Chapter 181
The flame burned the match, making a crackling sound.

The red fire light shone in the girl's eyes.

When the girl opened her eyes in a daze, she saw Lin Bei holding a piece of paper and watching by the fire, fascinated.

The girl sat up and shook her head.

"Miss Gu, you're awake, come on, drink more water."

Lin Bei noticed some movement on the side, turned his head to look, and it was indeed Gu Ling who woke up.

Gu Ling was not polite to Lin Bei, nodded, took the water bottle that Lin Bei handed over, raised his head and drank.

"Where is this? Heaven? Why is heaven so desolate, or is it hell?"

Gu Ling asked.

"Well, it's not heaven, it's not hell, we're not dead."

Lin Bei explained.

"As for where this is, I actually don't know."

"We're not dead?" Gu Ling tilted his head, his eyes looked incredible.

Lin Bei smiled and said, "Yes, we are not actually dead."

"But how is it possible? Although that big hand was severely injured by something, but the other party must still have the strength to strike again.

And your realm will definitely be crushed by that big hand.

If you die, I will definitely not be able to live anymore. Shouldn't the two of us be in hell now? "


Lin Bei felt that this girl was dissing himself.

"Actually, I'm not weak, but I was almost shot to death. All of this is due to the weapon I carry.

It seems that my long knife has special damage to ghosts like ghosts."

Lin Bei told everything that happened at that time.

"Can I have a look at that knife?"

Gu Ling was very curious about the knife Lin Bei mentioned.


Lin Bei did not refuse.

This girl is cute and cute, similar to Xinyi's attributes.

It's just that she speaks too straightly, which can easily make people's chest tight.

As long as she keeps her mouth shut, it's easy to make people feel good about her.

But no matter what, Lin Bei felt that this girl was worthy of trust.


Without Gu Ling, I'm afraid that I would have been torn to pieces by those ghosts, and I guess there would be no scum left.

Lin Bei took out the knife.

Gu Ling took it with both hands, showing great respect.

After all, according to what Lin Bei said, this long knife is in a sense his savior.

Gu Ling gently stroked the handle of the knife.

"May I pull out this knife and have a look?"

Gu Ling asked Lin Bei for his opinion.

"Of course, it's just that."

"Thank you."

Before Lin Bei could finish speaking, Gu Ling pulled the red long knife out of the scabbard.

When the long knife was pulled out, the surrounding temperature rose a lot, and there was still flame on the blade. This knife was like a small sun, constantly blazing.

Lin Bei felt a little heartbroken.

Just now Lin Bei wanted to say, "It takes a lot of strength to pull out this knife, and it is not easy to pull out."

But before Lin Bei could open his mouth, the knife was pulled out by Gu Ling
Then I remembered that every time I pulled out this long knife, I was dying, and every time I felt like I was hollowed out.

In comparison, I seem to be really good.
Gu Ling looked at the long knife, but after not looking at it for long, he put the long knife back into the scabbard, held it in both hands and handed it back to Lin Bei:

"Here you are."

"Miss Gu, have you finished reading this?"

Lin Bei took back the long knife, a little surprised.

From when Gu Ling pulled out the long knife to when he handed it back, it took less than two breaths.

"I haven't finished it. I want to watch it a little longer, but there's no need for it."

Gu Ling shook.

"This long knife doesn't like me. If I continue to look at it, this long knife should be angry."

"Miss Gu can feel the emotions of weapons?" Lin Bei was a little surprised.

"Of course it can."

Gu Ling nodded, and even had some doubts, wondering why Lin Bei would ask such a question, is there anyone in this world who can't feel the emotion of weapons?
"But any weapon with a weapon spirit can be sensed, it just needs to be communicated with a little heart.

It's a great long knife, but she doesn't like being watched by me.

does she have a name "

"No name yet."

Lin Bei sighed and shook his head.

"I gave it a lot of names, but none of them like it."

"Why is this so?"

Gu Ling found it incredible.

This Lin Dazhu's state is nothing more than the state of watching the sea.

And since the other party was able to use this immortal Tang Hengdao in this state, instead of using spiritual power to drive it like he did just now.

This also shows that this long knife has actually recognized him.

After choosing a name, as long as the name is not too outrageous, generally speaking, it will be successful.

So why did this Lin Dazhu fail?
"I don't know either?" Lin Bei spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

"Lin Dazhu, what kind of name did you take before?"


Lin Bei recalled it carefully.

"Blood Tyrant Sword!"

"." Hearing the name, Gu Ling's face was a little bit bad, "Is there anything else?"

"Also... lava sword! Crimson sword! Cutting red knife! Heaven and earth knife! Hiss! Damn it! It's so hot!"

As he spoke, Lin Bei felt the long knife on his knee start to feel hot.

The hot Lin Bei directly stuck the long knife into the ground!
Gu Ling somewhat understood why the other party refused Lin Dazhu's name.

"The names you have chosen are too ugly. Change the name, because the spirit of this long knife is a woman."

Gu Ling spoke directly.


Lin Bei was a little surprised.

"Is there still a gender distinction in Qi Ling?"

"Of course there is.

Men and women are a big concept, referring to yin and yang.

The birth of all things has yin and yang, and the same is true for spirits!
The name you chose is really weird, try something nicer.

Women generally like nice names.

If I were Dao Ling, I would be very unhappy with the names you have chosen."


Lin Bei looked at the long knife stuck in front of him.

"Red Princess?"

Lin Bei called out tentatively.

"sulfuric acid!"

And just as Lin Bei finished speaking, the long knife flew out and stood beside Lin Bei!
In Lin Bei's heart, there is an inexplicable connection, gradually connected with this long knife

Lin Bei knew that this was the other party's real recognition of himself as the master.

Good guy!
It turned out that it was not a question of one's own strength, but a question of naming!
Then why didn't Luo Qingming tell herself?

(End of this chapter)

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