Why did the husband run away

Chapter 152 Hall Master Lin Thinks Beautifully

Chapter 152 Hall Master Lin Thinks Beautifully
"Five years later, the disciple

I don't want to talk about whether I can't live, I just sigh.The owner of Yaowang Valley stretched out his palm and compared the number "five".

"Five years."

Luo Qing felt his eyes darkened, he couldn't stand firmly, and he was about to faint on the ground.

"Aunt Luo."

The saintess of Yaowang Valley hurried forward and supported the other party.

And immediately perform acupuncture to keep the other party awake and let the other party calm down.

"Old man, is there really nothing to do?"

Luo Qing bit her thin lips lightly, feeling very complicated.

In fact, in Luo Qing's heart, he already vaguely guessed that sooner or later there would be such a day.

Because Xinyi is too much loved by God.

Be it physical or appearance.

God gave Xinyi all the best things.

But everything in the world is relative.

To carry such a good thing, you have to pay a certain price, or suffer corresponding hardships.

That's why Tianji City predicted three catastrophes for Xinyi.

For these three catastrophes, Luo Qing still believes very much.

Luo Qing didn't even need Tianji City to prophesy, Luo Qing knew that his Xinyi would suffer a lot in the future.

But I didn't expect that the first catastrophe would come so early!
"There is a way, but."

Can't save him with a look of embarrassment.


Luo Qing tightly clenched his fists.

"Old guy, don't worry, I can hold on."

"The only way is to find a pure Yang body within these five years.

The body of pure yang corresponds to the body of extreme yin, and the two are originally a pair.

If Lingtu and the body of pure yang are both cultivated, then the excess yin energy in the body will be resolved a lot.

Not only will it solve the current illness, but the cultivation base will be raised to a higher level. "

"A body of pure yang."

Luo Qing's eyes flickered.

Although there is some hope in Luo Qing's heart, but this hope is just a faint light.

Pure Yang Body
Easy to say.

In the Kyushu of this world, there is a total of such a large place, and there are hundreds of millions of monks and ordinary people.

How can I find the body of pure yang?
It is not even known whether the body of pure yang exists in this world, or whether it was born or not.

five years time.
Five years is a long time for a mere mortal.

But for a monk, five years is really too short.

"Is there really no other way?"

Luo Qing still did not give up.


Can't help but shook his head and sighed.

"What the old man can do now is to use prescriptions as much as possible to maintain the vitality in her body, that's all."

"I see."

Luo Qing accepted the reality.

For a monk in the Jade Raw Realm, she is still the lord of a peak and has lived a thousand years. She knows very well that it is useless for her to be sad. What she has to do now is to find the body of pure yang.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, you have to find it yourself.

For Xinyi to be able to live!
"Thank you, old man."

Luo Qing thanked her and walked into the room.

In the room, Xinyi was leaning on the head of the bed, and Yu Nen's little hands were playing with the strange black and white plush doll.

At this moment, the young girl still had that extremely innocent appearance.

"Master, is Xinyi seriously ill?"

Luo Xinyi hugged the black and white panda puppet into her arms.

"No, it's not very serious. It's just some minor illness. It's fine to prescribe some medicine. It doesn't matter."

Luo Qing smiled slightly, but didn't say anything about his condition.

For a girl who is only 17 years old, if she knows that she has very little life left and her chances of surviving are extremely slim, this is a very desperate thing.

Even if Xinyi is very strong, Luo Qing doesn't know whether Xinyi can face this.

But Luo Qing will not give up.

Xinyi is not only his disciple, but also his daughter.

"Hmm." Luo Xinyi nodded, "Master, let's go home, okay? I don't want to stay here, I want to see Lin Bei."

"Well, let's go back, you have a rest, we will leave after lunch."

Sitting on Luo Xinyi's bedside, Luo Qing gently stroked Luo Xinyi's long hair.


In the girl's eyes, a clean and happy color flashed across.

It's just that this touch of color is so distressing in Luo Qing's eyes.

Outside the courtyard, a girl with double braids couldn't bear to look in the direction of the room.

The girl was dressed in a blue gauze dress, which gave people a clear and transparent feeling. There was a light purple gauze belt on her shoulders. A gust of wind blew by, giving people a feeling of elegance, like a fairy descending to earth.

The breeze blows past, the gauze ribbon clings to the body, and the exquisite and delicate figure is vividly reflected.

The long and delicate black hair is often tied into two long braids, like a smart deer living among mountains and rivers.

Today, because of being too tired, the long hair is loosely counted, showing a different kind of demeanor, which makes people love and feel pity.

There is nothing else on the white skin, as if transparent and clean, and the big eyes twinkle as if they can talk, which makes people love it.

The small red lips and the white skin are more distinct. A pair of small dimples are evenly distributed on both sides of the cheeks. When she smiles lightly, the dimples are faintly visible on the cheeks, and she is as cute as a fairy.

The girl's name is Qin Yu Nie.

[The mountain of the female bed, its Yin Duo Nie stone. 】

Yu Nie is the name of a traditional Chinese medicine.

The girl was named Yu Nie because she held tightly to the Yu Nie stone on the head of the bed when she was born.

Qin Yu Nie ranked No. 20 on the Qing Yun Ranking.

The comment is:
"Compared to his grandfather, Jindan realm and medical skills are a little immature, but they have surpassed many doctors in the world.

Kind and pure, the doctor is benevolent, heals all people, and benefits Jiuzhou. "

"Grandpa. That girl"

Qin Yu Nie couldn't bear that such a good girl could only live another five years.

Qin Yu Nie has never seen such a beautiful and clean girl.

It's very comfortable to get along with her, as if I can calm down the whole person.

But why did such a girl encounter such a disaster.


Can't help but shook his head.

"Perhaps, this is fate."

The election meeting will be held soon.

And Lin Bei naturally wanted to take a look.

to be frank.

Tianmojiao's naming of various things is really straightforward.

Because various judgments are required, that mountain is called the Judgment Front.

Because it is to select disciples, and then many people will come, just like a gathering, and the result is called a disciple selection meeting.

Even the Heavenly Demon Cult martial arts competition to be held in a month's time is called a martial arts competition.

It can only be said that the Demon Cult is worthy of being a Demon Cult, and it never engages in those elegant things. Simple and clear is the best.

think about it too
In Tianmojiao, there are not many people who have read many books
But Lin Bei was a little puzzled.

Why is there four peaks of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in this sect that is full of big bosses.

What is the reason for these four mountain peaks to come to Tianmo Sect.

Forced or voluntary?
If it is voluntary, then this is too much to think about.

Wouldn't the four peaks of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting feel very unharmonious in the Tianmo Sect?

"My lord, my subordinates are going to participate in the disciple selection meeting."

After waking up, Lin Bei bowed to the screen that separated the inner room from the outer room.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Bei would hear the word "roll".

But not today, which means that Luo Qingming has already gotten up and left.

Perhaps it was because the tournament was about to begin.

Recently, it's not just Luo Qingming.

Jin Shuang and Hong Yu are both very busy.

And the closer it gets, the busier it gets.

The most obvious change is that Red Fish doesn't have much thought to make fun of himself.

But what Lin Bei didn't expect was that when Luo Qingming got up, she didn't wake herself up, but let herself continue to sleep.

It's just not her style.

Maybe it was forgotten this morning.

Leaving the Demon Lord Peak, Lin Bei flew directly to the Blood Demon Hall.

The elders and deacons of the Blood Demon Hall were already waiting for Lin Bei at the foot of the mountain.

By the way, the Blood Demon Hall no longer has any enshrining.

The so-called enshrinement is equivalent to a kind of thug hired by money.

When you have something to do, you can do it for me, and when you have nothing to do, you can stay in the hall, do whatever you want, you don’t have to do anything, and then you get your salary as usual, and the salary is not low!
Lin Bei was very upset.

What the heck.

I need you few Nascent Soul Realm Golden Core Realm to deter you with force?
Who can you people frighten?
As long as the Blood Demon Hall is backed by the Demon Lord Peak and will never leave, then Luo Qingming will be her biggest protection.

And their salaries are so high!As a result, do nothing all day!

The more he thought about Lin Bei, the angrier he felt.

So Lin Bei gave the worshipers of the Blood Demon Hall two choices.

One option is to leave me with your salary for this month, and get out quickly.

One option is to become the elder of the Blood Demon Hall and do things for Lao Tzu!Don't even think about eating rice!

As for your treatment in the future, then refer to the treatment of the elders of the Blood Demon Hall.

In the end, most of the offerings chose the latter.

After all, the Blood Demon Hall still has good development prospects.

Isn't that just working as an elder?

Just do it!It is a fool to have money but not make money!
Therefore, the current Blood Demon Hall is the only hall in the Heavenly Demon Sect that does not have enshrinements.

"My lord."

Seeing Lin Beifei approaching, everyone bowed and bowed very respectfully.

"It's all here, let's go, let's go choose the seedlings."

Lin Bei flew to the place where the disciple selection meeting was held, everyone followed behind Lin Bei, and opened a certain distance, showing Lin Bei's status.

A group of people came to a small plain of Tianmo Sect like a group building.

This time, there are a total of [-] monk seedlings in the selection meeting.

But the number of people who can be selected, according to previous data, is only about [-].

The main reason is that the number of places in each hall and each peak has a certain limit.

In every apprentice selection meeting, each church and peak generally do not want to expand the scale, but want to supplement the monks that have been lost in the past three years.

After all, being a monk is a high-risk profession, and people disappear from time to time, which consumes a lot of money.

High-risk occupations are generally accompanied by the greatest benefits, and monks are definitely the most precious existence in this world, none of them.

However, each hall and peak will never select some bad seedlings just because of the number of people.

This is the Demon Cult, the largest Demon Cult in Lihuozhou, and the threshold is not low!

Of course, even if there is no shortage of people in some sects, some elders will come to see if there are any good seedlings!

Good seedlings, there is never too much!
Those disciples who are not selected will also pass the assessment, and if they pass the assessment, they can become outer disciples.

After becoming an outer sect disciple, as long as he practices well, he is very likely to be selected by other Tangkou Mountains.

It's just that the probability of this is relatively small, and the assessment of the outer sect is not so simple.

"Hall Master Lin, I didn't expect that Master Lin would also come to the apprentice selection meeting."

Meiyin, the master of Qinyin Peak, stepped forward and bowed with a smile.

The master of Qinyin Peak is a woman with outstanding beauty and appearance.

Similarly, if Luo Qingming and Luo Xinyi were used as the perfect score system, then the peak owner of Qinyin Peak would have [-] points.

This is already hard to come by!

In other words, the peak master of Qinyin Peak is more beautiful than that Ruolan whose whereabouts are unknown.

However, the reputation of the master of Qinyin Peak is not that good.

It may be because there is a lot of gossip at the widow's door.

The peak master of Qinyin Peak is a widow with outstanding looks, so there are often scandals and so on.

In the face of these scandals, the master of Qinyin Peak's solution was not to respond.

"I have seen the peak master."

Lin Bei also made a salute, which was very polite.

After all, the master of Qinyin Peak was the first group of people who supported Luo Qingming.

It can only be said that the opponent's vision is really good.

"Hall Master Lin is short of someone?"

The master of Qinyin Peak exchanged greetings.

"One thing, there is still a shortage of people in business recently.

Moreover, over the years, the Blood Demon Hall has lost a lot of monks, so I came here to take a look. "

Lin Bei smiled.

"If Master Meiyin Peak has any good seedlings, don't forget to inform this junior."

"Hehehe, Hall Master Lin has a good idea. If there are good seedlings, they would have poached them long ago. Why wait for Hall Master Lin?"

The master of Qinyin Peak let out a hen-like laugh, and glanced at Lin Bei lightly with his beautiful eyes, which were three points coquettish, three points charming, and four points mature charm.

It wasn't just Lin Bei, Lin Bei felt that the male elders and deacons behind him were breathing slightly short of breath.

No wonder Meiyin was pursued by so many people, and there were so many rumors about her.

have to say!

The mature charm of this pretty widow is not something that a little girl who has no experience in the world can understand.

Of course.

Lin Bei still likes first-hand goods!

"If that's the case, then we'll each rely on our eyesight." Lin Bei bowed with a smile.

"Okay." Mei Yin also bowed.

Lin Bei turned and left, but just as Lin Bei had walked a few steps, Mei Yin called Lin Bei:
"Hall Master Lin..."

(End of this chapter)

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