Why did the husband run away

Chapter 154 That's because the Hall Master wants to exercise me!

Chapter 154 That's because the Hall Master wants to exercise me!

"Little sister, are you interested in joining our Blood Demon Hall?"

Lin Bei smiled.

Such a strong blood energy can completely make up for the lack of the other party's roots.

Not only that, in Lin Bei's view, the Blood Demon Hall may be the most suitable sect for the opponent, not one of them.

If this little sister went to other Tangkou mountain peaks, then she might be buried.

Even those Tangkou mountain peaks will not want this little sister.

But to the Blood Demon Hall, this little girl is a treasure!
As long as she practices the skills of the Blood Demon Hall, her future cannot be said to be bright, but at least it won't be too bad.

The skills of the Blood Demon Hall seemed to be created for this little girl with strong blood.

"Eh? Can I?" The little girl shook her eyes and asked in surprise, "Can I really be selected?"

When the little girl was on the plain, she watched people around her being chosen and taken away one after another, but no one chose her.

As there were fewer and fewer people, the little girl thought she had no hope, and wondered if she should leave.

But unexpectedly, there is still a person who is willing to take him in.

"of course."

Lin Bei nodded.

"Little girl, you are very suitable for practicing the exercises of our hall, and your achievements in the future will be limitless!
It's just that the welfare of our Tangkou is not as good as other Tangkou mountains.

Our mountain is currently in its infancy.

But our mountains will get better and better in the future.

How about it, girl, do you want to join us? "

"Can I have enough food every day?" The little girl asked innocently.

Hearing the little girl's question, Lin Bei was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little sad, then nodded with a smile: "Yes, not only can we have a full meal, but we also have meat for every meal!"

Hearing "meat", the little girl swallowed.

"Will the house leak?"

"No, our house is very strong and quite big."

"Do you have warm clothes to wear in winter?"

"Yes, it's not just for winter, you can use your monthly salary to buy a lot of clothes, even the uniforms of our hall are distributed free of charge, and the quality is very good.

Our purpose is!Let the Blood Demon Hall become the home in the hearts of every disciple. "

Lin Bei answered all in one breath, feeling like a recruiter.

"I promise!"

With no more doubts, the little girl nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

In this little girl's mind, she doesn't really understand the exercises and so on.

The most practical thing is that you can have enough food, a good house will not leak, and then you will not be cold in winter.

"Well, let's put it this way, from now on, little girl, you will be a member of our Blood Demon Hall."


"Little sister, what's your name?"

"Mimi, my name is Mimi."

"What's your last name, little girl?"

Lin Bei thought in his heart that this little girl's surname is Mi, right?

"Surname? What is a surname?"

"that is."

Just when Lin Bei wanted to explain, suddenly, Lin Bei thought he realized something.

"Little sister's name, did you choose it yourself?"


The little girl named Mi Fan nodded.

"My name was given to myself when I left the forest.

Because I want to be full with rice all the time. "

".What about your parents, little sister?"

"I have no parents, and Aunt Hu has always raised me, but two years ago, Aunt Hu suddenly disappeared one day, and I have never been able to find Aunt Hu.

I kept looking and looking, but I couldn't find it.

Then a big sister came and asked me if I wanted to become a monk. She said that if I become a monk, I can have enough food, become very powerful, and find Aunt Tiger.

So here I am."

"Forest. Aunt Tiger?" Lin Bei gradually had a guess in his mind, "Who is Aunt Tiger that my little sister is talking about?"

"Aunt Hu is a very big tiger. Aunt Hu raised me up, taught me to speak, and taught me to hunt. In the forest, there is no animal that is not afraid of Aunt Hu."

While talking, this little girl looked very confident with her hands on her hips.

At this moment, Lin Bei completely understood.

It turned out that this little girl had no parents and had been raised by a tiger all along.

Then this tiger should still have some cultivation, at least she can speak human language. She taught Mi Fan the language of the human race, and she should also teach Mi Fan some common sense about the human race.

It's just that one day the little girl's aunt tiger disappeared, and during this time, she happened to meet a monk from the Xuncai Hall of the Tianmo Sect.

In order to have enough to eat and to find Aunt Hu, the other party embarked on the road to find the Demon Cult.

it happened two years ago
In other words, this little girl has been walking for two full years.

Lin Bei suddenly felt that this little girl might be able to achieve something by practicing boxing.

Being able to walk here for two years is enough to show the strong physique of this little girl.

"Alright, let's go, I'll take you back to the Blood Demon Hall."


Rice nodded.

Lin Bei sacrificed a leaf, which quickly enlarged, and then Lin Bei walked up with the rice.

When the leaves took off, Mi Fan grabbed Lin Bei's clothes tightly in fright.

But soon, this little girl got used to flying, she wasn't afraid at all, and even had the guts to look down.

I have to say, as expected of a child raised by a tiger, his courage is incomparable to that of ordinary people.

After bringing the rice to the Blood Demon Hall, Lin Bei asked a deaconess to teach the rice.

This deaconess is called Xiao Mo, Lin Bei's former secretary.

Now she is no longer Lin Bei's female secretary, but she is still in charge of the finances of the Blood Demon Hall.

"Meet the hall master."

Seeing Lin Bei bringing a tomboy to his courtyard, Xiao Mo hurried out and bowed.

"Xiao Mo, this little girl is named Mi Fan, she is a seedling I selected from the apprentice selection meeting, she is extremely energetic and bloody.

From today onwards, you are teaching her to practice. "


Xiao Yao nodded respectfully.

Xiao Mo looked at the little girl standing beside Lin Bei.

Although her name is a little bit strange, but her eyes are very beautiful, very agile, Xiao Ling likes it very much.

"Mi Fan, this is your future master, you have to listen carefully to the master's words, understand?"

"Hmm." Mi Rice nodded heavily.

"Okay, I'll leave first."

Lin Bei stopped meddling, turned around and flew away.

It wasn't until Lin Bei's figure disappeared that Xiao Mo slowly retracted his gaze and looked at the little girl in front of him.

"Hello, little girl, my name is Xiao Mo, and I will be your master from now on."

Xiao Mo squatted down and smiled softly.

"Well, master!"

Rice shouted energetically.

"You're so good. Master will take you to take a bath first. Girls can't be so dirty."

Xiao Mo rubbed Mi Fan's head, and took Mi Fan to the female spirit spring in the Blood Demon Hall.

After Xiao Mo took a bath for Mi Mi, he changed the girl into clean clothes, and finally trimmed Mi Mi's hair a little.

After a series of washing, cutting and blowing, looking at the little girl in front of the mirror, Xiao Ling's eyes were full of surprise.

After taking a shower and putting on clean clothes, Mi Mi seemed to be a different person.

At this time, the little girl has a small face with melon seeds, but she also has a little bit of cute baby fat.

A pair of big eyes, black pupil clean and transparent like two black gems.

A small upturned nose, thin lips.

The long eyelashes blinked like butterflies flying among the flowers.

What's more strange is that from what the hall master said, Mi Fan had been living in the forest and was exposed to the wind and sun every day. Logically speaking, his skin should be somewhat dark.

But Mi Fan's skin is very fair and delicate, just like her name.

The perfect beauties.

If there is no accident, this little girl will definitely be a disaster for the country and the people when she grows up!
It's just that the short hair on this head is a little bit inconsistent.

But it doesn't matter, after all, hair will grow.

"Mi Fan, from today onwards, I will be your master."

Xiao Mo smiled at the rice and rubbed her little head.

"I will teach you how to practice in the future, and then you can sleep in the same room with me. I just feel lonely when I sleep alone."

"Hmm." Mi Fan nodded, "But Master, where's the big brother?"

"That's our hall master."

When Lin Bei was mentioned, Xiao Mo's eyes showed longing and admiration.

"In our Blood Demon Hall, Hall Master Lin is the biggest existence.

Then, when you see that big brother in the future, you have to call the hall master, but you can't just call the hall master the big brother, you have to be very respectful to the hall master, understand? "

"Oh woo."

Rice nodded.

Although I don't know why, but since this big sister made me shout like that, there must be nothing wrong with it.

"Master, is our hall master very powerful?"

But the rice is still a little curious.

"Yeah! Very powerful, very powerful!"

There was a gleam of light in Xiao Mo's eyes, his voice raised a pitch, and his tone became even more excited.

"Our hall master, although the level is not high! But the methods are very fierce!
At that time, no one in the Blood Demon Hall served our hall master.

But our hall master has established his prestige very decisively.

Mi Fan, you don't understand, when our hall master turned around, let alone how handsome he was.

After that, no one in the Blood Demon Hall dared to despise our hall master!
Although in the eyes of others, our hall master is bullying others, they feel that if our hall master is not the confidant of the sect master, we are nothing.

But actually, I know!

Our hall master is really capable!
Even without the support of our Hall Master, our Hall Master, given time, our Hall Master will still be able to clean up the entire Blood Demon Hall, everything is just a matter of time.

There is more and more.

Now our Blood Demon Hall is much richer than before, and every monk has better expectations for tomorrow.

I believe that our Blood Demon Hall will become better and better.

And all of this is due to our hall master. "


There was a gleam of light in Mi Fan's eyes.

Although I said I didn't understand what Master said.

But when I heard it, I felt so powerful!

"That's that."

Xiao Chao also nodded triumphantly, looking quite proud.

But soon, a sense of disappointment flashed in Xiao Mo's eyes.

"Actually, if possible, I want to always be by our hall master's side.

I once had such an opportunity to be the hall master's assistant for a few days.

But for some unknown reason, the hall master fired me.

Later, the hall master was replaced by You Hai.

That You Hai is down-to-earth in doing things, but it's not my master's bragging.

Master feels that You Hai is no match for me, Master.

I can't figure it out, I can't figure out why the Hall Master dismissed me.

But then, I knew why. "

"Why?" Mi Fan's big eyes kept blinking, and there was light in them, looking extremely curious.

"That's because the Hall Master wants to exercise me!"

Xiao Mo clenched his fist tightly.

"I believe that the hall master must think that I am too young, so he wants me to sharpen it a lot!
And I will definitely not let down the expectations of the hall master!
I will definitely become the Hall Master's assistant again!

first!I want to achieve a good result in this martial arts competition!Let the hall master set his sights on me again! "

Looking at his master's firm eyes, Mi Fan also kind of ignited.

It's just a tournament, what is this?

In another half a month.

During these half a month, the entire Tianmo Sect was busy.

Especially the Blood Demon Hall.

After all, the disciples of the Blood Demon Hall have to prepare for the martial arts competition in the Heavenly Demon Sect, and also have to deliver express delivery, and more than 100 new disciples have been recruited this time, so they also need to be trained.

Lin Bei has to deal with a lot of things, so Lin Bei always feels that he doesn't have enough time.

Regarding the practice these days, Lin Bei has been sneaking in every day.

The progress of practice has not been slowed down.

However, Lin Bei felt that after the martial arts tournament, all the business of the Blood Demon Hall would be on the right track, and he was about to appoint a deputy hall master.

It's good for me to be a hands-off shopkeeper, as long as I'm in charge of the general direction, everything else will be done by the deputy hall master.

After all, for a hall master, cultivation is the most important thing.

After all, the cultivation base of the hall master and peak master is the confidence behind the disciple.

But now, I can only support myself first.

"You want to come back later tonight? Reason!"

Three days before the martial arts tournament, before going to work in the Blood Demon Hall, Lin Bei made a report to Luo Qingming, saying that he might come back later today.

And listening to Lin Bei's words, Luo Qingming looked at Lin Bei, frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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