Why did the husband run away

Chapter 176 Blood moon rises, ghosts appear

Chapter 176 Blood moon rises, ghosts appear
When Lin Bei entered this town, Lin Bei was stunned for a moment.

Lin Bei felt that this town was a little strange, but he couldn't tell how strange it was.

Entering this town, everything is normal.

Normal people on the street.

Normal restaurant.

But Lin Bei just felt a bit of a violation.

"Miss Boss, buy a jug of wine."

Lin Bei asked the owner of a wine stand to buy wine, and wanted to communicate with the people in this town by the way.

See what this town is all about.

"Gujiu, okay, wait a minute."

The proprietress stepped forward and took the jug from Lin Bei's hand.

Soon, the boss bought wine for Lin Bei.

"Thank you boss."

Lin Bei paid the silver.

"Need not."

The boss took the money and continued to work.

Lin Bei took another look at the proprietress.

Except for the dull eyes, bland tone, and indifferent expression, there are no other problems.

All in all, it is still in line with a normal person.

But when Lin Bei turned and left.

The owner of the wine shop, as well as the drinking guests in the wine stall, all turned their heads and stared at the direction Lin Bei left. Some wine stall customers even turned their heads at an angle that ordinary people could not do.

I found an inn, and Lin Bei stayed there, planning to rest for one night and continue on the road tomorrow.

But lying on this inn bed.

The more he lay down, the more Lin Bei felt that his mental strength was very unstable.

The Dao Heart of a monk has an early warning effect.

Therefore, the monk's sixth sense is extremely accurate.

Thinking of the indifferent expression of the wine stand owner, and then thinking of the indescribable strangeness of this town.

Lin Bei decided that he couldn't sleep tonight, and something must happen to him tonight.

Lin Bei took out a long pillow from his storage bag.

This is a throw pillow.

It was originally a product to be launched by the Blood Demon Hall.

But it hasn't been released yet.

When he put the long pillow under the quilt, Lin Bei jumped onto the beam of the house, and concealed his breath with the way of heaven.

twelve o'clock in the evening.

late at night.

In the sky, two rounds of blood moons appeared.

The blood moon rises, and ghosts appear.


There was no sound of footsteps outside the door.

But the door was suddenly pushed open.

There were seven or eight people standing outside the door!
These people include the lady proprietress of the inn, the clerk of the inn, and the owner of the wine shop at that time.

The moonlight shone on them, and they were all without shadows.

They walked in without making a sound, and walked straight to Lin Bei's bed.

A group of "people" surrounded Lin Bei's bed.

These "people" are all holding a kitchen knife in their hands.

They all looked at Lin Bei and grinned.

That kind of smile is very penetrating, without the slightest emotion, just smiling, the eyes are almost protruding, as if the whole face is frozen there!

Without the slightest warning.

These "people" raised their kitchen knives and looked at Lin Bei's body to chop!

The proprietress of the wine shop, the owner of the inn, the waiter in the inn, all the "people" laughed while chopping, and their smiles were very pervasive.

From Lin Bei's point of view, these "people" will find something is wrong when they hack.

After all, what is in the quilt is just a pillow, and what is cut out is just cotton.

But they just chopped and repeated this action, as if they didn't care what kind of thing was in the cup at all.

After about a stick of incense was chopped off.

These "people" stopped, and then turned and left like walking corpses. What was left was nothing but a mess!

"Damn it! What the hell!"

On the beam, Lin Bei gasped.

Even though he is already a monk, he is capable of fighting even against ghosts.

However, as a young man in a beautiful country in his previous life where "after the founding of the country, he was not allowed to become a master", he still felt a little numb when he saw this scene!
Lin Bei even had a feeling that it wasn't just them who were wrong, but the whole city!

Having said that, even ghosts should have intelligence.

They have been cutting cotton for so long, and the cotton is flying out, don't they feel a little strange?

Then what should I do?
Is this considered dead?

Still not dead?

Early the next morning.

It should be considered morning, mainly because Lin Bei doesn't know if the daytime in this town is really the daytime!

Lin Bei thought for a while, but still planned to go straight out.

It wasn't that Lin Bei committed suicide.

But Lin Bei felt very strange.

I want to see for myself what these ghosts will look like when they see that they are still alive.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Bei walked out of the room and went straight downstairs.

The inn in the morning was relatively deserted, but the proprietress was still there, and kept looking out the door.

"Miss Boss, check out."

Lin Bei put the house card and key on the table in front of the proprietress.

The proprietress slowly opened her eyes and looked at Lin Bei: "Good guest officer, here is your deposit, guest officer, please go slowly."

The proprietress was still so indifferent, as if she didn't care about Lin Bei's life or death at all.

This is very interesting.

Could it be that the other party didn't know what he did last night?

Lin Bei left the inn without daring to ask about what happened last night.

The ghost knows if he will trigger any strange button when he asks.

After getting back his deposit, Lin Bei left the inn.

And just an hour after Lin Bei left the inn, one after another guests came to this inn to start.

If Lin Bei took a closer look, these people were exactly the same as what he saw yesterday.

Not only that, but they are sitting in exactly the same position!
And the room that Lin Bei stayed in last night was originally a mess, but suddenly it was intact.

"Miss Boss, hit the tip."

That evening, another man walked into the inn.

The man is a martial artist who travels the rivers and lakes, he has some abilities. When he came to this town when he was traveling the rivers and lakes, he just wanted to rest for one night and continue to leave tomorrow.

It's just that when he walked into this town, for some reason, the man felt that this place was a little creepy, that kind of indescribable creepiness.

The man felt that it might just be his own illusion. After all, the ghost festival has just passed, and it is normal to have a little bit of yin energy left.

And I just stayed for one night and left.

Besides, with so many people in the town, it is impossible for anything to happen.

"Good guest officer, thirty cents a night."


"This is the house card. Go up to the third floor, and the first room on the left will be there."

The boss handed over the house card, which was the house card that Lin Bei returned.

And the room that this man wants to live in is the room where Lin Bei lived before!

Entering the room, the man was so tired that he fell asleep lying on the bed.

The man was exhausted from the journey and had been on the road, so he was very tired and fell asleep all at once, and he slept soundly and soundly.


It was still twelve o'clock in the morning, and the door of the man's room was slowly pushed open.

The man remembered that he had locked the door, but that was useless.
Outside the door, there were still standing the proprietress of the inn, the waiter of the inn, etc., and a woman who he had asked for directions when he passed the town during the day.

Seven or eight "people" stood outside the door with kitchen knives in their hands, staring fixedly at the man lying on the bed.

Seven or eight "persons" walked into the room without making a sound.

The moonlight shone on them, but there was still no shadow.

They all looked at the man lying on the bed and grinned.

That kind of smile was exactly the same as what Lin Bei saw at that time. It was very penetrating, without the slightest emotion. It was just a smile, and the eyes almost protruded, as if the whole face was frozen there!

Still no sign of it.

These "people" raised their kitchen knives and looked at this man's body to chop off.


Waking up with excruciating pain.

When this man opened his eyes, he saw that piercing smile. Those men were holding kitchen knives and slashed at him one by one.

With another knife, the waiter from the inn chopped off his head.

Knife after knife, flesh and blood flew, bones shattered!

Blood stained the entire bed.

After a stick of incense, they stopped, turned and left.

All that was left in the room was a pile of mutilated corpses.

Early the next morning.

The man went downstairs.

The man was the man who was chopped into pieces last night.

There was no trace of blood on the man's face, and his eyes were empty and his expression was indifferent.

I saw this man found an empty seat in the inn and sat down.

And the proprietress is still looking outside the inn, waiting for the next guest
(End of this chapter)

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