pearl gem

Chapter 333 Can You Inquire For Me 1

Chapter 333 Can You Inquire For Me

To her surprise, Lu Youyou replied two WeChat messages to her, and also called her, but she was asleep and didn't receive it.

Xie Yuqing immediately called back.

Soon, the other side picked up, "Hello?"

The voice sounded light.

Xie Yuqing was very cautious, "Hey, where are you?"

"The hospital." Lu Youyou told her, "I've been under too much pressure these days, and the doctor said that I need to rest for a while, which is better for the fetus."

"Which hospital?"

"Central Hospital." After a pause, the tone over there lowered, and he said mysteriously, "I just found out that Mr. Weisheng also works here, and he said he would take good care of me."

There was an involuntary sweetness in her voice.

Xie Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief, but still had some doubts, "When did you go to the hospital?"

"Just last night, it's embarrassing to say, I was chatting, and suddenly I felt dizzy...By the way, how are you? I heard from Chen Cheng that you were still looking for me in the middle of the night?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Didn't Mr. Weisheng tell you?"

"When I left..." She mulled over her words, "I didn't bother to say it."

"That's it." The voice on the other side of the phone laughed, "I guess I will stay in the hospital for a few days, and when I stabilize... I plan to move to his house."

"...Have you decided?"

"En." Lu Youyou said firmly, "Mr. Weisheng is handsome and outstanding. If you don't take care of this kind of man, maybe he will belong to someone else tomorrow. I don't want to miss it."

Xie Yuqing couldn't help rubbing her forehead, "But how much do you know about him? His background, family background, love history... and how much sincerity he has for you and the child..."

"Yuqing." The other side suddenly interrupted her, with a bit of emotional determination, "I think this child is my compensation from God. I have liked Yueke since high school, but he... let's not talk about it. From the day I was kidnapped, but he turned a blind eye, I gave up on him."

"Mr. Weisheng is gentle and considerate, looks are my thing, and work is also my favorite profession. Even if I don't have this child, I think I will fall in love with him at first sight."

Xie Yuqing didn't know what to say, but Lu Youyou continued to speak——

"I decided to bid farewell to the past and take good care of the person in front of me. Yuqing, I am an adult now, and I know exactly what I want."

Speaking of this, Xie Yuqing could only say, "Alright then, I'll come and see you when I'm free."

"Okay, then I hang up?"

"Wait." Xie Yuqing remembered another thing, "You are hospitalized, are you in the inpatient department?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Can you do me a favor?" She organized her words, "Aren't my parents divorced? I haven't had any contact with them in the past few years, but I heard that my dad is sick a few days ago, and he seems to be in the central hospital. Can you find out for me?"

She asked politely, but the other side of the phone smiled, "What do I think, it's okay."

Lu Youyou still knew something about her family.

After all, Xie Yuqing was by her side during the campus time when Xie Yuqing felt that "the sky was falling".

As for why Xie Yuqing asked her to inquire instead of going into battle by herself?

In her opinion, it's nothing more than a good face, and she doesn't want to bow her head first.


After hanging up the phone, Xie Yuqing's mood was complicated.

Not only because of Weisheng Jue Ling's weird behavior, making people unable to guess his real purpose, but also because of Lu Youyou...

(End of this chapter)

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