extremely terrifying aura!

I can't understand her realm!
I am already at the Dragon Gate Realm.

But I can't see her realm, that is to say, the other party is at least the Jindan realm, and even higher!
"You have eyesight."

Luo Qingming let go of the other party.

Get out of the pet shop.

"I'm really sorry."

Lin Bei apologized to the other party, and then hurriedly followed.

But the store manager didn't listen to Lin Bei's apology at all.

At this time, the woman's whole body was already soaked through.

In her mind, the scene when Luo Qingming slapped her wall was still echoing.

Take Luo Qingming to Baiweilou for a meal.

Because Lin Bei holds the token of the Demon Lord Peak, he can jump in the queue openly, and even serve food first!

No one provoked Lin Bei today.

Moreover, the news that Lin Bei bombarded and killed Zhang Ming came out yesterday.

But after yesterday's battle, Lin Bei's reputation has completely set the tone!

If you want to trouble Lin Bei, then think about whether you will die or not.

At first, Lin Bei took Luo Qingming around.

But at the end, Luo Qingming took Lin Bei to the Baibao Pavilion, and picked out a few spirit weapons that fit Lin Bei's realm, worth twenty top-grade spirit stones in total!

When paying the bill, Luo Qingming frowned slightly, and even felt that it was a little cheap.

As the evening approached, Lin Bei felt that it was time to go back.

But Luo Qingming just didn't mean to bring it back.

Even if it is, Luo Qingming has been walking up and down this street.

Been there several times.

And every time she walks, Luo Qingming's mood gets worse.

Lin Bei really didn't know what was going on!

at last!

Just when Luo Qingming was about to explode, Lin Bei noticed that Luo Qingming's eyes had been wandering around a jewelry booth.

This jewelry booth is the one I bought for Xinyi yesterday.

"Could it be that Luo Qingming was unbalanced and felt that I didn't give her jewelry?

Probably not.

This jewelry is quite cheap, the leader shouldn't like it, right?
But what if? "

Lin Bei guessed in his heart.

"My lord, let's go look at the jewelry."

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Lin Bei said tentatively.

"Tch, what's so good-looking, it's all too cheap to die for."

Luo Qingming said disdainfully, but Luo Qingming walked towards the jewelry booth very honestly.

The owner of the stall was an aunt. When she saw Lin Bei bringing another woman, the aunt looked at Lin Bei as a scumbag.

"Boss, I want this."

Lin Bei picked a step shaker.

This piece of pure gold is hollowed out, dotted with thin precious jade, and the style of tassels is very beautiful.

Lin Bei took Bu Yao, looked at Luo Qingming, and muttered a bit, should he bring it for the other party?

If you don't wear it?Will she be angry?
If Dai, would it be too intimate?
And just when Lin Bei was hesitating, Luo Qingming's steps suddenly broke.


Luo Qingming kicked away the priceless Bu Yao that fell on the ground, pointed at the Bu Yao in Lin Bei's hand, and ordered:
"Put it on for me! Just use this trash in your hand."

(End of this chapter)

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