Why did the husband run away

Chapter 129 Then you say a hammer

Chapter 129 Then you say a hammer
"Can't do it."

Yao Yaoyao opened the mouth and said, extremely upright and confident, as if she could do it.

"That ray of blood is too ethereal, and it's too difficult for me to track, unless"

"Unless what?" Lin Bei's eyes lit up.

Could it be that there is a turning point?
Yao Yaoyao looked at Lin Bei with wandering eyes: "Unless you and I both cultivate, if you and I both cultivate, I can practice the Blood Kite Art.

In this way, no matter how weak that ray of blood is, I can still feel it. "


Listening to Yao Yaoyao's words, Lin Bei wondered if all this was deliberately arranged by Yao Yaoyao.

The purpose is to double cultivate with myself.

Could it be a plan to destroy Hades Snake Sect and Blood Demon Hall? Am I going to sacrifice my innocence?

"If, I mean if.

If you and I double cultivation, what is the probability of you refining the blood kite technique? "

"Hmph~" Yao Yaoyao put his hands on his hips, very confident, "[-]% sure!"

"Then how many days do you need?" Lin Bei asked again.

Spells are not learned all at once, it takes time, after all, the other party has no cheats.

"this one"

Yao Yaoyao snapped his fingers to make the final calculation.

"Like... ten days."

"Then you say a hammer.

It has been 20 days since we entered the Water Shadow Secret Realm.

In ten days, the Water Shadow Secret Realm will be reopened, and we can all go out.

At that time, the plan of the Blood Demon Hall and the Underworld Snake Sect was probably already accomplished, so what if you have mastered the Blood Kite Art? "

Lin Bei sighed.

Originally, I was ready to dedicate my life to the cause of Tianmo Cult.

What he didn't expect was that his current dedication was useless.

Having said that, why can't I dedicate myself, but still feel a bit of a pity in my heart?

Lin Bei subconsciously glanced at the other party's white manga legs, and the slightly constricted black lace hosiery on the thigh.

Could it be that Yao Yaoyao had some effect on her seduction these days?

Do not!It must not be like this!
The reason why I feel sorry is because I can't double cultivate with her, so I can't help her improve her realm and strength, and I can't get the experience value of experience beads.

So I have some regrets.

I am definitely not greedy for the other person's body!

Um!It must be so!
"You didn't ask me either.
That's right, why didn't you ask me earlier, if you had asked me earlier, we would have been able to cultivate together."

Yaoyao lowered his head and poked his little hand, looking extremely regretful, as if he had missed a hundred million.

"Forget it, let's continue to go deep and see if we can meet Yue Hui."

Lin Bei, who has accepted the reality, can only pin his hopes on Yue Hui's mechanical mouse and mechanical dog.

Using the mechanical mouse to search on a large scale, maybe there will be a turning point.

At the same time, somewhere in the Water Shadow Secret Realm, Yue Hui and Guixier were groping forward towards a certain place.

They hide their breath, for fear of being discovered by others

As for why Yue Hui and Guixier did this, we will have to talk about it a few days ago.

Yue Hui and Guixie were luckier.

Even Kisame and Yue Hui were teleported.

But they soon ran into each other.

After meeting them, they walked forward looking at the depths of the Water Shadow Mystery Realm.

Because the purpose of my group is to find the Water Spirit Orb.

They believed that Lin Bei would also go to that place to meet them.

But as they walked, Yue Hui and Guixie noticed something strange.

That is, they saw groups of monks coming out together.

It is not scary to have monks in groups.

But what's wrong is that they haven't seen thirty or forty monks in groups.

Furthermore, these thirty or forty monks looked like walking corpses, without any brilliance in their eyes.

Then Yue Hui and Gui Sha became suspicious.

When I became suspicious, my heart would inevitably itch.

So Yue Hui and Guixie followed a group of walking dead monks to see what the other party was going to do.

These zombie-like monks usually form a team of three to four.

They set up traps and wait for their prey to be caught in a special place.

This kind of waiting is extremely inefficient, because you may wait for ten days, but you will not be able to wait for a monk.

But, the group of monks that Yue Hui and Guixie followed had better luck.

In less than two hours, this team of monks waited for a single monk.

Then this single monk will be GG.

Then something even stranger happened.

After they killed the single cultivator, they took away the other's storage bag, carried the other's body, and then walked towards a place without saying a word.

Yue Hui and Kisame continued to follow.

That is the current situation.

Yue Hui and Guixie followed this group of monks to a very hidden place.

It's just that the more they followed, Yue Hui and Guixie found more and more zombie monks.

They feel that if they continue to follow like this, they will definitely be exposed.

So Yue Hui threw out a mechanical cicada, which stuck to the trouser leg of a zombie cultivator.

In this way, I don't have to follow so close.

In the end, that mechanical cicada didn't move any more, and they knew that the other party had reached their destination. ,

The mechanical cicada fell off the opponent's trouser legs, and then burrowed into the soil, thus completing the punctuation.

Because there were too many zombies coming and going, Yue Hui and Guixier couldn't move, and hid in the bushes for a day and a night.

Finally, Yue Hui and Guixie found an opportunity to quickly approach the punctuated place.

But they weren't too close.

When it felt almost impossible to go any further, they found a big tree.

Yue Hui and Guixiong climbed onto this uncle.

Then Yue Hui took out two binoculars, and handed one to Gui Shark.

In fact, when the spiritual power is gathered in the eyes, it acts as a telescope.

But this is easy to be detected by the divine sense.

Be more careful with binoculars.

The scene the two of them saw immediately made their scalps tingle.

In that open space, there were seven or eight monks, and many monks were guarding the periphery of the open space.

In the clearing, they saw a cage.

An unknown species of Warcraft was kept in the cage.

Then there was a monk holding a small monster, as if he was threatening the big monster.

Beside the cage, there is also a blood-red bead with a diameter of one meter, thick blood energy is continuously poured into it, and this blood bead is constantly filling up.

In addition, there is an acquaintance who is not an acquaintance - Xue Yazi.

Xue Yazi didn't know what kind of magic to bring those dead monks back to life!

That's when Yue Hui and Guixie were fascinated.

Suddenly, Xue Yazi raised his head and looked in the direction of Yue Hui and Guixier!
(End of this chapter)

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