Why did the husband run away

Chapter 161 Why Are You So Impulsive

Chapter 161 Why Are You So Impulsive
Hong Cao on Raksha Peak was kicked away by Lin Bei.

After retreating more than ten meters, Hong Caocai stabilized his footsteps.

Looking at the man in front of him, the corners of Cao Hong's mouth twitched slightly.

But Hong Cao didn't continue to fight.

Because when Lin Bei appeared in the competition venue, Xiao Mo, who represented the Blood Demon Hall, had already surrendered, and the competition was over.

If Hong Cao continued to attack, the rules would be broken.

Besides, if the opponent can appear in this place safe and sound, it means that this Lin Bei has already defeated Qiu Yi.

The next time I will face him is him, there is no need to rush at this moment.

"My lord."

Looking at Lin Bei standing in front of him, Xiao Mo's eyes fluttered, and he bit his thin lips tightly.

At this time, Xiao Chao's breath was very weak, and he was seriously injured.

Even Lin Bei was a little worried whether Xiao Chao had hurt the root of Dao.

"It's okay, I'm here."

Lin Bei helped Xiao Mo up, and took advantage of the situation to feel Xiao Mo's pulse.

Although Lin Bei can be said to know nothing about medical skills, it is still possible to explore whether the spiritual veins and spiritual orifices in the body are seriously damaged.

Fortunately, even though Xiao Mo was seriously injured, he only needs to practice for two or three years and he will be fine. As long as he takes good care of him, it will not affect his future practice.

It's only a little short, and it's only a punch or a kick away from hurting the root of the Dao.

If that guy just stepped on it, everything would be hard to say.

That is to say, fortunately, I came in time, otherwise, even if Xiao Chao healed his injuries, the highest state in this life may only be in the Jindan state.

"Hall Master, it's not that the disciples don't listen to the words of the Hall Master, and don't admit defeat if they can't beat.

But this Hong Cao has been insulting you, the hall master, and the disciple really can't hear it!

That's why..."

Lin Bei approached Xiao Mo before, and told Xiao Mo not to be brave, and to admit defeat if he couldn't beat him.

Xiao Chao was worried that Lin Bei would blame him, so he quickly explained, as if he had forgotten how serious his injuries were.

"It's okay, I get it, I don't blame you, you have worked very hard, just leave the next thing to me."

Lin Bei smiled gently at Xiao Mo, reassuring her.


Xiao Mo nodded, and the moment Xiao Mo responded, Xiao Mo, who was already exhausted, fainted on Lin Bei's shoulder.

Lin Bei hugged Xiao Moheng and looked at Hong Cao coldly.

Hong Cao just looked at Lin Bei with a smile, his smile made others want to punch him directly!
But in the end, Lin Bei still suppressed the anger in his heart, turned around and walked outside the court.

"I didn't expect Hall Master Lin to be alive."

Hong Cao taunted behind Lin Bei.

"It seems that I really underestimated Hallmaster Lin, Hallmaster Lin really has a lot of tricks.

But it may also be that Qiu Yi is really useless.

Qiu Yi is a full realm higher than Hall Master Lin, you can't kill him, this is really trash.

It seems that only I can personally kill Hall Master Lin. "

Lin Bei didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw out a life and death agreement.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Bei bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood on it.

"Don't talk nonsense to me, sign it if you have the guts." Lin Bei said coldly.

When Lin Bei lost the life and death contract, there was an uproar outside the venue.

The life and death contract was signed before the game, which is equivalent to a kind of exemption from liability, and it is also equivalent to letting the opponent restrain a little, and they can surrender when they reach the point.

But life and death are different.

As long as it is signed, one of the two parties must die!
Whether it is the hall master, the peak master, or the leader!It is impossible to stop the other party!
In the true sense, until death!

Luo Qingming, Hong Yu and others outside the arena also frowned.

They felt that Lin Bei's move was a little impulsive!
But it is not incomprehensible.

His subordinates were beaten so badly, and the other party even taunted him directly, even if he were himself, he would still sign a life-and-death contract!

But is Lin Bei really okay?

Hong Cao's strength is well known, it can be said that when Hong Cao and Qiu Yi fight, Qiu Yi will be stepped on directly.

Not to mention that Hong Cao is a big realm higher than Lin Bei!

"Very good, since that's the case, then I will accompany you to the end, Hall Master Lin will prepare the coffin."

Hong Cao bit his own finger and threw a drop of blood on the life and death contract.

"In that case, agree!

Seven days later, Lin Dazhu and Hong Cao fought to the death. "

The life and death pact rolled up automatically, and flew into the hands of the peak master of Gambling Peak.

The life and death contract was made by Gambling Peak, and it already vaguely involves Dao.

It is impossible for anyone to escape from this life and death contract.

Otherwise, Heavenly Dao will send down a thunder calamity, which will directly scatter the opponent's soul.

Now, no matter who regrets it, it is already too late.

Holding Xiao Mo in his arms, Lin Bei strode away.

After today, the Tianmo Sect fell into an extremely lively scene!

Especially gambling peak.

Compared to the latest handicap, Gambling Peak's other handicap is simply weak.

The new market is very simple.

"Lin Dazhu, Hong Cao—who lives and who dies!"

Basically all the monks are rushing towards the gambling peak, and have placed their bets!

The odds of Lin Dazhu and Hong Cao are very different.

It's close to 1:10.

In other words, ten times as many people believed that Lin Dazhu would die!

Even the odds of "1" were determined by Red Fish, Jin Shuang, and the monks from the Blood Demon Hall!
Many deacons, elders, and even disciples of the Blood Demon Hall used all their spirit stones!

Although the deacons and elders of the Blood Demon Hall were very upset when they saw Lin Bei before!
Even if Lin Bei led his group to make money, he would be very upset because he was also tired
However, Lin Bei is the head of the Blood Demon Hall!
One of the advantages of the Blood Demon Hall is that it is still single-minded in terms of honor and disgrace!

Lin Dazhu is the hall master of my Blood Demon Hall. If my Blood Demon Hall does not support my own hall master, then who will my Blood Demon Hall support?

Lin Bei did this for the sake of the disciples of the Blood Demon Hall!

Although Hall Master Lin is usually very doggy.

Although I usually squeeze myself.

Although I usually assign myself a lot of things.


Who doesn't like such a hall master who protects his disciples?Who doesn't support it?

Hall Master Lin will win!
Even though he said so, those cultivators in the Blood Demon Hall made such a bet.

However, they really don't have much confidence in their hall master.

Because the opponent is really too strong!

Even if the other side suppresses the realm to the early stage of the sea-watching stage, and the two sides fight on an equal footing, they all feel that their hall master is likely to lose.

Not to mention that the current opponent is a world higher than that!
And the quality of the opponent's Longmen Realm is too high!


Some elders and deacons are already thinking about whether to order a coffin for their hall master.

Anyway, when the time comes, it will be a good burial, no?

"Why are you so impulsive."

Back at Demon Lord Peak, Luo Qingming asked Lin Bei directly.

Luo Qingming frowned, looking very unhappy.

If Lin Bei is in the early stage of Longmen Realm, then Luo Qingming is not worried at all.

Luo Qingming believed that, no matter who it was, except for herself, no one could beat Lin Bei who was at the same level.

But the opponent is a whole level higher than Lin Bei!
Moreover, the quality of the opponent's Longmen realm even made him feel a little bit emotional.

That Hong Cao from Luocha Peak is definitely not someone to be taken for granted!

Too impulsive.

"Lord Muslim."

Lin Bei saluted.

"This is really unbearable, the other party bullies people from my Blood Demon Hall so much.

If I don't stand up for Xiao Chao, the hearts of the people in the Blood Demon Hall will be scattered, and the reputation of the leader will also be affected. "

"There are many ways to get ahead, but you chose the most stupid one!" Luo Qing cursed.

"Uh ok"

Lin Bei had to admit it.

"It is true that the subordinate took the lead before, but the subordinate does not regret it!"


Luo Qingming's chest heaved with anger.

Even if you want to lie to me, you have to lie to me to give some reasons.

In the end, you just admitted that you are superior, and I am even more angry!

"How much confidence do you have to defeat him?"

Luo Qingming let out a deep breath.

As of now, there is no other way.

The life and death contract has already been signed, and there is no room for repentance!

All I can do now is to help Lin Bei improve the possibility of winning the opponent!
Or else, he would go directly to kill that Hong Cao.

In this way, wouldn't Lin Bei win?

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that this method is indeed possible.

However, Hong Cao must have been staying at Luosha Peak all the time now, how could he find a chance to do it?

"Eh, three floors? Or forty percent?
Well, the disciple doesn't know either. To be honest, the disciple is actually quite afraid.


Lin Bei raised his head and looked straight into Luo Qingming's eyes.

"The disciple will already win!"

Listening to Lin Bei's firm words, and looking straight into Lin Bei's eyes, Luo Qingming closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly opened them again:

"Okay! I got it! During these five days, I will personally practice for you, so get ready."



"what happened?"

"What is a life and death agreement?"

Hehuan Peak, Luo Xinyi asked Luo Qing.

After Luo Xinyi returned to Tianmo Sect, she always lived with Luo Qing.

"A promise of life and death? Why are you asking this?"

Luo Qing, who was flipping through various materials, raised his head.

Luo Qing knew that the tournament was held, but Luo Qing didn't know what happened.

After returning from Medicine King Valley, Luo Qing tried his best to find the body of pure yang, so he didn't have any thoughts to pay attention to the martial arts competition.

"Today, Lin Bei signed a life-and-death contract with that man named Hong Cao."

Luo Xinyi replied.

"Xinyi originally wanted to ask Lin Bei, but Lin Bei was directly taken away by the leader, and their expressions were very heavy."

"Lin Bei and Hong Cao signed a life and death contract?"

Luo Qing immediately sat up straight.

Luo Qing knew that Lin Bei was Lin Dazhu, the hall master of the Blood Demon Hall, and it was the master who asked his wife to disguise himself as a man to lead the Blood Demon Hall.

In this regard, Luo Qing felt that it was nothing.

It's just that Mrs. Luo actually signed a life-and-death contract with Hong Cao, which is too bad!

Not to mention other things, just because Mrs. Luo died, and the leader's wife has never appeared by then, it will be suspicious!
Mrs. Luo was impulsive.
"Master, what exactly is a life-and-death contract?"

Luo Xinyi shook Luo Qing's sleeves.

The so-called life and death agreement is that Lin Bei and that Hong Cao fight, and only the winner can live.

The loser is naturally dead! "

Listening to Luo Qing's words, Luo Xinyi lowered her head and fell into silence.

Although the girl is very innocent, Luo Xinyi still knows what death is.

The girl knew that when a person dies, he will not speak or move, and will fall asleep forever, and his soul will go to a far, far place.

"Master, will you be lonely when you die?"

Luo Xinyi asked.

"Perhaps, when a person dies, he should be very lonely. After all, it's just you."

Luo Xinyi lowered her head and fell into silence again.

After ten breaths, the girl seemed to have figured something out, turned around and was about to leave the courtyard.

"Xinyi, where are you going?"

Luo Qing shouted in Luo Xinyi's direction.

"Master, Xinyi will go to the Demon Lord Peak to meet Lin Bei."

Luo Xinyi's voice came faintly from behind, and the girl was already gradually flying away.

"Not enough! Come again!"

"Did you not eat? Just this little strength? Use force!"

"If you want to die in five days, no one wants to stop you, but at least you can't embarrass me!"

"Pick up the knife in your hand! Jinshuang gave you the three knives of Pishan, Zhanshen and Kaitian, but those are Jinshuang's knives, not yours!"

"Think about it carefully, what is the knife in your heart!"

In the bamboo forest of the Demon Lord Peak, Luo Qingming suppressed her realm to the early stage of Sea Viewing Realm, and practiced against Lin Bei at the same realm.

It is obvious that both parties are in the early stages of the Sea Observation Realm, but Luo Qingming's Sea Observation Realm is really too strong, it is unbelievably strong!

Lin Bei thought that he was already very strong.

But compared to Luo Qingming, he is simply a younger brother.
It can only be said that Luo Qingming is worthy of being a rare genius so far...

Her strength is really terrifying!

Lin Bei attacked Luo Qingming again and again.

Luo Qingming blocked Lin Bei's attack again and again in a more violent way.

Lin Bei was beaten to the ground again and again.

Jin Shuang and Hong Yu watched from the side.

In fact, from the perspective of Red Fish and Jin Shuang, Lin Bei's Sea Viewing Realm's strength is already very good.

Although Lin Bei was hanged and beaten by his master.

But Lin Bei also fought back and forth with his master.

Moreover, the owner has been suppressed from the Yupu state to the early stage of the sea view state, and it is no longer a simple sea view state.

After seeing the scenery of the peak, Lin Bei is not at the same level in terms of vision and understanding of the avenue!
If it were me, I would have been completely beaten to the ground by my master...

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

Luo Qingming shouted again and again, and Lin Bei got up again and again.

[It's National Day, I wish everyone a happy National Day~~~ National Day holiday, everyone should pay attention to safety. 】

(End of this chapter)

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