Why did the husband run away

Chapter 173 What a big tone!

Chapter 173 What a big tone!
The fourteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar is the Ghost Festival.

In July and a half, ghosts hang around.

The more paper you burn, the more ghosts you provoke.

The Book of Changes: "Repeat the way, come back in seven days, and the sky will do it."

Seven is the number of yang and the number of days. After the yang energy between heaven and earth is extinct, it can be resurrected after seven days. This is the way of heaven and earth, and the principle of the cycle of yin and yang.

On this day, the gate of hell is open, and relatives and friends in the mortal world usually burn paper money to express their grief.

But on this day, for the people of Niushan City, perhaps, they never imagined that today might be the last Ghost Festival they will experience.

The ghost festival lasts from the early morning of the day to the early morning of the next day.

Lin Bei and his party didn't know when that Ghost City God would come out.

But in the early hours of Ghost Festival, Lin Bei felt the deep chill.

It was obviously a fire in July, but it was so cold that it made people shiver.

Even Chang Jing was sick.

In fact, having said that, it may not be a good thing for Chang Jing to be sick at this time, because Chang Jing can lie on the bed well and won't run around.

After Qi Yun cast a calming spell on Chang Jing, she continued to write a large "Shou" character on Chang Jing's door.

Not only that.

Just in case, Qi Yun also took out a rope.

The entire courtyard is surrounded, just like the magic circle drawn by Monkey King for Tang Seng.

On the first night of Ghost Festival, everyone didn't sleep well.

In the second half of the night, it was still Baigui Yexing, that is, the ghost city god appeared, and then swallowed all the yang energy and many ghosts into his stomach.

Early the next morning, many more people died that night than before.

Many people get up late.

Even after waking up, their complexions are extremely bad, their faces are pale, as if they will fall to the ground at any moment.

As for the family members who died in the town, they were constantly discussed, and they felt that yesterday night was really extraordinary, and there might be something.

There are even some people who want to go outside the city to invite monks or Taoist priests to do things to drive away evil spirits.

But this is just the beginning.

If nothing happened on the first night of the festival, then something will happen on the second night of Ghost Festival.

Otherwise, the Ghost Festival will pass like this.

"Tonight, the Ghost City God will definitely devour the people of the entire town.

As early as two months ago, I had set up magic circles all over the town.

When the magic circle is launched tonight, it is time for us to act.

I'm going to eliminate which ghost Chenghuang, as for the two fellow Taoists.

I hope that the two fellow daoists can protect the two eyes of the magic circle.

As long as the eyes of the formation are not broken, the magic circle will always be in effect, as long as the opponent is dragged through the ghost festival, then I can kill him!

If the eyes of the formation are broken, you and I will flee separately, this matter will be impossible!
But you two don't have to worry, the eyes of the array have their own teleportation array, and there is also a teleportation array where Chang Jing lives. When the eye of the array is broken, you will be teleported thousands of miles away.

When you feel that you can't handle it tonight, you can also take the initiative to destroy the formation.

Remember, this is the only way for you to live, but don't be distracted.

I wonder if the two of you can understand? "

Qi Yun revealed all her plans.

Qi Yun's plan can help her under the premise of ensuring the safety of Lin Bei and the three of them.

At least the three of Lin Bei don't have any worries.

The main risk is naturally borne by Qi Yun alone.

This is in line with the courage of Confucian students who "dare to be the first in the world".

No matter how.

From this aspect alone, although Qi Yun is a woman, she is much more admirable than many Confucian scholars.

Such a woman may truly become the first female wife in the world in the future!

"no problem."

Both Lin Bei and Lu Lou nodded.

In fact, in Lin Bei's heart, there was still something wrong.

That is, I am guarding the front of the formation, and Qi Yun, as a woman, is charging forward. I always feel that this is inappropriate.

However, Lin Bei is also very clear that he can't help at all except for guarding the eye of the formation.

Because only Qi Yun can use this formation, and he can only guard the eye of the formation, which is the last thing he can do.

Moreover, my realm is really too low, even if I want to help, it will probably only be a disservice at that time.


A gust of wind blew by, and the biting cold wind made Lin Bei shiver all over.

The Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts started again.

The previous Hundred Ghosts Night Walk only absorbed a little energy.

But tonight's Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, all they want is human life!

In the sky above Niushan City, that Ghost City God has already reappeared.

I saw Ghost City God overlooking the audience, holding a long sword in his hand.

This long sword is the ghost sword of the city god, a sword that protects one party, but now it has become the sword of the city god for killing.

But at this moment, a bright light rushed towards Chenghuang.

"Suddenly like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of pear trees bloom."

In the night sky, there is a girl reciting poems.

Pear trees appeared one by one in Niushan City, and pear blossoms bloomed out of thin air.

The Yuanying realm of Confucianism is called the realm of sages.

Gentlemen and sages speak well and follow the law.

But in this world, it is very strange that Lan Haixing has appeared in many poems.

It can only be said that all worlds may have something in common.

"Li Bai" also appeared in this world.

It's just that the "Li Bai" in this world is not called Li Bai, but "Li Bai".

There is also Du Fu.

But this world is not called Du Fu, but Du Fu.

Of course, this world also has its own uniquely created verses.

Of course, not all the verses in Blue Sea Star appear in this world.

However, which verses appeared and which verses did not appear, Lin Bei has no special research on this, and it is not clear.

A gust of wind blew, and the pear blossoms kept floating in the air, and finally condensed into thousands of pear blossom swords.

The pear blossom sword stabbed towards the ghost city god.

"You little boy, how dare you use an axe in front of the City God!"

Ghost City God shouted loudly, and scattered the thousands of pear blossom swords!

The realm of the other party is even close to the jade realm!

Do not!The other party has already entered the early stage of Jade Raw Realm.

It's just that the opponent's realm is not so stable yet, so it feels like the Nascent Soul Realm is complete.

The normal state of a city god, even with the help of local luck, is at most only the initial stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and most of the city gods are in the Golden Core Realm.

But I didn't expect that the other party was already almost Yupu!

Half a foot has already stepped in!

"You are the City God of this place, but you are doing harm to all living beings. Why?"

Qi Yun reprimanded sharply.

"Hahaha! The so-called city gods are nothing but ghosts! You people are nothing but desires!

If you ask me for something, you will burn incense and worship Buddha, and ignore it if you have nothing to do.

The concubine outside the staff begged her husband to die as soon as possible.

The cheating woman begged herself not to expose her affairs!
The rich businessman is already full of fat, but he still wants to make more money, earning that man's blood money!
After all, you are asking for me!Still seek your desires!
The world is like this, what is it worth? !
It's better to die, once everything is over, why are there so many troubles! "

The voice of the City God was heard continuously throughout Niushan City, but the ordinary people in Niushan City did not hear it.

Because they are already in a coma.

As Lin Bei and Lu Lou listened, they still felt that the City God had some truths.

Because of this kind of reason, it doesn't seem so unreasonable to blacken it.

It's like a worker who has accumulated resentment for a long time, and then broke out completely.

But this is not the reason why he harmed the people all over the city.

City God chopped down with a sword.

This sword is mixed with the cold air of the underworld, as if the world will be frozen by this sword!

"I want to turn on the lamp to see the sword, and dream of returning to the company of blowing horns."

Qi Yun recited aloud.

A general appeared behind Qi Yun, drew out his long sword, and caught Chenghuang with his sword.

"The son said on the river: the dead are like husbands."

A long river flows past the city god's feet, and water dragons appear in the long river, binding the opponent's limbs.

"The water of the Yellow River comes from the sky."

A great river fell from the sky.

"Heavenly soldiers shine on the snow and go down to Yuguan, and the arrows of the captives are like sand and shoot at the golden armor!"

Above the night sky, thousands of soldiers appeared. They held bows and arrows and shot towards the city god.

It is true that Ghost City God is strong, but Qi Yun is not weak at all.

Not only is Qi Yun not weak, Qi Yun can even cross the border to single out the Jade Raw Realm.

Not to mention that Qi Yun also arranged a magic circle, which raised Qi Yun's realm to a higher level.

That's why Qi Yun is so confident, saying that nothing will happen to Lin Bei and Lu Lou.

But just when Qi Yun was about to wipe out this ghost city god.

Suddenly, a man stood in front of the Ghost City God.

The other party coughed and held out a bell.

The bell rang, and the illusion was shattered.

The pale-faced man tore apart the long river of time that bound the Ghost City God and the river that fell from the sky with a casual tug.

"cough cough"

This pale-faced man protruded a mouthful of old blood.

"I didn't expect that Miss Qi Yun from the Confucian Academy would appear in such a remote town."


Qi Yun looked at each other with her hands behind her back, her eyes puffed up.

"It looks like you know me?"

"We all recognize everyone on the Qingyun List, let alone Miss Qi Yun, cough cough cough."

The other party looked at Qi Yun coldly.

"If Miss Qi pretends she didn't see anything, then we can let Miss Qi go.

After all, if the Confucian Academy pursues it, it will be a little troublesome. "

"Then if this matter, this girl just wants to take care of it?" Qi Yun smiled slightly.

"If Miss Qi insists on his trip to this muddy water, then we have no choice but to give Miss Qi a ride.

Although we don't really want to cause trouble, it doesn't mean we are afraid of the Confucian Academy."

"Hehe! What a big tone!"

Qi Yun's eyes were full of disdain.

"Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream!"

As soon as the words were spoken, iron cavalry appeared from the sky.

"go with!"

Qi Yun is like a general here, following Qi Yun's order, the cavalry rushed towards the opponent.

"cough cough"

The disheveled man coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

This blood fell on the ground and was absorbed by some ghosts.

The bodies of these ghosts expanded rapidly.

Regardless of their cultivation base or body shape, these ghosts entered the Golden Core Realm in an instant and turned into giants.

A huge ghost stood in front of the man.

At the same time, after the Ghost City God broke free from Qi Yun's shackles, he held his long sword high, and several faint blue ghost-fire lanterns were floating in the air.


These will-o'-the-wisp lanterns burst instantly, and one after another of the will-o'-the-wisps turned into little ghosts biting Qi Yun one after another.

Not only that.

A black poisonous snake came out of nowhere!

And on Qi Yun's head was a huge black hand!

And the opponent has already discovered the eye of the formation Qi Yun arranged.

For any formation, as long as the eye of the formation is destroyed, then this formation is directly scrapped.

A feminine man and a one-eyed man found Lu Lou with a ghost.

Feminine men are in the Golden Core Realm, and one-eyed men are in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Lin Bei was also found by a ghost.

It's just that they don't have enough manpower. After all, Lu Lou is in the Nascent Soul Realm, and they must go all out, so they sent some fierce ghosts to deal with Lin Bei.

Lin Bei felt that they underestimated him too, just because of these ghosts?Just want to destroy the eyes?
At first, Lin Bei thought he would be more relaxed, but soon found out that he was wrong.

These ghosts turned out to be at the Dragon Gate Realm!There was even one who forcibly broke through to the Golden Core Realm by relying on an unknown spell!

Even if the opponent's Golden Core Realm is very unstable, the Golden Core Realm is still the Golden Core Realm after all!

Feeling that Lin Bei and Lu Lou near the formation were under attack, Qi Yun tightly squeezed her jade fingers.

When Qi Yun heard the other party say "we", she felt that something was wrong, and there should be accomplices.

Sure enough, there really are.

Did not expect so many.

Qi Yun knew that there was nothing to be done, what she had to do now was to reduce the losses and take them away.


Behind him are the lives of hundreds of thousands of people!
But what reason do Lin Bei and Lu Lou have to fight themselves desperately?
"The heart is like a bright mirror, the shadow of the moon is like water, the Sanskrit sounds turn a thousand times, and the mind is still and the body is still."

Just when Qi Yun hesitated and decided to take the initiative to destroy the formation and help them escape, a mantra sounded from the air.

When Qi Yun came back to his senses, Lin Bei had already fallen from the sky, he gave up his eyes, and drove a huge thing to hammer down at the City God.

Qi Yun didn't know what this steel-like thing was.

But the opponent directly pressed Chenghuang under him.

The hatch in front of Steel's chest opened, Lin Bei jumped down, and tapped the opponent's forehead:

"You are the city god, protect one side, wake up quickly!"

Golden light shone from his fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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