pearl gem

Chapter 254 Marry Me

Chapter 254 Marry Me

He understood her thoughts, and said with some regret, "Of course they went to look for it, but it's strange to say that, except for the descendants of the Spaniard, everyone else who tried to land on the island would die."

"Without exception?"

He shook his head, "Without exception."

Xie Yuqing wondered, "How could this be? Do you really have a fortune in this world?"

The man smiled, noncommittal, "Since then, the descendants of the Spaniards have become popular, and the Spanish royal family relies on them for their annual expenditure, almost becoming a vassal puppet, and other royal families have also treated them with courtesy. "

"So now you know why some people know that the Star of Bethhemli is in your hands, but they don't dare to snatch it?"

Xie Yuqing pondered, "Apart from the coordinates, they also need to find the descendants of the Spaniard to cooperate with? But what does this have to do with me?"

They can grab it first, and then find someone.

Yu Qing said, "They dare not offend you."


However, her doubts were not answered.

"Do you have any other questions?" the man asked.

Xie Yuqing blinked, "Can you help me find the person who poisoned me?"

But he raised his eyebrows slightly, "I thought you had already found someone to do this."

She was surprised in her heart, and she couldn't help showing a little doubt in her eyes, "How do you know?"

It's right to be on guard against people, not to mention that everything she encountered before was filled with the word "lesson", but Yu Qing just felt uncomfortable, "Can't I just guess?"

His tone became more condensed.

Xie Yuqing immediately sensed the change in his mood, straightened her expression and said, "Yes, I believe you."

Just kidding, he is now an umbrella, how can he crack the umbrella?


She wondered if he also sent someone to watch secretly, so he knew about her deal with Zhou Yueying.

Yu Qing's face softened slightly, "If you want to solve your worries at once and catch them all, I have a way."

"What way?" Xie Yuqing asked hurriedly.

"marry me."

He said these three words calmly, as common as "Let's go have dinner together".

So much so that Xie Yuqing suspected that she had heard it wrong, and after thinking about it, she was convinced that she had heard it right.

She couldn't help but widen her eyes, "What did you say?"

"Marry me, and no one will think of you again." Yu Qing paused, with a trace of regret on his face, "But you won't do that."

In just a short moment, his words had a twist that seemed to make sense, which made Xie Yuqing calm down, "You are not someone who will marry anyone casually."

Yu Qing was noncommittal, "Weisheng Juling, please pay more attention."

He suddenly changed the topic again, Xie Yuqing frowned slightly, "Do you think it's fun to tease me?"

She got up and didn't want to stay any longer, "I made a deal with someone. If you don't want your family heirloom to fall into other people's hands, next time I ask you for something, you'd better not refuse."

After leaving this harsh word, Xie Yuqing left.

Just now, I was full of the mentality of "talk to me with my umbrella", and my hair exploded in the blink of an eye.

Leaving the man looking at her hasty and angry back, thoughtful.

Sounded like he was angry.

But if she was really angry, with her decisive nature, she had already thrown the bracelet back to him.

Not now, more like annoyed after consciously being teased.

(End of this chapter)

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