Why did the husband run away

Chapter 119 Am I Cold?

Chapter 119 Am I Cold? (4000 words)
In Tianmo Town, the three of Lin Bei wore masks.

There are not many people wearing masks in Tianmo Town, there are righteous ways and evil ways.

The only purpose they wear masks is to avoid enemies.

After the monk of the Yuzhu Sect was beaten by the three of Lin Bei, he had already painted a portrait and was constantly looking for Lin Bei and the others.

Since it was just a beating and did not suffer serious injuries, at most it was extremely insulting.

So the elder of the Jade Bamboo Sect didn't intend to make a move.

Otherwise, I will end up with a reputation of being bullied by the big and my disciples being useless.

This is very embarrassing.

But let's not talk about the large number of people on the other side, and there is an elder sitting in charge, so Lin Bei and his party simply avoided his edge.

Besides, if the other party can't find him, it will only make them more angry.

Lin Bei and his group returned to the inn safely. They took off their masks, ate in the room, and discussed the matter of entering the secret realm of water shadow.

The friendship between men is very simple. They have fought together, drank together, and played with women together. Go to the bar and listen to music.

So the three of Lin Bei are very strong now, and Lin Bei absolutely does not believe that Yue Hui and Guixiong are traitors, so Lin Bei told them what the leader told him.

After all, after entering the Water Shadow Secret Realm, everyone needs to cooperate with each other, and there must be no cracks in trust.

In case I behaved a little abnormally to them because of the bloody teeth, it would be difficult to handle.

After listening to Lin Bei's narration, Yue Hui and Gui Jiao expressed that they would do their best to help Lin Bei complete the task of the leader.

Lin Bei was very moved and wanted to take them to Goulan to listen to the music.

Guixie, a simple and honest man, blushed, but expressed his desire to go.

Yue Hui didn't care, he was only interested in machinery.

So Lin Bei made a decision and went to a Spring Breeze Building in Cold Winter City.

That's right!

The Spring Breeze Tower of Hehuan Peak has opened to Winter City.

In fact, in the eighteenth-tier cities in Qianguo, there are all Chunfeng Buildings, but the specifications are different.

Now the Spring Breeze Tower is responsible for picking up guests, basically they are all girls from the world, and the disciples of Hehuan Peak are mainly in charge of managing affairs and watching the scene.

Originally, Lin Bei wanted to go to the Xunhuan Tower of Huanxizong to see different customs.

After all, according to the rumors, the Huanhuan Building on Hehuan Peak seems to be more exciting.

But the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, and part of the money I consume goes into my own pocket.

I can be regarded as a performance boost for Chunfenglou.

The Spring Breeze Building in Winter City is relatively small.

Because the population of Winter City is not large, many people have fled to the south of the Yangtze River.

As soon as you enter the Chunfeng Building, you can see girls in OL suits, Lolita, JK and Shikushui.

Lin Bei and Gui Jiao's eyes were straightened.

But Lin Bei really planned to just listen to the music.

Although he is still a virgin, he doesn't want to lose his precious first time in this place.

Sit in a good position.

Kisame looked at these girls twisting their farts and buttocks with great enthusiasm, the kind that didn't even bat an eye.

But Yue Hui was not interested at all. Yue Hui pulled Lin Bei to tell him something about Gundam.

No way, Lin Bei drew the appearance of Gundam for him, and then there was a cockpit inside, anyway, it was in the anime, and Lin Bei told the other party.

Lin Bei can only do this.

After all, you want Lin Bei to really figure out the height of the Gundam design, isn't that nonsense?

I only provide ideas. As for technical matters, professional matters are naturally left to professionals.

"Brother Lin's Gundam is really capable, but it needs to be driven by spiritual power, which may be more luxurious and burns spiritual stones.

But besides spiritual power drive, at present, there is no other way. "

"The spirit stone is not a problem, but what about weapons?" Lin Bei asked.

There is no ammunition in this world, and ammunition lasers, etc., do not know how much damage they can cause to monks above the Dragon Gate Realm.

Because the place is suitable, Gundam will definitely undergo magic reform in this world.

"For weapons, we can engrave that kind of sustainable magic circle instead.

In addition, the iron of Gundam should be paid great attention to.

Otherwise, the monks in the cave can easily melt the steel.

Therefore, we'd better choose iron with higher quality.

In order to ensure the safety of the driver, it is best to use Longxuan iron in the cockpit, otherwise, the cockpit is like a cage, the kind where people are trapped to death. "

"Mysterious Dragon Iron! I have it!

Is this it? "

Lin Bei put the fifty kilograms of Xuanlong iron in Yue Hui's hand.

"Yes, that's right, it's this kind, but it's not enough, at least 150 catties."

"Two hundred catties of black dragon iron? I'm sorry." Guixie slapped his thigh all at once, "This is enough to make twenty second-grade black swords!"

In Kisame's view, this is really too extravagant.


Yue Hui also sighed.

"Mysterious dragon iron is indeed extremely precious, and many monks are not enough to find enough mysterious dragon iron to cast swords, let alone use it in places where the value is uncertain.

But if you want to build Gundam, this is a must.

The best thing is to have the five spirit beads of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!Of course, other Lingzhu can also be used instead, but only one, and only the Thunder Lingzhu.

Lingzhu must be the best!

With this as the core of the formation, it can last for almost 300 years without replacement. "

What Yue Hui proposed were all the most precious materials within an acceptable range.

Otherwise, the resulting Gundam is just a toy.

"Uh, are these two okay?"

Lin Bei looked around, and then took out the Lei Lingzhu and Earth Lingzhu.

The Lei Lingzhu was given by Lin Bei when he was crossing the catastrophe, and the Earth Lingzhu was rewarded by Luo Qingming.

Holding the two spirit beads, Yue Hui hurriedly asked Lin Bei to put them away.

These two Lingzhu are the best!
Especially Lei Lingzhu.

Yue Hui has never seen such a pure Lei Lingzhu!
"Yes! The Thunder Spirit Orb can replace the Gold Spirit Orb. We still need three Spirit Orbs. We can look for the Water Spirit Orb in the Water Shadow Secret Realm."

At this time, in the Chunfeng Building, a strange scene happened, that is, there was a girl dancing on the stage downstairs.

But in the auditorium upstairs, Lin Bei and Yue Hui were discussing various details of Gundam.

Kisame mostly listens, because this is not his field.

But when it comes to things he understands, such as forged giant swords, Kisame will also give opinions.

It's very similar to being in an Internet cafe, everyone else is playing games, but only you are using the computer to check papers
And when the three of them were chatting happily, Lin Bei didn't know when a sect came by his side.

The words of their conversation made Lin Bei stare blankly.

"Brother, are you telling us about Jinshuang?" a man asked.

"That's right, what happened to that traitor Jin Shuang?" Another woman asked.

"Jin Shuang, he is actually a weird person with a withdrawn personality! There are not many friends in the sect.

Why doesn't Jin Shuang have many friends?

That's because Jin Shuang is cruel and innocent.

At that time, Jin Shuang went mad and killed the son of an elder of our Hailan Sect!
Not only that, but this woman was chasing after the son of the head of Hailan Sect!
I heard that it was this woman who failed to win over our suzerain's son, so she turned shame into anger!

the most important is!Jinshuang's practice is actually relying on evil methods!

The reason why Jin Shuang's sword skills are so high is entirely because she has an evil sword, which is fed with her own blood every day.

Not only that, but in the future, she will feed this blood knife with the lives of others.

So, it is rumored that the son of an elder in our Hailan Sect was sacrificed by Jinshuang in blood!That female devil hurts the sky and harms reason, and everyone has to be punished."

[Zhuzhi] I haven't finished the word yet.

This Hai Lanzong disciple just shut up.

Because Lin Bei took a jug of wine and poured it directly from his head, pouring it all over his head.

Lin Bei heard everything he said just now.

But in Lin Bei's view, it's all a bunch of bullshit!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

The wine dripped slowly from his head.

The disciples of Hai Lanzong were all stunned.

The only female disciple among them also looked at Lin Bei bewilderedly.

Who is this guy? !

Are you so brave?
Don't you know the reputation of our Hai Lan sect?
But this man is so handsome.

Especially the way he looks at trash.

really handsome~
And Yue Hui and Kisame also didn't know what happened.

Why is it that out of nowhere, Brother Da Zhu went to find trouble with each other?


Dazhu is our brother!

So whatever Dazhu did was right!

Yue Hui and Guixie stood directly behind Lin Bei, supporting Lin Bei.

At the same time, Yue Hui prepared the magic weapon, and ran away if he couldn't beat it!

"Who the hell are you!"

This Hai Lanzong senior was a little dazed, but he finally came to his senses, directly turned the table and pulled out the knife.

"I am your father!"

Lin Bei kicked him out, directly breaking the railing and falling from the third floor.


The girls dancing under the stage were startled and ran away quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Bei stepped on the man's chest.

Looking at each other as if looking at garbage (expression guide: Luo Qingming).

"You! Who are you? Do we have any grudges, Your Excellency?"

This Hai Lanzong's senior brother is a little timid.

The other party is obviously in the cave state, but why does it feel like he wants to kill himself, as simple as killing a dog?
"No grudges.

Just unhappy. "

Lin Bei said lightly.

"Miss Jinshuang is such a good-looking girl, apart from her cold personality, she has no shortcomings. Who can catch such a girl easily after her?
What the hell is the son of your lord Hailan Sect?
Practicing evil methods, feeding evil knives?

I'll take your hemp's ashes to raise it!
The talent of being jealous of others is jealousy!
Sour is sour!

Dafang admits that he is a waste, can't he?
Sure enough, a trash should be jealous of others?

How did I give birth to such a son as you.

I should have let you die on the wall! "


The senior brother of Hai Lanzong felt a tightness in his chest, and even spat out a mouthful of blood.

This was not stepped on by Lin Bei, but angry.

Although Lin Bei's foot was very painful, it didn't hurt his life.

The weight is quite heavy, but it hasn't reached the point where he vomits blood.

The main reason is that he didn't expect this man to be so good at swearing!

Simply put, why is the other party so good at spraying people?

The language vocabulary is so rich? !

"What are you?

Don't let me see you again, hit me once!
Call now first.

Yue Hui, Ghost Shark!Call me! "


"Fuck him!"

Yue Hui and Guixier rushed forward.

Although they didn't know the reason, it was right to fight anyway!

"Wait! Don't hit."

"I was slapped in the face."

"Don't hit my dick!"

"Hey~ what are you doing~"

"Help! Don't look at me anymore, come and save me, Senior Brother!"

This senior brother of Hai Lanzong was beaten to death, so he shouted quickly.

"Don't hit my brother!"

"Brother, we are here to help you!"

Only then did the other disciples of Hai Lanzong come to their senses, and quickly rushed forward!

"Oh, stop hitting."

"Brother, raise your hand high."

'Brother, don't step on my face. '

However, the three Hai Lanzong disciples who rushed up were not enough for Lin Bei and his party to fight.

Let's not talk about Lin Bei's strength.

Even though Yue Hui and Guixie are both nerds, in fact their realm quality is very high!

These disciples of Hailanzong were able to stop at first, but then they turned into a one-sided gang fight unexpectedly.

To be honest, Lin Bei never thought that the other party would be so good.

By the way, aren't all the sect geniuses who participated in the Water Shadow Secret Realm?
You are really inferior.

"Junior Sister! Hurry up and call Master!"

When they felt that they were going to be overwhelmed, they yelled at the junior sister beside them.

"Ah, oh, okay~"

The junior sister took one last look at Lin Bei, and then hurried out of the Chunfeng Building to release a signal flare.

Guixie: "Brother Lin, what's the matter?"

Yue Hui: "Continue to fight?"

"The wind is blowing, run!"

Lin Bei kicked the opponent.

"I am Xueyazi of the Heavenly Demon Sect! Remember me for you!"

"Don't let our Underworld Snake Sect meet you again!"

Yue Hui and Guixie also rushed away with a punch, leaving behind their "Zongmen" title, and followed Lin Bei to run away.

Things happened too fast, from the start to the end of the fight, it took less than 3 minutes.

Even the monks who watched the scene in the Chunfeng Building didn't come, and Lin Bei and the others disappeared in no time!

"Pluto Snake Sect?!
Bloody teeth? !
Made!To your grandpa I'll wait!

Hey, hello."

The Hai Lanzong elder brother got up and shouted at them, trying to save his face, but accidentally dodged his waist.

at the same time.

On the other side of Chunfeng Building, in a corner.

The woman with the sword is drinking alone.

"What the hell is the son of the lord of Hailan Sect?
Practicing evil methods, feeding evil knives?

I'll take your hemp's ashes to raise it!
The talent of being jealous of others is jealousy!
Sour is sour”

Lin Bei's words floated gently in the woman's mind.

"I know it's causing trouble."

"By the way, am I cold?"

The woman thought for a while, then shook her head, put on her bamboo hat, and walked out.

When walking out the door, Jin Shuang popped a drop of wine and hit the disciple of Hailan Sect on the knee.

Hai Lanzong's elder brother who was still yelling lost his balance and knelt down in the direction where Lin Bei and the others left.

(End of this chapter)

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