Chapter 197

After 25 hours of uninterrupted driving, Lin Bei and Day Tiger finally came to the outskirts of the forbidden area of ​​death.

It's just that he came to the edge of the forbidden area of ​​death, Lin Bei didn't want to stay here any longer, he just wanted to turn around and run away.

This kind of feeling is not only felt by Lin Bei, even Rihu thinks this place is extremely bad.

Day Tiger glanced at Lin Bei.

He wouldn't try to persuade Lin Bei to say something like "this place is too dangerous, or we'd better go back".

Lin Bei was going, so he followed.

If Lin Bei went back, he would naturally be happy to go back.

Anyway, I want to repay Lin Bei's kindness.

Wherever Lin Bei went, he would follow him.

To tell the truth.

"This place looks really bad."

Day Tiger couldn't help sighing.

Although it is said that Day Tiger has lived in Guiyuanzhou for hundreds of years.

But the day tiger has never been to the forbidden area of ​​death.

After all, this kind of place is not something normal ghosts can come to.

Unless it is those ghosts who feel that the future is bleak and want to come here to fight.

Otherwise, no ghost would come here specifically to die.

"Rihu, if you want to go back, it's still too late. At that time, Gu Ling and I rescued you from the python's belly, most of the reason was out of selfishness, and we wanted you to resist Chen Shanshan a bit more.

So my life-saving grace to you is not pure, and it doesn't matter if you don't repay it. "

Before stepping into the forbidden area of ​​death, Lin Bei said that he hoped that Day Tiger would think more about his own choice instead of being impulsive.

For a ghost cultivator to be able to practice martial arts, the effort and torture he has to put in to practice to such an extent are absolutely unimaginable to him.

It would be a pity if Day Tiger just died like this.

"Brother Lin, you don't need to say any more, I've made up my mind, what a man will do and what he won't do, although I cherish my life, I'm not afraid of death.

This time, Brother Lin and I will go together. "

Rihu stared straight ahead, his eyes were extremely firm, and Rihu called Lin Bei unconsciously from "Lin Daoyou" to "Brother Lin".

This is enough to see the closer relationship between the two.

"Okay! If that's the case, let's go together!"

Now that the other party has said so and made up his mind, then he won't hold back anymore!
Lin Bei and Zhou Hu stepped into the stone tablet engraved with "Death Forbidden Land" together.

The moment they entered the forbidden area of ​​death, Lin Bei and Day Hu felt that the outside world was isolated at the same time.

Taking a deep breath, the two continued to walk forward.

There is not even a single plant or tree in the forbidden area of ​​death, and there is nothing but wind and sand.

This place is a desert, an endless desert, no one knows where it ends.

"woo woo woo woo."

Fly forward almost 3000 meters.

There were many strange sounds in this empty desert, like someone crying or howling.

"I died so badly, are you here to die with me?"

Suddenly, a soul appeared behind Lin Bei and Day Hu.


Rihu was startled, turned around and punched out, this ghost was directly scattered by Rihu's punch.

"Scared me to death, scared me to death."

Day Tiger touched the cold sweat on his brow.

Lin Bei's brows twitched slightly.

Boy, aren't you a ghost yourself?
What about a hammer?

"It's not good." Lin Bei thought for a while, decided and then summoned the zombie dragon.

"HOOO!!! (Deathwing! Death be with you!)"

When the zombie dragon came out, it raised its head and roared towards the sky.

Listening to the meaning expressed by this zombie dragon, this zombie dragon is still a middle dragon
"Ho, ho ho ho ho ho ~ (See you, my honorable master.)"

After roaring his own lines, the zombie dragon folded his wings and bowed his head in front of Lin Bei.

"Go, take us to fly forward."

"Roar! (Obey! My master!)"

The zombie dragon squatted down and asked Lin Bei to stand up.

And just when Rihu was about to ride on it, the zombie dragon glared at Rihu.

That look seemed to say, "If you dare to ride on me, I will swallow you in one bite."

"Brother Lin, or I'd better fly and follow you by myself."

Day Tiger thought he couldn't beat this zombie dragon.

The opponent is an existence that can hang and beat the fairyland.

Can't be bothered.

"How about this, I'll summon other flying dragons for you, otherwise flying all the time will take a bit of energy."

Lin Bei also knew that the zombie dragon didn't want to be ridden by others, and he couldn't force it himself.

Although this zombie dragon is now his younger brother, he still has to maintain the dignity of his younger brother.

Finally, Lin Bei called another flying dragon out.

This flying dragon is also a dragon, and looks a lot like a pterosaur.


Under Lin Bei's order, the zombie dragon took Lin Bei to birth and flew to the forbidden area of ​​death.


Flying and flying, there was a weeping voice again.

"Hey!!! (Go away! This is Lao Tzu's territory now!)"

The zombie flying dragon let out a roar, spreading across the forbidden area of ​​death!


Under the threat of the zombie dragon, those voices changed from "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up " this to "Whoops".
Then he groaned a few times and didn't dare to groan any more.

Although the zombie dragon is dead, his pressure on the dragon has not diminished in the slightest!

And when he was alive, this zombie dragon liked recklessness very much and would get hurt, but now it is different, he can be more reckless and reckless, and he doesn't have to worry about getting hurt.

His flesh, his resilience!There is no living body that can compare with it!

Flying over a distance of almost 50 miles.

During this journey, Lin Bei and Day Tiger did not encounter any attacks, only a black stone man blocked the way, but it was smashed to pieces by the head of the violent zombie dragon.

At this time, the original desert gradually disappeared, replaced by patches of black muddy swamps.

The thick dead air in the air is getting more and more serious.

Being in it, Lin Bei felt like a dead person, he couldn't even feel his own vitality!
It is almost a hundred miles away from the location of Baishihua and Guiyao Stone marked on the map.

I have already entered the middle level of the forbidden area of ​​death.

Lin Bei cheered up, knowing that the name of "death" in the forbidden area of ​​death has only just begun.



[I'm a little tired from work today, and I'll get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning to watch the game.

So, go to bed early today.

I’ll just write this first. For the last two days, watching the game should only be done twice a day. When the game is over, it will return to three times a day. ]
(End of this chapter)

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