pearl gem

Is Chapter 103 worth £70 billion?

Is Chapter 103 worth £70 billion?

Xie Yuqing was puzzled, "Why is that?"

"Professor Jin's 'spiritual therapy' is miraculous. Whether you are suffering from basic diseases like diabetes or appearance management like weight loss, as long as you practice with him for a short course of treatment, there will be significant improvement."

When mentioning Jin Taishan, the nurse's face showed a trace of admiration, "But there are too many people who come here for fame, so he and the vice president will only pick some serious ones and help them achieve their wishes."

"So miraculous?" Xie Yuqing was a little skeptical, "Can any disease be cured?"

Why is it the same as a magic stick?
"I don't know that."

The nurse said, showing her the way.

"Over there is the guest's room and activity area, and next to it is the meditation area. Professor Jin should be leading them to meditate at this moment."

"Let's take a detour and go directly to the back kitchen."

Passing through the quiet and beautiful porch, the roads are all atmospheric orthogonal geometry, two spiral roads are interspersed inside, and a clear fountain is built at the intersection.

The source of the sound of the fountain is far and quiet. Looking further into the distance, there is a luxuriant tree growing on the periphery of the site, like an ingenious natural barrier, where you can feel the beauty of nature everywhere, which makes the planning framework of the entire healing home very strong.


"Is this worth 70 billion pounds?" Xie Yuqing couldn't help asking.

As if she didn't expect her to ask this question, the nurse was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't know about this, I only know that our boss is rich and has a background."

"Who is your boss?" Xie Yuqing asked along the way.

"I don't know who it is, but it must be very powerful."

Xie Yuqing responded, and asked again as if chatting, "By the way, how many healers are here?"

"Two, Professor Jin Taishan and his sister, Doctor Jin Yu."

"Only two?" Xie Yuqing said in surprise, "The work here should be quite comfortable, so there are no other doctors looking for jobs?"

"We only receive ten guests at a time, so we don't need so many doctors," the nurse explained.

"Then how long have you been working?"

"I am the first batch of nurses, and I have been working for half a year." The nurse seemed to understand her intentions, and comforted her, "Are you worried about your job? In fact, many nutritionists have applied for internships recently, but most of them were rejected. Now that you have passed the interview, you have a high chance of staying, so you can work with peace of mind."

Xie Yuqing thought, I am not worried about work, I am suspicious of you!
The person who has worked in Jinkuo Manor for half a year has kept silent about the other doctor, as if we have only had two healers here.

Realizing that she couldn't get useful information from her mouth, Xie Yuqing simply stopped asking other questions, so as not to arouse her suspicion.

She properly cared about her job position, "How many interns are there now? What should I do?"

"In addition, you have three interns, those two came a few days earlier than you, and they should be older than you." The nurse looked at her, and suddenly praised, "You look very young, and I believe you are just an adult. .”

Xie Yuqing hadn't reached the age where she would be happy when she was praised as young, but her heart skipped a beat, fearing that she might be suspicious, so she said, "All Asians look young, and you look like you are only in your early 20s."

Unexpectedly, what she thought was a sweet mouth only got an embarrassed look from the other party.

The nurse said, "I work early and I just turned 20 this year."


Looking at her wheat-colored face with deep smile lines, a face that can be believed even at the age of 30...

Xie Yuqing was also embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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