Why did the husband run away

Chapter 167 I can no longer go to Goulan to listen to music!

Chapter 167 I can no longer go to Goulan to listen to music!
"My lord, someone is here and wants to challenge my lord."

A maid walked to the Demon Lord Peak and bowed to Luo Qingming.

The maids who can come to the Demon Lord Peak are basically from the Dark Butterfly Pavilion.

And the Dark Butterfly Pavilion is the most magical organization of the Tianmo Sect, separated from the 36 mountain peaks at the entrance of 72 halls.

Even Lin Bei, a confidant of the leader's family, doesn't know what kind of existence the Dark Butterfly Pavilion is.

Lin Bei felt that if he wanted to ask, Luo Qingming would still tell him.

But Lin Bei felt that forgetting it first, there was no great need.

Just do your own thing well, if you ask questions, maybe it will make Luo Qingming feel strange.

At that time, if Luo Qing becomes suspicious or something, it will be quite difficult.

"Someone wants to challenge me? Who?"

Luo Qingming took a small bite of the steamed stuffed bun, then glanced at Lin Bei.

Lin Bei was stunned for a moment, then knowingly put the soy milk he was about to drink next to Luo Qingming.

Luo Qingming took a sip in satisfaction, and then put the soy milk back to Lin Bei's hand.

Lin Bei could only continue to take a sip, or else Luo Qingming would come back and say, "Don't tell me you don't like me?"

Then Lin Bei will be put on shoes.

This is not the first time this has happened.

"Lord Muslim."

This maid of the Dark Butterfly Pavilion didn't care about the actions of the leader and Lin Bei at all.

Because it was not the first time for her to see the interaction between her leader and Lin Bei.

She always felt that her leader and Lin Bei seemed to be in a rather vague state.

The two of them are like husband and wife, but they are not like husband and wife.

It's not like the relationship between a subordinate and a boss.

"It's the Lu Tower in Tianxuanmen.

Lu Lou was at the top of the Qingyun list before, with a perfect Nascent Soul Realm and a natural Taoist body.

Now Lu Lou's ranking has dropped very badly, and he has already reached No.6 on the Qingyun Ranking. Now I want to find you, the leader, to regain the top position. "

The maid of Dark Butterfly Pavilion casually gave the other party's information briefly.

"Is that okay?" Lin Bei asked.

"Why not."

Luo Qingming raised her white chin, and then handed the handkerchief to Lin Bei. Seeing this, Lin Bei frowned slightly and wiped the corner of Luo Qingming's mouth with the handkerchief.

The corners of Luo Qingming's mouth are pink and tender, like a cherry, just looking at it makes her want to be bitten.

And Lin Bei is already used to his job, which is close to that of a personal maid.

Lin Bei has done things for Luo Qingming more than once or twice, such as wiping mouth, washing feet, putting on shoes and changing clothes.

It's not winter yet.

When winter comes, Luo Qingming will not ask herself to warm her bed, right?

But then again.

The handkerchief is very inconvenient, Lin Bei thought that when the time comes, he will cooperate with Yue Hui to invent the toilet paper.

Without toilet paper, Lin Bei always feels like something is missing, and his whole body is uncomfortable.

Even after so many years, Lin Bei still misses the life of toilet paper.

And Lin Bei believes that if toilet paper is invented by then, it will definitely be a big benefit.

Even if the cost is not low, many people will like it.

Although it may be too valuable in the mortal world, the scope of application will not be so wide, and ordinary people will not be able to use it.

But at least those rich people can definitely afford the price for every monk.

And a lot of things are like that, with a high price to begin with.

But when the technology matures and the cost comes down, electricity can be spread to thousands of households.

No matter what, we must first open this head.

It is quite simple to invent toilet paper in this world, after all, there is the existence of self-cultivation technology.

"Although it is said that the Qingyun list is changed only once in 30 years, it is a big change, which is equivalent to telling the world that the Qingyun list has changed.

In the meantime, if a person on the Qingyun Ranking is challenged, if the challenge is successful, he can directly replace the opponent's ranking. "

When Lin Bei was thinking about toilet paper, Luo Qingming explained to Lin Bei himself.

"It's just that he wants to fight me, why should I fight him? What is he?
If everyone wants to fight with me, and then I can fight, wouldn't I be bored to death?Do you still want to do the things in this seat?

Tell him, if you want to fight with me, you can bet on your life. "


After receiving Luo Qingming's reply, the maid disappeared in place.

"." Lin Bei ate the steamed stuffed bun, feeling sorry for that buddy.

From the other party's point of view, that buddy just wants to compete, but Luo Qingming directly wants to kill the other party.

And he was the top of the Qingyun list before, and he belonged to the kind of bloody.

Maybe she will really fight Luo Qingming with her life.

After all, Luo Qingming has said so, but you retreated in the end, if this spreads out, you will definitely be laughed at by others.

It can only be said that another genius is about to perish.

But after Luo Qingming had finished her breakfast, the maid came to report:

"My lord, the other party said that he is the hope of Tianxuanmen, his life is the life of Tianxuanmen, and everything is okay except to die."

"Hehe, what kind of hope from Tianxuanmen, dare not risk your life, coward, not even Lin Bei."

Luo Qingming sneered a bit.

Lin Bei on the side felt that Luo Qingming was scolding him, but he had no proof.

"See if Jinshuang is free, if you are free, let Jinshuang meet him for a while, and the loser will keep all his belongings.

Otherwise, it is really impossible to come if I want to come to the Demon Sect? "


The maid stepped back again.

Soon, the maid came to express that the other party agreed, and Jin Shuang was also free, and said that she could meet the other party for a while.

"Let's go to the theater."

Before Lin Bei could refuse, Luo Qingming directly took Lin Bei's hand and headed to the foot of the Tianmo Cult's mountain.

And I don't know who spread the word, except for Luo Qingming and Lin Bei, many disciples of Tianmo Sect came to join in the fun.

It is human nature to eat melons, and the disciples of Tianmo Sect are even more enthusiastic about eating melons.

Jin Shuang had arrived with a long knife in his hand.

Seeing so many Tianmo Sect disciples, Lu Lou felt a little nervous.

But it's also good, let's be a witness for myself as some disciples of the Tianmo Sect!
Defeat No.4 Jinshuang first!Go challenge Luo Qingming again!
As long as you don't risk your life.
"Go ahead."

Jin Shuang stepped forward and looked at Lu Lou calmly.

"Okay! Today! I, Lu Lou, will show you what true invincibility is!"

Lu Lou yelled and chanted the Fa Jue, and beside Jin Shuang, an Eye of the Void appeared.

Jin Shuang nodded, and pulled out a long knife, which was just an ordinary blade.

After half a stick of incense.
Lu Lou was lying on the ground with blank eyes, as if he was doubting his life.

During this half stick of incense, Lu Lou cast spells frequently, but they were chopped to pieces by Jin Shuang one after another.

In the end, Jin Shuang handed out the knife. If it hadn't been for his mercy, the people in Lulou would have been gone.

"Good rubbish."

"Indeed, this is too good."

"Do you still want to challenge the leader? I'm afraid he is thinking of a peach."

"He can't even beat the leader's maid, where does he have the guts?"

"Miss Jinshuang didn't take advantage of him, she also suppressed the realm to the perfection of Nascent Soul Realm."

"Do you think he can beat Lin Dazhu?"

"Don't be embarrassing, what people say is that the Nascent Soul Realm is perfect, and the realm is crushed, but it won't be necessarily the case when Lin Dazhu is in the Golden Core Realm."


"Forget it, let's go, let's go."

"Let's go, let's eat and eat."

Disciples of the Tianmo Sect, you commented, and I commented, and then left very dissatisfied.

This is a one-sided slap, what's so interesting about it.

"Go and confiscate everything on him! Don't leave him a single spirit stone."

Luo Qingming gave Lin Bei an order, turned around and left with Jin Shuang.

This person is really good food.


Lin Bei saluted and flew down to this buddy's side.

"Dude, move a little bit."

Then Lin Bei took off all the storage bags and a storage ring from his body like turning over a corpse.

Lin Bei saw that his clothes were quite valuable, so he stripped off his clothes directly, leaving him only a pair of underpants.

"Fellow Daoist, there's no need to do this, is there?"

Lu Lou, who only had a pair of underpants left, hugged himself with both hands, looking extremely aggrieved.

Why are people from the Tianmo Sect like this? They don't even keep their clothes for themselves.

"I'm sorry, the order of the leader, my follower can only follow the order."

Lin Bei turned and left, not wanting to say anything more to this Lu Lou.

"Fellow Daoist!"

Before Lin Bei took two steps, Lu Lou hurriedly stopped Lin Bei.

"What's the matter?"

"Look, fellow daoist, can you lend me ten high-grade spirit stones? It's hard to go back without money."

"Ten high-grade spirit stones? Why don't you grab them? No!"

Just kidding, ten top-grade spirit stones are equivalent to 10 yuan for a blue sea star in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Don't tell me, fellow daoist, just ten high-grade spirit stones, what do you call them? When I return to Tianxuanmen, I will fly a sword and send the ten high-grade spirit stones back to fellow daoists! No! Twenty pieces!"

Lu Lou still persevered.

In fact, it is very easy for Lu Lou to make money.

Just ransack two monks on the road.

But in Lu Lou's view, he is the big brother of Tianxuanmen!But a famous disciple!I have integrity!How can I rob it by myself?


Lin Bei sighed and patted the other person on the shoulder.

"It's not that I don't help you, the reason why our leader told me not to leave you a single spirit stone is because he wants to see you embarrassed.

If I give you the spirit stone, it is tantamount to disobeying the leader's order, disobeying the leader's order is tantamount to betraying the leader, betraying the leader is a capital offense! "

"Ah? Is it so serious?" Lu Lou looked into Lin Bei's eyes and was taken aback. Aren't they just ten high-grade spirit stones?Is this a capital offense?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be true.

After all, Luo Qingming's rumors are that he is the devil among the devils, and he is extremely cruel.

Working by her side, saying that being with a king is like being with a tiger is an understatement.


Lu Lou sighed, feeling very melancholy.

What should I do, how should I go back?

Could it be that he really wanted to fly back shirtless?
There is no transcontinental ferry, so I have to fly for two years.
"Why not."

Lin Bei looked at the other party and reluctantly gave him a way out.

"You come to my Blood Demon Hall to do business, and I will calculate your salary for you. As long as you work hard, I will give you the salary of a high-grade spirit stone a month.

At most one year, you can go back. "

"Ah?" Lu Lou was a little confused, "Is this going to be bad?"

I am a famous family, how can I work for the Tianmo Sect?

"What's wrong with this, don't worry, I don't know about the other halls and peaks of the Tianmo Sect, but our Blood Demon Hall is a serious business.

In a word, do you want to come to work?Don't forget it. "

With that said, Lin Bei was about to leave, and he didn't give the other party time to think about it.

"No price, no price, I'll go! I'll go!"

Lu Lou quickly pulled Lin Bei back.

"But let's say it first, I don't do anything that goes against my heart."

"Don't worry, it won't, we've said it all, we're serious business."

Looking at Lu Lou, the corners of Lin Bei's mouth curled up slightly.

Lin Bei actually had a pretty good impression of Lu Lou.

Although Lu Lou is very arrogant, like an idiot, but Lin Bei feels that Lu Lou is not bad.

Moreover, Lin Bei already planned to spread the business of "Blood Demon Express" to other continents.

But this has to be paving the way first.

Maybe Lu Lou is one of his lines.

All in all, even if Lu Lou's line is useless, a monk who has completed the Nascent Soul Realm works for himself, and only one high-grade spirit stone a month.

This couldn't be more affordable.

Lin Bei first reported this matter to Luo Qingming.

Luo Qingming has seen Lin Bei's weird thoughts more than once.

This time Lin Bei wants Lu Lou to work for him, so let's do it, it's nothing anyway.

And this part-time job is two or three months.

At the beginning, Lu Lou hadn't figured out what the Blood Demon Hall was for.

But when he learned that the Blood Demon Hall was actually an escort agency, Lu Lou was completely dumbfounded.

The monks do the business of the Escort.
Why does this feel so weird?

But it doesn't matter, for the sake of money, bet on darts and bet on darts.

Ever since, Lu Lou became a courier in the Blood Demon Hall.

In fact, the benefits of the Blood Demon Hall are quite good.

There are high-temperature subsidies, three-meal subsidies, and even subsidies if the journey is too long.

And for every five days of work, you can also take two days off!

Then Lu Lou became a little obsessed with going to the female ticket peak.

Those brothels in Nvpiaofeng are really impressive.

Four months later, Lu Lou found out that he actually made a lot of money.

But why can't I save money?


I can no longer go to Goulan to listen to music!
I have to save my money and go back!

Then go to Goulan to listen to the music, and I am a dog!
In the fifth month, salary was paid.

Goulan listening to the music is really fragrant
Lin Bei didn't care about Lu Lou at all, and even forgot about Lu Lou.

Lin Bei felt that Lu Lou had almost saved enough money and was about to go back.

As a result, good guy, when Lin Bei invited the envoys of Qian Kingdom to go to Nvpiao Peak for a social meeting, he found that Lu Lou was still there!

(End of this chapter)

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