put wildness in his heart

Chapter 193 The Clown Is Actually Himself

Chapter 193 The Clown Is Actually Himself

"What's wrong?" Wen Miao asked.

"Look, monitor, they also put on a drama." The deputy monitor pointed to the stage.

Wen Miao glanced in the direction of his finger, yo, it looks pretty decent.

"Besides, there are a lot of people involved in their play, and it looks so powerful." The deputy squad leader scratched his hair, with a worried expression on his face, "I counted them just now, and they are only the main characters. There are eight or nine, so I am a little worried now, the protagonists of our class will be Boss Shen and Brother He, okay?"

"What are you afraid of?" Wen Miao patted him on the shoulder, and said with some disdain, "Boss Shen and Hippo are so handsome, you can see that eight of them can't make up a whole picture to pass s face."


The deputy squad leader raised his forehead again, and wailed in his heart, "Squad leader, you should keep your voice down when you complain. Didn't you see that the class committee members of Class One of the country are all glaring at you?" !

Wen Miaoshun made complaints about the acting skills of the "actors": "Oh, let me tell you, after watching Guoyi's dramas, I have more confidence in our class's programs now. Their acting skills are not very good, and They don't have good looks yet, but at least our class has good looks. Look at the students who played the male lead. When they stood there and spoke their lines, didn't they look like waiters in a restaurant with no customers, boredly staring at the door waiting for customers to come? "


Awesome, accurate review.

The deputy squad leader couldn't help giving her a thumbs up, like, really like it.

He also didn't know why every time Wen Miao vomited, he could spit out precisely that point.

And the words are sharp and precise.

Hit the nail on the head.

After the international department got off the stage, it was the turn of the headquarters.

Before going on stage, Wen Miao went to help He Yin tie the cloak on purpose. She took a look at He Yin's expression, and while straightening his neckline, she asked him in surprise, "Hey, Hippo, are you wearing colored contact lenses today?" ? Why are the black eyes so big?"

He Yin stretched his neck forward, and said in a hoarse voice, "Master Cat, if you tighten up a little more, I can still stick out my tongue."

Wen Miao: "..."

Oh, sorry, she is born with strong hands.

With such a distraction, the matter of the dedicated duckling was temporarily forgotten by her. It wasn't until the next day, when Lin Er sent her a message again, that Wen Miao remembered it again.

Liner: [Master Cat, guess who I met at school? 】

Wen Miao: [Acquaintance? 】

Lin Er: 【Not counting as acquaintances, just meeting once. 】

Wen Miao: [Who? 】

Liner: [Duck. 】

Wen Miao immediately remembered: 【Huh?That Nicholas you were talking about yesterday? 】

Liner: [Not only Nicholas, but also the other two ducks, we are in the same class. 】

Wen Miao: [Fuck?You're still a student, so what's going on with that moment of greed you mentioned? 】

Lin Er: [I don’t know, I think it might be a work-study program during weekends. 】

Wen Miao: "..."

Ah this...

Is this how the work-study program works?

Although she is very curious about these three work-study ducks, the school has a heavy curriculum, and Wen Miao has never been able to spare time to go to Yunchuan No. [-] Middle School to see for herself what Lin Er called a unique beauty.

Until mid-October, when Yunchuan No. [-] Middle School was going to hold a sports meeting, Lin Er sent a message asking her if she wanted to go.

Wen Miao looked at the student timetable sent out from the student union, and found that the days when the Ninth Middle School held the sports meeting coincided with the monthly exams in the attached middle school.

While thinking about this, He Yin suddenly came over and poked her on the shoulder: "Master Cat, give me 50 yuan."

Wen Miao conveniently sent him a red envelope: "What are you doing?"

"I'll make a fortune for you." He Yin said mysteriously.

Wen Miao was very cooperative and pretended to be curious: "What is it?"

He Yin said in a spirited way: "Calculate your fortune for you."

"Okay." Wen Miao seemed quite interested, "Then you count."

"Wait for me to do something." He Yin pretended to pinch his fingers, shook his head for a long time, and then finally said, "This benefactor, the old man just pinched his fingers and you will definitely leave within the next three months." A stroke of luck."

"Master, please continue." Wen Miao pretended to be listening attentively, "What kind of great luck is it?"

"Well—" He Yin said two words deeply, "Spring Festival."

Wen Miao: "..."

Great luck indeed.

The railway station can squeeze people to death.

The time can also be matched, and it is indeed within three months, because it happens to be in time for the Spring Festival.

Wen Miao stretched out her hand expressionlessly: "Repay the money to Master!"

fraud! ! !

"Buy and leave, no refunds or exchanges." He Yin patted her palm with a smile, like a wild animal, he could only go in and out, and protected his wallet tightly, "Master Cat, you go to Boss Shen." Try it."

He pouted at Shen Jiayu, who was sleeping on the table, and urged, "It's 50 yuan for whoring."

Wen Miao felt that she had spent the money at a real loss, and was determined to make up for it from Shen Jiayu. She leaned forward and raised her hand to pick up the earphones plugged in Shen Jiayu's ears.

Shen Jiayu's sleep was light, and as soon as Wen Miao touched him, he opened his eyes.

Wen Miao stretched out her hand towards him, and said in a low voice, "Shen Jiayu, give me 200 yuan, and I'll do the math for you."

He Yin: "?"

two hundred?

Why is she darker than him?

Directly doubled several times.

Shen Jiayu obviously hadn't come to his senses yet, and when he opened his eyes, he heard this sentence, and was a little dazed: "...what?"

His voice was hoarse, with lingering drowsiness.

Wen Miao also took off the other earphone that was plugged in his ear, and leaned closer: "I mean, I just learned a fortune-telling trick from Hippo, you give me 200 yuan, and I will do the math for you." Last hexagram."

Shen Jiayu slowed down for a while, leaned against the back of the chair and straightened his waist, then took out the mobile phone from the belly of the table, and gave it to Wen Miao, with a slightly hoarse voice, a little sleepy: "Switch by yourself, you know the payment password."

He Yin, who is acting as the background board: "..."


He wanted to slap himself two big mouths again.

Originally, he wanted to watch the excitement, but now it's all right, he has become that excitement.

Hey, the clown is actually himself.

Shen Jiayu handed over the phone, Wen Miao raised her hand to take it, but didn't open it, just stuffed it into her pocket, smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I'll do the math for you now."

She didn't do so many bells and whistles like He Yin did, and she didn't even bother to pinch her fingers in a pretentious manner, so she directly quoted He Yin's lines: "Boss Shen, I will pinch my fingers and count the next three months. Within a few days, you must be lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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