Xue God, you got the wrong object

Chapter 100 Yes, brother and sister

Chapter 100 Yes, brother and sister
My stomach just started to feel uncomfortable, and now it's a little bit worse.

"Master, thank you Yuyuan Villa." So Jiang Ling said.

"Hey!" The driver was a middle-aged uncle, and he started the car with an air of authenticity.

"You guys have dinner together? Hey, when I was young, I also liked to have dinner with my friends at that time. How about having fun..." The driver uncle seemed to be talkative.

Chatted with them.

There was quite a lot of talking, Jiang Ling couldn't stop it, and kept agreeing, but Jiang Shijing kept silent during this period.

However, this is also normal, Jiang Ling didn't care.

Jiang Shijing endured the stomachache and listened quietly to their chat.

At the same time, Jiang Ling thought that it would be fine if she just said that she didn't want to talk.

That's what he said.

While chatting, the driver uncle realized that there was another person in the car, "Why doesn't that little boy talk, is he shy?"

"Oh, it's okay, the uncle is not fierce... Hey, are you brothers and sisters? Is your brother coming to pick you up?"

"That's right. It's not safe for a girl to go home at night. Your brother is worried—" Heart...

The uncle driver thought very fast and spoke very fast.

Jiang Ling didn't have time to stop her, she was full of question marks.

Uncle, you are really wrong.

Just as he was about to explain, the shy boy in the driver's mouth said, "Yes, uncle, brothers and sisters, worry about my sister, come pick her up, please hurry up, thank you."

Jiang Shijing couldn't take it anymore, felt a little embarrassed, and wanted to hold back and go back to take medicine early.

He didn't know why, the first time he was beaten by Jiang Ling, then Jiang Ling found out that he was afraid of dogs, and now Jiang Ling found out that he had a bad stomach.

What a shame.

Jiang Ling was stopped and looked at Jiang Shijing in surprise.

Jiang Shijing jumped out word by word, Jiang Ling almost thought he was angry.

"I'm not angry, I just want to go back quickly." Jiang Shijing seemed to know what Jiang Ling wanted to say, "And I'm not older than you?"

The uncle driver nodded, "Are you in a hurry? OK, I'll drive faster."

Jiang Ling: "...Okay"

While thinking about what happened to the male lead.

"Actually, I think Aunt Yu is just too worried. I can go back alone." After a while, she thought of something and said.

Enduring the pain, Jiang Shijing borrowed the light from the car window.

Glancing sideways at Jiang Ling's thin body, "? Isn't it wrong to be worried? You're so small..."

Small body can still fight.

"Small what?"

So Jiang Shijing stopped talking.

"It's nothing, anyway, Aunt Yu is right to be worried." Jiang Shijing said with a slightly depressed tone.

The main reason is that Jiang Ling looks easy to bully.

Jiang Ling inexplicably felt that Jiang Shijing's tone was not very good.

I thought I had offended the male lead.

Later, I suddenly realized that the male protagonist ate mustard just now, so the male protagonist might have a stomachache?

But I didn't dare to ask questions because I was afraid of being sentimental.

The uncle driver did drive faster for the next part of the journey, and they arrived at their destination in a short time.

Taxis are not allowed to enter the Yuyuan villa area, so Jiang Shijing and Jiang Ling got off the car outside.

After getting out of the car, with the help of the street lamp, Jiang Ling caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a little sweat on Jiang Shijing's forehead.

But the expression did not show a particularly uncomfortable look.

Jiang Ling knew it in her heart, sure enough, the male lead has a stomachache, right?

It's okay to hold back and say nothing.

She tentatively asked, "What's wrong with you? You have an upset stomach?"

Jiang Shijing: "...?"

There was a moment of embarrassment on his face.

This is seen?
"No." Jiang Shijing denied.

(End of this chapter)

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