pearl gem

Chapter 311 About His Technique Last Night

Chapter 311 About His Technique Last Night

Xie Yuqing spent a long time in the living room, wanting to take a bath, but it was difficult to go to the bathroom in the bedroom downstairs, it felt even more strange.

Damn it, I should have gone to sleep in his room yesterday...

wrong!You shouldn't have agreed to sleep together yesterday!

Xie Yuqing opened a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, gulped down half of the bottle, and calmed down a little.

It's no big deal, and it's not a loss of dignity.

Besides, at her age, she still can't see the world?

After several times of self-hypnosis, Xie Yuqing finally finished her psychological construction and returned upstairs with a healthy body.

Pushing open the bedroom, the curtains have been pulled open, the gentle sunlight is falling in, and the bed is made evenly, as if everything is a dream.

But the sound of the shower from the bathroom told her it wasn't a dream.

Xie Yuqing was pacing in the room, the sound of water coming into her ears made her inexplicably shy, some scenes kept flashing in her mind, she covered her head desperately, trying to throw those pictures out, but in vain, some thought I feel that the unsightly fragments seem to be nailed deep in the bone marrow, constantly lingering.

Hearing the sound of the shower stopping, she suddenly stopped her restless steps, and rushed to...

behind the door.

She was cowardly.

He completely forgot about the "who coaxes who is embarrassing" that he had just thought about.

The bathroom door opened.

She didn't dare to take a breath, she stood up behind the door as a human figure, and said desperately in her heart: I can't see me, I can't see me...

The person coming from the bathroom seemed to pause as he passed the door, but was out quickly.

After he went out, Xie Yuqing immediately locked the door behind her.

It doesn't matter whether the man who just went out will hear the deceiving voice.


Yu Qing naturally heard it.

And before she came out, she saw the delicate hem at the door.

However, if you have tasted the sweetness, you can't rush forward. Take one step back and take another ten steps, and then take another step back and take another ten steps. It seems that you are making concessions but you are always moving forward. This is the correct strategy.


After taking a comfortable bath, Xie Yuqing felt that everything was peaceful and bright again.

But she didn't want to make someone too arrogant, so she changed her clothes and went downstairs with a cold face on purpose.

Unexpectedly, the fragrant lunch was placed on the table, but no one was there.

A post-it note was carefully pasted on the orange juice glass, telling her that he was going to rehearse first and see you later.

Good guy, I really can...

After rushing to nothing but seeing surprises, Xie Yuqing was drawn to the heartstrings again. Looking at the simple but nutritious ribs rice and vegetable soup, she picked up the tableware and started.

After eating, she went back to her room and changed into her dress. She put on light makeup seriously in front of the mirror.

When she was putting on lipstick, she glanced at it and accidentally saw a certain... black item of clothing in the laundry basket.

A certain fragment suddenly flashed through my mind.

She shook the hand holding the lipstick, and the mouth was crooked, so she had to wipe it off and start over.

Speaking of...

His figure is really good, and he must have worked out secretly.

When Xie Yuqing thought about it, her imagination ran wild.

However, as far as his methods last night were concerned, he didn't look like a serious person at all.

She complained for a long time, not in the mood to do anything, so she played with her phone and searched for his name.

At 04:30, there was a knock on the door.

Then a clear reminder sounded from outside the door:

"It's almost time to go."

The normal tone awakened Xie Yuqing from the online world. She turned off her phone, patted her face, relaxed her expression, and went out with her bag.

Zhao Jing picked them up by car.

(End of this chapter)

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