Why did the husband run away

Chapter 141 Am I the head of the Blood Demon Hall?

Chapter 141 Am I the head of the Blood Demon Hall?
"Lin Bei, can you teach me?"

Luo Xinyi blinked and looked at Lin Bei
Lin Bei fell silent.

It is naturally impossible for Lin Bei to really teach Xinyi what love is.

This kind of thing is not something that can be learned by teaching.

So Lin Bei could only divert this micro-topic.

As for love, I didn't understand it myself.

Isn't it funny that I want to teach Xinyi to fall in love since I was single from mother to child?

Lin Bei changed the subject, and chatted with Xinyi about some things he saw in the Water Shadow Secret Realm.

But Lin Bei naturally removed some bloody parts.

And Xinyi was fascinated by it, and forgot to ask Lin Bei to teach her the so-called love.

At night, when Lin Bei had just returned to Demon Lord Peak.

A vision appeared in the sky above the Demon Cult!
The phoenix's Dharma image hovered over the Heavenly Demon Cult continuously.

Birds face the phoenix.

The strong spiritual power starts from the Demon Lord Peak.It scattered in all directions of the Tianmo Cult.

Everyone knows that this is Luo Qingming's misfortune again!
It took Luo Qingming less than a year from the middle stage of Jade Realm to the late stage of Jade Realm!

No one has ever seen such a monster's talent.

It seems that Luo Qingming's practice is not hindered at all.

Everything is so natural.

Even those Tangkou mountain peaks who wanted to rebel were already a little anxious.

Let Luo Qingming continue to develop like this, and wait until Luo Qingming reaches the fairyland, what will happen?

Luo Qingming's Yupu Realm has the strength to kill the Immortal Realm.

When Luo Qingming reaches the Immortal Realm, he won't pay attention to the Ascension Realm.

These people are not enough for him to kill with one hand.

I must seize the time to rebel!

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome!
"Welcome to the leader to leave the customs."

"Congratulations to the master to leave the customs!"

In Luo Qingming's secret cave, Lin Bei and Jinshuang Hongyu had already arrived.


Luo Qingming nodded lightly, and looked at Lin Bei.

"At the late stage of Dongfu Realm and the second stage of Martial Arts, it finally looks a bit better."

"Thank you, Master, for your compliment." Lin Bei bowed.

Luo Qingming withdrew her gaze and looked at Red Fish: "Red Fish, tell me all about Lin Bei's journey to the Water Shadow Secret Realm this time."


During the next half a stick of incense, Red Fish focused on telling Luo Qingming about the things in the Water Shadow Secret Realm and the Winter City.

It includes Xue Yazi's plan and Lin Bei and others' narrow escape in the secret realm of water shadow.

Then the four sects betrayed Qian Guo.

"Blood Demon Hall!"

After listening to Red Fish's explanation, Luo Qingming's brows were already furrowed, and the killing intent around her was already unscrupulously revealed.

Luo Qingming knew that the Blood Demon Hall must have evil intentions and wanted to do something, but what she didn't expect was that the Blood Demon Hall was so bold.

"My lord, how should the Blood Demon Hall deal with it?
The news from Cold Winter City should not have come yet, and the Blood Demon Hall is also waiting for what happened to Cold Winter City. "

"How to deal with it? Hehe."

Before Lin Bei could react, Luo Qingming directly grabbed Lin Bei's hand and flew in the direction of the Blood Demon Hall.

Feeling the huge coercion and endless killing intent, all the elders and disciples of the Blood Demon Hall came out.

"I don't know that the leader of the church came here, and I was far away from welcoming him. Please forgive me, the leader of the leader."

The headmaster of the Blood Demon Hall came out immediately, looking at Luo Qingming and Lin Dazhu flying in the sky, he was very disturbed.

In fact, the head of the Blood Demon Hall has been very nervous these days.

Calculating the time, it has been about seventeen or eight days since the end of the Water Shadow Secret Realm.

During these seventeen or eight days, the war in Winter City should be over.

After calculating the time, the people from the Hades Snake Sect should have sent the information the day before yesterday.

But now I haven't received any news.

The head of the Blood Demon Hall is not a fool.

He must have known that there were some accidents in the plan, and something must have happened in Winter City.

But as to what happened to the plan, the head of the Blood Demon Hall didn't know at all.

It's like a black eye.

Now seeing Luo Qingming flying over angrily as soon as she left the customs, she looked like she was going to ask the teacher for a crime, and that Lin Dazhu was not dead yet!
The head of the Blood Demon Hall was even more depressed.

"Mr. Lin, I didn't expect Mr. Lin to come back. I wonder if my son has come back?"

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the head of the Blood Demon Hall. He bowed to Lin Bei and asked, keeping his posture very low.

"Come back, why didn't you come back?"

Luo Qingming sneered, then glanced at Lin Bei.

"Isn't he missing his son? Take out that guy's head and throw it to him."


Listening to the boss's words, Lin Bei threw the storage bag containing Xueyazi's head to the other party.

The head of the Blood Demon Hall opened the storage bag, and Xue Yazi's head rolled down directly.

"Bei Er! Bei Er! What's wrong with you?
how do you
You died so badly! ! !

Why is it that a white-haired person gives a black-haired person at a young age!
Beier! "

The head of the Blood Demon Hall held his son's head and cried miserably.

Seeing his hall master crying so miserably, the other elders and disciples of the Blood Demon Hall were a little moved.

Lin Bei's brows could not help but twitch.

To be honest, if you don't know the plans of the head of the Blood Demon Hall and what's on your mind.

Seeing the other party crying so deeply, Lin Bei really believed it.

This acting skill is too good, and Lan Haixing, who was in her previous life, can also win an Oscar statuette.

But the head of the Blood Demon Hall is indeed a little clever.

When Xueyazi was killed and the head was sent by himself, anyone with a little brain knows it.

Their plan has been a complete failure.

Now, the head of the Blood Demon Hall can only pretend to be an idiot, putting aside the relationship.

All the sons and wives of the head of the Blood Demon Hall died.

Does it hurt?
It must be painful.

But compared to these pains, how could one's own life be so important to the head of the Blood Demon Hall?

"My lord! Who killed the dog!
Even if it is to burn jade and stone together!I want to avenge the dog too. "

The headmaster of the Blood Demon Hall tightly clenched his fists and clenched his teeth. It seemed that his own teeth were about to be crushed.

"I killed it."

Lin Bei stepped forward and spoke.

"That's right, it was Lin Dazhu who killed him, what do you want?" Luo Qingming looked at him coldly.


Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the headmaster of the Blood Demon Hall.

Why don't you play your cards according to common sense?

Logically speaking, you shouldn't give me a step down, just say that a person was killed, and then say that person was killed by Lin Bei.

In this way, I won't pursue it.

And then, leader, you ask the teacher for the crime, I will not admit it, and finally hit me eighty times, leader, what do you want me to do in the Blood Demon Hall, just like this, it is not impossible to completely become the leader of the sect.
In this way, my lord, your power has increased a bit, right?

But you are like this, it makes me very uncomfortable.

"My lord, you are... I don't know what mistake the dog made."

The head of the Blood Demon Hall continued to play dumb.

"What's wrong? Hehe."

Luo Qingming sneered.

"Lin Bei, read out his crimes!

Let him know what he did wrong!
Use this to make the entire Heavenly Demon Cult listen! "


Lin Bei took a small speaker from Luo Qingming.

This speaker is a loudspeaker, and its grade is not low. Not only can it amplify the sound several times, but it can also make the sound travel faster!It was enough for the entire Tianmo Cult to hear it in time!
"Blood Demon Hall committed two major crimes!"

Lin Bei's voice echoed above the Blood Demon Hall.

After hearing Lin Bei's voice, the monks in all halls, peaks and Tianmo Town stopped what they were doing and raised their heads.

There are melons to eat!
"One! The Blood Demon Hall colluded with the Underworld Snake Sect, rebelled against the Heavenly Demon Sect, and killed fellow disciples. Lin Dazhu, Yue Hui, and Guixie can all testify!"

"Second! Blood Demon Hall's disobedient heart, rebelling against the leader, seeking power and usurping the throne!"

"Punishment for both crimes! The Blood Demon Hall deserves death!"


Just when Lin Bei had just finished speaking, Luo Qingming spoke.

Luo Qingming's voice was also transmitted through Lin Bei's loudspeaker.


Lin Bei froze for a moment.

"There is one less."


One is missing, isn't it?
Which one?
"Most importantly, you didn't say it!"

Luo Qingming looked at the head of the Blood Demon Hall coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

"The Blood Demon Hall moved Lin Dazhu, Lin Dazhu is mine! This is the biggest death penalty!"

Luo Qingming's words spread freely.

And at this moment, the white clouds above the Blood Demon Hall were already ignited by black flames, and a phoenix cry resounded through the sky.

Luo Qingming stepped down step by step.

"Lin Dazhu, when you were in the Water Shadow Secret Realm, where did that blood tooth hurt you?"

"Arm?" Lin Bei didn't know why Luo Qingming suddenly asked this question.

"it is good!"

As the words fell, Luo Qingming swung his sword, and the arm of the head of the Blood Demon Hall fell directly to the ground.


The headmaster of the Blood Demon Hall let out a scream, and the sound spread throughout the Heavenly Demon Sect.

"Where else?"

"A few ribs seem to be broken."


Luo Qingming came to the head of the Blood Demon Hall in an instant, kicked him, and all 24 ribs of the opponent were broken.

The master of the Blood Demon Hall spat out blood, turned around and was about to run outside.

"I remember Jin Shuang told me that your leg was also injured."

Luo Qingming stretched out her hand to grab it, and the black flames wrapped her tightly.

Pressing down, the master of the Blood Demon Hall hit the ground, and the black flames continued to burn the opponent's skin!The scorching pain touched his soul!
Luo Qingming raised the long sword and stabbed at his thigh, the sword energy raged, smashing his legs to pieces!
"Luo Qingming, you will die!"

In front of Luo Qingming, the head of the Blood Demon Hall knew that he would die, so he didn't intend to continue pretending to be his grandson.

"I remember, Xue Yazi still wants to dig your heart, right?"

Luo Qingming turned her head to look at Lin Bei as if she had never heard the dog barking.

"Uh, yes."

Seeing the miserable state of the head of the Blood Demon Hall, Lin Bei was afraid to look directly at him.


Luo Qingming nodded, drew out her long sword and stabbed it into his chest.

The chest of the headmaster of the Blood Demon Hall was cut open bit by bit by Luo Qingming.

Then he skewered the opponent's heart like a barbecue.

The head of the Blood Demon Hall who lost his heart did not die.

A Jade Realm cultivator would not die immediately just because he lost his heart.

"My lord, I beg you, kill me, my lord, please kill me, please."

The head of the Blood Demon Hall hoped that he could die happily.

But it seems that even such a small wish of mine has become a luxury.
The screams and begging for mercy of the headmaster of the Blood Demon Hall echoed in the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Everyone listened, and their hairs couldn't help but stand on end!
They could already imagine the miserable state of the head of the Blood Demon Hall.

Luo Qingming still didn't hear the other party's dog barking, and stabbed the other party's body with each sword, like inserting a foam board.

Every sword of Luo Qingming was mixed with sword energy, and the sword energy pierced the opponent's soul.

The screams of the headmaster of the Blood Demon Hall echoed throughout the entire Heavenly Demon Sect.

After torturing for a full two sticks of incense, when the other party's screams stopped, everyone knew that the master of the Blood Demon Hall was dead and couldn't die anymore.

Watching his hall master being plundered to death alive.

No one in the Blood Demon Hall dared to step forward.

Everyone knows that stepping forward is a dead word!
Not to mention that it is so justifiable for the other party to kill his hall master.

It's just that when their hall master died, they didn't know what to do for a while, they could only stand there blankly.

After all, most people don't know what their hall master has done, and they don't know that they will face multiple consecutive sittings.

"Starting today, Lin Dazhu will be the head of the Blood Demon Hall, and he will be in charge of the Blood Demon Hall. He will take office in three days. Do you have any objections?"

Luo Qingming coldly glanced at the many elders of the Blood Demon Hall.
"Listen to the orders of the leader!"

Everyone bows to each other.

Have an objection?What a joke.

Not to mention Lin Dazhu being the head of the Blood Demon Hall.

Even if a dog came to be the head of the Blood Demon Hall, they knew that they would hold their noses and admit it obediently.

After all, Luo Qingming didn't kill herself, she was already showing mercy.

Although they have no objection, Lin Bei has a big objection!

Ah no.
Am I the hall master of the Blood Demon Hall?
The problem is that I am only at the late stage of the Dongfu Realm.

These elders are either Jindan or Nascent Soul, I am a little panicked
Lin Bei knew that he had no way to refuse.

If I refuse this, then I will change my way to slap the leader in the face.

I really don't want to be
Being the hall master is so tiring, there are so many things to do every day, and these guys in the Blood Demon Hall are troublemakers.

Even if they dare not do anything to me, what if they make trouble for me?
If I say east and they go west, wouldn't I be exhausted.

Just when Lin Bei was thinking about how to explain to Luo Qingming at night.

Suddenly, a white crane flew over from the sky and dropped a scroll.

The scroll unfolded in the air.

This is the Qingyun list!


[I wrote 8000 words today, and I’m practicing Shuangpin recently. I don’t know how long it will take to complete. ]
(End of this chapter)

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