Why did the husband run away

Chapter 149 What Are You Doing? !

Chapter 149 What Are You Doing? !

In the Blood Demon Hall.

After a cleanup by Lin Bei, the Blood Demon Hall has been completely controlled by Lin Bei.

Although Lin Bei is a new hall master.

Even though it is said that Linbei is only in the cave state.

But standing behind Lin Bei was Luo Qingming.

Not to mention that Luo Qingming directly killed the previous Hall Master of the Blood Demon Hall.

Then it was heard that in the proposal made by Judgment Peak, someone opposed Lin Bei's appointment, and Luo Qingming stepped on the wall with one foot, and then threw it to the ground.

Now Luo Qingming is majestic and in full swing.

No one dared to touch Luo Qingming's authority.

So the people in the Blood Demon Hall suddenly became obedient, and basically no one dared to confront Lin Bei.

"Thank you, Miss Hongyu."

In the evening, after returning to Demon Lord Peak, Lin Bei bowed to Red Fish.

To be honest, if there is no Red Fish today, everything will not be so smooth.

Red Fish killed more than a dozen people in one breath, this kind of deterrence is really too great.

"You're welcome." Red Fish looked at Lin Bei with a smile, "But I didn't expect Mr. Lin to go on a killing spree."

In Red Fish's view, Lin Bei is gentle and refined.

Lin Bei's style is incompatible with the Devil's Cult. Even under the background of the Devil's Cult, Lin Bei sometimes seems too naive.

To sum up, in Red Fish's view, Lin Bei's heart is not hard enough.

"Oh, there is no way."

Lin Bei sighed.

"Before I took office, I also thought about countless ways, but in the end I found that this way is easy to use."

Lin Bei asked Xiang Hongyu, if it were Miss Hongyu, what would Miss Hongyu do in today's situation?
"I am~"

With crooked eyes, Red Fish approached Lin Bei one step at a time.

Red Fish was only half a meter away from Lin Bei.

Red Fish put his hands behind his back, held the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, bent down, and looked at Lin Bei from bottom to top, with a slight smile and a little bit of playfulness in his eyes.

"I won't be as troublesome as Mr. Lin, deliberately investigating those guys' black information or something.

This is simply too much of a waste of time.

I'd just ring that bell and wait for them to arrive and say 'only one of you survives, the strongest stays'.

Then they would kill each other.

And when the last one of them is left, I will kill that last one!
Not one left!
I believe that person's expression will be very interesting at that time. "


Hearing Hongyu's words, Lin Bei took a breath.

It's also horrible.

It can only be said that it is worthy of Red Fish, and the methods they came up with are so representative.

"Mr. Lin, don't imitate him. Although Mr. Lin's handling method today is very troublesome, his words are already very good.

If Mr. Lin becomes like me, then he is not Mr. Lin. If Mr. Lin changes, Red Fish will be very sad. "

Red Fish smiled softly, straightened up, and when Red Fish's giant panda was about to touch Lin Bei, Lin Bei took a step back.

"See you tomorrow~"

Red Fish waved his hand, turned and left.

After taking a bath in the Lingquan of Demon Lord Peak and changing his clothes, Lin Bei returned to the courtyard.

Red Fish has already told Luo Qingming what happened today.

Sure enough, Luo Qingming was not so satisfied with Lin Bei's handling.

Why not satisfied?

It's very simple, that is, Luo Qingming and Red Fish have the same opinion, and feel that Lin Bei is still too long-winded.

Luo Qingming was surprised.

Why did Lin Bei often go to the Dark Butterfly Pavilion to search for information in the month before he took office.

It turned out to be looking for their black material.


waste time!

If you kill them, you kill them. Why give them a reason to die?

There is no reason for my demon to kill people.

Grinding and chirping.

But generally speaking, Lin Bei's handling method is not bad, very decisive, and the effect is not bad.

So Luo Qingming just punished Lin Bei for sleeping while hugging her feet.

As for Luo Qingming and Hong Yu's thoughts, Lin Bei could only support his forehead.

It can only be said that there is a secretary who looks like a boss.

Luo Qingming and Red Fish's way of thinking is really too radical.

It is definitely necessary to kill those high-level officials of the Blood Demon Hall.

Otherwise, it would not be able to deter the Blood Demon Hall, and it would be difficult for him to implement government orders in the future.

And it is also necessary to find out the reason. They have a reason to die, and they have to establish an image of the hall master who "has a little sense".

Violence alone is very difficult to govern the Blood Demon Hall. After all, the red fish will be gone by then. In this small cave, I can't even beat a deacon.
Thinking that he was still in Dongfu state, Lin Bei once again realized the importance of strength.

Sure enough, in this world, strength is the supreme existence.
Early the next morning, Hongyu continued to follow Lin Bei to the Blood Demon Hall.

When I came to the Blood Demon Hall the next day, all the senior officials of the Blood Demon Hall were much more honest.

Everyone greeted Lin Bei at the foot of the mountain early in the morning.

Compared with yesterday, it is a world of difference.

Lin Bei didn't make things difficult for them either.

On the second day, Lin Bei went to familiarize himself with various places and various things in the Blood Demon Hall.

Three days later, Red Fish left.

Originally, the red fish could have stayed for a few more days.

But Red Fish didn't need himself any more, and preparations for the Demon Cult's martial arts tournament were about to start recently, so there were a lot of things to do, so Red Fish went to work first.

But even if Hongyu left, no one would dare to die in front of Lin Bei.

Isn't it good to live well?
These people in the Blood Demon Hall have already figured it out completely.

Anyway, it doesn't matter who is the hall master, as long as you are doing well.

Everything else doesn't matter anymore.

And during these three days, Lin Bei was almost familiar with the affairs of the Blood Demon Hall.

All in all, the Blood Demon Hall is responsible for accounting for some materials.

This is the case in Tianmojiao.

Mountain peaks have no special function.

But there are.

All the halls and peaks of the Tianmo Sect need to pay part of their income to the Demon Lord Peak.

After the Demon Lord Peak receives this part of the income turned over, it will keep a part, which is the personal property of the leader.

Then there is a part of it that will be used to maintain the daily expenses of Tianmo Cult.

Another part is to look at which Tangkou mountain peaks have no income, give some subsidies, or give some material rewards to those peaks that perform well.

The Blood Demon Hall is in charge of accounting for this aspect.

It sounds like the power of the Blood Demon Hall is quite large.

But it is not.

Because after the calculation of the Blood Demon Hall, the Demon Lord Peak has to do the calculation again.

Finally, they have to check with the bank of the Tianmo Sect.

After confirming that it is correct, there is no problem.

In this way, the chances of the Blood Demon Hall wanting to do something will be much, much smaller.

in other words.

In fact, the Blood Demon Hall is a hall of tool people.

So those elders who worshiped or something said that they were too busy, so they didn't come to greet themselves.

This is just bullshit.

When the Blood Demon Hall is busy, there are only two or three days at the end of the month.

It was the middle of the month when I took office, these guys were busy with hammers.

Anyway, in the past few days, Lin Bei was basically familiar with all the affairs of the Blood Demon Hall.

That's all there is to it, not much at all.

In fact, the Blood Demon Hall should be called the Blood Demon Peak.

Because more significance lies in cultivating disciples.

The technique practiced in the Blood Demon Hall is called Blood Demon Art.

In order to familiarize himself with the skills of the Blood Demon Hall, Lin Bei deliberately went to the library to look through them.

The Gorefiend was originally transformed from the fourth volume of Shenmoyin-Purgatory Volume.

But the development of the Blood Demon Art to the present is basically very different from the fourth volume of Shenmoyin.

The Blood Demon Art is to control the blood of one's body to fight. It can turn one's blood into a weapon, and can also bless oneself.

You can also turn your blood into a molten temperature and so on.

Lin Bei felt that this was a bit like the setting in a drama he watched in his previous life.

Lin Bei thought for a while, and felt that he still needed to practice the Blood Demon Art.

After all, as the hall master of the Blood Demon Hall, if he couldn't even know the Blood Demon Art, wouldn't he be laughed out of his teeth?

time flies.

After Lin Bei took office, a month passed quickly.

Xinyi hasn't come back this month, Lin Bei is still quite worried.

Especially when the lord of Tianji City said that there are three catastrophes in Xinyi's fate.

This made Lin Bei even more worried.

Lin Bei asked Hongying where Xinyi and Fengzhu Luo had gone, but Hongying didn't say anything.

Lin Bei had no choice.

After all, I can't force others to speak.

Hongying told Lin Bei not to worry, and Xinyi would be back soon.

Lin Bei could only wait.

It's useless to worry, everything can only be said at that time.

And within a month, Lin Bei promoted several disciples to become deacons, and promoted several deacons to become elders.

Otherwise, there are quite a lot of vacancies in the upper management of the Blood Demon Hall.

All the people promoted by Lin Bei have undergone detailed investigations.

They may not be the best.

But one thing!
That is, they are down-to-earth and not easy to do things!
And the Blood Demon Hall does not need to make any achievements, the most important thing is to be down-to-earth.

After a month of running-in, the senior management of the Blood Demon Hall went from being terrified at the beginning to being somewhat relieved of Lin Bei later on.

Because they were worried that Lin Bei might really mess up.

If what I did did not satisfy the new hall master, then the new hall master would kill a few people from time to time and so on.

Then no one can stand it.

But it's okay.

They found that as long as they don't provoke each other, as long as they don't intentionally trip them up, or make some principled mistakes.

The new hall master is quite tolerant.

And for things that he didn't understand, the new hall master didn't point fingers, pretending to understand what he didn't know, but would learn first, and then practice it himself.

And it can only be said that he is worthy of being a genius on the Qingyun list.

This new hall master has a strong learning ability!

He has a clear understanding of all the operations of the Blood Demon Hall.

For a while, the senior management of the Blood Demon Hall felt that this was not bad.

First of all, although the new hall master is only in the Dongfu realm, the future can be expected. It is definitely not a problem to become the Jade Raw Realm, and he can even enter the Immortal Realm.

And it has been a long time since the Blood Demon Hall has no monks from the Immortal Realm.

When his suzerain enters the fairyland, he will have face if he walks out.

The competition among the Tangkou Mountains is not small.

There is still a big difference between having a fairyland and not having a fairyland.

If your hall master is from the Jade Realm, and the opponent's peak master is from the Immortal Realm, you will have to lower your head when you bump into each other.

The second is that the Blood Demon Hall is backed by the leader.

With the backing of the leader of the Blood Demon Hall, more resources will be tilted, and everyone will be more worry-free in their practice.

Finally, the new hall master is very generous!
Under normal circumstances, every hall master of the Blood Demon Hall will take some of the income of the Blood Demon Hall.

But Lin Bei not only didn't take more, but instead distributed his hall master's monthly salary to his disciples to improve their lives.

Of course, this hall master is also very strict on the corruption of the Blood Demon Hall.

At present, none of the top management of the Blood Demon Hall dares to take a penny from the account of the hall.

You can practice, no amount of resources is enough.

What if resources are not enough?

Lin Bei also worried about this.

The Blood Demon Hall is really not rich!
Where does Blood Demon Hall's main revenue come from?
One is that the disciples of the Blood Demon Hall will take on some missions and participate in some training.

After completing the tasks and experience, you will be rewarded, and the Blood Demon Hall will draw [-]%.

The second is to rely on subsidies from the Tianmo Sect.
As for the property of the Blood Demon Hall.

There is a hammer industry in the Blood Demon Hall.

Basically, the Blood Demon Hall provides exercises and practice guidance, and then the disciples go out to work hard, and part of the money earned from hard work will go back to the Blood Demon Hall.

After hearing this, the capitalists were moved to tears at the disciples of the Blood Demon Hall.

However, most of the halls and peaks of the Tianmo Sect are like this.

As for the monks, they basically rely on themselves to find resources and plunder resources by themselves.

That's right.

But the question is, whether it is the various sects of Tianmo Sect, or other sects.

Generally, the bigger the sect, the more industries it has.

Otherwise, how could the sect support so many monks?

Do monks practice without money?

Monks are the most expensive.


If the money burned by the monks is converted into strength, they can get more industries.

For example, if you found a spiritual vein, if you didn't have a strong sect background, would you be able to stand up?

Stop being funny.

In this world where power is paramount.

Strength equals money.

If you have money, you may not be able to have strength, because it is useless to rely on money alone for cultivation.

But if you have strength, then you must be rich!
You can occupy a city, or even a dynasty!
However, all the big and small sects of the Tianmo Sect have their own industries, turning their strength into economics and rights.

But there is none in the Blood Demon Hall.

When Lin Bei learned about this, he was in a daze.

Blood Demon Hall is one of the 36 entrances!He doesn't even have his own business!

What are you doing? !

For a while, Lin Bei suspected that these high-level officials of the Blood Demon Hall had started acting as demons.

When Lin Bei looked at them with dead eyes, they immediately knelt down:
"My lord, our Blood Demon Hall really has no property!

(End of this chapter)

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