Chapter 159
Early in the morning, Lin Bei woke up earlier than before Luo Qingming.

In the courtyard, Lin Bei first did a set of radio gymnastics. After exercising his muscles and bones, he went back to his room to wake Luo Qingming up.

I have to wake Luo Qingming up before six o'clock.

Otherwise, Luo Qingming will lose her temper again.

However, when Lin Bei told Luo Qingming to wake up, Luo Qingming would also feel quite angry about getting up.

This kind of wake-up breath is not the yelling one, but a little bit cute.

Like this morning.

"My lord, wake up, my lord." Lin Bei shouted from outside the screen.


In the inner room, Luo Qing murmured, and then there was no postscript.

It looked like he had fallen asleep again...

"My lord, get up." There was no other way, Lin Bei shouted again.

"Hmm." Luo Qingming hummed again.

At this time, according to his usual experience, Lin Bei knew that Luo Qingming must be lying in bed again.

Ever since, Lin Bei walked into the inner room.

Lin Bei is already able to enter and leave Luo Qingming's inner room.

After all, most of Luo Qingming's body has been seen and touched by Lin Bei, so it's okay to enter the inner room.

"My lord, this subordinate is rude."

Lin Bei bowed to Luo Qingming, and then began to change Luo Qingming's clothes very skillfully.


When Lin Bei hugged Luo Qingming, she was still asleep, and the half-awake Luo Qingming struggled a little, as if acting like a baby.

However, Luo Qingming struggled with very little strength, and when Luo Qingming struggled, she liked to rub against Lin Bei's arms.

Lin Bei doesn't know if all the girls are so soft, because Lin Bei has only hugged Luo Qingming so far.

Every time Luo Qingming struggled in Lin Bei's arms, the soft feeling was extremely comfortable.

Women are like water.

This sentence is indeed correct.

The ancients never lied to me.

Lin Bei didn't care about Luo Qingming's coquettish struggle in his arms, and directly helped Luo Qingming change into a man's attire, and then combed the stupid hair on Luo Qingming's head.

In the end, prepare a mouthful for Luo Qingming.

"My lord, you can't swallow this, you must spit it out, this is mouthwash."

Every time he yelled at Luo Qingming, Lin Bei always reminded him earnestly.

Otherwise, Luo Qingming swallowed the mouthwash directly, this kind of thing didn't happen once or twice.


Luo Qingming nodded, then swallowed the mouthwash with a thud
Lin Bei: "."

Forget it, the saliva invented by Jiang Zaotang can already be drunk.

The towel was soaked in cold water and wrung out, and wiped Luo Qingming's face.

Washing your face with cold water in the morning in summer is the most refreshing.

Luo Qingming woke up right now.

As for Luo Qingming, she naturally doesn't remember everything that happened in her ignorance just now.

When Luo Qing is awake, it is usually when Red Fish comes to deliver breakfast.

Lin Bei and his party continued to eat breakfast in the yard.

Every time he had breakfast, looking at Luo Qingming Hongyu and Jinshuang, Lin Bei always had the illusion that he was his main wife plus two concubines.

Of course, this illusion was only fleeting.

I was thinking about eating peaches.

To marry Luo Qingming Hongyu and Jinshuang would not be enough for her own lives.

After breakfast, Lin Bei went straight to the round of sixteen.

The top [-] match was still held on that plain, and a magic circle was still set up to divide the small plain into a small isolated world.

It's just different from the play-in and group stages.

Both the qualifying round and the group stage are protected by magic circles, and people inside will not die.

But the knockout rounds are different.

Knockout will cancel the mechanism of protection.

In other words, to die inside is to really die.

As for why.

First, the protection mechanism is not unlimited, that is, the protection mechanism will affect the full strength of the people inside.

The second is that the protection mechanism may cause misjudgment. Originally, you could exchange injuries for injuries and kill the opponent in seconds, but your protection mechanism thinks that you are not good enough, so you will be judged as a loser and you will come out.

The third point, and the most important point, is that when the knockout round begins, it will no longer be a "martial arts tournament" game.

The members of the Demon Cult have always licked blood on the edge of their swords.

Only when you are really likely to die, you will make a choice, whether to continue fighting or give up.

Only between life and death can you break through your limits.

Therefore, before the start of the competition, a total of sixteen players will sign a life-and-death contract.

That is, if both parties die in the ring, the opposing sect will absolutely not be able to pursue it.

Of course, if one side surrenders and admits defeat, then the other side cannot continue to fight.

It's not just about admitting defeat.

In order to prevent their own disciples from being beaten, the hall master or the master of the contestants has the right to admit defeat on behalf of the other party.

After signing this life-and-death contract, the competition for the top sixteen officially began.

The sixteen monks each walked into their own venues.

"Hall Master Lin won't lose, will he?"


"I think so too."

"It's already pretty good. Hall Master Lin is only at the Sea Viewing Realm. It's already extremely difficult to get to where he is now by relying on the Sea Watching Realm."

"I think so, this is already very powerful."

"That's right, even if Hall Master Lin loses, I still like Hall Master Lin!"

"That's right! Hall Master Lin is your husband!"

"Excuse me, my husband is kraft paper."

"What about you? What kind of husband are you?"

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, the competition is about to start, but I heard that Master Lin and Kuang Fengfeng have enmity, this battle should be very exciting."

"Shouldn't this be a battle of life and death?"

someone suddenly said.

"Probably not?"

"Hiss, it's hard to say that you said that."

The monks outside the arena looked at the huge screen floating in the sky, and they were all talking about it.

They have heard a little about the grievances between Lin Bei and Kuang Fengfeng.

It was rumored that when the leader of the Kuangfeng Peak objected to Lin Bei being the hall master, the leader Luo Qingming directly threw him on the ground, and then the leader of the Kuangfeng Peak kowtowed to Lin Bei.

If this is true, then I don't know if Lin Bei admits defeat, but Gust Peak will definitely beat Lin Bei to death.

At the same time, the master of Kuang Fengfeng looked directly at Qiu Yi on the screen.

Regarding Qiu Yi's strength, Zhao Gu, the leader of the Kuangfeng Peak, had absolute confidence.

Zhao Gu believed that Qiu Yi would definitely be able to hit Lin Dazhu on the ground!
Do not!
It's not just about beatings!

Qiu Yi must kill Lin Dazhu.

Only in this way can the arrogance of the Demon Lord Peak be thwarted to the greatest extent, and only in this way can he be humiliated by Yixue at the Judgment Front!

As for Lin Bei's surrender at that time?
Ha ha.

Qiu Yi will not give Lin Bei a chance to surrender!

As for whether she will be hated by Luo Qingming in the future?
So what about grudges?
Is everyone's hatred still small?

Everyone has signed a life and death contract!Life and death are conceited, if you can't afford it, then don't come to this place, then just abstain!
If it was because of Lin Bei's death, the other party would take revenge on him.

Haha, then this is what he wants to see the most
Because this is equivalent to Luo Qingming challenging the rules of All Heavenly Demons!

It's true that there are few rules of the Tianmo Sect, and it's true that you can speak with your strength, but you can't do whatever you want.

Besides, didn't you, Luo Qingming, say that anyone can challenge Lin Dazhu?
As long as it's not two realms higher than Lin Dazhu's!
Then my disciple's realm is at the early stage of Longmen realm, but it's just one realm higher, so there's no problem with that, right?
Or is it that you, Luo Qingming, are contradictory and can't afford to have fun at all?
In the view of the peak owner of the Kuangfeng Peak, it is best for Luo Qingming to back out!
In this way, Luo Qingming's prestige will be minimized!
At that time, I will have to see for myself how Luo Qingming will end up.


"Master, the situation seems to be a little bit bad, the Gale Summit will not"

Standing behind Luo Qingming, Hong Yu slowly spoke.

Red Fish felt that in this duel, Kuang Fengfeng would definitely not simply want to defeat Lin Bei.

If there is no accident, the other party will definitely want to kill Lin Bei!

This is the best opportunity to kill Lin Bei and defeat the leader's arrogance, and the other party will definitely not let it go.

"Just look at it."

Luo Qingming looked at the screen indifferently, but Luo Qingming's little hands were already pinched unconsciously.

"If you feel bad"

Luo Qingming frowned slightly.

"Then abstain instead of Lin Bei."


Red Fish bowed.

Redfish is not surprised by this decision.

Although Demon Lord Peak abstained instead of Lin Bei, it would damage the majesty of Demon Lord Peak, whether it was the momentum of Demon Lord Peak or doubts about Lin Bei, they would all reach their peak.

However, it is better to abstain than to die.

"Are you that Lin Dazhu?"

Qiu Yi looked at Lin Bei coldly, and couldn't help but think of what the peak master said to him last night.

In fact, even without Zhao Gu's words, Qiu Yi would want to trample Lin Bei to death on the arena!
Ever since Lin Bei became the head of the Blood Demon Hall, no one knows who spread the word.

That is his own peak master kneels down to Lin Bei!
Although many people think it is just a rumor at present.

But this undoubtedly seriously affected the dignity of Kuang Fengfeng!
Over the past year, the way others look at me is slightly wrong!
Only kill this Lin Dazhu!Only then can the shame of Kuang Fengfeng be washed away!

"Yes, I am your father, what's the matter?"

Lin Bei said casually, the way he looked at Qiu Yi was his impoliteness.

Politeness is relative.

As soon as the other party heard that tone, he was rude to him, so why should he be polite?

It is impossible for the Demon Lord Peak and the Kuangfeng Peak to be kind.

Listening to Lin Bei's words, Qiu Yi frowned: "I hope you don't admit defeat, otherwise, I will be very disappointed, trash!"

"Are you kidding me?" Lin Bei said with contempt on his face, "There is no reason for a father and son to admit defeat."

"Hehe, that's fine. I'll tear your mouth apart, crush your head, and feed your body to the dogs."

"You talk a lot of nonsense, do you want to fight?" Lin Bei tilted his head slightly.

"Lin Dazhu! Die!"

Qiu Yi jumped up.

At this time, Qiu Yi's blood pressure was extremely high, because Qiu Yi found that he couldn't scold Lin Dazhu at all.

It's like when you troll people on the Internet and find out that you can't do it right.

But if you know the other party's home address, there is no other way, then it can only be an offline PK.

The people outside the venue looked at this scene and didn't know what they were going to say, but they all saw that Qiu Yi became angry from embarrassment, and then became red and warm, and then became anxious after being red and warm.

At the same time, everyone raised their hearts.

The other party already had a grudge, but Lin Dazhu didn't show any cowardice at all. Good guy, isn't Lin Dazhu really afraid of the other party's ruthless attack?
Well, even if Lin Dazhu was polite, the other party would probably be ruthless.

The mental method of Kuangfeng Peak practice is called Hurricane Jue.

As the name suggests.

Hurricane Judgment is to control the strong wind and fight for yourself!

A series of invisible wind blades distorted the space and smashed towards Lin Bei.

Lin Bei's skin hardened, and dragon scales covered it. The wind blades cut white marks on Lin Bei's body, but they didn't hurt Lin Bei at all.

Lin Bei punched out.

The composition of this punch is very complicated, including the armor of the bone tiger, the Buddha light of the Nirvana Golden Body Arhat Fist, the mighty power of the Little Vajra Fist, and the astonishing strength of the Titan.

Even Lin Bei couldn't help but feel a feeling in his heart.

That is, if I go down with this punch, I am afraid that if Dijia is not here, I will not be able to hold it.

When the King of Otto came, he gave him a red light.

This punch is getting closer and closer to Qiu Yi.

In fact, the speed of this punch is not so fast.

As long as Qiu Yi wants to hide, Qiu Yi can dodge.

It would be an exaggeration to say that the monks outside the arena felt that even if their grandma came, they could dodge this punch.

But Lin Bei did it on purpose.

Before that, Lin Bei resisted Qiu Yi's trick.

But now, Lin Bei is throwing this punch, I am not happy with this punch, you can catch it when you meet, and dodge if you want.

But do you dare to hide?

You don't even dare to catch a punch from my Sea Viewing Realm, so you still have the nerve to shout in front of me?

Qiu Yi knew what Lin Bei was thinking.

If he dodges this punch, it means that he is timid to fight, and he will be ashamed!

But this punch was so fierce that Qiu Yi felt a sense of crisis.

Wanting to survive, he told Qiu Yi that he had to dodge this punch!

It would be fine if it was Lin Bei's quick punch, he could say he dodged it subconsciously.

But such a slow punch, how can you subconsciously? !They just made it clear that they want to provoke you!

Looking at Lin Bei, Qiu Yi gritted his teeth with hatred.

This Lin Bei not only wants to kill, but also kills his heart!



[Today, I had a face-to-face meeting with two big-name authors, had lunch together, and then chatted all afternoon. I will update 4000 words first today.

From the mouths of the two big guys, I know that if you want to get good grades, you have to update a lot!
Tomorrow continue to restore the 8000-word update! ]
(End of this chapter)

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