pearl gem

Chapter 381 It's Impossible to Light the Gun Without Wiping the Gun

Chapter 381 It's Impossible to Light the Gun Without Wiping the Gun
At this moment, the doors and windows of the ward where Lu Youyou was staying were closed, and a male nurse was giving her navel an injection - a very thick needle, and the injection was a strange green color, and it was excruciatingly painful when it pierced the navel, but the male nurse But with a cold expression, he finished pushing a tube of injection in a few seconds, and the pain was so painful that Lu Youyou broke out in a cold sweat.

"I need a check-up, bear with me."

The male nurse's tone was indifferent, but Lu Youyou felt dizzy. She didn't know whether she was scared or pushed the needle too fast. She was startled and frightened, and suddenly felt nauseous, so she really tilted her head, said "wow", and opened her mouth Just vomited all over the floor.


The next day, Xie Yuqing was not woken up by the alarm, so she dawdled on the bed for a while before picking up the clothes on the ground.

On the contrary, the man who has been getting up later than her these days has made breakfast downstairs. When he saw her coming down, he greeted her naturally, "Let's go after breakfast."

The Yangchun noodles are simple but rich in materials. The rim of the blue and white porcelain bowl reflects the radiance of the warm sun and catches the eyes. It is not dazzling, but has a kind of warmth.

Xie Yuqing took the chopsticks and asked him, "Why did you get up so early today?"

"I'm afraid you got up late and don't have time to eat breakfast." Yu Qing also ate Yangchun noodles.

He took it for granted, but Xie Yuqing was a little shy, with a dark, helpless distress in her heart.

The lonely man and the widow live in the same room, and they love each other. It is impossible not to light the gun and start the fire. In fact, their current "night activities" are rich in patterns. He has a bottom line, and it does often make her eyes Absence, prolonged collapse.

It can be said that he has no bottom line...

Even though sometimes she really felt that it would be detrimental to her health, he still abided by the last line and did not take the opportunity to ask for the greatest return.

His concentration, Xie Yuqing thought for a long time and came up with a metaphor, probably like a child who steals candy, peeled off the candy wrapper, and he secretly licked it a few times, but he didn't dare, or he was not willing to eat it.

However, in any case, the result is very enjoyable, whether it is his "ability" or his restraint, Xie Yuqing is very happy to give praise, "The noodles are delicious, you seem to know both Chinese and Western styles?"

"I can only do some simple things." He is very modest. "Cooking is an essential skill to live alone."

Hearing this, Xie Yuqing smiled, "Then I'm quite different."

"It's not special, it's special."

It was rare not to have the first meal at the base, Xie Yuqing chatted with Yu Qing for a while, and then went out in high spirits.

The wind is very strong, and the golden ginkgo is flying.

It is also strange that this deciduous tree has not lost all its leaves in the depths of winter, and its branches and leaves are sparse, but it also has a unique stalwart.

In today's training match, Xie Yuqing picked up the second team's kid in the top laner position.

Due to the fixed time of the daily training match, some fans soon realized that something was wrong—during the training match, no one else was there, but Shen Chen was playing rank alone?

At the beginning, when the team fans posted screenshots on Chaochao and asked if today was a rest day, few people responded.

It wasn't until the evening that the team that played the training match with The Sky accidentally revealed their record, and there was some disturbance on the Internet—the champion of The Sky went on the road, but didn't participate in the training match?

Amidst some doubts, Shen Chen's fans began to @club, and some private messages asked about the situation.

However, the situation did not ferment.

Because this is the first time Shen Chen has not participated in a training match, it is hard to say whether there will be objective factors such as physical discomfort.

(End of this chapter)

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